Issa: CIA Spying On Congress May Be 'Treason'...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
Good ole CIA at it again. In the past, this kind of thing would have been immediately dismissed as an outlandish 'Conspiracy Theory.' Sadly, more & more so-called 'Conspiracy Theories' are being exposed as being Conspiracy Facts.


“I think Senator Feinstein is as outraged as anyone and I share her outrage. I think the violation of the Constitutional separation of powers should be an offense of the highest level—virtually treason,” Issa told Breitbart News on Tuesday.

“Spying on the executive branch—spying on Congress or violating the separation of powers as to the Supreme Court or as to Congress is effectively treason. Treason—it’s written up in the Constitution,” Issa said of Feinstein’s revelations, adding, “I don’t know who gave the orders, but to spy on other branches is in fact a constitutional violation at the level of high crimes and misdemeanors and certainly should cause the removal of anyone involved.”

Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), Chairman of the Senate Select Intelligence Committee, Tuesday accused the spy agency of secretly examining her committee’s computers and taking documents relating to the CIA’s interrogation methods on terror suspects who were held overseas after the 9/11 attacks.

CIA Chief John Brennan disputed Feinstein during a speech at the Council on Foreign Relations saying that, “when the facts come out on this, I think a lot of people who are claiming that there has been this tremendous sort of spying and monitoring and hacking will be proved wrong.”

According to reports, Feinstein is seeking out the FBI to investigate the matter further. Feinstein’s colleague Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA) told Breitbart News she supports Feinstein, saying she thought, “it’s really essential that we have a division of powers or separation of powers here so that the Senate can do its oversight.”...

Read More:
Issa Rips CIA Over Feinstein Spying Allegations: 'Treason'
Feinstein and Issa were fine with the government spying on everyone until the government spied on them.

Fuck Feinstein, Issa, Democrats, Republicans, and the CIA.
If Feinstein had made the same statement anywhere other than from the Floor of the Senate it would be sabotage. She is sworn by Oath Of Secrecy not to divulge anything that goes on in the Senate Intelligence Committee meetings. Congressmen/women can not be held accountable for anything they say from the Floor of the Senate, and that's why she didn't give it to The New York Times.
“I think Senator Feinstein is as outraged as anyone and I share her outrage. I think the violation of the Constitutional separation of powers should be an offense of the highest level—virtually treason,” Issa told Breitbart News on Tuesday."

And there you have it, they're OUTRAGED over the violation of the separation of powers? How bout when Obama violates it on a regular basis?
If Feinstein had made the same statement anywhere other than from the Floor of the Senate it would be sabotage. She is sworn by Oath Of Secrecy not to divulge anything that goes on in the Senate Intelligence Committee meetings. Congressmen/women can not be held accountable for anything they say from the Floor of the Senate, and that's why she didn't give it to The New York Times.

The issue is that the CIA has been lying. Their internal report shows that the torturing of detainees did not produce any actionable intelligence, and this contradicts what they have been saying in public.

Feinstein wants that internal report to be released to the public so the CIA's lies can be exposed, and the inefficacy of torture once again made evident.

The CIA hacked the Senate's computers to see what the Senate's own investigation was revealing to those members of the committee.

It is hypocrisy that the very same people who have supported domestic spying on average Americans are now outraged they, too, have been spied upon.

Fuck them. Fuck them all.
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Issa knows better.

"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort."

"Oh, you want to look at some classified documents? Okay, come by our facility at such-n-such a time and you can use our computers to view much as you like........No problem...."

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