It Begins! Homeland Security Issues Key Waiver Allowing Border Wall Construction

The poor and working class need to get out their wallets. They won't gain anything but still - they will pay bigly for this fiasco.
Stupid people.
The poor are usually stupid people. Yes.

Fuck your commie bullshit. EVERYONE should have some skin in the game or they will fuck over the rest of us (like they have been doing).


I am not even kidding. This is an issue over which I feel no reservation about using deadly force. We are morally justified in killing fuckers who take and do not put in. We should start thinning the herd now. Kill the thieves.

We are also justified in not setting up a wall, but a system of sentry guns set up in interlocking fire to shoot anything that moves across the southern border. It would cost about 1000% less than a wall and will rid both America AND Mexico of the vermin that fuck all this shit up.


Let's shoot you like the rabid animal you are.
death threat reported

candyass alert ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
a little old lady kept Trump in court until hell froze over, and her daughter finally sold her house Trump tried to get through iminent domain ... 21 years later .. and not to Trump


In 1993, Donald Trump bought several lots around his Atlantic City casino and hotel, intending to build a parking lot designed for limousines.[3] Coking, who had lived in her house at that time for 32 years, refused to sell. As a result, the city condemned her house, using the power of eminent domain. She was offered $251,000,[4] which was about one quarter of what she was offered by Guccione 10 years earlier.

With the assistance of the Institute for Justice, Coking fought the local authorities and eventually prevailed.[5] Superior Court Judge Richard Williams ruled that because there were "no limits" on what Trump could do with the property, the plan to take Coking's property did not meet the test of law. But Williams' ruling did not reject the practice of using eminent domain to take private property from one individual and transferring it to another, which would eventually be upheld by the Supreme Court of the United States in Kelo v. City of New London.

Two other properties that prevailed against eminent domain eventually did sell: Sabatini's restaurant received $2.1 million and a pawnshop sold for $1.6 million. Their lots became part of a large lawn flanking a taxi stand for Trump's casino.[1][6] Coking remained in her house until 2010, when she moved to a retirement home in the San Francisco Bay Area near her daughter and grandchildren.

Property records show that on June 2, 2010, Coking transferred ownership of the house to her daughter, who put it on the market in 2011 with an initial asking price of $5 million.[1][7] By September 2013 the price had reduced to $1 million,[8]

The property was finally sold for $583,000 in an auction on July 31, 2014.[9] The buyer was Carl Icahn, who held the debt on Trump Entertainment, owner of Trump Plaza. He subsequently demolished the house on November 19, 2014.[10] Neither the Casino Reinvestment Development Authority nor the owners of Trump Plaza expressed any interest in the auction.[1]

The adjacent Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino, the property for which Trump wanted Coking's property to begin with, closed in September 2014, due to lack of business.[11]

fuck trump ..
Tell me why we should give a scintilla of a fuck about that shit.
That is COMPLETE bullshit. Texas suffers BIG TIME from illegal Mexicans squirting out babies and milking healthcare while offering very little. Texas is Mexico's welfare.

horseshit ... youre a trumpdrone spewing RW talking points out your ass, take a break and go screw yourself.

get a better education and a uneducated mexican cant get your job ...
by the time Texas land owners turn his sorry ass loose your great grandchildren will be drawing social security.
You know NOTHING about Texas or its landowners on the border. Trump has NOTHING to worry about.

Cry about it, commie. The revolution is over.

you a Texan ? I am ..

suck this ..

Texas Doesn’t Want Trump’s Wall Either
False. Texas wants the wall. Always has. Theirs always a handful against progress, sort of like you.
horseshit ... youre a trumpdrone spewing RW talking points out your ass, take a break and go screw yourself.

get a better education and a uneducated mexican cant get your job ...
I like Trump only because he will hopefully rid us of La Cucaracha. Nobody else seems willing.

Wanna compare sheep skins, motherfucker?
Trump is winning left and right, is he in danger of destroying the left too quickly? What's he going to do with the other 3 years of his term. :laugh:
Any day now...any day now...any day now...Any day now...any day now...any day now...Any day now...any day now...any day now...Any day now...any day now...any day now...Any day now...any day now...any day now...Any day now...any day now...any day now...
You talking about the Russia thing? The wall will be built before that turns into anything,
The poor and working class need to get out their wallets. They won't gain anything but still - they will pay bigly for this fiasco.
Stupid people.
The poor are usually stupid people. Yes.

Fuck your commie bullshit. EVERYONE should have some skin in the game or they will fuck over the rest of us (like they have been doing).


I am not even kidding. This is an issue over which I feel no reservation about using deadly force. We are morally justified in killing fuckers who take and do not put in. We should start thinning the herd now. Kill the thieves.

We are also justified in not setting up a wall, but a system of sentry guns set up in interlocking fire to shoot anything that moves across the southern border. It would cost about 1000% less than a wall and will rid both America AND Mexico of the vermin that fuck all this shit up.


Let's shoot you like the rabid animal you are.
death threat reported

What do you call advocating for shooting people?

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