Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

[ Amazing how ignorant, uninformed people keep repeating the lie of Israel being a colonial entity causing ethnic cleansing. Pure blindness ]

Russia Today is widely regarded as a Putin-focused propaganda network, with a penchant for being anti-Israel.

Yet this is exactly why Israel’s voice is needed in such a setting. The network, for better or for worse, is widely viewed in the EU, throughout Africa, and has a very strong social media presence.

In this interview, I began by clearly stating the reality of the situation, rebutting some of the lies and conspiracy theories the network had stated on the show, and finally stated my frank opinion about the network’s level of professionalism and morality in this situation.

You can watch highlights of the video below:


2/ He then insists the 1st intifada, in which nearly 200 Jewish Israeli civilians were murdered, was "ethical."

The full quote is:"The war was not just with Hamas, the war was with all the civilians that can not see us as human beings, who want to kill us. Because what I saw in that place near Gaza, civilians from Gaza, came on bicycles to the Kibutz just to kill and destroy."…
"AlJazeera saves Israel from the lie that it is responsible for the attack on the hospital.Attached here is a recording of Aljazeera's live broadcast today against the background of Gaza.Pay attention to the broadcast time on the right. 18:59 - In the background we can see a failed launch that crashes inside the Gaza strip - exactly at the time when the red alert warning was activated across Israel.The line of reports running at the bottom of the page talks about the elimination of Hamas commander Iman Nofal so that the broadcast is certainly from today.Do you remember that I wrote to you that the incident was first reported around 19:10?That is, a reasonable period of time of about ten minutes from the moment of the impact to the Gaza news channels.Here is live proof courtesy of Aljazeera - a launch from Gaza is responsible for the impact inside the Gaza Strip""Attached also on a Hamas-identified channel: a preliminary report on the attack on the hospital at 19:10 this evening. The schedule is perfect!!!"Thanks to the “Hot News” Telegram channel for the video!(To summarize:) "A rocket intended to kill Israeli civilians hit a hospital in Gaza and now "the Jews are to blame". Upside-down world."

When will Arab countries stand up for Palestine?
My answer is never. And I would not be surprised that if Hamas begins to advance and win, the rulers of the Arab world will side with Israel. It's just business, nothing personal.

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