Israel's War Against Hamas - Updates

"This is the real devil, the new Nazi," Kobi said at the beginning of the conversation. "Yahia Sinwar, whom I first met in 1989 when I interrogated him in the case of two kidnapped Israelis. He was associated with Ahmed Yassin in consulting, when he was his protégé and served as both his assistant and adviser, and also as the commander of the forces that murdered so-called collaborators. He also served as Hamas' education commissioner. For example, he provided them with plastic knives and rubber knives so that they could compete among themselves as to who kills more Jews. Later, Sinwar provided them with guns to practice with, and then trained them with explosive belts."

Micha Kobi, a former Shin Bet investigator who over the course of his career accumulated many hours in front of many murderers, revealed on 103FM a shocking detail: "He told me during the investigation that he was going to establish a unit that would enter the territories of Israel"

"Sinwar, from a very young age he was a fan of Ahmed Yassin. He visited the mosque almost every day, where he studied all the sermons and the Koran as Ahmed Yassin explained to him, that all the Jews should be eliminated. They sat together with several other so-called sages from Hamas, and wrote the Hamas charter. The first section talks about the destruction of the Jewish state. He was around 28, single, I asked him why he didn't get married, he told me 'My mother is Hamas, my father is Hamas, my wife is Hamas, everyone is Hamas.' I have over 150 hours of Sinwar.

(full article online)

"This is the real devil, the new Nazi," Kobi said at the beginning of the conversation. "Yahia Sinwar, whom I first met in 1989 when I interrogated him in the case of two kidnapped Israelis. He was associated with Ahmed Yassin in consulting, when he was his protégé and served as both his assistant and adviser, and also as the commander of the forces that murdered so-called collaborators. He also served as Hamas' education commissioner. For example, he provided them with plastic knives and rubber knives so that they could compete among themselves as to who kills more Jews. Later, Sinwar provided them with guns to practice with, and then trained them with explosive belts."

Micha Kobi, a former Shin Bet investigator who over the course of his career accumulated many hours in front of many murderers, revealed on 103FM a shocking detail: "He told me during the investigation that he was going to establish a unit that would enter the territories of Israel"

"Sinwar, from a very young age he was a fan of Ahmed Yassin. He visited the mosque almost every day, where he studied all the sermons and the Koran as Ahmed Yassin explained to him, that all the Jews should be eliminated. They sat together with several other so-called sages from Hamas, and wrote the Hamas charter. The first section talks about the destruction of the Jewish state. He was around 28, single, I asked him why he didn't get married, he told me 'My mother is Hamas, my father is Hamas, my wife is Hamas, everyone is Hamas.' I have over 150 hours of Sinwar.

(full article online)

Does the truth bother you?
Does the truth bother you?

so you are comfortable equating criminals who attacked Israelis with chunks of concrete with civilians who were attacked at a concert or just taking a walk or living in their houses and taken hostage? Are you advocating that in any country where criminals are jailed, friends of the criminals should kidnap unrelated and random civilians as a valid way to get the criminals released?
so you are comfortable equating criminals who attacked Israelis with chunks of concrete with civilians who were attacked at a concert or just taking a walk or living in their houses and taken hostage? Are you advocating that in any country where criminals are jailed, friends of the criminals should kidnap unrelated and random civilians as a valid way to get the criminals released?
You condemn Hamas for their atrocities, yet support Israel for it’s far greater atrocities.

Are you stupid?
There are NO "Khazarian Jews".

And that shows the world you live in. One of following every source which is Anti Israel, anti Zionist. Anti Jews.

You will continue to go to only sources which call Israel illegal, what is happening in Gaza a "genocide" and everything else your mind has decided is the truth.

Everything you have read is a LIE about Jews, Judaism, Zionism and Israel.

When your mind can come to accept that all which you are accepting as truth is not the truth, hopefully you will start to delve into more of what is history and what over 90% of Jews who are Zionists know.

Jews know their history, their culture, etc and do NOT go around denying anyone anything, much less their history, just as Muslims continue to try to deny Jewish History of their ancient homeland since 1920 as shown in my post above this one.

I will now leave it to you and your mind.

There are NO "Khazarian Jews".
Well, you'd better hurry and tell those "anti Semites" at Haaretz that no Jews have ever lived in Central Russia:

"Ancient Lost Capital of the Jewish Khazar Kingdom Found"​

EXCERPTS "Capital of the Khazars, a Turkic people who converted to Judaism, was thought washed away by Caspian Sea.

Russian archaeologists said Wednesday they had found the long-lost capital of the Khazar kingdom in southern Russia, a breakthrough for research on the ancient Jewish state.

Why is it that every time you write some hyperbolic Hasbara falsehood like, "the Jews have lived in Palestine "forever", I can find a credible source that refutes whatever you claim?

For the sake of simplicity, I am not claiming that all Russian Jews or Ashkenazi Jews were Khazars. I am simply asserting that it is both unethical and provocative to give militant, right wing, "Settler" extremists from Russia land that has been taken from pre existing Palestinian residents.

One of following every source which is Anti Israel, anti Zionist. Anti Jews.
I stand by the sources I have used to support my assertions and should point out that about half of them are Jewish and are unlikely to be genuinely "Anti Israel, anti Zionist, Anti Jews".

You're confusing not just my opposition but global opposition not toward Israel or the Jews but global opposition to Israel's RIGHT WING EXTREMISTS who are obviously exploiting the curious and tragic events of 7 October to kill off Gaza's non Jewish residents and steal their land.

Foreign, "Greater Israel" Zionists have been murdering Palestine's existing civilians and stealing their land long before Israel helped establish Hamas so please stop blaming Hamas for the cyclical violence resulting from the invasion of genocidal, foreign Zionist terrorist gangs and subsequent Nakba.

If Israel's ruling right wing element were only interested in eliminating Hamas they would have done so surgically using the most advanced ordinance and technology American taxpayers can afford.

However, rather than a series of precise and surgical operations, Netanyahu etc prefer extermination of Palestinian civilians by "mowing the lawn". (Netanyahu's words) in order to make room for more militant, foreign Zionist "Settler" land thieves.

Jews know their history, their culture, etc and do NOT go around denying anyone anything,....

You must not know many Jews if you believe that all Jews think alike, act alike and believe the same Hasbara script.
Even Israeli officials agree that "“We are now rolling out the Gaza Nakba,” (1)

I've already posted at least 2 sources citing the many ethical Jews around the world who seen Netanyahu's genocidal foray for what it is.

Therefore opposing Netanyahu's genocide is not so much Jews against non Jews or pro Israel against anti Israel sentiment but a dispute between those who support a genocidal, Jews only "Greater Israel" and those who prefer an equitable and sustainable peace in the region with Jews and Muslims co existing in relative peace.

I am not so naive as to think that there will not be conflicts but continued conflict and reciprocal terrorism can only lead to a regional conflagration and a possible WW 3.

Only those who have never seen burned, mutilated and dismembered human beings could support a continuation of Netanyahu's fatally flawed Gaza genocide that is making both Israel and the world's Jews less secure.

Yes, there are plenty of ethical Jews (2) and non Jews around the whole world who know that this whole scale slaughter is no "war" but simply another opportunity to more thoroughly "mow the lawn" and seize more Palestinian land for "Greater Israel" Zionists.

Since so many Jews oppose the tenants of Zionism, anti Zionism is not anti Semitism.
This is the second source I've cited that confirms that Arabs and Jews lived in relative peace until the invasion of Nazi trained and armed Zionist terrorist gangs with their expansionist "Greater Israel":

EXCERPT "In reality, however, Muslims, Christians, and Jews lived in relative peace in Palestine for centuries. It was only in the age of imperialism, and especially with the beginning of Zionist colonization in the late 1800s, that this so-called “eternal” conflict began.

We are often told that all Jews are Zionists, and that anyone who opposes Israel must be an antisemite. This has never been true. There have always been anti-Zionists in the diaspora and in Israel, and they have joined in struggle with Palestinians for peaceful coexistence."

Please consider attempting to articulate how the stories in Jewish mythology entitle foreign self "Chosen People" t the homes and land of people far away.
Constantly littering the board with redundant Hasbara spam, "You Tubes" and "X" tweets is lazy propaganda that nobody reads or watches.
Try writing your own original thoughts and the influences that shaped them.


(1). "Benjamin Netanyahu Is the War Criminal of the Year"

"Experts aren't mincing words about the Israeli leader's brutal and disproportionate response to the October 7 Hamas attacks."

EXCERPT "Israeli officials, in their own words, seem to tacitly acknowledge that their critics’ worst fears are far from unfounded. In early November, Israeli security cabinet member and Agriculture Minister Avi Dichter said “We are now rolling out the Gaza Nakba,” referring to the war against Palestinians and seizure of territory that marked Israel’s founding in 1948." CONTINUED

(2). “A Textbook Case of Genocide”

“Israel has been explicit about what it’s carrying out in Gaza. Why isn’t the world listening?”

EXCERPTS “Israel’s campaign to displace Gazans—and potentially expel them altogether into Egypt—is yet another chapter in the Nakba, in which an estimated 750,000 Palestinians were driven from their homes during the 1948 war that led to the creation of the State of Israel.

But the assault on Gaza can also be understood in other terms: as a textbook case of genocide unfolding in front of our eyes. I say this as a scholar of genocide, who has spent many years writing about Israeli mass violence against Palestinians. I have written about settler colonialism and Jewish supremacy in Israel, the distortion of the Holocaust to boost the Israeli arms industry, the weaponization of antisemitism accusations to justify Israeli violence against Palestinians, and the racist regime of Israeli apartheid. “

“Israeli Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant declared it in no uncertain terms on October 9th: “We are imposing a complete siege on Gaza. No electricity, no food, no water, no fuel. Everything is closed. We are fighting human animals, and we will act accordingly.”

Indeed, Israel’s genocidal assault on Gaza is quite explicit, open, and unashamed. Perpetrators of genocide usually do not express their intentions so clearly,

Israel’s goal is to destroy the Palestinians of Gaza. And those of us watching around the world are derelict in our responsibility to prevent them from doing so.” CONTINUED

(3). "A Brief History of Anti-Zionist Jews"​

You condemn Hamas for their atrocities, yet support Israel for it’s far greater atrocities.

Are you stupid?

Apologists for Netanyahu's genocidal agenda have apparently been programmed to repeat the same scripted narrative that ignores 80 years of systematic land theft, provocations and mass murder (aka "mowing the lawn"; as per Netanyahu).

One of these days we'll learn why certain Israelis who knew well in advance of the attack allowed it to happen.
It's almost as if certain genocidal and grasping Zionist leaders wanted the attack to happen as a pretext to destroy Gaza, exterminate or drive away its native residents and then seize Gaza as another part of expanding into "Greater Israel"

Not only did the Netanyahu regime know of the attack a year in advance but border guards in Israel who had been interviewed prior to the attack of stressed that they had all kinds of monitoring equipment of every type watching the Israeli border 24/7 day and night and a bug couldn't move out there without their knowing about it.

With the opportunity to fabricate vicious lies about "headless babies" and rave about "human animals", the curious but tragic events of 7 October has certainly been a windfall for Israel's army of paid, trained and scripted Hasbara propagandists.

About 3 months from now if Netanyahu is still exterminating mainly Gaza's children, women and sick under the guise of "war", Netanyahu's shills are going to have a hard time explaining how deliberately starving babies in real life is not as bad as the fake headless babies of Hasbara lore.

Don't forget, when trigger happy IDFers machine gun over 100 starving, sick and homeless civilians and crush them under tank treads..........blame Hamas.

Thanks and keep up the good work.

(1) "IDF Kills 100 in Food Line in Gaza After 9 Children Starve to Death in 1 Day"

EXCERPT "According to the Gaza health ministry, Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) killed at least 104 people and injured at least 750 others as they were congregating in Nabulsi Square near Gaza City, hoping to access flour that was expected to come through in aid trucks. Troops shot at the crowd with tanks and drones, and ran tanks over injured and dead people as they fired, according to Al Jazeera." CONTINUED
Does the truth bother you?

I only know one thing.

YOU have to live with all the lies that YOU are trying to spread on this thread.

It is very clear that as you are on twitter, that you do see tweets about how many trucks go into Gaza every day. And how many trucks are STOLEN by Hamas.

Now, there is really NO ONE starving in Gaza. Not one person. There are plenty of videos of the markets, of people preparing food.

THAT TRUTH bothers the heck out of you.
Well, you'd better hurry and tell those "anti Semites" at Haaretz that no Jews have ever lived in Central Russia:

"Ancient Lost Capital of the Jewish Khazar Kingdom Found"​

EXCERPTS "Capital of the Khazars, a Turkic people who converted to Judaism, was thought washed away by Caspian Sea.

Russian archaeologists said Wednesday they had found the long-lost capital of the Khazar kingdom in southern Russia, a breakthrough for research on the ancient Jewish state.

Why is it that every time you write some hyperbolic Hasbara falsehood like, "the Jews have lived in Palestine "forever", I can find a credible source that refutes whatever you claim?

For the sake of simplicity, I am not claiming that all Russian Jews or Ashkenazi Jews were Khazars. I am simply asserting that it is both unethical and provocative to give militant, right wing, "Settler" extremists from Russia land that has been taken from pre existing Palestinian residents.

I stand by the sources I have used to support my assertions and should point out that about half of them are Jewish and are unlikely to be genuinely "Anti Israel, anti Zionist, Anti Jews".

You're confusing not just my opposition but global opposition not toward Israel or the Jews but global opposition to Israel's RIGHT WING EXTREMISTS who are obviously exploiting the curious and tragic events of 7 October to kill off Gaza's non Jewish residents and steal their land.

Foreign, "Greater Israel" Zionists have been murdering Palestine's existing civilians and stealing their land long before Israel helped establish Hamas so please stop blaming Hamas for the cyclical violence resulting from the invasion of genocidal, foreign Zionist terrorist gangs and subsequent Nakba.

If Israel's ruling right wing element were only interested in eliminating Hamas they would have done so surgically using the most advanced ordinance and technology American taxpayers can afford.

However, rather than a series of precise and surgical operations, Netanyahu etc prefer extermination of Palestinian civilians by "mowing the lawn". (Netanyahu's words) in order to make room for more militant, foreign Zionist "Settler" land thieves.

You must not know many Jews if you believe that all Jews think alike, act alike and believe the same Hasbara script.
Even Israeli officials agree that "“We are now rolling out the Gaza Nakba,” (1)

I've already posted at least 2 sources citing the many ethical Jews around the world who seen Netanyahu's genocidal foray for what it is.

Therefore opposing Netanyahu's genocide is not so much Jews against non Jews or pro Israel against anti Israel sentiment but a dispute between those who support a genocidal, Jews only "Greater Israel" and those who prefer an equitable and sustainable peace in the region with Jews and Muslims co existing in relative peace.

I am not so naive as to think that there will not be conflicts but continued conflict and reciprocal terrorism can only lead to a regional conflagration and a possible WW 3.

Only those who have never seen burned, mutilated and dismembered human beings could support a continuation of Netanyahu's fatally flawed Gaza genocide that is making both Israel and the world's Jews less secure.

Yes, there are plenty of ethical Jews (2) and non Jews around the whole world who know that this whole scale slaughter is no "war" but simply another opportunity to more thoroughly "mow the lawn" and seize more Palestinian land for "Greater Israel" Zionists.

Since so many Jews oppose the tenants of Zionism, anti Zionism is not anti Semitism.
This is the second source I've cited that confirms that Arabs and Jews lived in relative peace until the invasion of Nazi trained and armed Zionist terrorist gangs with their expansionist "Greater Israel":

EXCERPT "In reality, however, Muslims, Christians, and Jews lived in relative peace in Palestine for centuries. It was only in the age of imperialism, and especially with the beginning of Zionist colonization in the late 1800s, that this so-called “eternal” conflict began.

We are often told that all Jews are Zionists, and that anyone who opposes Israel must be an antisemite. This has never been true. There have always been anti-Zionists in the diaspora and in Israel, and they have joined in struggle with Palestinians for peaceful coexistence."

Please consider attempting to articulate how the stories in Jewish mythology entitle foreign self "Chosen People" t the homes and land of people far away.
Constantly littering the board with redundant Hasbara spam, "You Tubes" and "X" tweets is lazy propaganda that nobody reads or watches.
Try writing your own original thoughts and the influences that shaped them.


(1). "Benjamin Netanyahu Is the War Criminal of the Year"

"Experts aren't mincing words about the Israeli leader's brutal and disproportionate response to the October 7 Hamas attacks."

EXCERPT "Israeli officials, in their own words, seem to tacitly acknowledge that their critics’ worst fears are far from unfounded. In early November, Israeli security cabinet member and Agriculture Minister Avi Dichter said “We are now rolling out the Gaza Nakba,” referring to the war against Palestinians and seizure of territory that marked Israel’s founding in 1948." CONTINUED

(2). “A Textbook Case of Genocide”

“Israel has been explicit about what it’s carrying out in Gaza. Why isn’t the world listening?”

EXCERPTS “Israel’s campaign to displace Gazans—and potentially expel them altogether into Egypt—is yet another chapter in the Nakba, in which an estimated 750,000 Palestinians were driven from their homes during the 1948 war that led to the creation of the State of Israel.

But the assault on Gaza can also be understood in other terms: as a textbook case of genocide unfolding in front of our eyes. I say this as a scholar of genocide, who has spent many years writing about Israeli mass violence against Palestinians. I have written about settler colonialism and Jewish supremacy in Israel, the distortion of the Holocaust to boost the Israeli arms industry, the weaponization of antisemitism accusations to justify Israeli violence against Palestinians, and the racist regime of Israeli apartheid. “

“Israeli Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant declared it in no uncertain terms on October 9th: “We are imposing a complete siege on Gaza. No electricity, no food, no water, no fuel. Everything is closed. We are fighting human animals, and we will act accordingly.”

Indeed, Israel’s genocidal assault on Gaza is quite explicit, open, and unashamed. Perpetrators of genocide usually do not express their intentions so clearly,

Israel’s goal is to destroy the Palestinians of Gaza. And those of us watching around the world are derelict in our responsibility to prevent them from doing so.” CONTINUED

(3). "A Brief History of Anti-Zionist Jews"​

Jews living in Central Russia or anywhere else in the world does not make any one of them Khazarians.

Khazars were Turkish. Do Jews look Turkish to you?
Some Jews would definitely have come from Turkey, converts like Paul of Tarsus.

You keep on grabbing for straws.

Jews are from Judea and what was known as Israel. No matter where they moved to all the way back even before the destruction of the first Temple, they will always be indigenous of the Land Of Israel, as confirmed by each and every invader and conqueror of that area, and that includes Christians and Muslims. Check the Quran and the NT.

Khazar, member of a confederation of Turkic-speaking tribes that in the late 6th century CE established a major commercial empire covering the southeastern section of modern European Russia. Although the origin of the term Khazar and the early history of the Khazar people are obscure, it is fairly certain that the Khazars were originally located in the northern Caucasus region and were part of the western Turkic empire (in Turkistan).

Khazars are long gone, no trace of them, no burial place, no skeleton to get a DNA from.

You are in bad luck with your chosen allegations.

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