It Has Naught To Do With Trump

All of yours deal with "reality, truth or accuracy"? That's odd, all of your posts deal with you, much like The Donald's speeches and tweets.

You're just jealous that the voices only talk to me.

No, I have some pity for you, since there is no generally approved medication for those with a Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

I've earned my narcissism.....why would I ever want to be 'cured' or it???
Try to imagine....and this required an inordinate leap of imagination....that you had accomplished as much as I have, have accrued the vast amount of knowledge that I have, and...look as good as I do...... not to be self-absorbed????? you advanced age, and still as dumb as a doorknob.
At your age, you marry looking for a comparable donor.
And that elderly-amble you move like you were doing a form of tai chi.

Hey......shouldn't you have left for your bingo game already????
Good looking AND from Bkly'n ?? wow

Don't stop there!!!
Don't you want to comment on my amazing grasp of the subject? My understated wit? My cygnian grace? Please don't mention my spectacular good looks (just kidding- go ahead and mention them.)
You might just be my new best friend My only republican friend
You're just jealous that the voices only talk to me.

No, I have some pity for you, since there is no generally approved medication for those with a Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

I've earned my narcissism.....why would I ever want to be 'cured' or it???
Try to imagine....and this required an inordinate leap of imagination....that you had accomplished as much as I have, have accrued the vast amount of knowledge that I have, and...look as good as I do...... not to be self-absorbed????? you advanced age, and still as dumb as a doorknob.
At your age, you marry looking for a comparable donor.
And that elderly-amble you move like you were doing a form of tai chi.

Hey......shouldn't you have left for your bingo game already????
Good looking AND from Bkly'n ?? wow

Don't stop there!!!
Don't you want to comment on my amazing grasp of the subject? My understated wit? My cygnian grace? Please don't mention my spectacular good looks (just kidding- go ahead and mention them.)
You might just be my new best friend My only republican friend

Actually.....conservative, I just vote Republican based on 'the Buckley Rule'...

"The Buckley rule states that support should be given to "the rightwardmost viable candidate". During the 2010 election, the Buckley rule was transformed into "the rightwardmost electable candidate"
Buckley rule - Conservapedia
Ah, but you didn't answer the question, or refute the argument. Trump defies the label, Left or Right, he is (like you) a narcissist focused entirely on himself.

The 'label,' and the vast majority of your posts, have nothing to do with reality, truth, or accuracy.

All of mine are the very you have found.

All of yours deal with "reality, truth or accuracy"? That's odd, all of your posts deal with you, much like The Donald's speeches and tweets.

You're just jealous that the voices only talk to me.

No, I have some pity for you, since there is no generally approved medication for those with a Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

I've earned my narcissism.....why would I ever want to be 'cured' or it???
Try to imagine....and this required an inordinate leap of imagination....that you had accomplished as much as I have, have accrued the vast amount of knowledge that I have, and...look as good as I do...... not to be self-absorbed????? you advanced age, and still as dumb as a doorknob.
At your age, you marry looking for a comparable donor.
And that elderly-amble you move like you were doing a form of tai chi.

Hey......shouldn't you have left for your bingo game already????

I always understood Asians showed respect for the aged?

[My wife and I have been married (on the 28th of this month) 44 years; she went to UW Madison, I graduate from UC Berkeley; we both watch Jeopardy and are able to answer most of the questions most of the time (I'm weak on the Bible and Shakespeare, she isn't).]

You attended Columbia Continuation school along with other miscreants and have never had a serious relationship, the closest you came ended when you got dumped by a liberal student at Columbia Continuation, who later went to one of the SUNY Campuses and hooked up with a liberal, dumping you. You now hate people in general (those who don't kiss your ass) and transfer that hate to all who attended the U. / 4-year colleges, and spend your days and nights all alone.
There is NO GOOD NAZI! End of story.



The above says it all.
It sure does. It says you're just another douche bag, and so are these propaganda rags. Snowflakes like pictures because it saves them the trouble of thinking.
And now, if I may borrow from Edmond Rostand....

..."And then, as I end the refrain, thrust home!"

11. "Senator Warren of Massachusetts this week claimed the leadership of the Democrats; they are close to becoming a far-Left party, in likely fulfillment of the Obama plan, which had to be partly concealed to ensure Mr. Obama’s reelection. Donald Trump is a policy moderate, but an activist enemy of gridlock.

12. The campaign of defamation against Trump will fail, and if the Democrats and pseudo-Republicans don’t get to higher ground soon, Mr. Trump will pull together the responsible Right and most of the center and wax the Warren Democrats by a margin that will make the Nixon and Reagan reelections look like photo-finishes."
Debacle at Charlottesville Brings Democratic Party Full Circle With Its Failure - The New York Sun

'tis a consummation Devoutly to be wished.'
The Bard
Chic dick focused like a laser beam on the MINORITY party but totally ignores the MAJORITY party who has proven they can't govern.
A bias like no other.
The 'label,' and the vast majority of your posts, have nothing to do with reality, truth, or accuracy.

All of mine are the very you have found.

All of yours deal with "reality, truth or accuracy"? That's odd, all of your posts deal with you, much like The Donald's speeches and tweets.

You're just jealous that the voices only talk to me.

No, I have some pity for you, since there is no generally approved medication for those with a Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

I've earned my narcissism.....why would I ever want to be 'cured' or it???
Try to imagine....and this required an inordinate leap of imagination....that you had accomplished as much as I have, have accrued the vast amount of knowledge that I have, and...look as good as I do...... not to be self-absorbed????? you advanced age, and still as dumb as a doorknob.
At your age, you marry looking for a comparable donor.
And that elderly-amble you move like you were doing a form of tai chi.

Hey......shouldn't you have left for your bingo game already????

I always understood Asians showed respect for the aged?

[My wife and I have been married (on the 28th of this month) 44 years; she went to UW Madison, I graduate from UC Berkeley; we both watch Jeopardy and are able to answer most of the questions most of the time (I'm weak on the Bible and Shakespeare, she isn't).]

You attended Columbia Continuation school along with other miscreants and have never had a serious relationship, the closest you came ended when you got dumped by a liberal student at Columbia Continuation, who later went to one of the SUNY Campuses and hooked up with a liberal, dumping you. You now hate people in general (those who don't kiss your ass) and transfer that hate to all who attended the U. / 4-year colleges, and spend your days and nights all alone.
You aren't allowed to discuss the personal details of other forum members, idiot.

What makes you think you're entitled to respect?
There is NO GOOD NAZI! End of story.



The above says it all.
It sure does. It says you're just another douche bag, and so are these propaganda rags. Snowflakes like pictures because it saves them the trouble of thinking.
And when this worm is asked what his sources are he says BLOGGERS.
I kid you not.

In matters of politics, bloggers are just as credible, if not more so, than the sources posted above.
There is NO GOOD NAZI! End of story.



The above says it all.
It sure does. It says you're just another douche bag, and so are these propaganda rags. Snowflakes like pictures because it saves them the trouble of thinking.
And when this worm is asked what his sources are he says BLOGGERS.
I kid you not.

In matters of politics, bloggers are just as credible, if not more so, than the sources posted above.
The fact you think that shows you know nothing about real journalism.
Any fat teenager in his mother' basement can be a blogger. Real journalists apply to the best magazines and newspapers and only the best are chosen.
The 'label,' and the vast majority of your posts, have nothing to do with reality, truth, or accuracy.

All of mine are the very you have found.

All of yours deal with "reality, truth or accuracy"? That's odd, all of your posts deal with you, much like The Donald's speeches and tweets.

You're just jealous that the voices only talk to me.

No, I have some pity for you, since there is no generally approved medication for those with a Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

I've earned my narcissism.....why would I ever want to be 'cured' or it???
Try to imagine....and this required an inordinate leap of imagination....that you had accomplished as much as I have, have accrued the vast amount of knowledge that I have, and...look as good as I do...... not to be self-absorbed????? you advanced age, and still as dumb as a doorknob.
At your age, you marry looking for a comparable donor.
And that elderly-amble you move like you were doing a form of tai chi.

Hey......shouldn't you have left for your bingo game already????

I always understood Asians showed respect for the aged?

[My wife and I have been married (on the 28th of this month) 44 years; she went to UW Madison, I graduate from UC Berkeley; we both watch Jeopardy and are able to answer most of the questions most of the time (I'm weak on the Bible and Shakespeare, she isn't).]

You attended Columbia Continuation school along with other miscreants and have never had a serious relationship, the closest you came ended when you got dumped by a liberal student at Columbia Continuation, who later went to one of the SUNY Campuses and hooked up with a liberal, dumping you. You now hate people in general (those who don't kiss your ass) and transfer that hate to all who attended the U. / 4-year colleges, and spend your days and nights all alone.

1. OMG!!!!
Your post is as accurate and correct as every single other one of 'em!!!
Truth in your posts is harder to find than a snow snake!
BTW.....I'm bettin' that only one of us has 'valedictorian' in their resume.

2. "I always understood Asians showed respect for the aged?"
You overlook my role in Karma:
My dream job would be driving the karma bus....Hence, our relationship.

3. "My wife and I have been married (on the 28th of this month) 44 years...'

4. "...we both watch Jeopardy and are able to answer most of the questions most of the time...."
I would be honored to help carry your coffin. Um...Is tomorrow okay for you?

5. You'd be the right one to ask: Do you get the same sensation from a rocking chair that you once got from a roller coaster?
There is NO GOOD NAZI! End of story.



The above says it all.
It sure does. It says you're just another douche bag, and so are these propaganda rags. Snowflakes like pictures because it saves them the trouble of thinking.
And when this worm is asked what his sources are he says BLOGGERS.
I kid you not.

Can you quote me saying that?
You and I both know you said it punk. I'm not going to search thru thousands of posts.,
God damn can't u EVER be honest?
No one expects Donald J Trump to actually be responsible for anything, he is but an empty vessel.
Wrong turd, they just don't hold him responsible for everything.
Bri How many in the ah's administration must leave before you get a clue??
A clue about what, that the media is waging all out war against Trump?

Trump's popular support has increased since Charlottesville. Did you know that?

When is the left going to get a clue that the American public has had its fill of the left's race baiting?
Last edited:
There is NO GOOD NAZI! End of story.



The above says it all.
It sure does. It says you're just another douche bag, and so are these propaganda rags. Snowflakes like pictures because it saves them the trouble of thinking.
And when this worm is asked what his sources are he says BLOGGERS.
I kid you not.

In matters of politics, bloggers are just as credible, if not more so, than the sources posted above.
The fact you think that shows you know nothing about real journalism.
Any fat teenager in his mother' basement can be a blogger. Real journalists apply to the best magazines and newspapers and only the best are chosen.

You think CNN is "real journalism."

Case closed.
Imagine still being a trump supporter after 7 months of lies, failures and bizarre behavior from this lunatic.
You have to have something seriously wrong with you to back that.
There is NO GOOD NAZI! End of story.



The above says it all.
It sure does. It says you're just another douche bag, and so are these propaganda rags. Snowflakes like pictures because it saves them the trouble of thinking.
And when this worm is asked what his sources are he says BLOGGERS.
I kid you not.

In matters of politics, bloggers are just as credible, if not more so, than the sources posted above.
The fact you think that shows you know nothing about real journalism.
Any fat teenager in his mother' basement can be a blogger. Real journalists apply to the best magazines and newspapers and only the best are chosen.

"... real journalism...."

An example of an oxymoron from an actual moron.
There is NO GOOD NAZI! End of story.



The above says it all.
It sure does. It says you're just another douche bag, and so are these propaganda rags. Snowflakes like pictures because it saves them the trouble of thinking.
And when this worm is asked what his sources are he says BLOGGERS.
I kid you not.

In matters of politics, bloggers are just as credible, if not more so, than the sources posted above.
The fact you think that shows you know nothing about real journalism.
Any fat teenager in his mother' basement can be a blogger. Real journalists apply to the best magazines and newspapers and only the best are chosen.

You think CNN is "real journalism."

Case closed.
Your case has been closed long ago child.
Because you hear your lunatic attack CNN for telling the truth about him like a good little sheep you feel the need to follow..

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