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It ain’t chess!


Sep 23, 2010

1. The Ryan-Biden debate will end in a draw.

2. The second debate between Romney and Hussein will end in a draw.

Both debates will end in dead heats for the same reasons:

1. Neither Biden nor Hussein can defend their foreign policy records; so they will paint them with the usual International community whitewash.

2. Romney and Ryan will wrap themselves in the flag to no avail.

If they were playing chess Hussein would be maneuvering for a draw because he knows he cannot win. American voters already know that Hussein’s Arab Spring handed Egypt and Libya to the Muslim Brotherhood. Americans voters know about the attacks on our embassies around the world. Americans know that the war against Islamic fundamentalists is ongoing regardless of Hussein’s denial and Osama bin Laden’s demise.

Nothing either candidate will say about those issues is a mind-changer. Not one of Hussein’s failures will cost him a single vote on November 6. Romney wrapping himself in the flag will not gain him a single vote on November 6.


If economic talk does not put viewers to sleep, or make them surf on outta there, Ryan’s biggest guns should open fire when the debate gets around to foreign policy because that is where Biden is most vulnerable. Everyone knows that Ryan is well-versed in economic issues. That’s not enough. He better be prepared on UN treaties as well as prepared to defend how Americans feel about broader foreign policy issues if he expects more than a draw.

When then-Senator Biden was chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee he tried his damnedest to ratify the LOST. On top of the LOST he supported every unratified United Nations treaty ever written. Ryan has only to ask Biden one question: “Why do you want to give the United Nations the authority to tax the American people?”

In the event Biden is dumb enough to answer, Ryan can show that the authority to tax is hidden in every UN treaty no matter what it is called. Even if Biden skirts around the issue with double-talk, his decades of vulnerability rubs off on Hussein more effectively than a bumper-sticker one-liner.

NOTE: Ryan’s staff should remind him that Tea Partiers defeated Richard Lugar in his nomination fight. Lugar was Biden’s strongest Republican ally in trying to ratify the LOST.

Were I debating Biden, I would simply call him a goddamned traitor and show why. Ryan cannot say it my way, but he can use UN treaties to show exactly how Biden feels about this country. In case you have doubts these excerpts could have been written with Biden in mind:

However, no sooner had the 34th Republican senator signed a letter opposing LOST than the surrender of American sovereignty was put back on the table by foreign diplomats and their internationalist allies in the federal government.


The globalist ideologues behind these treaties are either ignorant of or hostile to the universal human experience that problems are best solved by the people and institutions closest to them. So assured are these masters of their mandate to direct the lives and wealth of other people that they see their routine failures to do so efficiently at the local, state and national level merely as reason to ascend to new heights of international command and control.


In exchange for gaining something it already has, then, the United States would, under LOST, surrender billions, possibly trillions, in royalty payments for oil and gas produced from our Outer Continental Shelf. At the same time, the treaty would expose our citizens to frivolous lawsuits in international courts.

LOST would trade in our Constitution for a vague 200-page compact drafted by foreign diplomats. It would trade in our Founding Fathers for the United Nations, and “we the people” for “you the foreign secretaries we’ve never heard of and didn’t elect.”


In the end, for all their titles and credentials, the globalists are just liberal politicians with well-worn passports. It is not some new form of international harmony they seek but just larger institutions from which to impose their old, discredited agenda.

They see the U.S. Constitution as an obstacle to progress and so seek to supersede it by any means available to them. The debates about these treaties are not about the legalistic minutiae they contain but the sovereign citizenry they threaten.

U.N. treaties mean LOST U.S. sovereignty (Washington Times 07/25/2012)
By Sen. James M. Inhofe and Sen. Jim DeMint
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

.: United States Senator James Inhofe :: Press Room :.


Naturally, Romney is the main attraction. Hussein does not have Biden’s long history of betraying this country that Romney can attack; nevertheless, Hussein’s vulnerability in foreign policy is no less than Biden’s. Hussein’s brief time in the Senate, plus four years in the White House, is more than enough time to prove his love for the United Nations coupled with his bitter, near pathological, hatred for this country. The trick is get Hussein to defend his hatred so it becomes obvious.

American Communists, with a lot of help from the MSM, have been getting away with International community garbage since 1945. Romney will be lucky to get a draw if he plays Hussein’s foreign policy game. Romney’s best weapon is Hussein’s need to guard his words. No matter how well Hussein prepares —— if Romney brings the foreign policy debate around to the United Nations, UN treaties, and sovereignty, I guarantee Hussein will crack. No American can justify the United Nations over sovereignty; least of all Hussein who is as shallow as the rhetoric and platitudes he has been spewing around since 2008.

Finally, presidential debates give new meaning to the word “BORING.” Identifying the United Nations as America’s enemy is the only issue that will make Hussein’s voters change their minds. Romney has nothing to lose and everything to gain by hanging the United Nations around Hussein’s neck.
Ryan's biggest problem is that Biden has set the bar so low for his own performance that he can hardly disappoint. Ryan would do better to ignore Biden and focus on explaining how Obama's policies are detrimental to the economy.
Ryan's biggest problem is that Biden has set the bar so low for his own performance that he can hardly disappoint. Ryan would do better to ignore Biden and focus on explaining how Obama's policies are detrimental to the economy.

To jwoodie: Paul Ryan’s biggest problem might be the debate moderator, Martha Raddatz, if she is anything like the guy doing the interview in this video:

Note that Raddatz is chief foreign correspondent for ABC —— a network known for its liberal bias; so you know Biden is going to get all of the help Raddatz can get away with irrespective of where he set the bar.

The Huffington Post | By Adam Goldberg Posted: 10/08/2012 8:00 pm EDT Updated: 10/08/2012 9:44 pm EDT

Paul Ryan Abruptly Ends Interview After 'Strange' Question (VIDEO)
Nobody cares about the vice president debate..........its an afterthought at this point, except to the k00ks desperate to score a point or two on this forum. Very few voters give a crap and the empty chair is now etched in peoples minds.
Nobody cares about the vice president debate..........its an afterthought at this point, except to the k00ks desperate to score a point or two on this forum. Very few voters give a crap and the empty chair is now etched in peoples minds.

Generally I would agree. But the expectations in this one for Biden are higher because the boss laid such a huge egg before nearly 70 million viewers last week. And polls are now beginning to reflect just how damaging it really was.

Biden doesn't have to win decisively although it would be good if he could, but he, they, can't afford a bad loss. Two asses kicked in a week by the other team could very well be disastrous for the regime. So the pressure's all on Joe to not screw it up, which I wouldn't consider a soothing thought if I was a Dimocrat.
Ryan should ask Biden to explain how Obama buried the middle class and how its a depression for million of Americans
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Nobody cares about the vice president debate..........its an afterthought at this point, except to the k00ks desperate to score a point or two on this forum. Very few voters give a crap and the empty chair is now etched in peoples minds.

To skookerasbil: Not so because foreign policy is getting more media coverage in this campaign than in any election in my adult life. Increased media coverage has to be drumming up interest in the vice presidential debate. Wars, events in foreign countries, etc., were covered, but never the broader topic of overall foreign policy the way it is being discussed today.

Hussein cannot now distance himself from Biden’s sorry 40 year record of being wrong about everything. If nothing else, Paul Ryan has an opportunity to lay a solid foundation for Romney’s foreign policy debate. After all, Hussein picked Biden for his foreign policy expertise:

WASHINGTON — Senator Barack Obama introduced Senator Joseph R. Biden Jr. as his running mate on Saturday at a boisterous rally in Springfield, Ill., a choice that strengthens the Democratic ticket’s credentials on foreign policy and provides Mr. Obama a combative partner as he heads into the fight with Senator John McCain.

Obama’s Pick Adds Foreign Expertise to Ticket
Published: August 23, 2008


Incidentally, Democrats are crowing foreign policy victory by claiming Hussein ended one war and is ending another. The fact is: Hussein is cutting and running in two BATTLES in the ongoing WAR started by Muslims. Hussein-Biden foreign policy strategy is simple: Cut and run and call it a victory.

NOTE: Biden advocated cut and run while the battle in Iraq was raging, just as he advocated cut and run in the BATTLE of Vietnam against communism during the COLD WAR. Biden’s thinking always loses a battle without ending the war. In Iraq and Afghanistan, Biden and his kind gave the enemy hope for a political victory —— a victory Hussein is now delivering.
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CNN’s Candy Crowley will be in deep do-do with media liberals should Martha Raddatz give Paul Ryan a short count. Crowley might have to play it straight. Two moderators in a row with a liberal bias will be a tough sell even for the Left’s spinmeisters:

As Jim Lehrer, the moderator of last week’s presidential debate in Denver comes under continued fire from his professional colleagues, radio giant Rush Limbaugh is predicting a different tact by the media in charge of the next debate between President Obama and Republican nominee Mitt Romney.

“Here’s the thing to look out for. The thing to look out for is the moderator in the next debate,” Limbaugh said this afternoon.

“Whoever the moderator is will be under orders to stifle Romney and to cut short answers to questions or reactions to Obama. That’s why they’re mad at Jim Lehrer of PBS, that Lehrer didn’t shut Romney down at the point in time, many points in time that he was shellacking Obama. He didn’t enforce the rules on time limits and so forth.”

The next presidential debate is slated for Tuesday night, Oct. 16, at Hofstra University in Hempstead, N.Y.

It will be moderated by CNN’s Candy Crowley, and will take the form of a town meeting, in which citizens will ask questions of the candidates on foreign and domestic issues.


There’s also a vice-presidential debate set for this Thursday night at Centre College in Danville, Ky., with Martha Raddatz of ABC News the moderator.

Limbaugh: Media will stifle Mitt at next debate
Radio giant: 'Here's the thing to look out for'
Published: 3 hours ago

Limbaugh: Media will stifle Mitt at next debate
It looks like Rush Limbaugh (and yours truly) are not the only ones with doubts about moderators. I’m not much interested in the debates, but I wait with bated breath for the spin:

I find it disturbing that ABC selected a moderator who has a personal connection to one of the candidates (surprise, surprise; that candidate is a Democrat). And I find it deplorable that ABC failed to disclose Raddatz’s personal connection.

The MSM has rallied to Raddatz’s defense. But this show of support should only make Republicans more nervous, not less so. The MSM has no interest in a fair debate. Its members overwhelmingly want to see Obama win the election and they understand that the debates have become a critical means to that end.

CNN’s Candy Crowley, who will moderate next week’s presidential debate, gave the game away when she accused the Daily Caller of trying to get into Raddatz’s head. Crowley, it would seem, wants Raddatz to feel free to tilt towards Obama-Biden.

“Why don’t we watch Martha and see how she does?” Crowley asked. Because by then it will be too late, just as it will be with Crowley herself.

Posted on October 10, 2012 by Paul Mirengoff in 2012 Presidential Election, Media Bias, Vice presidential debate

ABC News’ version of a proper debate moderator | Power Line

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