It Ain’t ‘Just History’ If It Is Happening Now


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
The Great Yogi famously opined “'It's tough to make predictions, especially about the future'”

But just a tad easier if you know the past.

1. The take-over of a nation by an alien ideology is not new.​

“The Thirty Tyrants

The deal that the American elite chose … has a precedent in the history of Athens and Sparta

The example Machiavelli gives… is the friendly government Sparta established in Athens upon defeating it after 27 years of war in 404 BCE. For the upper caste of an Athenian elite already contemptuous of democracy, the city’s defeat in the Peloponnesian War confirmed that Sparta’s system was preferable. It was a high-spirited military aristocracy ruling over a permanent servant class, the helots, who were periodically slaughtered to condition them to accept their subhuman status. Athenian democracy by contrast gave too much power to the low-born. The pro-Sparta oligarchy used their patrons’ victory to undo the rights of citizens, and settle scores with their domestic rivals, exiling and executing them and confiscating their wealth.

The Athenian government disloyal to Athens’ laws and contemptuous of its traditions was known as the Thirty Tyrants, and understanding its role and function helps explain what is happening in America today.” The Thirty Tyrants

2. It is possible that some, the product of government schooling, have been trained to be oblivious of the take-over by a foreign ideology. The new ‘leaders’ are so proud of it, that they admit it openly:

Here is Tom Perez, who served as the Chair of the Democratic National Committee, proudly proclaiming the victory:

DNC chairman Tom Perez s
aid Democratic Socialists of America member Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez “represents the future of our party.”

DSA chapter chairs have agreed that “communism is good.”

One DSA caucus calls its members “revolutionary Marxists.”

A far-left group behind rising Democratic star Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is rife with Marxists and other far-left radicals.
The Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), which includes Ocasio-Cortez, is creeping its way into the mainstream of American politics.

What Perez didn’t mention is that the group behind “the future” of the Democratic Party is teeming with radicals openly dedicated to dismantling and overturning the economic and social foundations of the United States."
Marxists And Extreme Radicals Seek To Take Over The Democratic Party
Marxists And Extreme Radicals Seek To Take Over The Democratic Party

The Democratic Socialists of America behind rising Democratic star Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is rife with Marxists and other far-left radicals.

3. Their motivation in all venues, all institutions, all values and traditions is simply this: destroy.
Destroy all that is, to create their imaginary Utopia.
They desire to destroy all tradition, values, and attitudes, beginning with morality, and the family, and build their imagined Utopia here on earth.

"In this particular idea of the Enlightenment, the need to change human nature, and to eliminate customs and traditions, to remake established institutions, to do away with all inequalities in order to bring man closer to the state, which was the expression of the general will."
Talmon, “Origins of Totalitarian Democracy,” p. 3-7

And all they need is your vote.
PoliticalChic is like a modern day Paul Revere.
Warning not that the Marxist hoards are coming.
But that they are already here!! ... :cool:

Unfortunately, Sunni.....there are just too many that don't care.

Another history reference:

A phrase used by a Roman writer to deplore the declining heroism of Romans after the Roman Republic ceased to exist and the Roman Empire began: “Two things only the people anxiously desire — bread and circuses.” The government kept the Roman populace happy by distributing free food and staging huge spectacles.

Bread and circuses - ESDAW​

Unfortunately, Sunni.....there are just too many that don't care.

Another history reference:

A phrase used by a Roman writer to deplore the declining heroism of Romans after the Roman Republic ceased to exist and the Roman Empire began: “Two things only the people anxiously desire — bread and circuses.” The government kept the Roman populace happy by distributing free food and staging huge spectacles.

Bread and circuses - ESDAW

A lot of people care. If it were not so there would be no resistance at all. History repeats.

You will like this bit too I think. The same ole same ole as the rich claim they are doing things for the sake of goodness.

A lot of people care. If it were not so there would be no resistance at all. History repeats.

You will like this bit too I think. The same ole same ole as the rich claim they are doing things for the sake of goodness.


I'm thinking of writing about taxation, and the "rich."

That nebulous term exists more in fantasy than in reality.

Here's "rich."

“There's a great story about Rodgers and Hammerstein in London in ... “They walked through Berkeley Square on their way to lunch in some swank restaurant in Mayfair. They passed this Rolls-Royce dealer and there were two identical white ...Rolls-Royces in the window.
A couple of hours later, as they strolled back through the square, they went into the showroom for a better look. They decided to buy the two Rolls. Hammerstein reached into his pocket for his checkbook, but Rodgers said, 'No, no, let me get these. You got lunch."
Michael Sloan, "The Equilizer," p.471-2

That's rich.

I'm thinking of writing about taxation, and the "rich."

That nebulous term exists more in fantasy than in reality.

Here's "rich."

“There's a great story about Rodgers and Hammerstein in London in ... “They walked through Berkeley Square on their way to lunch in some swank restaurant in Mayfair. They passed this Rolls-Royce dealer and there were two identical white ...Rolls-Royces in the window.
A couple of hours later, as they strolled back through the square, they went into the showroom for a better look. They decided to buy the two Rolls. Hammerstein reached into his pocket for his checkbook, but Rodgers said, 'No, no, let me get these. You got lunch."
Michael Sloan, "The Equilizer," p.471-2

That's rich.
I'm thinking more like the BS Clinton foundation, Gates foundation and Rockefeller types, They have no actual care for the average, poor, middle class or upper middle class but what they can convince them they are looking out for their best interest, etc. when in fact they are all about control for their own profits.
I'm thinking more like the BS Clinton foundation, Gates foundation and Rockefeller types, They have no actual care for the average, poor, middle class or upper middle class but what they can convince them they are looking out for their best interest, etc. when in fact they are all about control for their own profits.

Yes, they are.
4. “With Spartan support, [the elite and the politicians profiting via crony capitalism and bribery] the Thirty established an interim government in Athens. The Thirty were concerned with the revision if not erasure of democratic laws …, the Thirty reduced the rights of Athenian citizens in order to institute an oligarchical regime.

The Thirty appointed a council of 500 to serve the judicial functions [the Courts, the FBI] formerly belonging to all the citizens.

Although little is known about these 3,000 men ‒ for a complete record was never documented ‒ it is hypothesised[by whom?] that the Thirty appointed these select few as the only men the Thirty could find who were devotedly loyal to their regime.[7]

The Thirty removed ….many ordinary citizens whom they considered "unfriendly" to the new regime for expressing support for the democracy. [Hundreds of political prisoners are now charged and imprisoned based on the non-existent 'insurrection.']

The Thirty's regime did not meet with much overt opposition, although many Athenians disliked the new form of government. Those n-existent Insurrection.]who did not approve of the new laws could either fight ‒ risking exile or execution ‒ or accept the Thirty's rule.[13]
Thirty Tyrants - Wikipedia

“The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,​

Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit​

Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line,​

Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.”​

― Omar Khayyám
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5. “… during the first year of Barack Obama’s presidency…. documents the exact moment when
American elite decided that democracy wasn’t working for them. Blaming the Republican Party for preventing them from running roughshod over the American public, they migrated to the Democratic Party in the hopes of strengthening the relationships that were making them rich…. the disenchanted elite…further impoverished American workers while enriching themselves.

…Trump’s incessant attacks on that elite gave them collective self-awareness as well as a powerful motive for solidarity.

A decade ago, no one would’ve put NBA superstar LeBron James and Apple CEO Tim Cook in the same family album, but here they are now, linked by their fantastic wealth owing to cheap Chinese manufacturing (Nike sneakers, iPhones, etc.) and a growing Chinese consumer market.” The Thirty Tyrants
Conservatives are wrong on many issues.

But I am grateful to Conservatives for taking a stand against Leftist Totalitarianism. Original Liberals were also against Totalitarianism.
The Great Yogi famously opined “'It's tough to make predictions, especially about the future'”

But just a tad easier if you know the past.

1. The take-over of a nation by an alien ideology is not new.​

“The Thirty Tyrants

The deal that the American elite chose … has a precedent in the history of Athens and Sparta

The example Machiavelli gives… is the friendly government Sparta established in Athens upon defeating it after 27 years of war in 404 BCE. For the upper caste of an Athenian elite already contemptuous of democracy, the city’s defeat in the Peloponnesian War confirmed that Sparta’s system was preferable. It was a high-spirited military aristocracy ruling over a permanent servant class, the helots, who were periodically slaughtered to condition them to accept their subhuman status. Athenian democracy by contrast gave too much power to the low-born. The pro-Sparta oligarchy used their patrons’ victory to undo the rights of citizens, and settle scores with their domestic rivals, exiling and executing them and confiscating their wealth.

The Athenian government disloyal to Athens’ laws and contemptuous of its traditions was known as the Thirty Tyrants, and understanding its role and function helps explain what is happening in America today.” The Thirty Tyrants

2. It is possible that some, the product of government schooling, have been trained to be oblivious of the take-over by a foreign ideology. The new ‘leaders’ are so proud of it, that they admit it openly:

Here is Tom Perez, who served as the Chair of the Democratic National Committee, proudly proclaiming the victory:

DNC chairman Tom Perez s
aid Democratic Socialists of America member Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez “represents the future of our party.”

DSA chapter chairs have agreed that “communism is good.”

One DSA caucus calls its members “revolutionary Marxists.”

A far-left group behind rising Democratic star Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is rife with Marxists and other far-left radicals.
The Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), which includes Ocasio-Cortez, is creeping its way into the mainstream of American politics.

What Perez didn’t mention is that the group behind “the future” of the Democratic Party is teeming with radicals openly dedicated to dismantling and overturning the economic and social foundations of the United States."
Marxists And Extreme Radicals Seek To Take Over The Democratic Party
Marxists And Extreme Radicals Seek To Take Over The Democratic Party

The Democratic Socialists of America behind rising Democratic star Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is rife with Marxists and other far-left radicals.

3. Their motivation in all venues, all institutions, all values and traditions is simply this: destroy.
Destroy all that is, to create their imaginary Utopia.
They desire to destroy all tradition, values, and attitudes, beginning with morality, and the family, and build their imagined Utopia here on earth.

"In this particular idea of the Enlightenment, the need to change human nature, and to eliminate customs and traditions, to remake established institutions, to do away with all inequalities in order to bring man closer to the state, which was the expression of the general will."
Talmon, “Origins of Totalitarian Democracy,” p. 3-7
And all they need is your vote.

Judging by her emoticon, we have one poster who doesn't mind Marxism replacing Americanism.

I'll bet that one is a government school grad.
Conservatives are wrong on many issues.

But I am grateful to Conservatives for taking a stand against Leftist Totalitarianism. Original Liberals were also against Totalitarianism.

Can you list some of the issue on which conservatives are wrong?

BTW.....those original Liberals, classical liberals, are the conservatives of today.

The Founders, classical liberals, conservatives
.... individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.
“free markets, free voices, free people”
6. “Because of Trump’s pressure on the Americans who benefited extravagantly from the U.S.-China relationship, these strange bedfellows acquired what Marxists call class consciousness—and joined together to fight back, further cementing their relationships with their Chinese patrons.

United now, these disparate American institutions lost any sense of circumspection or shame about cashing checks from the Chinese Communist Party, no matter what horrors the CCP visited on the prisoners of its slave labor camps and no matter what threat China’s spy services and the People’s Liberation Army might pose to national security.

Think tanks and research institutions like the Atlantic Council, the Center for American Progress, the EastWest Institute, the Carter Center, the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, and others gorged themselves on Chinese money. The world-famous Brookings Institution had no scruples about publishing a report funded by Chinese telecom company Huawei that praised Huawei technology.” The Thirty Tyrants

The year-long series of Democrat inspired riots to get rid of Trump mirrors the history of the Thirty Tyrants:

“The Thirty Tyrants' brief reign was marred by violence and corruption. Historians have argued that the violence and brutality the Thirty carried out in Athens was necessary to transition Athens from a democracy to an oligarchy.” Thirty Tyrants - Wikipedia

And the echo of that?
"We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.” So declared Barack Obama in Columbia, Missouri, .

These are not American any longer, just as the Thirty Tyrants were no longer Athenians.
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1) Too many guns are used in Suicide and Murder

2) Some Conservatives are Racist

3) All people who can not provide for themselves should be helped by the State

1) Too many guns are used in Suicide and Murder

2) Some Conservatives are Racist

3) All people who can not provide for themselves should be helped by the State

1. The Constitution is the law of the land, and only conservative see it as such. Neither suicide nor murder are associated with conservatives. BTW.....there is no group in the country more law-abiding than gun owners.

  1. Example: “Of the 51,078 permits that have been issued by the state since the law took effect in 2007, 44 permit holders have been charged with a crime while using a firearm through late October, according to records provided by the Kansas Attorney General’s Office.”
  3. ( .00086%)

2. Name them: there is no racism, no white privilege, no white supremacy.
No laws permitting racial discrimination.
I challenge you to prove any 'racism.'

3. Here's a book that will straighten out your view:

"'Tis the season for giving—and it turns out that conservatives and like-minded welfare skeptics more than hold their own when it comes to charity. So says Arthur C. Brooks in his new book Who Really Cares?: The Surprising Truth About Compassionate Conservatism.

2. Arthur Brooks, a public policy professor at Syracuse University, sums up his own results thusly: Giving is dictated by "strong families, church attendance, earned income (as opposed to state-subsidized income), and the belief that individuals, not government, offer the best solution to social ills--all of these factors determine how likely one is to give."

3. ...those who say they strongly oppose redistribution by government to remedy income inequality give over 10 times more to charity than those who strongly support government intervention, with a difference of $1,627 annually versus $140 to all causes.

4. Brooks finds that households with a conservative at the helm gave an average of 30 percent more money to charity in 2000 than liberal households (a difference of $1,600 to $1,227). The difference isn't explained by income differential—in fact, liberal households make about 6 percent more per year.

5. Poor, rich, and middle class conservatives all gave more than their liberal counterparts. ... "People who do not value freedom and opportunity simply don't value individual solutions to social problems very much. It creates a culture of not giving."

6. In 2004, self-described liberals younger than thirty belonged to one-third fewer organizations in their communities than young conservatives. In 2002, they were 12 percent less likely to give money to charities, and one-third less likely to give blood." Liberals, he says, give less than conservatives because of religion, attitudes about government, structure of families, and earned income.

7. ...young liberals are less likely do nice things for their nearest and dearest, too. Compared with young conservatives, "a lower percentage said they would prefer to suffer than let a loved one suffer, that they are not happy unless the loved one is happy, or that they would sacrifice their own wishes for those they love."

8. "Tangible evidence suggests that charitable giving makes people prosperous, healthy, and happy. And that on its own is a huge argument to protect institutions of giving in this country, as individuals, in communities, and as a nation. We simply do best, as a nation, when people are free and they freely give."

"There's something incredibly satisfying, inherently, about voluntary giving,"...

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