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Issues that conservatives suddenly don't care about ..

Just wait until the spending cuts are announced, and you'll be screaming chicken little....
Since Republicans as group get the most welfare and food stamps, you won't be able to hear Democrats over the screaming.

It's Official: White Folks in Red States are the Biggest Food Stamp 'Moochers' in the Country!


And she's a 9 in Conservatopia.
now that Trump is elected , cons have quickly forgotten issues that really bothered them under Obama.

Debt/deficit : 20 trillion!! Bah, who cares . Let's build giant walls and double the military. Costs be damn !

Prez security budget: Obama couldn't go to dinner without a story of how it cost taxpayers trillions . Now trump will be commuting from DC to manhattan on a daily basis . That's cool!

States rights : sanctuary city? You
Must bow to the Feds directives , at your own cost!

What else ? I had more but forgot .

Helping blue collar workers make more. I'm already hearing Republicans revert back to their 2007 arguments that blue collar workers are responsible for their crappy lives and that if they want to make more they need to go back to school or get another job.

I'm ok with this because I went to school. Why should a uneducated factory worker make as much as I do? I think its better for society overall if they do make more not less but since they didn't show up and vote Democratic then why should I continue to argue fight and worry about them?

Here is what the fact is about blue collar. The corporations have renigged on the social contract they had with workers prior to the 1970's. Back then if the company made $100 profit it gave workers 33%, execs got 33% and shareholders got 33%. Today corporations and shareholders get it all. No reason to give blue collar labor a share of the profits. If they want more money they need to stop being blue collar. Republicans don't care how much profits the corporations make they are not obligated to give the employees a share of the profits.
You almost gotta laugh that hypocrite lefties are suddenly worried about the national debit when a republican is elected
Not true. When Clinton left a surplus with a projected surplus of 5 tillion over ten years, Democrats warned the GOP of the making the disastrous and deficit creating Bush Tax cuts which Obama only extended because of GOP blackmail.

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says

Then the Medicare Part D which Republicans only passed to get votes from seniors which cost more than the Affordable Care Act which people pay for.

And remember, both were passed through reconciliation which means there was nothing Democrats could do to stop either. Republicans used reconciliation three times under Bush.

So surprised you right wingernuts keep repeating the same discredited shit. Why cling to lies. The truth will set you free.
now that Trump is elected , cons have quickly forgotten issues that really bothered them under Obama.

Debt/deficit : 20 trillion!! Bah, who cares . Let's build giant walls and double the military. Costs be damn !

Prez security budget: Obama couldn't go to dinner without a story of how it cost taxpayers trillions . Now trump will be commuting from DC to manhattan on a daily basis . That's cool!

States rights : sanctuary city? You
Must bow to the Feds directives , at your own cost!

What else ? I had more but forgot .

Helping blue collar workers make more. I'm already hearing Republicans revert back to their 2007 arguments that blue collar workers are responsible for their crappy lives and that if they want to make more they need to go back to school or get another job.

I'm ok with this because I went to school. Why should a uneducated factory worker make as much as I do? I think its better for society overall if they do make more not less but since they didn't show up and vote Democratic then why should I continue to argue fight and worry about them?

Here is what the fact is about blue collar. The corporations have renigged on the social contract they had with workers prior to the 1970's. Back then if the company made $100 profit it gave workers 33%, execs got 33% and shareholders got 33%. Today corporations and shareholders get it all. No reason to give blue collar labor a share of the profits. If they want more money they need to stop being blue collar. Republicans don't care how much profits the corporations make they are not obligated to give the employees a share of the profits.
Republicans call that good business.
now that Trump is elected , cons have quickly forgotten issues that really bothered them under Obama.

Debt/deficit : 20 trillion!! Bah, who cares . Let's build giant walls and double the military. Costs be damn !

Prez security budget: Obama couldn't go to dinner without a story of how it cost taxpayers trillions . Now trump will be commuting from DC to manhattan on a daily basis . That's cool!

States rights : sanctuary city? You
Must bow to the Feds directives , at your own cost!

What else ? I had more but forgot .

The debt will be an issue for me, just as it has been for a long time. Commuting, vacations have never been an issue with me, so who really cares. Sanctuary cities are not states rights, that is just a stupid idea.

So nothing much has changed with me, I bet you will be all about spending now.
Obamacare must go!
Well, some of it might stay. In fact, I'm not going to say what will really go and what will stay.

Close the mosques!
Just kidding.

Build the wall, and make Mexico pay!
...or maybe a fence. We can build that whether or not Mexico pays.

Lock her up!
Well, no, I wouldn't want to do that.

(mumble, grumble) gay marriage!
(grumble, mumble) gay marriage.

Deport 12 million in 2 years!
Well, maybe 3 million in four years.

Torture works!
but, I guess not.....

If I don't win the election, I may not accept the results!
Three million two hundred thousand, six hundred and thirty one illegals voted for Hillary, Otherwise, I would have won the popular vote. they aren't accepting the results, and so they are sore losers. Never mind where I got that information.
If Trump just does three things, i'll be satisfied with his Presidency...

(1) Aggressively attempt to secure the border, (2) rebuild Hussein's broken Immigration System, and (3) appoint Supreme Court Justices who aren't Anti-American Globalists.

That's all i require of Trump. I know the rest isn't gonna change, regardless of which Party controls the White House. So i'm only concerned with getting those three things done at this point. Donald Trump's no staunch Conservative or Constitutionalist. Republicans shouldn't delude themselves into believing he is. I'm just gonna take what i can get at this point. That's the current state of things.
How do you end preexisting conditions without a mandate?
Yes. That's the question. It has nothing to do with auto insurance.

Try to focus, wingnut.

The "pre-existing conditions" bugbear is a ruse.......


Because that's not how insurance works.

Still appears you have no idea what you are talking about

Does it? How so?
Lowest wage workers do make enough to eat. They can do what I did and share an apartment if they can't afford to live on their own. They will not improve until socialist assholes like you are beat down into non-relevance and business thrives once again.

Businesses ARE thriving. Wages, as a percentage of costs, are at their lowest levels since the Guilded Age. American businesses are SITTING on more cash than at any time in history. There are more millionaires and billionaires than at any time in history.

It's the workers who aren't thriving. And that's because Ronald Reagan weighted the tax code in favour of the wealthy, under the theory that the wealth would "trickle down" to the workers. It's time to acknowledge that it hasn't worked. Poverty has trickled up.

It doesn't matter how many jobs anyone creates in the United States. As long as Saint Ronnie's tax code, as amended by George W. Bush, stays in effect. The rich will continue to get richer, and the rest of you will continue to get poorer.

That you're too dumb to see it is truly the result of 30 years of starving the public education system into non-relevance.

because Ronald Reagan weighted the tax code in favour of the wealthy,

Tell me more!

under the theory that the wealth would "trickle down" to the workers.

No such theory.

It's time to acknowledge that it hasn't worked. Poverty has trickled up.

Clinton and Obama were President for 16 years, they both raised taxes, why couldn't they fix things?
You almost gotta laugh that hypocrite lefties are suddenly worried about the national debit when a republican is elected
Not true. When Clinton left a surplus with a projected surplus of 5 tillion over ten years, Democrats warned the GOP of the making the disastrous and deficit creating Bush Tax cuts which Obama only extended because of GOP blackmail.

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says

Then the Medicare Part D which Republicans only passed to get votes from seniors which cost more than the Affordable Care Act which people pay for.

And remember, both were passed through reconciliation which means there was nothing Democrats could do to stop either. Republicans used reconciliation three times under Bush.

So surprised you right wingernuts keep repeating the same discredited shit. Why cling to lies. The truth will set you free.

When Clinton left a surplus with a projected surplus of 5 tillion over ten years,

If only the Internet Bubble had lasted another 10 years, moron.

Democrats warned the GOP of the making the disastrous and deficit creating Bush Tax cuts

Is that why Obama kept most of them? DERP!
Just wait until the spending cuts are announced, and you'll be screaming chicken little....
Since Republicans as group get the most welfare and food stamps, you won't be able to hear Democrats over the screaming.

It's Official: White Folks in Red States are the Biggest Food Stamp 'Moochers' in the Country!


Oh put a sock in it with this Red State thing already:

Paul Krugman is in puzzlement, having observed that Red States get more welfare funding, while Republican voters oppose the welfare state. He portrays Republicans as “Moochers” who are either hypocritical or too stupid to know their own best interest.

But as we know, states do not vote, individuals do. There is only a paradox if Republican voters receive welfare at above average rates while voting against it. From the Gellman-paradox we know that the low-income voters who drag down the Red States average tend to vote disproportionally for Democrats. Republican voters earn significantly more than Democrats, even though Red state earn less than Blue states.

Krugman reports no individual level data, so let me. The Maxwell Poll has detailed information about welfare use. The data is from 2004-2007. During this period in these polls a plurality of voters supported Democrats. I will graph the two-party vote, more data is at the end.


Hardly surprising, we see that in a two-party split, 60-80% of welfare recipients are Democrats, while full time Workers are evenly divided between parties.

You have similar results in this recent NPR-Poll. Among the Long Term Unemployed, 72% of the two-party support goes to Democrats.
maybe Mexico will pay for part of it. As for the military, if Trump can get our allies who currently benefit from our military presence to foot the bill, it would be a huge step in bringing down cost. I also believe Trump has plans to bring money back into the US that Hillary was happy to chase away.

I looked at Romney's plan when he was running and had his presidential web site. The reason money stays overseas is what else? Taxation. Trillions of dollars multinational companies keep away from the US. Romney wanted to eliminate that tax code so at least the money would come back to the US.

What good could it do? I don't know. But I do know it's not a good thing keeping it there instead of here. Hopefully Trump looks into that part of the tax code.
now that Trump is elected , cons have quickly forgotten issues that really bothered them under Obama.

Debt/deficit : 20 trillion!! Bah, who cares . Let's build giant walls and double the military. Costs be damn !

Prez security budget: Obama couldn't go to dinner without a story of how it cost taxpayers trillions . Now trump will be commuting from DC to manhattan on a daily basis . That's cool!

States rights : sanctuary city? You
Must bow to the Feds directives , at your own cost!

What else ? I had more but forgot .
He won't be accepting the salary he is supposed to get. See not in office yet and is saving us money already.
Saving $400K per year on salary but then wasting $1,000,000 a day to keep his family in New York.

Oh, and by the way, it's unconstitutional for the president to not get paid. He can donate his salary if he wants but it's still going to cost tax payers $400K per year.
Saving $400K per year on salary but then wasting $1,000,000 a day to keep his family in New York.

Oh, and by the way, it's unconstitutional for the president to not get paid. He can donate his salary if he wants but it's still going to cost tax payers $400K per year.

It's unconstitutional for a President to not accept presidential pay? Where is that written?
now that Trump is elected , cons have quickly forgotten issues that really bothered them under Obama.

Debt/deficit : 20 trillion!! Bah, who cares . Let's build giant walls and double the military. Costs be damn !

Prez security budget: Obama couldn't go to dinner without a story of how it cost taxpayers trillions . Now trump will be commuting from DC to manhattan on a daily basis . That's cool!

States rights : sanctuary city? You
Must bow to the Feds directives , at your own cost!

What else ? I had more but forgot .
He won't be accepting the salary he is supposed to get. See not in office yet and is saving us money already.
Saving $400K per year on salary but then wasting $1,000,000 a day to keep his family in New York.

Oh, and by the way, it's unconstitutional for the president to not get paid. He can donate his salary if he wants but it's still going to cost tax payers $400K per year.

Impeach him then.
I can't believe people here are still underestimating Trumps ability to make things happen. We're talking about a billionaire who just won an election most thought was impossible. lol

Now that he's won, I'm looking forward to seeing what he can accomplish.
now that Trump is elected , cons have quickly forgotten issues that really bothered them under Obama.

Debt/deficit : 20 trillion!! Bah, who cares . Let's build giant walls and double the military. Costs be damn !

Prez security budget: Obama couldn't go to dinner without a story of how it cost taxpayers trillions . Now trump will be commuting from DC to manhattan on a daily basis . That's cool!

States rights : sanctuary city? You
Must bow to the Feds directives , at your own cost!

What else ? I had more but forgot .
He won't be accepting the salary he is supposed to get. See not in office yet and is saving us money already.
Saving $400K per year on salary but then wasting $1,000,000 a day to keep his family in New York.

Oh, and by the way, it's unconstitutional for the president to not get paid. He can donate his salary if he wants but it's still going to cost tax payers $400K per year.

Impeach him then.
I would have to be a member of the House to do that. But my guess is the odds are better than 50% he will get impeached for something at some point.

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