IT BEGINS: Indiana Restaurant Reportedly Vows Not To Serve Gay Weddings

So gay's are now more important than the 13 states that fought in the revolution. You're pathetic.

A family-owned pizza parlor is causing a media stir after reportedly becoming the first business to publicly vow to reject gay weddings in the wake of Indiana's controversial Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

The owners of Memories Pizza in Walkerton said theirs is a "Christian establishment" and that they agree with Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, who has come under fire after signing the bill, which allows business owners to cite religious beliefs as a defense when sued by a private party, ABC 57 reported.

That lifestyle is something they choose. I choose to be heterosexual," Kevin O'Connor told the news station. "They choose to be homosexual. Why should I be beat over the head to go along with something they choose?”

O'Connor's daughter Crystal said she didn't think that the bill was "targeting gays," adding, "It's supposed to help people that have a religious belief."

In a separate interview with The Daily Beast, O'Connor clarified that although he doesn't "have a problem with gay people," he does not condone same-sex marriage. Although he wouldn't cater to a same-sex wedding, he wouldn't turn anyone away from the shop itself.

“I mean, we don’t believe in murder. I also don’t believe in abortion,” he added.

More: Indiana's Memories Pizza Reportedly Becomes First Business To Reject Catering Gay Weddings

It's sad to watch religious bigots expose themselves.
They should put a tasteful sign out front stating that.
A family-owned pizza parlor is causing a media stir after reportedly becoming the first business to publicly vow to reject gay weddings in the wake of Indiana's controversial Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

The owners of Memories Pizza in Walkerton said theirs is a "Christian establishment" and that they agree with Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, who has come under fire after signing the bill, which allows business owners to cite religious beliefs as a defense when sued by a private party, ABC 57 reported.

That lifestyle is something they choose. I choose to be heterosexual," Kevin O'Connor told the news station. "They choose to be homosexual. Why should I be beat over the head to go along with something they choose?”

O'Connor's daughter Crystal said she didn't think that the bill was "targeting gays," adding, "It's supposed to help people that have a religious belief."

In a separate interview with The Daily Beast, O'Connor clarified that although he doesn't "have a problem with gay people," he does not condone same-sex marriage. Although he wouldn't cater to a same-sex wedding, he wouldn't turn anyone away from the shop itself.

“I mean, we don’t believe in murder. I also don’t believe in abortion,” he added.

More: Indiana's Memories Pizza Reportedly Becomes First Business To Reject Catering Gay Weddings

It's sad to watch religious bigots expose themselves.

Did you get your brownshirt cleaned and your jackboots polished, shitting bull?

You have a Kristalnacht to attend!
Hmmmmm...and I was just assured that it is only Leftists who call Righties Nazis.
Gay rights activists to Christians: Surrender - or else
- Guest Columnist

Thursday, March 26, 2015



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For all the insipid talk among its spokesmen about open-mindedness and tolerance, the "gay mafia" is a sworn enemy of both. Case in point: the inane opposition to Indiana's religious freedom bill.

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A few years ago I hosted gay activist attorney Andrea Ritchie on my radio program and asked her whether she believed the homosexual lobby could peacefully coexist with traditional Christian morality. After a very pregnant pause, she responded pointedly: "Sure, if Christians will give up their resistance to our cause."

Today, in the midst of the inane opposition to the Indiana religious freedom bill, her alarming words prove frighteningly prophetic.

Let's be clear what we are witnessing. Seeking to harness the power of the state to deny the rights of conscience to those who disagree with you – as the opponents of Senate Bill 101 are surely attempting to do – is a frightening appeal to a 21st-century reincarnation of fascism: "Believe like us, think like us, embrace our views or be fined, fired, evicted or punished by the state."

For all the insipid talk among its spokesmen about open-mindedness and tolerance, this strand of what liberal comedian Bill Maher dubs the "gay mafia" is a sworn enemy of both.

And like their brethren of a century ago, the neo-fascists among us rely on a healthy dose of propaganda to fool the masses into supporting their agenda.

Take the much-publicized letter to Gov. Mike Pence from the organizers of Gen Con, the state's largest convention. The letter threatens Pence that Gen Con will look elsewhere (beginning in 2020) if he signs, "Legislation that could allow for refusal of service or discrimination against our attendees." No such legislation exists.

Under Indiana's religious freedom law, not one Gen Con attendee (gay, transgender, cross-dressing) could be denied a seat at a lunch counter by that mythical boogeyman – the Christian bigot burger-maker with his "gaydar" fully activated. That's not what this law does.

Instead, it protects a private business owner (who might be gay themselves) from being coerced by the power of government to act in a manner incompatible with their deeply held religious convictions. In other words, it protects the Jewish sign maker from being forced by the state to make pro-Nazi placards for the next skinhead convention.

Further, supposing Gen Con decided to leave Indy in another five years, where would they go? Chicago? Illinois has an identical religious freedom law, as do seven of the top 10 convention cities in the nation as ranked by Cvent, the world's "leading authority on strategic meetings management."

In fairness to Gen Con, they aren't the only ones who bought and sold the propaganda. Cummins Engine railed against the law as being "bad for business" in the state. That's interesting given that Cummins has expanded their own operation into states that boast an identical religious freedom law to the one they were opposing.

Eskenazi Health argued that enactment of the law could lead to the denial of health services for people in need of medical attention. To bolster this outlandish and irresponsible claim, one activist testified before the Statehouse that before her female partner died of ovarian cancer, she worried that the enactment of SB101 in Indiana might cause her to lose her cancer care. In the midst of her emotional testimony, however, it came to light that she had been regularly taking her ailing partner to Illinois for chemotherapy. As previously noted, Illinois has an identical religious freedom law already in place. Oops.

All this intentional misrepresentation and deception begs the question: why such opposition to the rights of conscience? Particularly when those rights were among the most cherished to our Founders.

It was Jefferson who declared, "No provision in our Constitution ought to be dearer to man than that which protects the rights of conscience against the enterprises of the civil authority." Yet today, Elaine Huguenin loses her private photography business in New Mexico because the civil authority there told her to violate her conscience and participate in a "gay wedding" or face the consequences.

And while George Washington once stated his "wish and desire" that "the laws may always be extensively accommodated" to "the conscientious scruples of all men," today a well-organized, ridiculously well-funded movement of activists seeks to deceptively undermine even the most mild legal acknowledgement of those scruples.

In 1932, the Italian dictator Benito Mussolini outlined the doctrine of fascism, stating: "The Fascist conception of the state is all-embracing; outside of it, no human or spiritual values can exist…the Fascist State…interprets, develops, and potentates the whole life of a people."

What should alarm Hoosiers is not the desire to collectively enshrine the individual rights of conscience in our state law; rather, the increasingly vocal component of our population that, with nearly unanimous media support, seek to harness the power of the state to demand we all think, act and believe like them.

Peter Heck ([email protected]) is a speaker, author and teacher who hosts a weekly radio broadcast on WIBC (93.1 FM) in Indianapolis, Indiana.

This column is printed with permission. Opinions expressed in 'Perspectives' columns published by are the sole responsibility of the article's author(s), or of the person(s) or organization(s) quoted therein, and do not necessarily represent those of the staff or management of, or advertisers who support the American Family News Network,, our parent organization or its other affiliates.
So gay's are now more important than the 13 states that fought in the revolution. You're pathetic.

I agree, you are pathetic.

What's wrong, sparky, aren't their stars on the flag?
Do you have any fucking clue as to what the stars and stripes represent? You're the dumbest fucking fake indian on the planet.

Duh, yeah I know.

Really? What did your father just do

He pulled a douche bag move

and what allowed him to feel comfortable doing it?

It was probably the fact that he is a douche bag. Douche bags tend to feel very comfortable being douche bags. Because, ya know....they're douche bags.

This is what I know for sure: If I'm ever in Indiana and hinkering for some pizza, I'm not going to go to this guy's restaurant. Why would I want to give my hard earned money to a douche bag? But that being said, I'm not going to try to stop him from being a douche bag. He can go on living his douche bag life, and I'll go on living my non douche bag life. Everyone wins.

Memories Pizza Forced To Close After Refusing To Cater Gay Weddings

Memories Pizza -- the first Indiana business to declare it would refuse LGBT business -- got blasted on the Internet and by phone, but the owner says there's been a huge misunderstanding ... sorta.

Kevin O’Connor tells TMZ he's had to temporarily close his business after he told a reporter he would refuse to cater a gay wedding under Indiana's new Religious Freedom Restoration Act. O'Connor says he was immediately flooded by threatening phone calls, and social media postings.

O'Connor wants to clear up one thing: He says he would never deny service to gay people in his restaurant. However, due to his religious beliefs, he does not believe in gay marriage ... and that's why he wouldn't service one.

Meanwhile, he says the threats have been serious enough that he's closing his pizza joint ... at least until the dust settles.

Indiana Pizza Place -- Forced to Close Doors After Refusing to Cater Gay Weddings

Wow, that didn't take long.
A family-owned pizza parlor is causing a media stir after reportedly becoming the first business to publicly vow to reject gay weddings in the wake of Indiana's controversial Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

The owners of Memories Pizza in Walkerton said theirs is a "Christian establishment" and that they agree with Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, who has come under fire after signing the bill, which allows business owners to cite religious beliefs as a defense when sued by a private party, ABC 57 reported.

That lifestyle is something they choose. I choose to be heterosexual," Kevin O'Connor told the news station. "They choose to be homosexual. Why should I be beat over the head to go along with something they choose?”

O'Connor's daughter Crystal said she didn't think that the bill was "targeting gays," adding, "It's supposed to help people that have a religious belief."

In a separate interview with The Daily Beast, O'Connor clarified that although he doesn't "have a problem with gay people," he does not condone same-sex marriage. Although he wouldn't cater to a same-sex wedding, he wouldn't turn anyone away from the shop itself.

“I mean, we don’t believe in murder. I also don’t believe in abortion,” he added.

More: Indiana's Memories Pizza Reportedly Becomes First Business To Reject Catering Gay Weddings

It's sad to watch religious bigots expose themselves.

You guys are such fucking is what actually happened....there is no gay hate here....they serve anyone pizza all the time....they just can't participate in a gay wedding because of their religious beliefs......they can eat their pizza every day of the week if they want.....with no or straight.......

but that isn't enough......they must be destroyed.....and you will do it by lying about what they say and who they are and how they treat are vile, disgusting people.........

Read more: Story that Memories Pizza Vowed to Reject Gay Weddings Was Fabricated Out of Nothing PJ Tatler

ABC-57 reporter Alyssa Marino’s editor sends her on a half-hour drive southwest of their South Bend studio, to the small town of Walkerton (Pop. ~2,300). According to Alyssa’s own account on Twitter, she “just walked into their shop [Memories Pizza] and asked how they feel” about Indiana’s new Religious Freedom Restoration Act.
Owner Crystal O’Connor says she’s in favor of it, noting that while anyone can eat in her family restaurant, if the business were asked to cater a gay wedding, they would not do it. It conflicts with their biblical beliefs. Alyssa’s tweet mentions that the O’Connors have “never been asked to cater a same-sex wedding.”

What we have here is — as we called in journalism school jargon — “no story.” Nothing happened. Nothing was about to happen.
If I were forced to mark out a story line, it would be this: A nice lady in a small town tries to be helpful and polite to a lovely young reporter from “the big city.”
In other words, Memories Pizza didn’t blast out a news release. They didn’t contact the media, nor make a stink on Twitter or Facebook. They didn’t even post a sign in the window rejecting gay-wedding catering jobs. They merely answered questions from a novice reporter who strolled into their restaurant one day – who was sent on a mission by an irresponsible news organization.

What we have here is a lefty witch hunt.....

Read more: Story that Memories Pizza Vowed to Reject Gay Weddings Was Fabricated Out of Nothing PJ Tatler

Memories Pizza Forced To Close After Refusing To Cater Gay Weddings

Memories Pizza -- the first Indiana business to declare it would refuse LGBT business -- got blasted on the Internet and by phone, but the owner says there's been a huge misunderstanding ... sorta.

Kevin O’Connor tells TMZ he's had to temporarily close his business after he told a reporter he would refuse to cater a gay wedding under Indiana's new Religious Freedom Restoration Act. O'Connor says he was immediately flooded by threatening phone calls, and social media postings.

O'Connor wants to clear up one thing: He says he would never deny service to gay people in his restaurant. However, due to his religious beliefs, he does not believe in gay marriage ... and that's why he wouldn't service one.

Meanwhile, he says the threats have been serious enough that he's closing his pizza joint ... at least until the dust settles.

Indiana Pizza Place -- Forced to Close Doors After Refusing to Cater Gay Weddings

Wow, that didn't take long. is the important point you fucking liar.....

O'Connor wants to clear up one thing: He says he would never deny service to gay people in his restaurant.

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