'It has to stop': Warnings after Trump continues attacks on Michigan governor

215,000 dead, with 65,000 New infections a day....right now....New estimate of 350,000 dead by January 20th

Trump is an evil, reckless asshole and the Governor should ban him from her state if the corrupt Trump can't be arrested for purposely endangering her life..... gosh, he is such a dick.

300+ Thousand people die each year because of obesity. Using your "logic" we should have shut down all the restaurants and put muzzles on people decades ago, as well as forced exercise programs and dictated their diets.

Not that fascist lunatic democrook sociopaths don't drool over the concept of that kind of authority.

You know what Pete, your excuses fall flat....these covid deaths are ADDITIONAL DEATHS to our average yearly death tolls....

You can't infect me or anyone with obesity..... you can't infect me or anyone with lung cancer, you can't infect me or anyone with heart disease or asthma..... there is no comparison that you can give for an indiscriminate Infectious disease that you can reduce by doing some very minor things....like keeping distance, wearing a mask....

You and the rest of the Trump cultists, have chosen to destroy this once great nation instead..... Why?

Trump shut us down too late and forced reopening too early, with no plan to test and contact trace and isolate the infected.....

We shut down because we didn't have enough testing available to know where the virus was spreading, we were blind with little testing available. We would have never had to shut down at all, if we had had enough testing, so we could just isolate the infected....

Instead it spread like wildfire, hospitals got overwhelmed.

There has never been a plan by this recklace president to reopen safely or even safer... He destroyed the economy single handedly, and is continuing to do such....your hero, your messiah, sucks big time.... and is no leader, of any sort!!! Imo.


Sweden and South Dakota both showed you don't need to shut down.
Sweden is shutting down because they are all dying.
Don't expect others to walk away from whatever it is that you yourself can not walk away from. In other words, if one person has no desire to surrender, they shouldn't expect any competitor that they may have to surrender.

God bless you always!!!

215,000 dead, with 65,000 New infections a day....right now....New estimate of 350,000 dead by January 20th

Trump is an evil, reckless asshole and the Governor should ban him from her state if the corrupt Trump can't be arrested for purposely endangering her life..... gosh, he is such a dick.

300+ Thousand people die each year because of obesity. Using your "logic" we should have shut down all the restaurants and put muzzles on people decades ago, as well as forced exercise programs and dictated their diets.

Not that fascist lunatic democrook sociopaths don't drool over the concept of that kind of authority.

You know what Pete, your excuses fall flat....these covid deaths are ADDITIONAL DEATHS to our average yearly death tolls....

You can't infect me or anyone with obesity..... you can't infect me or anyone with lung cancer, you can't infect me or anyone with heart disease or asthma..... there is no comparison that you can give for an indiscriminate Infectious disease that you can reduce by doing some very minor things....like keeping distance, wearing a mask....

You and the rest of the Trump cultists, have chosen to destroy this once great nation instead..... Why?

Trump shut us down too late and forced reopening too early, with no plan to test and contact trace and isolate the infected.....

We shut down because we didn't have enough testing available to know where the virus was spreading, we were blind with little testing available. We would have never had to shut down at all, if we had had enough testing, so we could just isolate the infected....

Instead it spread like wildfire, hospitals got overwhelmed.

There has never been a plan by this recklace president to reopen safely or even safer... He destroyed the economy single handedly, and is continuing to do such....your hero, your messiah, sucks big time.... and is no leader, of any sort!!! Imo.


Sweden and South Dakota both showed you don't need to shut down.
Sweden is shutting down because they are all dying.
You are Fake news:

This is beyond reckless now. They really should lock the fat bastard up where he cant put lives at risk.

So you're good with locking up all the Democrats who have constantly slandered Trump as well, right? After all, they are putting his life in danger.
This is what the left has created
You know what Pete, your excuses fall flat....these covid deaths are ADDITIONAL DEATHS to our average yearly death tolls....

You can't infect me or anyone with obesity..... you can't infect me or anyone with lung cancer, you can't infect me or anyone with heart disease or asthma..... there is no comparison that you can give for an indiscriminate Infectious disease that you can reduce by doing some very minor things....like keeping distance, wearing a mask....

You and the rest of the Trump cultists, have chosen to destroy this once great nation instead..... Why?

Trump shut us down too late and forced reopening too early, with no plan to test and contact trace and isolate the infected.....

We shut down because we didn't have enough testing available to know where the virus was spreading, we were blind with little testing available. We would have never had to shut down at all, if we had had enough testing, so we could just isolate the infected....

Instead it spread like wildfire, hospitals got overwhelmed.

There has never been a plan by this recklace president to reopen safely or even safer... He destroyed the economy single handedly, and is continuing to do such....your hero, your messiah, sucks big time.... and is no leader, of any sort!!! Imo.

Your reactionary emotional rant is duly noted, but you didn't consider the fact that thousands died LAST YEAR from a flu, the year before, thousands died of that flu. EVERY FUCKING YEAR THOUSANDS DIE FROM A FLU. Did your beloved meat puppet faggot lock the country down when Swine Flu 1 was killing thousands of people? It's not like there was an economy left for him to destroy anyway once he got in and regulated everything to a standstill.

This is the first time in 100 years we have had this hysterical reaction to a disease, and when the final CDC figures come in only 6% of all the Covid deaths are actually from the disease itself. Which means the hysteria was totally fabricated. Many of the people who died of Covid were going to die if they got Swine Flu3, Bird Flu 2, SARS, or Kangaroo Flu 1, because they also had serious underlying conditions.

We NEVER SHOULD HAVE SHUT DOWN, . Hospitals also did not shut down, they were laying people off because elective procedures were no longer being done. You're sitting there acting as if our morgues were stuffing refrigerator trucks with corpses because they had no room left.

BTW who is "destroying the country"? People like me who love the place, or sniveling bed wetters like you who are setting shit on fire, tearing down monuments, spray paining marxist psychobabble all over everything and trying to elect criminal sociopaths who enrich their crackhead children with do nothing foreign jobs?

215,000 dead, with 65,000 New infections a day....right now....New estimate of 350,000 dead by January 20th

Trump is an evil, reckless asshole and the Governor should ban him from her state if the corrupt Trump can't be arrested for purposely endangering her life..... gosh, he is such a dick.

300+ Thousand people die each year because of obesity. Using your "logic" we should have shut down all the restaurants and put muzzles on people decades ago, as well as forced exercise programs and dictated their diets.

Not that fascist lunatic democrook sociopaths don't drool over the concept of that kind of authority.

You know what Pete, your excuses fall flat....these covid deaths are ADDITIONAL DEATHS to our average yearly death tolls....

You can't infect me or anyone with obesity..... you can't infect me or anyone with lung cancer, you can't infect me or anyone with heart disease or asthma..... there is no comparison that you can give for an indiscriminate Infectious disease that you can reduce by doing some very minor things....like keeping distance, wearing a mask....

You and the rest of the Trump cultists, have chosen to destroy this once great nation instead..... Why?

Trump shut us down too late and forced reopening too early, with no plan to test and contact trace and isolate the infected.....

We shut down because we didn't have enough testing available to know where the virus was spreading, we were blind with little testing available. We would have never had to shut down at all, if we had had enough testing, so we could just isolate the infected....

Instead it spread like wildfire, hospitals got overwhelmed.

There has never been a plan by this recklace president to reopen safely or even safer... He destroyed the economy single handedly, and is continuing to do such....your hero, your messiah, sucks big time.... and is no leader, of any sort!!! Imo.


Sweden and South Dakota both showed you don't need to shut down.
Sweden is shutting down because they are all dying.
Only the "immigrants"

This is beyond reckless now. They really should lock the fat bastard up where he cant put lives at risk.
Who are you trying to convince that Pres. Trump is stirring up trouble, The United nations? All Pres. Trump have to do is withdrawal this country from the U.N. That every other countries will follow suit.
And so that is why the past politicians has been outsourcing our jobs to other countries. Because they were bribing other countries by sending our companies over there just for them to join or stay in the UN and to stick with their agendas.
Pres. Trump needs to withdrawal from the UN quickly, in order to keep these Globalist out of his hair.
THe past administrations has been handing over power to the UN.


View attachment 403461

I think you are on the wrong thread babe. This one is about trump trying to stir up one of his inbred knuckle draggers to kill the Governer.

naw muzzie, it was them antifa dudes who did that. You know, criminals you support.
215,000 dead, with 65,000 New infections a day....right now....New estimate of 350,000 dead by January 20th

Trump is an evil, reckless asshole and the Governor should ban him from her state if the corrupt Trump can't be arrested for purposely endangering her life..... gosh, he is such a dick.

300+ Thousand people die each year because of obesity. Using your "logic" we should have shut down all the restaurants and put muzzles on people decades ago, as well as forced exercise programs and dictated their diets.

Not that fascist lunatic democrook sociopaths don't drool over the concept of that kind of authority.

You know what Pete, your excuses fall flat....these covid deaths are ADDITIONAL DEATHS to our average yearly death tolls....

You can't infect me or anyone with obesity..... you can't infect me or anyone with lung cancer, you can't infect me or anyone with heart disease or asthma..... there is no comparison that you can give for an indiscriminate Infectious disease that you can reduce by doing some very minor things....like keeping distance, wearing a mask....

You and the rest of the Trump cultists, have chosen to destroy this once great nation instead..... Why?

Trump shut us down too late and forced reopening too early, with no plan to test and contact trace and isolate the infected.....

We shut down because we didn't have enough testing available to know where the virus was spreading, we were blind with little testing available. We would have never had to shut down at all, if we had had enough testing, so we could just isolate the infected....

Instead it spread like wildfire, hospitals got overwhelmed.

There has never been a plan by this recklace president to reopen safely or even safer... He destroyed the economy single handedly, and is continuing to do such....your hero, your messiah, sucks big time.... and is no leader, of any sort!!! Imo.


Sweden and South Dakota both showed you don't need to shut down.
Sweden is shutting down because they are all dying.

This is a total lie.

1. They are not dying...see the charts below.
2. They are considering increased measures because of increased cases.
3. The bottom line is that they killed people early...and got it under control without lockdowns.
4. Britains death rate is higher than Swedens
5. That you would make such a comment really does reveal you have no interest in the truth. You come here to spam the board with garbage that you can't back up. You have zero credibility.




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200k and counting.

Hey Tommy Taintbreath..Do you blame the 40,000+ Covid deaths in the UK solely on Boris Johnson?
Pretty much. I blame the tories for most of it. Too slow to shut down, too quick to reopen. They also fucked up testing and PPE. They are killing people today - typical conservative shite.
200k and counting.

Hey Tommy Taintbreath..Do you blame the 40,000+ Covid deaths in the UK solely on Boris Johnson?
Pretty much. I blame the tories for most of it. Too slow to shut down, too quick to reopen. They also fucked up testing and PPE. They are killing people today - typical conservative shite.

Okay, so now that we have established that you are a hypocrite partisan hack...

How many deaths would have been acceptable for you, had the Labour party been in control during the Covid 19 scare?

Or how many less lives would have been lost, and why?
Last edited:
215,000 dead, with 65,000 New infections a day....right now....New estimate of 350,000 dead by January 20th

Trump is an evil, reckless asshole and the Governor should ban him from her state if the corrupt Trump can't be arrested for purposely endangering her life..... gosh, he is such a dick.

300+ Thousand people die each year because of obesity. Using your "logic" we should have shut down all the restaurants and put muzzles on people decades ago, as well as forced exercise programs and dictated their diets.

Not that fascist lunatic democrook sociopaths don't drool over the concept of that kind of authority.

You know what Pete, your excuses fall flat....these covid deaths are ADDITIONAL DEATHS to our average yearly death tolls....

You can't infect me or anyone with obesity..... you can't infect me or anyone with lung cancer, you can't infect me or anyone with heart disease or asthma..... there is no comparison that you can give for an indiscriminate Infectious disease that you can reduce by doing some very minor things....like keeping distance, wearing a mask....

You and the rest of the Trump cultists, have chosen to destroy this once great nation instead..... Why?

Trump shut us down too late and forced reopening too early, with no plan to test and contact trace and isolate the infected.....

We shut down because we didn't have enough testing available to know where the virus was spreading, we were blind with little testing available. We would have never had to shut down at all, if we had had enough testing, so we could just isolate the infected....

Instead it spread like wildfire, hospitals got overwhelmed.

There has never been a plan by this recklace president to reopen safely or even safer... He destroyed the economy single handedly, and is continuing to do such....your hero, your messiah, sucks big time.... and is no leader, of any sort!!! Imo.

I don't know why the trumpests want to destroy this country so badly. This shit has got to stop. I've never heard any president before attacking the state governors. It's obscene. It's not just that she is a Democrat. She also is a woman and this slob trump thinks that he can bully and cajole women. Good grief. We know trash when we see it. If this whole situation was not so important to our nation's people and our future, it would be comical.
Was lying about a dirty Russian Dossier obscene?
200k and counting.

Hey Tommy Taintbreath..Do you blame the 40,000+ Covid deaths in the UK solely on Boris Johnson?
Pretty much. I blame the tories for most of it. Too slow to shut down, too quick to reopen. They also fucked up testing and PPE. They are killing people today - typical conservative shite.
Progs of the Soviet Union, Nazi's and Mau's China, have killed millions, typical of the progressive shit.

This is beyond reckless now. They really should lock the fat bastard up where he cant put lives at risk.
Not one person on earth cares. There are people who pretend to care, but no one actually thinks his chant is anything more than a humorous moment in a rally. Your fake outrage will score you no points.

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