It didnt start with the gas chambers.

It started when the government manipulated sheeple into believing that a certain segment of the population was deplorable….. inferior….. even subhuman.….so that it was seen as acceptable for the “inferior” people to be humiliated, treated as less than, eventually banned from eating in restaurants or even walking on the sidewalk.

We see that now as the president* lambasts people who disagree with leftist policies as being on the side of racists, and sheeple agreeing with it. It is the way to marginalize an tens of millions of conversatIves.

It all started with Hillary and her claim that 1/4 of voters - those who wouldn’t vote for her - were deplorable, and another 1/4 irredeemable.
It started with one party controlling the media. One party controlling the messaging in the schools. One party dictating what is truth and what to think and stopped educators from teaching anyone how to think. With one party censoring speech and silencing opposition. Dividing the masses to tinier and tinier groups and isolating everyone accordingly. Then calling groups to harass all groups that are not complying with any and all mandates.

It really started when good people turned a blind eye and did nothing out of fear.
Hitler shut down most German newspapers.
Hitler shut down most German newspapers.
Obama wanted to do something along those lines. He wanted an agency of oversight to decide which media was telling the truth and which was lying, and thus censor the liars. The agency would have of course been under liberal control, and liberals would decide which media stories to ban because they, the liberals, deem them “misinformation.”

He couldn’t make it happen because it was a clear violation of the 1st Amendment. The government cannot censor speech it disagrees with.
Obama wanted to do something along those lines. He wanted an agency of oversight to decide which media was telling the truth and which was lying, and thus censor the liars. The agency would have of course been under liberal control, and liberals would decide which media stories to ban because they, the liberals, deem them “misinformation.”

He couldn’t make it happen because it was a clear violation of the 1st Amendment. The government cannot censor speech it disagrees with.
Tucker Carlson said in court that he was an entertainer. That he lies and nobody in their right mind should believe him. Even Bill O'Reilly said he was not a reporter, but a news analyst.
Tucker Carlson said in court that he was an entertainer. That he lies and nobody in their right mind should believe him. Even Bill O'Reilly said he was not a reporter, but a news analyst.
And media like CNN and MSNBC lie, or suppress the truth. It’s the main reason we ended up with a demented man* as president.

But you didn’t respond to Obama’s attempt to censor the media when they reported content that liberals judged to be “misinformation” - which could of course be anything libs don’t want voters to know. that is a violation of the 1st Amendment, and Obama - a constitutional scholar - knew it. Do you agree he was wrong to attempt to violate Americans’ first amendment rights?

* He comes across very similar to my mother, who is in the mild stage of dementia (please G-d, let it progress very slowly) and is in assisted living.

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