Issa pulls Race Card - makes false claims Cummings was labeling him racist

And there it is.

yep :p G M U & birddog don't dissappoint when it comes to :up: SeanRush- fed, unbridled hate and fear and hate.

As to the OP Issa (R) should be censured. Shame on him. :( SHAME!!! :mad:

Wrong! We are more interested in "love of country" and "honesty!" Try them sometime!

Issa was correct, and the trouble maker Cummings was wrong! Now you know. :badgrin:
That's why Issa apologized.

Issa may have been wrong in not going the extra mile to make the trouble maker Cummings feel important, but he was technically correct with his parliamentary procedure.

Republicans have enough class to be fair minded and are willing to mend bridges, unlike dimocrats.
This is why Issa cried, "If I can't have her no one can!" She did not give him the satisfaction he wanted of admitting there was an IRS scandal, for the obvious reason there wasn't one, Issa made sure no one else was going to ask her any questions at the risk they would get their answers, which was indeed that there was no scandal. This as much of a attack on Ms. Lerner as it was on Rep. Cummings and the rest of the Oversight Committee. One must realize just how much the Republicans have riding on this. They need something, anything, to use against the Democrats. Issa is in no better shape. If this thing falls apart for him in the Oversight Committee it could really hurt his future in the Republican party, or make him a superstar if he can get a coerced confession out of Ms. Lerner. Failure to produce proof of an allegation which has cost the American taxpayer $14 million dollars so far and count might even hurt his chances of reelection. His action March 5th was the act of a desperate, cornered man. The votes of 211 Republican Representatives that Issa did the right thing was the act of desperation of a party.
Lerner actually did talk to DOJ without immunity.

They found nothing to charge her with. (prepare for the howls of cover up and conspiracy...)

Issa knew this. And one of the things Cummings was planning on doing was offering Lerner a proffer so her Atty. could speak and provide information from that DOJ information.

Issa didn't want that to happen. His purpose was to haul her up, make a headline, and then place a gag rule on the minority party.

Which apparently Issa thinks means he's being accused of racism. lol

It's clear there is partisan conflicts of interest and this is not a neutral process.

Because partisan bias is too "abstract" to make a visual talking point,
and because both sides are guilty of this, people use RACE to bring it out in public.

The real issues are INTERNAL between PARTIES but that doesn't sell in the media.
That makes both sides equally complicit, while race can be paraded in black and white
to pick fights for greater impact with today's audience that hinges on media influence.

For the same reason, the rightwing talk shows also use very pointed language,
with strong negative labels, to have impact through that medium. Abstract concepts
just don't cut it "on air" and with live broadcasts, so people rely on shock that invokes visuals.

if we had to sit down and hash these issues out in person, spelling out all
grievances so a solution could be formed by agreement in writing, none of these bait tactics would work.
They would all impede the process and shut it down. Politics plays on media hype to stir the public.
We all know this, so why act like it's all the other person's fault, when everyone plays this game to survive.

so sad, we should educate all citizens on how the visual and radio media work, and fail us,
so they understand these tactics, aren't fooled by them, and rise above to stick to the content instead.

Media politics affect all of us, and affects how we do or don't make progress toward solutions.
It has become part of the petitioning process, so we might as well learn the ins and outs
as part of conflict resolution and training in diplomatic solutions that represent all interests.

It's as much a part of civic education as learning the Constitutional principles and ethics:
how to mediate conflicts vs tactics that obstruct due process by bullying for political points.
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I didn't say he wouldn't apologize, I just wanted you to prove it.

The Black Caucus came down on him and felt he was hard on the brother, throwing around false claims of racism at him. Issa folded like a gambler with a bad hand.

This is politics in Washington. Thugs bullying decent people because of political correctness.

You didn't know that?

Fox or Rush didn't tell you?

you just KNOW that muddy listens to one or both of those networks/stations :D

Issa (R) has really hit a new nadir w/ his latest transparent rw dog & pony show :eusa_doh:

Yeah, it's terrible what Issa is doing to those IRS people, who got caught red-handed using the IRS to punish political enemies. How dare he. HOW DARE HE!!!!!!!*@#%&@

I didn't say he wouldn't apologize, I just wanted you to prove it.

The Black Caucus came down on him and felt he was hard on the brother, throwing around false claims of racism at him. Issa folded like a gambler with a bad hand.

This is politics in Washington. Thugs bullying decent people because of political correctness.
^^ More falsehoods. ^^

Dude, I'm simply reading the links you provided. Not my fault you can't come to a rational conclusion like I have.

Cummings acted a jerk, lied to the chair, then somebody started throwing out the race-card because they weren't getting their way.

It's pretty clear cut.
that must be why Darrell apologized? :eusa_whistle:

Sorry, remind me what he lost by apologizing for not handling it better? Did he admit the whole hearing was an exercise in witch hunting? No. Did he admit Cummings was not being a douche bag? No.
So your little gotcha is just that,a little gotcha.
In the meantime Lerner should be jailed for contempt and made to tell all she knows. Then she needs to do the perp walk to prison for a while.
that must be why Darrell apologized? :eusa_whistle:

I saw what happened.

He didn't act inappropriately. If anything, Cummings should have apologized.

Issa had nothing to apologize for.......but like most decent people, you apologize for losing your temper, but I can't blame him. Working with this den of vipers tends to try ones' patience.
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Darrell Issa is an obnoxious creep. With a personal net worth in hundreds of millions he is a leading member of the financial aristocracy which is gradually assuming control of our government.
Darrell Issa is an obnoxious creep. With a personal net worth in hundreds of millions he is a leading member of the financial aristocracy which is gradually assuming control of our government.

Yeah, and you're ugly. :mad:

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