Issue 3 passed in Ohio, not good for Obama


Platinum Member
Aug 5, 2010
Looks like the big Issue that Obama attached his name too isn't fairing too well in Ohio. Not good for his election chances in 2012.
Looks like the big Issue that Obama attached his name too isn't fairing too well in Ohio. Not good for his election chances in 2012.

You really don't want to go there. Issue 2 got trounced in Ohio. This is a huge win for Democrats, Unions, and Obama, and it is a huge blow to Kasich and the Republicans.

As for Issue 3, that was expected, but it holds no weight against the healthcare legislation if it is upheld by the Supreme Court, because federal law takes precedence. Last of all, no matter what happens with the healthcare legislation, it is going to be tweaked and changed quite a bit over time.
Looks like the big Issue that Obama attached his name too isn't fairing too well in Ohio. Not good for his election chances in 2012.

You really don't want to go there. Issue 2 got trounced in Ohio. This is a huge win for Democrats, Unions, and Obama, and it is a huge blow to Kasich and the Republicans.

As for Issue 3, that was expected, but it holds no weight against the healthcare legislation if it is upheld by the Supreme Court, because federal law takes precedence. Last of all, no matter what happens with the healthcare legislation, it is going to be tweaked and changed quite a bit over time.

Except issue 3 is a referendum on Obama's prize piece of legislation. I would think the referendum on Obama's policies are going to be a stronger guage on how well Obama will do next year than whether Ohioans are upset with the Governor. Simply being upset with the governor doesnt necessarily translate into votes for Obama when they aren't happy with Obama either.
Looks like the big Issue that Obama attached his name too isn't fairing too well in Ohio. Not good for his election chances in 2012.

You really don't want to go there. Issue 2 got trounced in Ohio. This is a huge win for Democrats, Unions, and Obama, and it is a huge blow to Kasich and the Republicans.

As for Issue 3, that was expected, but it holds no weight against the healthcare legislation if it is upheld by the Supreme Court, because federal law takes precedence. Last of all, no matter what happens with the healthcare legislation, it is going to be tweaked and changed quite a bit over time.

Yeah. Issue 2 was the one I was watching Ohio collective bargaining law defeated in blow to GOP governor, victory for unions - The Washington Post
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Looks like the big Issue that Obama attached his name too isn't fairing too well in Ohio. Not good for his election chances in 2012.

You really don't want to go there. Issue 2 got trounced in Ohio. This is a huge win for Democrats, Unions, and Obama, and it is a huge blow to Kasich and the Republicans.

As for Issue 3, that was expected, but it holds no weight against the healthcare legislation if it is upheld by the Supreme Court, because federal law takes precedence. Last of all, no matter what happens with the healthcare legislation, it is going to be tweaked and changed quite a bit over time.

holds no weight? Well I guess that would mean Issue 2 holds no weight considering Issue 3 is passing by a bigger margin than Issue 2 is being defeated by. "You really don't wan't to go there"
Looks like the big Issue that Obama attached his name too isn't fairing too well in Ohio. Not good for his election chances in 2012.

You really don't want to go there. Issue 2 got trounced in Ohio. This is a huge win for Democrats, Unions, and Obama, and it is a huge blow to Kasich and the Republicans.

As for Issue 3, that was expected, but it holds no weight against the healthcare legislation if it is upheld by the Supreme Court, because federal law takes precedence. Last of all, no matter what happens with the healthcare legislation, it is going to be tweaked and changed quite a bit over time.

Democrats and Union get to bankrupt Ohio like the took care of Detroit! Woot!
Looks like the big Issue that Obama attached his name too isn't fairing too well in Ohio. Not good for his election chances in 2012.

You really don't want to go there. Issue 2 got trounced in Ohio. This is a huge win for Democrats, Unions, and Obama, and it is a huge blow to Kasich and the Republicans.

As for Issue 3, that was expected, but it holds no weight against the healthcare legislation if it is upheld by the Supreme Court, because federal law takes precedence. Last of all, no matter what happens with the healthcare legislation, it is going to be tweaked and changed quite a bit over time.

Yeah. Issue 2 was the one I was watching Ohio collective bargaining law defeated in blow to GOP governor, victory for unions - The Washington Post

And clearly, because you were watching issue two that is the better barometer how Barack Obama will do in 2012. Because clearly the voters not being happy with the GOP governor is going to benefit Obama despite the fact that the voters are even more unhappy with the biggest "accomplishment" that Barack Obama has had.
The big issue was Issue 2, and on that one the pro-labor side won by a somewhat wider than expected margin:

Ohio votes to overturn new collective bargaining law -

Issue 3 was about a law opting out of the ACA healthcare mandate:

Issue 2, Local Races Will Be Decided Tonight - 33 News - We Believe in This Valley

I didn't see much polling of Issue 3 but I would have been surprised if it didn't pass. Why wouldn't a popular vote reject an individual mandate on almost anything? I don't know what legal effect the law will have, though. If a federal law is constitutional (which, admittedly, some judges say is not true of ACA) then a state law can't supersede it.
See, its true, Obama's real approval is closer to 35% !!!! and doesnt Pennsylvania vote the same way Ohio does? now we wait and see what happens with virginia.
And clearly, because you were watching issue two that is the better barometer how Barack Obama will do in 2012. Because clearly the voters not being happy with the GOP governor is going to benefit Obama despite the fact that the voters are even more unhappy with the biggest "accomplishment" that Barack Obama has had.

You could be right, but I don't think so. I don't think we'll ever know for sure. Issue 2 was the one that people really seemed to care about (at least nationally, I'm supposing a bit that this was true in Ohio as well). People were predicting that a win on Issue 2 would energize the left and improve their organization/turnout. I'm skeptical of Issue 3's predictive power: it was a vote against the mandate not the healthcare law, which has measures (such as no denial of coverage for preexisting conditions) that have always been popular even as the mandate has always been unpopular.
Looks like the big Issue that Obama attached his name too isn't fairing too well in Ohio. Not good for his election chances in 2012.

You really don't want to go there. Issue 2 got trounced in Ohio. This is a huge win for Democrats, Unions, and Obama, and it is a huge blow to Kasich and the Republicans.

As for Issue 3, that was expected, but it holds no weight against the healthcare legislation if it is upheld by the Supreme Court, because federal law takes precedence. Last of all, no matter what happens with the healthcare legislation, it is going to be tweaked and changed quite a bit over time.

holds no weight? Well I guess that would mean Issue 2 holds no weight considering Issue 3 is passing by a bigger margin than Issue 2 is being defeated by. "You really don't wan't to go there"

Sorry, but Issue 2 is much more relevant. Most people didn't even understand Issue 3 as it was barely discussed or debated. It's a lot like Issue 1 that is going down to defeat. Issue 1 would have raised the age limit for judges to run for election. Currently, anyone over 70 cannot run for judge. Issue 1 would have raised the age to 75. I guess that means Ohioans hate old people and don't think an old person can be effective at anything. Either that or they just didn't understand the issue. When people don't fully understand, they go with the status quo.
The big issue was Issue 2, and on that one the pro-labor side won by a somewhat wider than expected margin:

Ohio votes to overturn new collective bargaining law -

Issue 3 was about a law opting out of the ACA healthcare mandate:

Issue 2, Local Races Will Be Decided Tonight - 33 News - We Believe in This Valley

I didn't see much polling of Issue 3 but I would have been surprised if it didn't pass. Why wouldn't a popular vote reject an individual mandate on almost anything? I don't know what legal effect the law will have, though. If a federal law is constitutional (which, admittedly, some judges say is not true of ACA) then a state law can't supersede it.

Why wouldn't a popular vote reject something that is supposedly harmful to police and firefighters? Who cares what legal effect the law has? It shows how the voters feel about it. I'm sure they would be just thriiiiiiiiiiiiiilllllllllllled if the supreme court and Obama shoved it down their throat. That'll get him reelected
You really don't want to go there. Issue 2 got trounced in Ohio. This is a huge win for Democrats, Unions, and Obama, and it is a huge blow to Kasich and the Republicans.

As for Issue 3, that was expected, but it holds no weight against the healthcare legislation if it is upheld by the Supreme Court, because federal law takes precedence. Last of all, no matter what happens with the healthcare legislation, it is going to be tweaked and changed quite a bit over time.

holds no weight? Well I guess that would mean Issue 2 holds no weight considering Issue 3 is passing by a bigger margin than Issue 2 is being defeated by. "You really don't wan't to go there"

Sorry, but Issue 2 is much more relevant. Most people didn't even understand Issue 3 as it was barely discussed or debated. It's a lot like Issue 1 that is going down to defeat. Issue 1 would have raised the age limit for judges to run for election. Currently, anyone over 70 cannot run for judge. Issue 1 would have raised the age to 75. I guess that means Ohioans hate old people and don't think an old person can be effective at anything. Either that or they just didn't understand the issue. When people don't fully understand, they go with the status quo.

um actually most people don't understand issue 2 ... did you read Senate bill 5? I did.
Looks like the big Issue that Obama attached his name too isn't fairing too well in Ohio. Not good for his election chances in 2012.

You really don't want to go there. Issue 2 got trounced in Ohio. This is a huge win for Democrats, Unions, and Obama, and it is a huge blow to Kasich and the Republicans.

As for Issue 3, that was expected, but it holds no weight against the healthcare legislation if it is upheld by the Supreme Court, because federal law takes precedence. Last of all, no matter what happens with the healthcare legislation, it is going to be tweaked and changed quite a bit over time.

Wait a minute, issue 3 was what? Expected? The people voted against Obamacare and the left thinks is's OK ...because it was expected? The Supreme court will fix it? How are they going to fix Obama's defeat?
You really don't want to go there. Issue 2 got trounced in Ohio. This is a huge win for Democrats, Unions, and Obama, and it is a huge blow to Kasich and the Republicans.

As for Issue 3, that was expected, but it holds no weight against the healthcare legislation if it is upheld by the Supreme Court, because federal law takes precedence. Last of all, no matter what happens with the healthcare legislation, it is going to be tweaked and changed quite a bit over time.

holds no weight? Well I guess that would mean Issue 2 holds no weight considering Issue 3 is passing by a bigger margin than Issue 2 is being defeated by. "You really don't wan't to go there"

Sorry, but Issue 2 is much more relevant. Most people didn't even understand Issue 3 as it was barely discussed or debated. It's a lot like Issue 1 that is going down to defeat. Issue 1 would have raised the age limit for judges to run for election. Currently, anyone over 70 cannot run for judge. Issue 1 would have raised the age to 75. I guess that means Ohioans hate old people and don't think an old person can be effective at anything. Either that or they just didn't understand the issue. When people don't fully understand, they go with the status quo.

actually Issue 1 contained two other amendments to the Constitution as well that people didn't care to mention
I was watching issue 2 because I wanted to see if the Tea Party really had any momentum in their crusade against public sector unions. It appears after Wisconsin that particular crusade is over.

I do think that issue 3 passing is the bigger deal. When folks hate your signature pie e of legislation enough they're willing to resurrect nullification, that's a big deal.

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