IT BEGINS: Indiana Restaurant Reportedly Vows Not To Serve Gay Weddings

Good for them.

Which part is good for them?
The free advertising?
The admitted bigotry? Even though they mean well.

Hey, If a "secret" gay couple comes in, passes themselves off as straight, does big, good business with the pizza man and then the couple shows the owners they did business with gays. And the earth still turned. Do they still get to heaven, They were tricked? (I don't think people who judge other people by being racist and bigoted get too close to heaven anyway) but I bet you do.

How about a gay black couple. Does the owner of the business get in trouble for refusing the black part but not the homosexual part? Or is it an either/or situation?

No wonder Pence wants clarification.
It's good for them to stand up for their beliefs. You can attach any nasty name you want to. That shows more about you than them. They never said they hated gays, or blacks for whatever reason you decided to throw that in there, you did. Any gay person and their friends are more than welcome to come purchase pizza's, cakes, get pictures taken etc. These people based on their own religious beliefs simply want to draw the line at being forced to participate in a wedding for them. And the law should protect them from having to do so without the threat of being sued and all the other bull that comes from these gay activists. Just like they can refuse to participate in a KKK wedding, a devil worship wedding or any other type of activity that invades religious traditions and practices. Gays are basically making fun of religion when they hold these ceremonies. It's their way of saying fuck you I'm going to slime your traditions and practices and be a total fucking prick in the process by forcing you to participate as well in our debauchery. It's time to take a stand and draw the line at how far these cretins are going to be allowed to go.
Sounds like you are saying that gay Christians are not real Christians. Somehow you and your brand of Christians were given the authority from Christ to determine who worshipped him and how they worshipped him. Can you provide a link showing how and when that happened?

It didn't sound like that to me.

When people don't read from the script you assign them, I love how you just pretend that they *meant* to say what you think they are *thinking* you say stupid things like "gosh it sounds like you meant" or "So what you're saying is..."

Guess you missed the part about gays using making fun of religion when they hold wedding ceremonies and other religious activities. According to the poster when gays practice Christian ceremonies they are slimming Christian ceremonies and making them an act of debauchery. You missed the part about when Christians practice Christianity they are invading religious traditions.
Some food for thought:
"Like so many linguistic fads – those game-changing phrases that, at the end of the day, never really shift the paradigm – “the wrong side of history” knows few bounds. In the past month or so, a Washington Post columnist has used the phrase to criticize the NFL commissioner's stance on the name of the local football team. A music industry columnist at TechDirt has made the same charge against musicians resisting technological change. And the Patriot-News of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, has even made an effort to cross sides on one particularly settled matter of history: the Gettysburg Address. In 150 years of hindsight, wondered a headline writer, had panning the speech placed the newspaper “on the wrong side of history?"

"...cast against a backdrop of dueling partisan echo chambers, the phrase has evolved into a culturally emblematic rhetorical device: the soft bullet of utter dismissiveness. Progressives have made it their mark of Zorro."

Wrong Side of History Is on Right Side of It -- NYMag

In other most phrases and words that progressives no longer means anything at all.
"Deployed to full effect, the phrase “suggests that you are wise for having checked the tea leaves and rolled the knuckle-bones and your pig-headed, short-sighted, dull-witted opponent is not and has not,” said Grant Barrett, co-host of the public radio show "A Way With Words." “So there's some shaming involved here, where warning someone that they are on the wrong side of history means that they are ignorant of the inevitable outcome, and that they should give in to it, and join history in the making.”
"History, for its vexatious part, rarely gives answers that prove clear, complete, or convincing, much less sturdy. A noted lefty did once say it tends to repeat itself — first as tragedy, then as farce."

Wrong Side of History Is on Right Side of It -- NYMag
It's funny, in a sad way, that the RWnuts don't know they've lost on the gay rights issue.

As was said in 'Gladiator' ( a con fave)

"People should know when they are conquered."
Or in Snow White, where Snow gives the Wicked Witch the poisoned apple back and tells here, "It's best to know when you are beaten, yes?"
A family-owned pizza parlor is causing a media stir after reportedly becoming the first business to publicly vow to reject gay weddings in the wake of Indiana's controversial Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

The owners of Memories Pizza in Walkerton said theirs is a "Christian establishment" and that they agree with Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, who has come under fire after signing the bill, which allows business owners to cite religious beliefs as a defense when sued by a private party, ABC 57 reported.

That lifestyle is something they choose. I choose to be heterosexual," Kevin O'Connor told the news station. "They choose to be homosexual. Why should I be beat over the head to go along with something they choose?”

O'Connor's daughter Crystal said she didn't think that the bill was "targeting gays," adding, "It's supposed to help people that have a religious belief."

In a separate interview with The Daily Beast, O'Connor clarified that although he doesn't "have a problem with gay people," he does not condone same-sex marriage. Although he wouldn't cater to a same-sex wedding, he wouldn't turn anyone away from the shop itself.

“I mean, we don’t believe in murder. I also don’t believe in abortion,” he added.

More: Indiana's Memories Pizza Reportedly Becomes First Business To Reject Catering Gay Weddings

It's sad to watch religious bigots expose themselves.
The OP does know that the law was first written from the request of a Native American tribe so they could use mushrooms in their religious practices?

the only thing the op knows: is what they swallow off leftwing hate sites and from their Masters in the Democrat party

Hmmmm, you really think so, Stephanie? Yeah, "let's roll!" with that one!
Polls clearly show that NaziCon religious extremists are on the wrong side of public opinion regarding LGBT equality.
I thought the law didn't legalize discrimination?

A family-owned pizza parlor is causing a media stir after reportedly becoming the first business to publicly vow to reject gay weddings in the wake of Indiana's controversial Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

The owners of Memories Pizza in Walkerton said theirs is a "Christian establishment" and that they agree with Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, who has come under fire after signing the bill, which allows business owners to cite religious beliefs as a defense when sued by a private party, ABC 57 reported.

That lifestyle is something they choose. I choose to be heterosexual," Kevin O'Connor told the news station. "They choose to be homosexual. Why should I be beat over the head to go along with something they choose?”

O'Connor's daughter Crystal said she didn't think that the bill was "targeting gays," adding, "It's supposed to help people that have a religious belief."

In a separate interview with The Daily Beast, O'Connor clarified that although he doesn't "have a problem with gay people," he does not condone same-sex marriage. Although he wouldn't cater to a same-sex wedding, he wouldn't turn anyone away from the shop itself.

“I mean, we don’t believe in murder. I also don’t believe in abortion,” he added.

More: Indiana's Memories Pizza Reportedly Becomes First Business To Reject Catering Gay Weddings

It's sad to watch religious bigots expose themselves.

Too funny.
I especially like the part where the owner says he agrees with the governor and then outlines why he won't do gay weddings. Then the daughter says she didn't think the bill was " targeting gays".

Really? What did your father just do and what allowed him to feel comfortable doing it?
Polls clearly show that NaziCon religious extremists are on the wrong side of public opinion regarding LGBT equality.
Which poll?

CNN showed several this evening. Google it...
Which means they don't exist. Thanks for clearing that up.

Are you too lazy to Google a few?

Young Republicans favor same-sex marriage - Pew Research Center


Polling Americans for Marriage Equality

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Gee if only some crazed homos hadn't started targeting and suing businesses none of this would be happening. But they did and now the left is amazed there is blow back LMAO

I think you mean to say it's exactly what was predicted when this law was passed.
I thought the law didn't legalize discrimination?

A family-owned pizza parlor is causing a media stir after reportedly becoming the first business to publicly vow to reject gay weddings in the wake of Indiana's controversial Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

The owners of Memories Pizza in Walkerton said theirs is a "Christian establishment" and that they agree with Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, who has come under fire after signing the bill, which allows business owners to cite religious beliefs as a defense when sued by a private party, ABC 57 reported.

That lifestyle is something they choose. I choose to be heterosexual," Kevin O'Connor told the news station. "They choose to be homosexual. Why should I be beat over the head to go along with something they choose?”

O'Connor's daughter Crystal said she didn't think that the bill was "targeting gays," adding, "It's supposed to help people that have a religious belief."

In a separate interview with The Daily Beast, O'Connor clarified that although he doesn't "have a problem with gay people," he does not condone same-sex marriage. Although he wouldn't cater to a same-sex wedding, he wouldn't turn anyone away from the shop itself.

“I mean, we don’t believe in murder. I also don’t believe in abortion,” he added.

More: Indiana's Memories Pizza Reportedly Becomes First Business To Reject Catering Gay Weddings

It's sad to watch religious bigots expose themselves.

Too funny.
I especially like the part where the owner says he agrees with the governor and then outlines why he won't do gay weddings. Then the daughter says she didn't think the bill was " targeting gays".

Really? What did your father just do and what allowed him to feel comfortable doing it?

Yeah, ole Crystal ain't the brightest bulb in the pack.
Polls clearly show that NaziCon religious extremists are on the wrong side of public opinion regarding LGBT equality.
Which poll?

CNN showed several this evening. Google it...
Which means they don't exist. Thanks for clearing that up.

Are you too lazy to Google a few?

Young Republicans favor same-sex marriage - Pew Research Center


Polling Americans for Marriage Equality

And the percentage of those that want people forced to provide services is what? Because the law Indiana passed has nothing to do with being able to be married it has everything to do with not being forced to cater to it.
I thought the law didn't legalize discrimination?

A family-owned pizza parlor is causing a media stir after reportedly becoming the first business to publicly vow to reject gay weddings in the wake of Indiana's controversial Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

The owners of Memories Pizza in Walkerton said theirs is a "Christian establishment" and that they agree with Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, who has come under fire after signing the bill, which allows business owners to cite religious beliefs as a defense when sued by a private party, ABC 57 reported.

That lifestyle is something they choose. I choose to be heterosexual," Kevin O'Connor told the news station. "They choose to be homosexual. Why should I be beat over the head to go along with something they choose?”

O'Connor's daughter Crystal said she didn't think that the bill was "targeting gays," adding, "It's supposed to help people that have a religious belief."

In a separate interview with The Daily Beast, O'Connor clarified that although he doesn't "have a problem with gay people," he does not condone same-sex marriage. Although he wouldn't cater to a same-sex wedding, he wouldn't turn anyone away from the shop itself.

“I mean, we don’t believe in murder. I also don’t believe in abortion,” he added.

More: Indiana's Memories Pizza Reportedly Becomes First Business To Reject Catering Gay Weddings

It's sad to watch religious bigots expose themselves.

Too funny.
I especially like the part where the owner says he agrees with the governor and then outlines why he won't do gay weddings. Then the daughter says she didn't think the bill was " targeting gays".

Really? What did your father just do and what allowed him to feel comfortable doing it?

it's call freedom of choice. you people don't have a problem with that for abortions. If anyone is a bigot it's the people like the op, the dailybeast, and all of you wailing over a state law that has no bearing on any of your all's pathetic lives
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It makes me so happy to see lefties fighting fire with fire and challenging religious extremism. The future does not look bright for religious zealots. They are on the wrong side of history.

Sounds like an opinion as there is no "wrong side of history". This is very much a fight for civil rights....from our perspective as well.

Religious extremists are fighting a losing battle - therefore, putting them on the wrong side of history. Was the Confederacy not on the wrong side of history?
Nations are not Christian, the citizens maybe. The reason for the Civil War as because the slavery of the South did not follow Biblical guidelines and many Christians of both the North and South found the practice impossible to support from the tenets of Faith, Hope, Charity and Love. History is history. PS> There are black nations in Africa which still practice slavery. They were the ones who once sold black slaves to the slave traders.
I thought the law didn't legalize discrimination?

A family-owned pizza parlor is causing a media stir after reportedly becoming the first business to publicly vow to reject gay weddings in the wake of Indiana's controversial Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

The owners of Memories Pizza in Walkerton said theirs is a "Christian establishment" and that they agree with Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, who has come under fire after signing the bill, which allows business owners to cite religious beliefs as a defense when sued by a private party, ABC 57 reported.

That lifestyle is something they choose. I choose to be heterosexual," Kevin O'Connor told the news station. "They choose to be homosexual. Why should I be beat over the head to go along with something they choose?”

O'Connor's daughter Crystal said she didn't think that the bill was "targeting gays," adding, "It's supposed to help people that have a religious belief."

In a separate interview with The Daily Beast, O'Connor clarified that although he doesn't "have a problem with gay people," he does not condone same-sex marriage. Although he wouldn't cater to a same-sex wedding, he wouldn't turn anyone away from the shop itself.

“I mean, we don’t believe in murder. I also don’t believe in abortion,” he added.

More: Indiana's Memories Pizza Reportedly Becomes First Business To Reject Catering Gay Weddings

It's sad to watch religious bigots expose themselves.

Too funny.
I especially like the part where the owner says he agrees with the governor and then outlines why he won't do gay weddings. Then the daughter says she didn't think the bill was " targeting gays".

Really? What did your father just do and what allowed him to feel comfortable doing it?

it's call freedom of choice. you people don't have a problem with that for abortions.

Yeah, but you NaziCons do.

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