Israel's vulture culture


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May 6, 2014
Defrauding Gaza: Israel’s vulture culture
Jonathan Cook

It’s outrageous but entirely predictable that Israel is ensuring it is the chief beneficiary of the reconstruction aid being directing at Gaza. Israel has an informal policy of allowing into the Strip only Israeli-made goods for reconstruction – mainly steel and cement – and thereby guarantees its contractors and middlemen a large slice of the profits.

In fact, this has always been the case. According to the linked story,

The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) study will say that half of all donor assistance to Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza – who the UN body say constitute a captive market – is spent on servicing a trade deficit to Israel.

European officials, who as usual will be picking up the tab for most of Israel’s destruction, are reported to be appalled at Israel’s restrictions.

“It is outrageous that a country which has just demolished 25,000 houses is demanding that their construction industry benefit from rebuilding them at the expense of the international community. Talk about chutzpah writ large!”

Except the real chutzpah here is the EU’s. This policy is nothing new. Israel has always treated Gaza as a captive market, as I documented in my book Disappearing Palestine. Even after disengagement, the blockade became a way to maintain Gaza’s dependence on Israel.

The problem is not how aid reaches Gaza. It’s that Israel continues, with the implicit support of the European Union and the US, to refuse Gaza and the West Bank access to the outside world. Build an airport and seaport in Gaza, for example, and Israel’s vulture culture – though that’s too kind, vultures don’t kill the prey they scavenge on – will be put to an end.

Well, it will be if Israel is not allowed to destroy those ports, and then force donors to pay it for allowing the reconstruction.

- See more at: Defrauding Gaza Israel 8217 s vulture culture Jonathan Cook s Blog
Easy solution, Europe allows Palestine to order from European companies then transports materials on it's own ships having been inspected by it's own customs officials, sends the stuff to Egypt or Zionist Israel, doesn't matter which one and then the goods get sent to Gaza via the crossing points. Yes it's far more expensive, but it cuts out the vultures, unless they create import tariffs...the Europ retaliates on Zionist Israeli goods and we have an indirect win for BDS, result!

I don't even think it would be more expensive. Commodity prices are what would be paid, rather than the special prices that Israel would offer.

Would be easier to assemble it all in Cyprus of course, and send it by boat.
Defrauding Gaza: Israel’s vulture culture
Jonathan Cook

It’s outrageous but entirely predictable that Israel is ensuring it is the chief beneficiary of the reconstruction aid being directing at Gaza. Israel has an informal policy of allowing into the Strip only Israeli-made goods for reconstruction – mainly steel and cement – and thereby guarantees its contractors and middlemen a large slice of the profits.

In fact, this has always been the case. According to the linked story,

The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) study will say that half of all donor assistance to Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza – who the UN body say constitute a captive market – is spent on servicing a trade deficit to Israel.

European officials, who as usual will be picking up the tab for most of Israel’s destruction, are reported to be appalled at Israel’s restrictions.

“It is outrageous that a country which has just demolished 25,000 houses is demanding that their construction industry benefit from rebuilding them at the expense of the international community. Talk about chutzpah writ large!”

Except the real chutzpah here is the EU’s. This policy is nothing new. Israel has always treated Gaza as a captive market, as I documented in my book Disappearing Palestine. Even after disengagement, the blockade became a way to maintain Gaza’s dependence on Israel.

The problem is not how aid reaches Gaza. It’s that Israel continues, with the implicit support of the European Union and the US, to refuse Gaza and the West Bank access to the outside world. Build an airport and seaport in Gaza, for example, and Israel’s vulture culture – though that’s too kind, vultures don’t kill the prey they scavenge on – will be put to an end.

Well, it will be if Israel is not allowed to destroy those ports, and then force donors to pay it for allowing the reconstruction.

- See more at: Defrauding Gaza Israel 8217 s vulture culture Jonathan Cook s Blog

And why shouldn't they? Hit me with endless rockets, and when I VOLUNTEER to give you reconstruction aid, I will profit. Duh.

And if Gaza is cut off, then perhaps they should stop launching daily rocket bombardments, digging tunnels to move arms, hiding behind children and schools and hospitals, and attempt instead to be civilized.

Oh by the way, Israel gave up Gaza as one of the many capitulations. What has the PLO or now Palestine EVER given up?? ZERO, just like the libs or the West.
UN took over Lebanon and said nothing when homes near the Israeli border were reconstructed with basements and tunnels to hold artillery which was used against Israel.

Gaza imports cement and bulds tunnels under Egypt and Israel.

Yep, non-Jews have done a bang-up job of ensuring non-military use of Muslim construction.
UN took over Lebanon and said nothing when homes near the Israeli border were reconstructed with basements and tunnels to hold artillery which was used against Israel.

Gaza imports cement and bulds tunnels under Egypt and Israel.

Yep, non-Jews have done a bang-up job of ensuring non-military use of Muslim construction.

Why shouldn't "Muslims" be allowed to arm themselves and build defenses to defend against Jewish aggression?
If by that you mean arming the "Muslims" of Gaza, obviously you are not aware how armed to the teeth they are which is why they chose to escalate the situation, believing they could win with their arrogance - like giving a child a gun - involving reality would end up like Iraq.
Defrauding Gaza: Israel’s vulture culture
Jonathan Cook

It’s outrageous but entirely predictable that Israel is ensuring it is the chief beneficiary of the reconstruction aid being directing at Gaza. Israel has an informal policy of allowing into the Strip only Israeli-made goods for reconstruction – mainly steel and cement – and thereby guarantees its contractors and middlemen a large slice of the profits.

In fact, this has always been the case. According to the linked story,

The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) study will say that half of all donor assistance to Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza – who the UN body say constitute a captive market – is spent on servicing a trade deficit to Israel.

European officials, who as usual will be picking up the tab for most of Israel’s destruction, are reported to be appalled at Israel’s restrictions.

“It is outrageous that a country which has just demolished 25,000 houses is demanding that their construction industry benefit from rebuilding them at the expense of the international community. Talk about chutzpah writ large!”

Except the real chutzpah here is the EU’s. This policy is nothing new. Israel has always treated Gaza as a captive market, as I documented in my book Disappearing Palestine. Even after disengagement, the blockade became a way to maintain Gaza’s dependence on Israel.

The problem is not how aid reaches Gaza. It’s that Israel continues, with the implicit support of the European Union and the US, to refuse Gaza and the West Bank access to the outside world. Build an airport and seaport in Gaza, for example, and Israel’s vulture culture – though that’s too kind, vultures don’t kill the prey they scavenge on – will be put to an end.

Well, it will be if Israel is not allowed to destroy those ports, and then force donors to pay it for allowing the reconstruction.

- See more at: Defrauding Gaza Israel 8217 s vulture culture Jonathan Cook s Blog

"...Israel has an informal policy of allowing into the Strip only Israeli-made goods for reconstruction – mainly steel and cement – and thereby guarantees its contractors and middlemen a large slice of the profits."

Good. the dough 'ain't going to fund those evil terrorists (HAMASS) that live and run that 3rd world shithole, the GAZA STRICT............(too bad for abASS, he's not gettin'gotts either...).

UN took over Lebanon and said nothing when homes near the Israeli border were reconstructed with basements and tunnels to hold artillery which was used against Israel.

Gaza imports cement and bulds tunnels under Egypt and Israel.

Yep, non-Jews have done a bang-up job of ensuring non-military use of Muslim construction.

Why shouldn't "Muslims" be allowed to arm themselves and build defenses to defend against Jewish aggression?

Muslim terrorist scum should be never allowed to have advanced weapons.
And Israel is doing a great job at making sure of that :D

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