Issue 1 in Ohio

That value should be left up to the owner of the baby factory tasked with growing it. Some people look at their unborn offspring as sacred, while others don't. I can understand both positions but what I don't understand is forcing those who don't believe every zygote is sacred into growing it.
Then why does society think it has standing to prosecute a mother who gets tired of a 3-day-old infant crying all the time and dumps said infant in a dumpster to die because her boyfriend gave her an ultimatum to lose the baby or lose him? Just because the baby crossed an arbitrary line, all of a sudden society values him/her more than the exhausted mother does and brings charges? Shouldn't she have the same autonomy and self-determination to decide she doesn't want to be a mother that she had just a few days or weeks earlier?

Here's why I think birth is this yuuuge deal. Before birth, you can't see a baby, you can't hear a baby, you can't hold a baby, so cutting said baby to pieces can be done without anyone having to deal with the reality of what's being done, except for those charged with making sure all the pieces come out. After birth, it's a different story. Someone has to hold a squirming baby, see and hear a squirming baby, and watch the death doctor deliberately kill the baby. Out of sight, out of mind.
And since Progs say women are superior in every way to men
I have never said that. I bet I could beat most of them in arm wrestling too!

Then why does society think it has standing to prosecute a mother who gets tired of a 3-day-old infant crying all the time and dumps said infant in a dumpster to die because her boyfriend gave her an ultimatum to lose the baby or lose him? Just because the baby crossed an arbitrary line, all of a sudden society values him/her more than the exhausted mother does and brings charges? Shouldn't she have the same autonomy and self-determination to decide she doesn't want to be a mother that she had just a few days or weeks earlier?

Because we the people decided that once you're born you are afforded certain rights. Ordinary care includes not being left in a dumpster to die. I can't recall a time when it was ever acceptable and not crime to abandon a baby.
No, it's not. It's a unique strand of human DNA. With luck and help from mom, it will develop into a viable human capable of sustaining "Being", and further growing as a living being. It's like calling an acorn an oak tree.
Comparing trees and humans is asinine! That child has it's dna coding that will make up every trait at conception!
I have never said that. I bet I could beat most of them in arm wrestling too!

Because we the people decided that once you're born you are afforded certain rights. Ordinary care includes not being left in a dumpster to die. I can't recall a time when it was ever acceptable and not crime to abandon a baby.
Exactly. Birth is an arbitrary boundary. We can discuss what standing society has on abortion, such as restrictions and limits, and based on what I've been seeing, that's not unlimited. That's what the states are hammering out now.
Your ass smoking is not my concern.

I've brought up topics like After Trump and you clowns are unable to discuss them reasonably much less put forth a logical argument.

You post a topic and if it interests me, I'll come kick you around like a soccer ball in Sweden. It won't take long. Your willingness to lie and your ignorance of the world around you will see to that.

LOL, all you do is parade your opinions as facts and do nothing to back it up except MAYBE post some other opinions as fact.

Run away little girl, run away.
Exactly. Birth is an arbitrary boundary. We can discuss what standing society has on abortion, such as restrictions and limits, and based on what I've been seeing, that's not unlimited. That's what the states are hammering out now.
It was settled federal law back under Bush part Deux.

Infant born alive act of 2002.

Comparing trees and humans is asinine! That child has it's dna coding that will make up every trait at conception!
Are you saying the Acorn's DNA coding was not created and complete for growing into an oak tree at it's conception?
lc 1
It is the endless fertilizations going on because of irresponsible behaviors.
nf 1
Jesus is related to the MAGA cult division that seeks to force full-term gestation on all women
nf 2
The morning after Ohio voters rejected a ban on abortions, Bannon grilled anti-abortion activist Frank Pavone, a laicized Catholic priest, because the movement had also lost statewide votes in Wisconsin and Kansas.
hdt 1
I've been talking about biology and the humanity of the unborn.
hdt 2
Can we not all just agree that an unborn child is in fact a human being so we can have an honest discussion about the very low value we place on that life?
hdt 3
. When we agree on the science, we can then have an honest discussion about the value we place on unborn human life and how sacred it is.
hdt 4
Pretending, moreover, that a human mother is pregnant with something other than a human being is, IMO, an attempt to dehumanize the baby so as to ease the consciences of those who wish to destroy that life for the convenience of the parents.
bb 1
Some people look at their unborn offspring as sacred, while others don't.

When poster lc 1 complains about inability to stop lawful and private “irresponsible behavior” it is based on the morality or religion of the poster. Do you agree?

MAGA is a white evangelical movement dedicated to stopping “irresponsible behavior” they perceive is all the fault of godless secular humanists devaluing the value of life during gestation. White Christian Jesus believers and MAGA are intertwined see nf 1

Steve Bannon did not chastise a biological scientist in quote nf 2 . Bannon singled out anti-abortion activist Frank Pavone, a laicized Catholic priest telling him to get his shit together because Bannon wants to rub people's noses in this. They're spiking the football!"

What does “humanity of the unborn” have to do with biology or dna science, conception and gestation.

Psychuc Crystal Ball Reader? In reference to hdt 4 what does your analysis have to do with science? What dies your moralistic commentary have to do that my conscience is not at ease due to my belief that government has absolutely no right to force full term gestation on women. My conscience is none of your business as a law abiding citizen who believes pregnant women have a right to do whatever they feel is right to live their lives without the risk of giving birth as a matter of choice.

BlindBoo is correct
Some people look at their unborn offspring as sacred, while others don't.
What they do is no one’s business but their’s .

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LOL, all you do is parade your opinions as facts and do nothing to back it up except MAYBE post some other opinions as fact.

Run away little girl, run away.
I post facts.
I link to actual factual data and reporting.

Your NEWSMAX, Babylon Bee, OAN "news" sites and your "WE HATE _________" sites are nothing more than the lies you spread here knucklefucker.

That you think an acorn is an oak tree, a egg is a chicken, and a caterpillar is a butterfly is all we need know about both your intellect and your sources.

That value should be left up to the owner of the baby factory tasked with growing it. Some people look at their unborn offspring as sacred, while others don't. I can understand both positions but what I don't understand is forcing those who don't believe every zygote is sacred into growing it.
If you have been indoctrinated by your religion or others that follow a religion, it's understandable.
Just because the baby crossed an arbitrary line,
It is not an arbitrary line.

If you want to help or understand women who develop post partum depression you have to first learn in your case that a fetus is part of the mother for 8 to 9 months and suddenly she is not.

Sleep deprivation can depress any good mom. I’m retired I am lucky. I’ve been spending half a day during the week helping mom when dad went back to work. My granddaughter is only 8 weeks old and she is being breast fed. I have no idea how mom and dad do it.

This mom is a stepdaughter who came into my life when she was six. We are so close dna and biology are meaningless. But this kid now in our lives has brought us closer than ever dreamed possible. I’m doing day care starting next month when both parents go back to work full time and because grandma is still working. So I’m it.

So get off my conscience .

Vote Democrat. The world will be better off

So goes Ohio So goes the nation
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Shouldn't she have the same autonomy and self-determination to decide she doesn't want to be a mother that she had just a few days or weeks earlier?
Prior to birth the fetal human being is part of the mother’s neurological system sustaining it’s vital organs including the fetal brain.

Birth is a biological instantaneous miraculous transformation and transition from the mother’s neurological system energized by her brain to a split second in time triggered by cutting the umbilical cord and the brain of the newborn takes over to sustain a brand spanking new INDEPENDENT life. Breathing air through lungs all controlled by an infant brain.

The new independent life can survive if the mother is not capable of caring for it.
This failed spectacularly.

It seems every time anti-abortion freaks out something on the ballot it fails
I post facts.
I link to actual factual data and reporting.

Your NEWSMAX, Babylon Bee, OAN "news" sites and your "WE HATE _________" sites are nothing more than the lies you spread here knucklefucker.

That you think an acorn is an oak tree, a egg is a chicken, and a caterpillar is a butterfly is all we need know about both your intellect and your sources.


What facts?

All you do is spew opinions, and bad ones at that.

A fertilized acorn is an oak tree by species, fertilized chicken egg contains a chicken, and caterpillar and butterfly are just growth phases of the same species.
Prior to birth the fetal human being is part of the mother’s neurological system sustaining it’s vital organs including the fetal brain.

Birth is a biological instantaneous miraculous transformation and transition from the mother’s neurological system energized by her brain to a split second in time triggered by cutting the umbilical cord and the brain of the newborn takes over to sustain a brand spanking new INDEPENDENT life. Breathing air through lungs all controlled by an infant brain.
I'd like to see your source on that because I remember watching my son's delivery. He was breathing, screaming and peeing well before the cord was cut.
The new independent life can survive if the mother is not capable of caring for it.
That's meaningless to democrats, however, if the baby is born alive due to a botched abortion. In that case, they insist the baby is not a human being and should legally be left to die or callously killed. Let the mom try that and she's in prison for a long time.

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