Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

Dec. 21: IDF says 2,000 Hamas gunmen killed this month, 8,000 since war outbreak
US takes issue with brewing Security Council resolution * Pro-Israel Dems join calls for PM to shift strategy due to ‘unacceptable’ humanitarian crisis * 3 soldiers killed in Gaza
By Joshua Davidovich, Jacob Magid and TOI Staff
21 Dec 2023, 6:23 am
Dec. 21: IDF says 2,000 Hamas gunmen killed this month, 8,000 since war outbreak
US takes issue with brewing Security Council resolution * Pro-Israel Dems join calls for PM to shift strategy due to ‘unacceptable’ humanitarian crisis * 3 soldiers killed in Gaza
By Joshua Davidovich, Jacob Magid and TOI Staff
21 Dec 2023, 6:23 am
Yeah it’s best to always believe whatever Israel says.

Why should the Arab countries assist Israel in ethnically cleansing Palestinians from their homeland? Why should anyone? Think about it.
Because Arab and Muslim and Christian countries know something that you do not know.

They know that the whole Mandate for Palestine is the ancient homeland of the Jewish People/Nation.

They know that the people who call themselves Jews ARE the descendants of the ancient Israelites.

They know that the only reason that up until about 10 years ago they were saying that Palestinians are the indigenous people of "Palestine", a region, is because Islam does not allow Jews to be sovereign over land Muslims once conquered.

They know that the reason the "Palestinians" did not complain when the Ottomans were in power is because "Palestinians" were not the indigenous people and all Muslims and Christians knew that the Jews living on the land and anywhere else in the world ARE the indigenous people of that land.

They know that they are sick and tired of the PA and Hamas bringing nothing but destruction when they have been given Billions from everyone to build a prosperous country or emirate but have used it only to enrich the leaders and murder people from all religions in Israel.

They know that they are sick of what Hamas did on 10/7 and find it inexcusable and do not want to see Israel destroyed, since Israel IS the ancient homeland of the Jews and not of Arabs who have been calling themselves Palestinians ONLY since 1964 in order to destroy Israel.

They know that the only ones who want to see anyone cleansed is the Arabs, calling themselves Palestinians, who want to see the indigenous Jews ethnically cleansed as the Jews were in :
1920 - Gaza
1925 TransJordan
1929 - Hebron
1948 - Judea, Samaria and Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem.

All because Islam has taught that Jews should have no rights, should be humiliated, be second class citizens to Muslims, are the descendants of monkeys and pigs, etc.

Israel does NOT have to give anymore of its land to barbarians who want to see them all dead, so that Islam can have a piece of land it once conquered during the 7th Century and lost to Crusaders and Ottomans, and never cried one tear about it when that happened.

Israel have up the land it had in Gaza in 2005 to end Hamas firing rockets at it. They wanted the land, they got it, Jews being forced by the government to leave. Big mistake as was proven in 2007 when Hamas took over and fired even more rockets into Israel, starting wars every now and then thinking that it is going to get more land, as it did in 2005.

Big, Huge mistake by Hamas.

Neither I, nor Israel, need to think about what is right or wrong.

It is wrong to invade Israel and butcher 1200 Jews and non Jews and kidnap Jews and non Jews.

Hamas played its last hand very badly and now is going down.

Don't think about it if you do not want to or cannot.
Because Arab and Muslim and Christian countries know something that you do not know.

They know that the whole Mandate for Palestine is the ancient homeland of the Jewish People/Nation.

They know that the people who call themselves Jews ARE the descendants of the ancient Israelites.

They know that the only reason that up until about 10 years ago they were saying that Palestinians are the indigenous people of "Palestine", a region, is because Islam does not allow Jews to be sovereign over land Muslims once conquered.

They know that the reason the "Palestinians" did not complain when the Ottomans were in power is because "Palestinians" were not the indigenous people and all Muslims and Christians knew that the Jews living on the land and anywhere else in the world ARE the indigenous people of that land.

They know that they are sick and tired of the PA and Hamas bringing nothing but destruction when they have been given Billions from everyone to build a prosperous country or emirate but have used it only to enrich the leaders and murder people from all religions in Israel.

They know that they are sick of what Hamas did on 10/7 and find it inexcusable and do not want to see Israel destroyed, since Israel IS the ancient homeland of the Jews and not of Arabs who have been calling themselves Palestinians ONLY since 1964 in order to destroy Israel.

They know that the only ones who want to see anyone cleansed is the Arabs, calling themselves Palestinians, who want to see the indigenous Jews ethnically cleansed as the Jews were in :
1920 - Gaza
1925 TransJordan
1929 - Hebron
1948 - Judea, Samaria and Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem.

All because Islam has taught that Jews should have no rights, should be humiliated, be second class citizens to Muslims, are the descendants of monkeys and pigs, etc.

Israel does NOT have to give anymore of its land to barbarians who want to see them all dead, so that Islam can have a piece of land it once conquered during the 7th Century and lost to Crusaders and Ottomans, and never cried one tear about it when that happened.

Israel have up the land it had in Gaza in 2005 to end Hamas firing rockets at it. They wanted the land, they got it, Jews being forced by the government to leave. Big mistake as was proven in 2007 when Hamas took over and fired even more rockets into Israel, starting wars every now and then thinking that it is going to get more land, as it did in 2005.

Big, Huge mistake by Hamas.

Neither I, nor Israel, need to think about what is right or wrong.

It is wrong to invade Israel and butcher 1200 Jews and non Jews and kidnap Jews and non Jews.

Hamas played its last hand very badly and now is going down.

Don't think about it if you do not want to or cannot.
Stop being a pussy of the Zionists.

Learn something today…
Why should the Arab countries assist Israel in ethnically cleansing Palestinians from their homeland? Why should anyone? Think about it.
All of those "Arab countries" except for in the Arabian Peninsula, are a product of first, Kurdish Muslim invasion, and second of Arab Muslim invasion, no different from the Europeans invading the Americas and the rest of the "New World".

There were indigenous Nations all over, but neither Muslims nor Christians bothered to respect the people who lived there and took it all.

Israel, the Jews, are the indigenous people of the Land of Israel. Just check the NT and the Quran. It is written in both of them.

But Christians and Muslims extremists are intent in not allowing the indigenous Jews from having a say in their destiny, in their own sovereign country.

That has changed in the past ten years with the Abraham Accords. More and more modern Muslim countries want to have a relationship with Israel because Israel brings progress, while the Muslim countries had been stuck in the old world.

Palestinians are Arabs. The Arab homeland is in the Arabian Peninsula. All who are not extremists know that.

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