Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

Hamas leaders have only two things to do for all of this to stop since they started it:

1) Release the Hostages

2) Surrender as so many other Hamas fighters have.

Japan and Germany surrendered. They can surrender, too.

This was started by Menachim Begin blowing up the British peacekeepers in 1946, so he could start wiping out native villages like Deir Yassin.

The only possible solution is for the 7 million illegal Jewish immigrants to give Palestine back to the 13 million natives who actually paid for their land.

Mossad director Dadi Barnea met CIA director Bill Burns yesterday (Friday, 8 March) as part of the non-stop efforts to advance another deal to get the hostages back. At this stage, Hamas is doubling down on its position, uninterested in a deal, and seeks to inflame the region during Ramadan at the expense of the Palestinian residents of the Gaza Strip. It should be emphasized that contact and cooperation with the mediators are continuing at all times in an effort to bridge the gaps and promote agreements.

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