Issa pulls Race Card - makes false claims Cummings was labeling him racist

I seem to recall when Henry Waxman had the same position Issa now has he did pretty much the same thing to Issa that Issa just did to Cummings yet there was no outrage or criticism of Waxman for his actions wonder why.
No, he did not do "the same thing." (in Grandpa's thread, he doubled down on this and said it was "identical" lol)

Did Cummings breach House rules of order and decorum by asking to be heard? No, no he didn't.

So let's start with this:

Clause 2(k) of House Rule XI on Hearing Procedures:

4)The chair may punish breaches of order and decorum, and of professional ethics on the part of counsel, by censure and exclusion from the hearings; and the committee may cite the offender to the House for contempt.

It's pretty funny watching cons toss that Waxman counter, (I've seen it used a lot lately) -- as if it's a gotcha. It ain't.

What's even funnier is 2008 Issa there is complaining about what? Equal time. lol

The very thing Issa deprived Cummings of...
How could the race card not be pulled? Democrats seem to think they hold all the cards and in their deck it seems to be the only card left.

That Bush era witness was evading the question over and over and refusing to answer whether he had a certain conversation with the president. Waxman, as Chair, was trying to get a clarification of the answer the previous Congressman had asked. He's allowed that.

Haven't you been watching Issa at all these hearings now? He pulls that shit all the time.

In 2008, as minority member, when Assa rudely interrupted Waxman - which he is allowed to do, to ask a point of order, Waxman answered Issa's question.
Waxman was in order.

That was quite a display of Issa trying to protect the corrupt president Bush though.Issa's point of order was answered and Issa continued to interrupt. Then he did say he would be thrown out of he continued to interrupt. His question had been answered.

Look at the rules above and you can see Waxman had that option at his disposal. Waxman did finally get his clarification as to whether that skunky witness was claiming Executive Privilege though.
We saw a lot of that Executive Privileging, back then. Oh how I remember.
True that Issa is a dirtball and he probably racist.

Its also true that Cummings has been called "******" and spat on by tee potties.

But, I doubt this attack was race-motivated. Its simply that Issa, like the rest of the right, has an aversion to facts.
Please demonstrate where ANYTHING Mr. Issa has done would bolster your claim. WE will wait.

You and many House Republicans feel the same way. When the House members were asked if they thought Rep. Issa had done something wrong, if they believed if they had acted in the same way would that be acceptable behavior. In other words, "Put yourself in Issa's shoes. Is that something you would be ashamed of?" 211 House Republicans said they believed Rep. Issa's actions were justifiable. One of those 211 was House Speaker Boehner. None of those 211 were African American. Why? Because there are no African American House members who are Republican.

Speaker John A. Boehner

RV, despite the thread where I pointed out where he DID NOT act out of line, you still think he did something wrong here.

By the way, this is for folks like you who continue to claim Issa did something wrong:

A blow by blow analysis of the exchange between Cummings and Issa during the IRS targeting hearing:

0:01 to 1:06 Issa asks Lois Lerner seven questions, she takes the 5th on each of them.

1:08 Right as Issa adjourns the hearing, Cummings says, "Mr. Chairman, Mr. Chairman, I have a procedural question."

1:21 Issa turns around to acknowledge him. Cummings, instead of asking his procedural question, proceeds to attack Issa by saying "Mr. Chairman, you cannot run a committee like this; you just cannot do this. We're better than that as a country, we're better than that as a committee. I've asked for a few minutes to--" (Issa leaves for a moment, camera moves to far end of room, Cummings is unintelligible at this point, camera then switches back to Cummings) "I am a ranking member of the committee and I want to ask a question!"

1:45 During Cumming's tirade, Issa returns and sits back down. Cummings can be heard saying, "What are we hiding, what's the big deal?"

1:52 Issa says to the crowd, "You are all free to leave, but the gentleman is free to ask his question." Cummings replies by thanking Issa at 1:58.

2:02 Cummings repeats, "Mr. Chairman, I have one procedural question, which goes by the way to get the information you just asked (for)!"

2:06 Issa asks Cummings, who at this point is becoming increasingly agitated: "What is your question?"

2:08 Cummings then replies, "Let me say what I have to say. I've listened to you for the past 15 or 20 minutes. Let me say what I have to say."

2:15 Cummings the again repeats: "Chairman, I have one procedural question."

2:16 Seeing that Cummings will not ask his question, Issa dismisses Lerner.

2:18 Cummings continues despite her being allowed to leave by saying, "But first I would like to use my time to make a few points: For the past year, the central Republican accusation in this investigation--- (unintelligible)."

2:30 Issa then, seeing that Cummings will not be asking any questions, says, "We're adjourned, close it down."

2:39 Issa can be seen giving the cut off gesture.

2:40 Cummings continues on his rant, with no attempt at a question being made.

2:44 During the rant, you can hear people chanting "shame, shame!"

2:58 Issa states one more time, "If you have a question..." Cummings interrupts, "If you will sit down and allow me to ask the question---" Afterwards he then goes on another tirade. At this point Cummings is out of order, and Issa proceeds to turn off his microphone.

3:29 Issa states in utter finality: "We had a hearing. It was adjourned. I gave you an opportunity to ask a question; you didn't have a question." Cummings answers, "I do have a question" at 3:35.

3:41 Issa leaves the room. At this time Elijah quips, "What are you hiding, Mr. Chairman?"

3:42 An individual on the floor, namely a liberal or a member of Cummings staff says, "He's taken the 5th, Elijah!"

(End of video at 3:45)

As you can see, Issa gave Cummings three distinct chances to ask his question, each time he continued making statements. This should dispel any notion by Democrats that Issa refused to let Cummings ask his question or arbitrarily shut off his microphone to "shut off the minority voice."

Jesse Jackson would have been wise to reconsider his words when he referred to Issa as "racist" for cutting off Cummings microphone, and that the Congressional Black Caucus should have known better than to file a resolution to have Issa removed from his chairmanship. It is clear by the video that Issa was acting well within his rights and within the Rules of Order governing the Committee on Oversight.
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I seem to recall when Henry Waxman had the same position Issa now has he did pretty much the same thing to Issa that Issa just did to Cummings yet there was no outrage or criticism of Waxman for his actions wonder why.
No, he did not do "the same thing." (in Grandpa's thread, he doubled down on this and said it was "identical" lol)

Did Cummings breach House rules of order and decorum by asking to be heard? No, no he didn't.

So let's start with this:

Clause 2(k) of House Rule XI on Hearing Procedures:

4)The chair may punish breaches of order and decorum, and of professional ethics on the part of counsel, by censure and exclusion from the hearings; and the committee may cite the offender to the House for contempt.

It's pretty funny watching cons toss that Waxman counter, (I've seen it used a lot lately) -- as if it's a gotcha. It ain't.

What's even funnier is 2008 Issa there is complaining about what? Equal time. lol

The very thing Issa deprived Cummings of...

You're right, it wasn't identical. It was worse. Threatening him with a physical altercation.

Cummings, like you now, was just having a hissy fit for the cameras.
The term minority has been abused and overused by slimy democrats for so long you can't blame ANY republican for freaking out when the term is thrown at them.
You mean when Representative Cummings sits there in the hearing with the title

Ranking Minority Member of the Committee on Oversight & Government Reform


You mean like that?

But no, you just keep holding hands with Templar and Tom the TumTum who seem to think the word Minority being used in the House or the Senate -- is all about da black man.

How is that racist? Or pulling out the race card? What do you think that term "minority" means anyway?
Oh Wonderful - an on-topic post!

And one I was just waiting to see what braindead con would counter with first.

:clap2: You won! Add another accomplishment to your booger collection.

Now, listen up children and you shall hear

How Templar thinks Minority, as it pertains here, refers to race.

Even Megyn Kelly can't penetrate that skull.

Absolutely precious! :lol:
yeah....kind of sad.
Beyond sad.
No, Democrats didn't label Issa racist after Cummings tantrum as one lying thread title here reads.

The irrelevant Jessie Jackson tweeted a dumbass tweet. He was dead wrong, and beyond a random idiot here or there, no one is calling Issa a racist for that Cummings incident, and certainly Cummings isn't calling him that.

However, ISSA is claiming Cummings was leveling a charge of racism when Cummings said Issa was "shutting down the minority voice."

Check it out, Issa's excuso-rama with Megyn Kelly where he twisted Cummings comment about "shutting down the minority voice" into Cummings accusing Issa of racism --

Imagine for a moment if you people were as outraged about the IRS targeting people for their political views as you are about Issa being rude to a Democrat
No, Democrats didn't label Issa racist after Cummings tantrum as one lying thread title here reads.

The irrelevant Jessie Jackson tweeted a dumbass tweet. He was dead wrong, and beyond a random idiot here or there, no one is calling Issa a racist for that Cummings incident, and certainly Cummings isn't calling him that.

However, ISSA is claiming Cummings was leveling a charge of racism when Cummings said Issa was "shutting down the minority voice."

Check it out, Issa's excuso-rama with Megyn Kelly where he twisted Cummings comment about "shutting down the minority voice" into Cummings accusing Issa of racism --

Imagine for a moment if you people were as outraged about the IRS targeting people for their political views as you are about Issa being rude to a Democrat
I have no problem, left or right, with the IRS scrutinizing the applications of political groups who try and use the nonprofit tax-exempt status of what has been categorized as a Social Welfare org - when their purpose is primarily political.

that goes for Occupy, Green groups or Tea Party - no matter. If they are trying to scam the system, they need to be scrutinized.
No, Democrats didn't label Issa racist after Cummings tantrum as one lying thread title here reads.

The irrelevant Jessie Jackson tweeted a dumbass tweet. He was dead wrong, and beyond a random idiot here or there, no one is calling Issa a racist for that Cummings incident, and certainly Cummings isn't calling him that.

However, ISSA is claiming Cummings was leveling a charge of racism when Cummings said Issa was "shutting down the minority voice."

Check it out, Issa's excuso-rama with Megyn Kelly where he twisted Cummings comment about "shutting down the minority voice" into Cummings accusing Issa of racism --

"KELLY: So now even some Republicans are mad at you because they feel that you've distracted from what is a legitimate issue, and it's now become about, oh, does Darrell Issa want to shut down debate? As Elijah Cummings put it, does he want to shut out the minority voice? Is that what Republicans stand for? Shutting down -- not minority African- American, minority in the House -- the Democrats' voice?

ISSA: Well, actually, the accusation was that I was somehow anti-African-American. That kind of accusation I think is beneath response."
Issa: 'I broke no rules' adjourning IRS hearing | Interviews | Fox News

She even tried to give him an out, by clarifying it for him,

and on he went ---> right for the racecard.

Pretty dirtball low of Issa.

Toilet paper view.
I seem to recall when Henry Waxman had the same position Issa now has he did pretty much the same thing to Issa that Issa just did to Cummings yet there was no outrage or criticism of Waxman for his actions wonder why.
No, he did not do "the same thing." (in Grandpa's thread, he doubled down on this and said it was "identical" lol)

Did Cummings breach House rules of order and decorum by asking to be heard? No, no he didn't.

So let's start with this:

Clause 2(k) of House Rule XI on Hearing Procedures:

4)The chair may punish breaches of order and decorum, and of professional ethics on the part of counsel, by censure and exclusion from the hearings; and the committee may cite the offender to the House for contempt.

It's pretty funny watching cons toss that Waxman counter, (I've seen it used a lot lately) -- as if it's a gotcha. It ain't.

What's even funnier is 2008 Issa there is complaining about what? Equal time. lol

The very thing Issa deprived Cummings of...
Typical liberal response it's only wrong when the other side does it pretty sad and pathetic. So let me bottom line this there is no racism here not from Issa not from Cummings this was not about procedure or Cummings not being able to ask a question on three different occasions Issa told Cummings ask your question he never did instead he started giving a speech and that is what this was all about Cummings wanted to give a speech and Issa wasn't interested in hearing it case closed end of story.
How could the race card not be pulled? Democrats seem to think they hold all the cards and in their deck it seems to be the only card left.
And an easy one to spot. It's used so much it is like the JOKER of the deck.
The term minority has been abused and overused by slimy democrats for so long you can't blame ANY republican for freaking out when the term is thrown at them.
You mean when Representative Cummings sits there in the hearing with the title

Ranking Minority Member of the Committee on Oversight & Government Reform


You mean like that?

But no, you just keep holding hands with Templar and Tom the TumTum who seem to think the word Minority being used in the House or the Senate -- is all about da black man.

You idiots make EVERYTHING about race, EVERYTHING. It's so damn funny how it has backfired in your faces this time.

Imagine for a moment if you people were as outraged about the IRS targeting people for their political views as you are about Issa being rude to a Democrat
I have no problem, left or right, with the IRS scrutinizing the applications of political groups who try and use the nonprofit tax-exempt status of what has been categorized as a Social Welfare org - when their purpose is primarily political.

that goes for Occupy, Green groups or Tea Party - no matter. If they are trying to scam the system, they need to be scrutinized.

Except it didn't happen that way, but hey, you already know that.
The term minority has been abused and overused by slimy democrats for so long you can't blame ANY republican for freaking out when the term is thrown at them.
You mean when Representative Cummings sits there in the hearing with the title

Ranking Minority Member of the Committee on Oversight & Government Reform


You mean like that?

But no, you just keep holding hands with Templar and Tom the TumTum who seem to think the word Minority being used in the House or the Senate -- is all about da black man.

You idiots make EVERYTHING about race, EVERYTHING. It's so damn funny how it has backfired in your faces this time.

He said ^ in a thread where we see republican Issa pull the race card.

Hell, even when Megyn clarifies it for you dunces...

"KELLY: So now even some Republicans are mad at you because they feel that you've distracted from what is a legitimate issue, and it's now become about, oh, does Darrell Issa want to shut down debate? As Elijah Cummings put it, does he want to shut out the minority voice? Is that what Republicans stand for? Shutting down -- not minority African- American, minority in the House -- the Democrats' voice?

ISSA: Well, actually, the accusation was that I was somehow anti-African-American. That kind of accusation I think is beneath response."

Interviews | Fox News
So now even some Republicans are mad at you because they feel that you've distracted from what is a legitimate issue…

Understandable, myths tend to die when people stop believing in them.

True Dat wannabe Counselor which is why the Boi King's numbers are in the tank.

Apparently all that "I will Stop The Sea From Rising" and heal the world bullshit fell flat with his no information voters.
Please demonstrate where ANYTHING Mr. Issa has done would bolster your claim. WE will wait.

You and many House Republicans feel the same way. When the House members were asked if they thought Rep. Issa had done something wrong, if they believed if they had acted in the same way would that be acceptable behavior. In other words, "Put yourself in Issa's shoes. Is that something you would be ashamed of?" 211 House Republicans said they believed Rep. Issa's actions were justifiable. One of those 211 was House Speaker Boehner. None of those 211 were African American. Why? Because there are no African American House members who are Republican.

Speaker John A. Boehner

RV, despite the thread where I pointed out where he DID NOT act out of line, you still think he did something wrong here.

By the way, this is for folks like you who continue to claim Issa did something wrong:

A blow by blow analysis of the exchange between Cummings and Issa during the IRS targeting hearing:

0:01 to 1:06 Issa asks Lois Lerner seven questions, she takes the 5th on each of them.

1:08 Right as Issa adjourns the hearing, Cummings says, "Mr. Chairman, Mr. Chairman, I have a procedural question."

1:21 Issa turns around to acknowledge him. Cummings, instead of asking his procedural question, proceeds to attack Issa by saying "Mr. Chairman, you cannot run a committee like this; you just cannot do this. We're better than that as a country, we're better than that as a committee. I've asked for a few minutes to--" (Issa leaves for a moment, camera moves to far end of room, Cummings is unintelligible at this point, camera then switches back to Cummings) "I am a ranking member of the committee and I want to ask a question!"

1:45 During Cumming's tirade, Issa returns and sits back down. Cummings can be heard saying, "What are we hiding, what's the big deal?"

1:52 Issa says to the crowd, "You are all free to leave, but the gentleman is free to ask his question." Cummings replies by thanking Issa at 1:58.

2:02 Cummings repeats, "Mr. Chairman, I have one procedural question, which goes by the way to get the information you just asked (for)!"

2:06 Issa asks Cummings, who at this point is becoming increasingly agitated: "What is your question?"

2:08 Cummings then replies, "Let me say what I have to say. I've listened to you for the past 15 or 20 minutes. Let me say what I have to say."

2:15 Cummings the again repeats: "Chairman, I have one procedural question."

2:16 Seeing that Cummings will not ask his question, Issa dismisses Lerner.

2:18 Cummings continues despite her being allowed to leave by saying, "But first I would like to use my time to make a few points: For the past year, the central Republican accusation in this investigation--- (unintelligible)."

2:30 Issa then, seeing that Cummings will not be asking any questions, says, "We're adjourned, close it down."

2:39 Issa can be seen giving the cut off gesture.

2:40 Cummings continues on his rant, with no attempt at a question being made.

2:44 During the rant, you can hear people chanting "shame, shame!"

2:58 Issa states one more time, "If you have a question..." Cummings interrupts, "If you will sit down and allow me to ask the question---" Afterwards he then goes on another tirade. At this point Cummings is out of order, and Issa proceeds to turn off his microphone.

3:29 Issa states in utter finality: "We had a hearing. It was adjourned. I gave you an opportunity to ask a question; you didn't have a question." Cummings answers, "I do have a question" at 3:35.

3:41 Issa leaves the room. At this time Elijah quips, "What are you hiding, Mr. Chairman?"

3:42 An individual on the floor, namely a liberal or a member of Cummings staff says, "He's taken the 5th, Elijah!"

(End of video at 3:45)

As you can see, Issa gave Cummings three distinct chances to ask his question, each time he continued making statements. This should dispel any notion by Democrats that Issa refused to let Cummings ask his question or arbitrarily shut off his microphone to "shut off the minority voice."

Jesse Jackson would have been wise to reconsider his words when he referred to Issa as "racist" for cutting off Cummings microphone, and that the Congressional Black Caucus should have known better than to file a resolution to have Issa removed from his chairmanship. It is clear by the video that Issa was acting well within his rights and within the Rules of Order governing the Committee on Oversight.

Issa did do something wrong. If you watch any of these type of hearings you know full well they tend to rant before they get to thier questions. Both sides have their narrative/story they want to get across before questioning the person. Issa cut it short. Well i wouldnt say wrong, just typical politics.

Where ISSA is ranking member, the democrats are the minority party in that room. For whatever reason Issa decided Cummings meant the race card.
You mean when Representative Cummings sits there in the hearing with the title

Ranking Minority Member of the Committee on Oversight & Government Reform


You mean like that?

But no, you just keep holding hands with Templar and Tom the TumTum who seem to think the word Minority being used in the House or the Senate -- is all about da black man.

You idiots make EVERYTHING about race, EVERYTHING. It's so damn funny how it has backfired in your faces this time.

He said ^ in a thread where we see republican Issa pull the race card.

Hell, even when Megyn clarifies it for you dunces...

"KELLY: So now even some Republicans are mad at you because they feel that you've distracted from what is a legitimate issue, and it's now become about, oh, does Darrell Issa want to shut down debate? As Elijah Cummings put it, does he want to shut out the minority voice? Is that what Republicans stand for? Shutting down -- not minority African- American, minority in the House -- the Democrats' voice?

ISSA: Well, actually, the accusation was that I was somehow anti-African-American. That kind of accusation I think is beneath response."

Interviews | Fox News

You another angry black chile?
Imagine for a moment if you people were as outraged about the IRS targeting people for their political views as you are about Issa being rude to a Democrat
I have no problem, left or right, with the IRS scrutinizing the applications of political groups who try and use the nonprofit tax-exempt status of what has been categorized as a Social Welfare org - when their purpose is primarily political.

that goes for Occupy, Green groups or Tea Party - no matter. If they are trying to scam the system, they need to be scrutinized.

Except it didn't happen that way, but hey, you already know that.
Yeah, it pretty much did. And what got the ball rolling in new determinations was CU.

What Citizens United basically said was: Hey y'all, here's a loophole to be able able to hide all the money donors give to you and your favored political group. The task which before fell more to the realm of the FEC. Now, so say we, it shall be the IRS to determine what constitutes the proper amount of political activity.

That was like trainloads of sweet honey to all the tea partying pooh bears, who then set up camp as a 501c4, hung up a shingle, and declared all money ya gives us is tax exempt and no one has to know who you are. Weeze now "social welfare" organizations.

The money poured in, the applications poured in.

It's after the fact the IRS certifies them. So, in all this blaze of applications - and an understaffed IRS, they used names, rightfully or wrongly, to "red flag" (just as "red flags" appear to small businesses who declare an office in home expense) operations that seemed strictly political organizations. That was the job the IRS were tasked with doing.

So how exactly does one define "not primarily political" -- when that is the measure to be able to be afforded this status? And then say with a straight face a lot of these tea party orgs were not primarily political? There were some on the left too, but the applications outnumbered them like 4 to 1. And the liberal orgs were the only ones denied.

You guys keep talking like a formally regulated tax exempt nonprofit should be above scrutiny, It shouldn't. I've said all along all nonprofits should be given extra scrutiny if they expect to take advantage of the tax code (encumbered by the new Citizens United decision) to not pay taxes.
True that Issa is a dirtball and he probably racist.

Its also true that Cummings has been called "******" and spat on by tee potties.

But, I doubt this attack was race-motivated. Its simply that Issa, like the rest of the right, has an aversion to facts.

Is it? Please post where Cummings was called a ****** and spat on. We'll wait.

I note you turned off your rep. Maybe because numbers don't go that high for negative reputation.

GOP Rep Approves of Tea Partiers Shouting ****** and Faggot at Dems

On C-SPAN’s Washington Journal this morning Rep. David Nunes (R-CA) expressed his approval of tea party protesters who shouted faggot at Rep. Barney Frank and ****** at Rep. John Lewis. Nunes said, “Yeah, well I think that when you use totalitarian tactics, people, you know, begin to act crazy.” Racism and homophobia have nothing to do with health care, but everything to do with the tea party movement.

It was Lewis though. Not Cummings.

My rep is turned off because I think its silly and childish. YMMV and you are more than welcome to your own rep.
Right. It was not Cummings.
|It wasn't Lewis either. There was no video, audio or still photos that substantiated what was claimed. This was debunked years ago. Of course the fact that it was false is meaningless to you.

Your rep is turned off because it would like TruthMatters.

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