Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

One of those warnings was in 2019, when Hamas Political Bureau member Fathi Hammad explained in detail Hamas’ intentions, goals, and aspirations: To murder “every Jew on the planet”:


Hamas Political Bureau member Fathi Hammad: “We are sharpening the knives... We were created here in Gaza to shatter and get rid of this [Zionist] entity… If we die it will be when we are killing you [Jews], and we will cut off your heads, Allah willing... There are seven million Palestinians abroad... You have Jews everywhere. We must attack every Jew on the planet – slaughter and kill… And you, the people of the West Bank... We want the knives to come out. Five shekels [for a knife] – isn't the throat of a Jew worth five shekels to us? … I will die as I blow up and cut – what? The throats of the Jews and their legs. We will tear them to shreds, Allah willing.”
[Al-Aqsa TV (Hamas), July 12, 2019]​
Through the prism of Hamas’ massacre and attack on Israel on Oct. 7, the statement by Hammad in 2019 now looks like a chilling forecast. Hammad’s words also stress that Hamas’ goal – as the terror organization states in its charter – is to destroy Israel and kill all Jews, not only in Israel but in the entire world.

But Hamas is not alone in this goal. Palestinian Media Watch has exposed numerous statements by PA and Fatah officials that prove they share the goal of Israel’s destruction.

The PA has likewise been making genocidal threats for years and justified killing of Israelis and Jews. For example, PA Chairman Abbas’ advisor on Islam, Mahmoud Al-Habbash, who Abbas appointed to be the Supreme Shari’ah Judge, explained to Palestinian viewers of official PA TV that Islam explicitly calls to “kill” people who “attack my home... my land... my homeland... my property... my honor,” all crimes the PA accuses Israel of committing:

(full article online)

Part 1

Attendees were asked to deposit phones and recording devices into cardboard boxes that were taken outside by UN guards. The room was full of UN ambassadors & delegates, with the exception of UN Secretary General
who reportedly had a "scheduling conflict."

While viewers relinquished their phones to respect the victims & their families, we were about to watch how thousands of Hamas terrorists posed in selfies, proudly called their parents to flaunt their murderous achievements & revelled in using Go-Pros to broadcast the world's first televized mass pogrom & the worst massacre of Jews since the Holocaust.

The timing of the screening at the UN was significant, too. Today is World Children's Day, an annual 'day of action' initiated by the UN in 1959. Meanwhile, today also marks 44 days that 40 Israeli children have been held by Hamas in Gaza.

Before the raw footage was shown, viewers were reminded of the goal of today's event: - to show how 'never again' happened again- to show what Hamas is, as shown by Hamas- to illustrate why Hamas must be eradicated to ensure a better future for Israel and Palestinians- to warn UN leaders that the world's bad actors are watching how the international community acts (or doesn't act) in the face of Hamas's terror
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Part 2

The room then went dark. The room was silent. Some of the grisly footage shown had already made its way to the Internet for public consumption. But not all. Much of the footage collected came directly from Hamas terrorists who had no desire to hide their genocidal intent, but instead to broadcast it in real time for the world to see, live & unfiltered.

The IDF combed through hours of footage to compile the 47-minute video. The 138 deaths shown onscreen in those 47 minutes represented just ~10% of the total number of deaths on October 7.

Days that were destined to be moments of pure joy turned into unimaginable nightmares. The joyous Jewish festival of Simchat Torah that began on Oct 7 was anything but festive. Tight-knit idyllic Kibbutz communities became charnel houses. The Nova Festival of peace & love in a rural farmland near the Israel-Gaza border became a slaughterhouse and the site of the deadliest concert attack in history.

The footage showed unimaginable cruelty to Jewish people, non-Jewish people and animals on one side -- and unfettered joy on the other by gunmen whose desire was to burn, behead, murder, rape and desecrate. This was a highly sophisticated air, land and sea offensive with one goal in mind: to murder as many Jewish people as possible. Efficiency was key for Hamas - when one Hamas terrorist told his sidekick "don't waste ammunition", it was not to exercise restraint but to preserve bullets so that more Jews could be killed later on in the onslaught.

Some quotes from the proud Hamas gunmen throughout their rampage: - "I want to take a selfie with you"- "Shoot"- "Burn it"- "God is great"- "Praise Allah"- "Bring him and hang him in al-Alam Square [in Gaza]"- "We totally slaughtered them"- "I killed 10 Jews with my bare hands, Mom"- "These are women settlers" - "The dogs are scared"

When Hamas terrorists threw a grenade into a bomb shelter that killed a father and left one of the father's two sons blind in one eye and crying with pain, they weren't doing it for the betterment of the Palestinian people. They were doing it to kill.
Part 3

That the attacks of 10/7 were so coordinated and well-executed on the part of Hamas illustrate that its masterminds were cognisant of the consequences that would inevitably follow. Israel was never going to allow this to slide. Israel was going to react with resounding force to attempt to eliminate the Hamas threat, even if it meant engaging in urban warfare.

After the screening, the hundreds of attendees collected their phones from the boxes in an eerie silence. Some comforted others with hugs, while others exited the UN auditorium breathing a sigh of relief that the 47-minute excerpt of the bloodbath had concluded.

As I walked out, I couldn't help but think of October 8 and of October 9. Of the world's reactions on that horrific morning. Of how some were lost for words or had reached out to express concern and sympathy.
Part 4

As I walked out, I couldn't help but think of October 8 and of October 9. Of the world's reactions on that horrific morning. Of how some were lost for words or had reached out to express concern and sympathy.

And of how others had mobilized rapidly, especially on college campuses, to rejoice in this 'valiant' form of resistance. Of how (supposedly) some of the country's brightest minds at Harvard University had rallied together to sign a statement laying sole blame on Israel for Hamas's massacre.

Of how Chicago's BLM chapter posted a message of support just days after the attack with a graphic of a person paragliding with a Palestinian flag in the name of 'resistance.'

Of how incidents of antisemitism started soaring at terrifying speeds worldwide like clockwork. By 400% in the US between Oct 7 and 23 versus the year prior. Of how Jewish students at Cooper Union had to shelter in a campus library away from an aggressive pro-Palestine demonstration on campus.

Of how Jewish students at Cornell were told to avoid going to the kosher dining hall following threats posted online by a student who sought to "shoot up" the Jewish dining hall and behead a "pig baby Jew." Of how a grenade was found strapped to a pole outside a synagogue in Lakewood, New Jersey.

Of how the UK's Met Police reported a 15-fold increase in antisemitic incidents since Oct 7 versus last year. Of how Jewish cemeteries, synagogues and homes in Rome, Vienna and Berlin have been vandalized with swastikas. Of how a bloodthirsty mob in Russia's Dagestan stormed an airport in search of Jews after catching wind that a flight from Tel Aviv had landed.

Never Again happened and is happening again.

To be clear, I have seen no evidence to suggest that any of these UNRWA individuals belonged to Hamas, Islamic Jihad or other terrorist groups. But naturally questions may arise as to why there was a deviation here from standard UN practice in providing the names and photos.
[ Courtesy of the education gifted by Christian and Islamic antisemites to the West. One of its pupils......They are not born that way......they are made that way......]


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