Issues on which I disagree with the right

I saw an interview with Kelly Johnson, developer of the SR-71 Blackbird. He stated during the interview that he was authorized to say that the SR-71 was capable of flying Mach 2 plus. The reporter asked plus what to which Johnson responded that at some point the plus becomes irrelevant. The SR-71 was developed in the 60s. I would hazard a guess that the US has had "hypersonic" (Mach 5 plus) capabilities for at least 50 years. I would say not to worry.
Yeah, in the military we were never allowed to say exactly what speed our systems could go. It was always such-and-such-PLUS. Or "more than such-and-such".
By the same token, marriage is a religious institution and as such, the government has no right to demand that they allow same sex unions within churches.
The government does not force churches to perform same-sex marriages.
That possibility exists. Once again they are starting this UFO business. I never believed in little green men traveling here from another planet so far away our telescopes couldn't even see them. I always believed it was made up by our military when they test new vehicles. When people see strange things that are never seen before, they want answers. So UFO's is the best they can do. So now the air force has launched an investigation into all these new UFO sightings, since the UFO's took a break for about fifteen years or so and now they're back.
As someone who works in the defense industry, I can tell you one of the "UFOs" which made the news was definitely not from outer space.
What did I tell you leftists repeatedly about trying to win debates using lies? Once you tell a lie you lost the argument right there.

Donald Trump reduced border crossings by 90% from the beginning of 2019 until the end. Trump built a few miles of new wall but replaced over 460 miles of replacement wall, many cases nothing but vehicle barriers that an 80 year old grandmother could cross.

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Trying to blame Trump for a worldwide pandemic is like when you people tried to blame him for California wildfires. It's a lie so obvious it smacks you square in the face. However under Trump, the US had the least GDP damage of all G7 countries outside of China, and the only reason they beat us is because they knew about the virus weeks before they told anybody else in the world. That and commie cities and states closed down stopping people from working.
Trump achieved the highest death count on the planet, calling it a hoax and saying he would have it down to zero in a matter of days and that it would go away by itself. He opposed testing for the insanely upside down and backwards reason that it would raise the number of cases.

Trump is all about optics. He didn't want to know the true number, believing it would make him look bad. And that bit him and America in the ass big-time.
I joined Young Americans for Freedom (YAF) when I was 14. An organization created by the late, great Bill Buckley. At YAF conventions, I rubbed elbows with a lot of libertarians. One of them gave me a ZGG (Zero Government Growth) button which I wore for years until I enlisted.

I have a fairly wide libertarian streak in me, but I have a few disagreements with the Libertarian platform.

However, my disagreements with the LP are less than my disagreements with the Trump cult of personality (formerly known as the Republican Party). So I voted for Jo Jorgensen in the last election.

Despite my differences with hardcore libertarians, I have always greatly admired and respected how firmly they stick to their principles, whereas the Republicans sacrifice their principles in a heartbeat on the altar of government power. And the way all those cucks dropped to their knees and gobbled huckster Trump's cock was sickening.

The GOP has pretty much lost my vote forever.
Oh, and fuck you....You're the last asshole around here I want on my side.
It's completely called for...I've run up to kick the football too many times in the past, to suffer having it yanked away again....I have every reason in the world to be jaded.

The onus is upon you....Action, action, action....Deliver on the promise or STFU.
"This time I really, really, really will build the wall, and replace Obamacare, and balance the budget, and provide 6 percent GDP growth, and release my tax returns, and will be too busy to go golf."

"That I can tell you. Bleev me."

Are there any issues on which you agree with the right?

Alternatively, are there any issues on which you aren’t really just basically a left winger?

Sleepless in the Empire State
It's completely called for...I've run up to kick the football too many times in the past, to suffer having it yanked away again....I have every reason in the world to be jaded.

The onus is upon you....Action, action, action....Deliver on the promise or STFU.
I don't suspect anyone cares about you or your football and I certainly don't care if you are jaded much less what your version of "action" is.

My goodness, could it be you are just mad because someone else is pleased with a election result that they worked hard for? Man, what a loser.
I don't suspect anyone cares about you or your football and I certainly don't care if you are jaded much less what your version of "action" is.

My goodness, could it be you are just mad because someone else is pleased with a election result that they worked hard for? Man, what a loser.
Not mad at all.....Just not going to get sucked in by the hype that an (R) win is going to mean anything, until the moment that it does in fact mean something.

You got the ball....Now do something with it more than moving past the opposing 40 yard line...Until such a point in time, you're just blowing as much smoke as the smoke blowers of the last 50 years.
Not mad at all.....Just not going to get sucked in by the hype that an (R) win is going to mean anything, until the moment that it does in fact mean something.

You got the ball....Now do something with it more than moving past the opposing 40 yard line...Until such a point in time, you're just blowing as much smoke as the smoke blowers of the last 50 years.

Oh so you are just a surly bore that stands for nothing.....Got it.....Later days Mr. Graybar, I don't have time for losers.
Oh so you are just a surly bore that stands for nothing.....Got it.....Later days Mr. Graybar, I don't have time for losers.
I stand for a lot of things......I just don't put up with being gaslighted anymore.

Oh, I get it now....You're just laying the groundwork for that magical moment when you realize that you've failed to deliver on the promise, and need someone to poo-poo as a "purist".

Your spiel is old news, pal.

Do something with the win or STFU.
Trump achieved the highest death count on the planet, calling it a hoax and saying he would have it down to zero in a matter of days and that it would go away by itself. He opposed testing for the insanely upside down and backwards reason that it would raise the number of cases.

Trump is all about optics. He didn't want to know the true number, believing it would make him look bad. And that bit him and America in the ass big-time.

Do you have a link with Trump saying he's against testing? Well if Trump is responsible for covid deaths, then Dementia is even more responsible since more Americans died under his watch. And Trump didn't have three vaccines and advanced therapeutics like Dementia had either.

Then of course is the idiocy of people that believe a US President can control a microorganism that travels through the air. But as I said earlier, if you didn't have lies, you'd have no argument at all.
"This time I really, really, really will build the wall, and replace Obamacare, and balance the budget, and provide 6 percent GDP growth, and release my tax returns, and will be too busy to go golf."

"That I can tell you. Bleev me."

So bring up that bullshit, as if Trump was the first. So tell the rest of the class, can you name the last President that never lied about anything or didn't carry through with everything he said he would? I didn't think so.
I joined Young Americans for Freedom (YAF) when I was 14. An organization created by the late, great Bill Buckley. At YAF conventions, I rubbed elbows with a lot of libertarians. One of them gave me a ZGG (Zero Government Growth) button which I wore for years until I enlisted.

I have a fairly wide libertarian streak in me, but I have a few disagreements with the Libertarian platform.

However, my disagreements with the LP are less than my disagreements with the Trump cult of personality (formerly known as the Republican Party). So I voted for Jo Jorgensen in the last election.

Despite my differences with hardcore libertarians, I have always greatly admired and respected how firmly they stick to their principles, whereas the Republicans sacrifice their principles in a heartbeat on the altar of government power. And the way all those cucks dropped to their knees and gobbled huckster Trump's cock was sickening.

The GOP has pretty much lost my vote forever.
Too bad you only praised the libertarians instead of offering an issue that is debatable. I found some of them to have a very shallow understanding of history. It was in a book they were giving away, Faucets of Liberty. I realized a foreign policy based on a shallow understanding of history was a poor policy at best.

Yes, you don't like Trump, that is sad and ridiculous.
There is a difference between liberty and a lawless society.
A lawless society is an uncivilized society. And where did you read these comments similar to mine? As long as I've been on USMB, I'm the only one I know of that said I'd be a libertarian but.............
Some in this thread, some elsewhere. But I'm not really interested in 'proving' it to you. If you don't believe me, so be it.
Libertarian, eh? In this country the Libertarian Party has only received 2 electoral college votes in presidential elections. Both were from faithless electors.
Have you ever thought about that?
Thats because most humans prefer to be told when to wipe their ass. You ideological hacks say you are against forms of tyranny but you really crave it.
Its fucking pathetic. So, thanks for bringing that up :thup:
Tough shit...

You will not fearmonger, shame, nor browbeat me into supporting your party's 100+ years of slow burn despotism.....Those are the tactics of the people you claim to oppose....You sure you're not a democrat?

Deliver a party that follows through on its promises or STFU.
Trump delivered! why were you against him? He wasn't part of either party.

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