It is better that this woman was raped, than that she use a gun on her hip to stop it...right?

In Britain, they have taken guns away from law abiding people.....and now their gun crime rate has gone through the roof, and their violent crimes, like rape....are going through the roof.......

And according to anti gunners here on U.S. message...and everywhere is better that women be raped, and possibly murdered, than that they should have the option of using a concealed or open carried gun to stop that rape......

This woman is in Britain...she got off of a London Bus....and was raped....according to anti gunners, this is better than if she had a gun and used it to drive off, capture, injure or kill her attacker...right?

Since they do not believe anyone should carry a gun, this is the preferred outcome....right?

Young woman raped after getting off late-night bus


The victim, aged in her 20s, had got off the bus and was walking down an alleyway when she was attacked from behind and raped, police said.

The incident happened just after midnight as the woman made her way from Millwood Road to Brantwood Road in St Paul's Cray, Bromley.

DC James White, who leads the investigation, said: "This incident took place in a secluded area, and the attack has left the woman traumatised by her ordeal.

What is your fixation with England? They have far fewer gun related deaths than we do. They are doing something right, while we kill thousands per year.

No..they aren't doing anything right.....they are now about to experience an increase in crime the way we did in the 1960s.......their society was set back by World War 2...and now they are about to catch up...their criminals are younger now, and they are shooting each other more.....and now, their people have nothing to use to stop their criminals...that is why their country is so more violent than ours is...

Bullshit. They have a handful of gun related deaths, we have bodies stacked to the ceiling, You're wrong.
What the OP just doesn't understand is that when that woman carries a gun, and has to use it against a rapist, she might miss when she shoots and she might end up hitting a 3 year old girl picking flowers in her yard.

So its best she just get raped.

Depending how caught off guard she was and how quickly this guy took physical control....would she have had time to get to a gun? What if he had a weapon out already...

Moron.....another woman....a different outcome......

What I want you to know on Gun Violence Awareness Day | Fox News

I correctly listened to my instincts; I had a feeling that my life was in danger in that elevator and prepared myself mentally for what was potentially to come.

I ran to my car in an attempt to escape and, before I could even get my entire body in my car, I was tackled by my attacker.

This man quickly overpowered me, stabbed at me with a knife, clamped his hand over my mouth multiple times, and repeatedly tried forcing me in the passenger seat of my car while telling me, “We’re going.”

The entire time this was happening, a rusted, serrated knife was being stabbed towards my abdomen and held at my face.

I had been hit in the face, thrown over my driver’s side console, and had rips in my tights from his hands trying to force my legs up and over into the passenger seat.

There are some individuals that think gun owners are “trigger happy” and wanting to pull their weapons out at the first opportunity. There is nothing further from the truth.

The night I was attacked, I fought like hell for my life before reaching for my gun. I kicked, I screamed, I had all ten fingernails ripped off and bloodied from scratching and trying to fight my way out of a literal life and death situation.

Ultimately, I accessed my gun, shot my attacker multiple times, and saved my life. He will be spending years in prison for what he did to me.

Using a gun in self-protection is not a decision one makes lightly; in fact, I never dreamed that I would be forced into a situation where I would have to do so. However, I also never imagined such evil existing in the world so that I would be powerless, wounded, on my back and unable to physically force my attacker off of me.

I owned a gun and had been trained on how to use it. I know how to safely carry and that a gun is a serious and significant weapon; it is not to be used carelessly. Naysayers and people with opposing opinions may try to undermine my situation with hypotheticals. I cannot answer these questions. All I can do is tell the facts of my story and the true account of how I saved my own life.

What I want you to know on Gun Awareness Day is that a gun in the hands of a potential victim is not improperly placed; it can be the only thing keeping her from being brutally raped and murdered.

Without my gun, I would not be alive today.

Guns are not the problem in America; men like my attacker -- who are willing to violently change one person’s life for no reason except for pure evil – are the problem.

Be safe at all times. Be aware of your surroundings. Trust your instincts. Always be able to protect yourself. Refuse to be a victim, and instead be a fighter and a survivor. Live to tell your tale and make a criminal regret the day he chose you as a “soft target.” My gun saved my life, and one could save yours too.

Living in your head, rent free would be nice....but there is so much space in your head, since there is no brain in here, and the cobwebs and disuse have really made it pretty yucky....

No. I can laugh at you every time you appear, but still not care about you.
In Britain, they have taken guns away from law abiding people.....and now their gun crime rate has gone through the roof, and their violent crimes, like rape....are going through the roof.......

And according to anti gunners here on U.S. message...and everywhere is better that women be raped, and possibly murdered, than that they should have the option of using a concealed or open carried gun to stop that rape......

This woman is in Britain...she got off of a London Bus....and was raped....according to anti gunners, this is better than if she had a gun and used it to drive off, capture, injure or kill her attacker...right?

Since they do not believe anyone should carry a gun, this is the preferred outcome....right?

Young woman raped after getting off late-night bus


The victim, aged in her 20s, had got off the bus and was walking down an alleyway when she was attacked from behind and raped, police said.

The incident happened just after midnight as the woman made her way from Millwood Road to Brantwood Road in St Paul's Cray, Bromley.

DC James White, who leads the investigation, said: "This incident took place in a secluded area, and the attack has left the woman traumatised by her ordeal.

What is your fixation with England? They have far fewer gun related deaths than we do. They are doing something right, while we kill thousands per year.

Gun laws do not decrease murder rates

If Guns Kill People...
Researched Oz rates?
Of course not

Who gives a fuck about Australia?

Not me
In Britain, they have taken guns away from law abiding people.....and now their gun crime rate has gone through the roof, and their violent crimes, like rape....are going through the roof.......

And according to anti gunners here on U.S. message...and everywhere is better that women be raped, and possibly murdered, than that they should have the option of using a concealed or open carried gun to stop that rape......

This woman is in Britain...she got off of a London Bus....and was raped....according to anti gunners, this is better than if she had a gun and used it to drive off, capture, injure or kill her attacker...right?

Since they do not believe anyone should carry a gun, this is the preferred outcome....right?

Young woman raped after getting off late-night bus


The victim, aged in her 20s, had got off the bus and was walking down an alleyway when she was attacked from behind and raped, police said.

The incident happened just after midnight as the woman made her way from Millwood Road to Brantwood Road in St Paul's Cray, Bromley.

DC James White, who leads the investigation, said: "This incident took place in a secluded area, and the attack has left the woman traumatised by her ordeal.

What is your fixation with England? They have far fewer gun related deaths than we do. They are doing something right, while we kill thousands per year.

No..they aren't doing anything right.....they are now about to experience an increase in crime the way we did in the 1960s.......their society was set back by World War 2...and now they are about to catch up...their criminals are younger now, and they are shooting each other more.....and now, their people have nothing to use to stop their criminals...that is why their country is so more violent than ours is...

Bullshit. They have a handful of gun related deaths, we have bodies stacked to the ceiling, You're wrong.

If Guns Kill People...

Would an AK 47 or AR15 with bump stocks been necessary to save her from the crime?
Would an AK 47 or AR15 with bump stocks been necessary to save her from the crime?

Do you even know that an AR 15 is just a plain old ordinary semiautomatic rifle? Or do you think that it's somehow different from every other semiauto out there?
Logic dictates the woman would still be raped and her gun stolen unless she knows martial arts.
Locally, a man was just convicted of murder for shooting his ex with her own gun. It was DV. He climbed in her bedroom window and she got off one shot, winged him, before he took the gun and killed her with it.
I'd sure like to see your cite on this. Otherwise it's just bs.
I'm just going to take offense that you think I made it up. In other words, FUCK YOU.

So in other words you did make it up and can't prove it to be real.

Depending how caught off guard she was and how quickly this guy took physical control....would she have had time to get to a gun? What if he had a weapon out already...

What if what if what if. I'd rather her be armed and have a chance to defend herself, you want a defenseless victim. We understand.

Not exactly, Ive just been in the same situation except the guy was hiding behind a door( with a weapon)in my condo.
I was trying to say sometimes there's no time. My best defense would have been some kind of kick or poking the eyes and running.
or...listening to my cat. He was going nuts running from the living room back to me, but I didn't pick up on it.
In Britain, they have taken guns away from law abiding people.....and now their gun crime rate has gone through the roof, and their violent crimes, like rape....are going through the roof.......

And according to anti gunners here on U.S. message...and everywhere is better that women be raped, and possibly murdered, than that they should have the option of using a concealed or open carried gun to stop that rape......

This woman is in Britain...she got off of a London Bus....and was raped....according to anti gunners, this is better than if she had a gun and used it to drive off, capture, injure or kill her attacker...right?

Since they do not believe anyone should carry a gun, this is the preferred outcome....right?

Young woman raped after getting off late-night bus


The victim, aged in her 20s, had got off the bus and was walking down an alleyway when she was attacked from behind and raped, police said.

The incident happened just after midnight as the woman made her way from Millwood Road to Brantwood Road in St Paul's Cray, Bromley.

DC James White, who leads the investigation, said: "This incident took place in a secluded area, and the attack has left the woman traumatised by her ordeal.

All garbage.
You live in England mr brave Star Wars?
One example.
Their rates are way lower than ours.
What do we have ? 500 mass shootings a year ?
Don't mention of our 20000 rapes a year?

No...we don't have 500 mass shootings a year...we had 6 last year, with 71 people murdered......on guy in Nice, France killed 89 people with a rental Truck.

And Britain has gun crime and it is getting worse each far they just shoot each other, without killing....that is soon going to change....
In Britain, they have taken guns away from law abiding people.....and now their gun crime rate has gone through the roof, and their violent crimes, like rape....are going through the roof.......

And according to anti gunners here on U.S. message...and everywhere is better that women be raped, and possibly murdered, than that they should have the option of using a concealed or open carried gun to stop that rape......

This woman is in Britain...she got off of a London Bus....and was raped....according to anti gunners, this is better than if she had a gun and used it to drive off, capture, injure or kill her attacker...right?

Since they do not believe anyone should carry a gun, this is the preferred outcome....right?

Young woman raped after getting off late-night bus


The victim, aged in her 20s, had got off the bus and was walking down an alleyway when she was attacked from behind and raped, police said.

The incident happened just after midnight as the woman made her way from Millwood Road to Brantwood Road in St Paul's Cray, Bromley.

DC James White, who leads the investigation, said: "This incident took place in a secluded area, and the attack has left the woman traumatised by her ordeal.

What is your fixation with England? They have far fewer gun related deaths than we do. They are doing something right, while we kill thousands per year.

Gun laws do not decrease murder rates

If Guns Kill People...
Researched Oz rates?
Of course not

Yeah...I have...

Australia’s Gun 'Buyback' Created a Violent Firearms Black Market. Why Should the U.S. Do the Same?

Just days ago, Australia's Peter Dutton, Minister for Immigration and Border Protection, and Michael Keenan, Minister for Justice, held a joint press conference to announce "We don't tolerate gun smuggling in Australia and we know Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs are engaged in it. We have been keen to send the strongest possible message from Canberra that we're not going to tolerate people smuggling in guns or smuggling in gun parts. You'd appreciate that even one smuggled gun can do an enormous amount of damage."

When politicians announce that they don't tolerate something, it's a fair bet that the something is completely out of hand.

"Police admit they cannot eradicate a black market that is peddling illegal guns to criminals," the Adelaide Advertiser concededa few years ago. "Motorcycle gang members and convicted criminals barred from buying guns in South Australia have no difficulty obtaining illegal firearms - including fully automatic weapons."

More recently, the country's The New Daily gained access to "previously unpublished data for firearms offences" and reporteda surge in crime "including a massive 83 per cent increase in firearms offences in NSW between 2005/06 and 2014/15, and an even bigger jump in Victoria over the same period."

"Australians may be more at risk from gun crime than ever before with the country's underground market for firearms ballooning in the past decade," the report added. "[T]he national ban on semi-automatic weapons following the Port Arthur massacre had spawned criminal demand for handguns."

Much as the Mafia and other organized criminal outfits rose to power, wealth, and prominence by supplying illegal liquor during Prohibition in the United States, outlaw motorcycle gangs in Australia appear to be building international connections and making money by supplying guns to willing buyers.


Eight shootings in one week

THIS could be the worst month for gun violence in Victoria since 2014, with eight shootings in the first 10 days of March including one man being killed.

The spate of shootings across the state has led to a specific taskforce from Victoria Police to focus on the increase of incidents.

The worst month for gun violence since 2014 was October last year, when there were 12 shootings, including one fatality.

Fairfax Media reports March is on track to beat the number of shootings last October, making it the worst month for shootings since at least 2014.

The latest shooting was last night, when the driver of a black Audi fired at another car with a handgun.

Victoria Police say a Mazda was stopped at a Sunshine West intersection when the Audi pulled up beside it.

The two men in the Audi then drew their guns and the driver fired into the rear passenger side of the Mazda

Scary trend in Australian gun crime

MONDAY’S siege in Sydney that saw three people shot and three held hostage before the gunman turned the firearm on himself was a terrifying reminder of the Lindt cafe crisis just over a year ago.

It comes as another man was shot dead in Victoria at close range last night, three days after a man was killed in a suspected shooting at a Melbourne motel and four days after a man was shot dead at a property in Ipswich, Queensland, with police called just after 2am.

Last month, a man accused of a shooting in Canberra allegedly boasted to police that the victim would be dead if he had pulled the trigger, because he had significant experience with firearms, despite not having a licence.

There were 207 firearms deaths in Australia in 2013, a rate of 0.93 per 100,000 people, higher than in 19 other countries, including the UK, Bolivia and Zimbabwe.

While we often shake our heads in horror at America’s problems with gun crime, it’s clear we are far from immune from the deadly influence of firearms.


In New South Wales, weapons offences have risen 8.7 per cent per year over the past five years, to 11,471 in the year to September 2015. The New Daily reported in November that incidents involving firearms rose 83 per cent in NSW from 2005-6 to 2014-5. Charges for possession and trafficking of guns in South Australia saw a 49 per cent rise over four years.


Victoria is similarly affected, with a 52 per cent increase in firearms offences to 3645 between 2009-10 and 2014-15. In Tasmania, there was a 26 per cent increase in firearm-related offences between December 2012 and 2015.

Victoria police chief Steve Fontana this week expressed fears about the rapid increase in shootings in the past eight months. The state’s Crime Statistics Agency Chief Statistician Fiona Dowsley said in December: “Weapons and explosives offences and drug use and possession offences have again seen statistically significant increases this quarter.”
In Britain, they have taken guns away from law abiding people.....and now their gun crime rate has gone through the roof, and their violent crimes, like rape....are going through the roof.......

And according to anti gunners here on U.S. message...and everywhere is better that women be raped, and possibly murdered, than that they should have the option of using a concealed or open carried gun to stop that rape......

This woman is in Britain...she got off of a London Bus....and was raped....according to anti gunners, this is better than if she had a gun and used it to drive off, capture, injure or kill her attacker...right?

Since they do not believe anyone should carry a gun, this is the preferred outcome....right?

Young woman raped after getting off late-night bus


The victim, aged in her 20s, had got off the bus and was walking down an alleyway when she was attacked from behind and raped, police said.

The incident happened just after midnight as the woman made her way from Millwood Road to Brantwood Road in St Paul's Cray, Bromley.

DC James White, who leads the investigation, said: "This incident took place in a secluded area, and the attack has left the woman traumatised by her ordeal.

What is your fixation with England? They have far fewer gun related deaths than we do. They are doing something right, while we kill thousands per year.

No..they aren't doing anything right.....they are now about to experience an increase in crime the way we did in the 1960s.......their society was set back by World War 2...and now they are about to catch up...their criminals are younger now, and they are shooting each other more.....and now, their people have nothing to use to stop their criminals...that is why their country is so more violent than ours is...

Bullshit. They have a handful of gun related deaths, we have bodies stacked to the ceiling, You're wrong. are wrong.....they banned guns, they are an island and their gun crime rates are skyrocketing....they have imported violent, drug gangs......and they need guns....

Culture of violence: Gun crime goes up by 89% in a decade | Daily Mail Online

The latest Government figures show that the total number of firearm offences in England and Wales has increased from 5,209 in 1998/99 to 9,865 last year - a rise of 89 per cent.

The number of people injured or killed by guns, excluding air weapons, has increased from 864 in 1998/99 to a provisional figure of 1,760 in 2008/09, an increase of 104 per cent .


Crime rise is biggest in a decade, ONS figures show

Ministers will also be concerned that the country is becoming increasingly violent in nature, with gun crime rising 23% to 6,375 offences, largely driven by an increase in the use of handguns.


Gun crime in London increases by 42% - BBC News

Gun crime offences in London surged by 42% in the last year, according to official statistics.

Top trauma surgeon reveals shocking extent of London’s gun crime

A leading trauma surgeon has told how the number of patients treated for gunshot injuries at a major London hospital has doubled in the last five years.


He said the hospital’s major trauma centre had seen a bigger rise in gunshot injuries compared to knife wounds and that the average age of victims was getting younger.


Last year, gun crime offences in London increased for a third year running and by 42 per cent, from 1,793 offences in 2015/16 to 2,544 offences in 2016/17. Police have seized 635 guns off the streets so far this year.

Dr Griffiths, who also teaches medical students, said: “Our numbers of victims of gun injury have doubled [since 2012]. Gunshot injuries represent about 2.5 per cent of our penetrating trauma.


Dr Griffiths said the average age of gun crime victims needing treatment at the hospital had decreased from 25 to the mid to late teens since 2012.

He added that medics at the Barts Health hospital’s major trauma centre in Whitechapel had seen a bigger rise in patients with gun injuries rather than knife wounds and that most were caused by pistols or shotguns.

Met Police commander Jim Stokley, who was also invited to speak at the meeting, said that handguns and shotguns were the weapons of choice and that 46 per cent of London’s gun crime discharges were gang-related.

He said: “We believe that a lot of it is associated with the drugs trade, and by that I mean people dealing drugs at street level and disagreements between different gangs.”
In Britain, they have taken guns away from law abiding people.....and now their gun crime rate has gone through the roof, and their violent crimes, like rape....are going through the roof.......

And according to anti gunners here on U.S. message...and everywhere is better that women be raped, and possibly murdered, than that they should have the option of using a concealed or open carried gun to stop that rape......

This woman is in Britain...she got off of a London Bus....and was raped....according to anti gunners, this is better than if she had a gun and used it to drive off, capture, injure or kill her attacker...right?

Since they do not believe anyone should carry a gun, this is the preferred outcome....right?

Young woman raped after getting off late-night bus


The victim, aged in her 20s, had got off the bus and was walking down an alleyway when she was attacked from behind and raped, police said.

The incident happened just after midnight as the woman made her way from Millwood Road to Brantwood Road in St Paul's Cray, Bromley.

DC James White, who leads the investigation, said: "This incident took place in a secluded area, and the attack has left the woman traumatised by her ordeal.
With our obscene ability to arm ourselves in this country, women are still raped every day. This argument is a low argument to emotion. I thought you didn't like that?
And since you live in the United States of America, it would be nice if you would stop posting every gun crime in England.

Yes women are raped every day. Not every woman has a gun. If more women had guns those stats would go down but a lot of women just won't defend themselves. Not even when they can.

I taught a seminar in self defense for women. Not the methods, but the psychology of self defense. Most women would not defend themselves. If they have a gun, they will hesitate to use it. They will say "Go away. Leave me alone. Come closer and I'll shoot you." Of course this is nothing more than an invitation to take the gun and kill her with it. Guns are not the only method of self defense. Women trained in martial arts will not use it against an assailant. Women that have other weapons will not use them. I've taught women how to use a rat tail comb to put an eye out. Women won't do it. This is slowly changing, but not fast enough to save many female lives. So when you see an instance in which a man took a gun away from a woman and killed her with it, 90% of the time it's her fault. She refused to pull the trigger.

Survival mode kicks in and Id imagine its different for everyone. For those who are uncomfortable or don't know how to use a gun...they shouldn't have one for the reasons you stated above.
Would an AK 47 or AR15 with bump stocks been necessary to save her from the crime?

No.....they aren't easy to carry around on a daily basis....but an M&P 9 or a Sig P226 or a Glock......she could carry and use that easily. Now during a riot....where democrats are looting and burning businesses and violently beating innocent people...or in the aftermath of a natural disaster like a hurricane where the police may be too busy to answer your call for help...or if you are a rancher where the police are an hour a way.....that is when a self defense rifle like an AR or an AK or a Mini 14 would be great.....
In Britain, they have taken guns away from law abiding people.....and now their gun crime rate has gone through the roof, and their violent crimes, like rape....are going through the roof.......

And according to anti gunners here on U.S. message...and everywhere is better that women be raped, and possibly murdered, than that they should have the option of using a concealed or open carried gun to stop that rape......

This woman is in Britain...she got off of a London Bus....and was raped....according to anti gunners, this is better than if she had a gun and used it to drive off, capture, injure or kill her attacker...right?

Since they do not believe anyone should carry a gun, this is the preferred outcome....right?

Young woman raped after getting off late-night bus


The victim, aged in her 20s, had got off the bus and was walking down an alleyway when she was attacked from behind and raped, police said.

The incident happened just after midnight as the woman made her way from Millwood Road to Brantwood Road in St Paul's Cray, Bromley.

DC James White, who leads the investigation, said: "This incident took place in a secluded area, and the attack has left the woman traumatised by her ordeal.
With our obscene ability to arm ourselves in this country, women are still raped every day. This argument is a low argument to emotion. I thought you didn't like that?
And since you live in the United States of America, it would be nice if you would stop posting every gun crime in England.

Yes women are raped every day. Not every woman has a gun. If more women had guns those stats would go down but a lot of women just won't defend themselves. Not even when they can.

I taught a seminar in self defense for women. Not the methods, but the psychology of self defense. Most women would not defend themselves. If they have a gun, they will hesitate to use it. They will say "Go away. Leave me alone. Come closer and I'll shoot you." Of course this is nothing more than an invitation to take the gun and kill her with it. Guns are not the only method of self defense. Women trained in martial arts will not use it against an assailant. Women that have other weapons will not use them. I've taught women how to use a rat tail comb to put an eye out. Women won't do it. This is slowly changing, but not fast enough to save many female lives. So when you see an instance in which a man took a gun away from a woman and killed her with it, 90% of the time it's her fault. She refused to pull the trigger.

Survival mode kicks in and Id imagine its different for everyone. For those who are uncomfortable or don't know how to use a gun...they shouldn't have one for the reasons you stated above.

And the 60 year old woman with a much Krav Maga do you think she would be capable of.....against one or two young criminals.....armed with a knife....or guns...?
In Britain, they have taken guns away from law abiding people.....and now their gun crime rate has gone through the roof, and their violent crimes, like rape....are going through the roof.......

And according to anti gunners here on U.S. message...and everywhere is better that women be raped, and possibly murdered, than that they should have the option of using a concealed or open carried gun to stop that rape......

This woman is in Britain...she got off of a London Bus....and was raped....according to anti gunners, this is better than if she had a gun and used it to drive off, capture, injure or kill her attacker...right?

Since they do not believe anyone should carry a gun, this is the preferred outcome....right?

Young woman raped after getting off late-night bus


The victim, aged in her 20s, had got off the bus and was walking down an alleyway when she was attacked from behind and raped, police said.

The incident happened just after midnight as the woman made her way from Millwood Road to Brantwood Road in St Paul's Cray, Bromley.

DC James White, who leads the investigation, said: "This incident took place in a secluded area, and the attack has left the woman traumatised by her ordeal.
With our obscene ability to arm ourselves in this country, women are still raped every day. This argument is a low argument to emotion. I thought you didn't like that?
And since you live in the United States of America, it would be nice if you would stop posting every gun crime in England.

Yes women are raped every day. Not every woman has a gun. If more women had guns those stats would go down but a lot of women just won't defend themselves. Not even when they can.

I taught a seminar in self defense for women. Not the methods, but the psychology of self defense. Most women would not defend themselves. If they have a gun, they will hesitate to use it. They will say "Go away. Leave me alone. Come closer and I'll shoot you." Of course this is nothing more than an invitation to take the gun and kill her with it. Guns are not the only method of self defense. Women trained in martial arts will not use it against an assailant. Women that have other weapons will not use them. I've taught women how to use a rat tail comb to put an eye out. Women won't do it. This is slowly changing, but not fast enough to save many female lives. So when you see an instance in which a man took a gun away from a woman and killed her with it, 90% of the time it's her fault. She refused to pull the trigger.

Survival mode kicks in and Id imagine its different for everyone. For those who are uncomfortable or don't know how to use a gun...they shouldn't have one for the reasons you stated above.

And the 60 year old woman with a much Krav Maga do you think she would be capable of.....against one or two young criminals.....armed with a knife....or guns...?

Two attackers? ...shed need a gun ( if trained and if she willing to use it)
I wonder how long a would-be rapist could maintain his hard-on with a gun pointed at it.
In Britain, they have taken guns away from law abiding people.....and now their gun crime rate has gone through the roof, and their violent crimes, like rape....are going through the roof.......

And according to anti gunners here on U.S. message...and everywhere is better that women be raped, and possibly murdered, than that they should have the option of using a concealed or open carried gun to stop that rape......

This woman is in Britain...she got off of a London Bus....and was raped....according to anti gunners, this is better than if she had a gun and used it to drive off, capture, injure or kill her attacker...right?

Since they do not believe anyone should carry a gun, this is the preferred outcome....right?

Young woman raped after getting off late-night bus


The victim, aged in her 20s, had got off the bus and was walking down an alleyway when she was attacked from behind and raped, police said.

The incident happened just after midnight as the woman made her way from Millwood Road to Brantwood Road in St Paul's Cray, Bromley.

DC James White, who leads the investigation, said: "This incident took place in a secluded area, and the attack has left the woman traumatised by her ordeal.

All garbage.
You live in England mr brave Star Wars?
One example.
Their rates are way lower than ours.
What do we have ? 500 mass shootings a year ?
Don't mention of our 20000 rapes a year?

No...we don't have 500 mass shootings a year...we had 6 last year, with 71 people murdered......on guy in Nice, France killed 89 people with a rental Truck.

And Britain has gun crime and it is getting worse each far they just shoot each other, without killing....that is soon going to change....

While gun related deaths still happen in England, only an idiot would think their ways of preventing them aren't far superior to ours.

Gun violence rare in U.K. compared to U.S.
The gun homicide rate in England and Wales is about one for every 1 million people, according to the Geneva Declaration of Armed Violence and Development, a multinational organization based in Switzerland.

In a population of 56 million, that adds up to about 50 to 60 gun killings annually. In the USA, by contrast, there are about 160 times as many gun homicides in a country that is roughly six times larger in population. There were 8,124 gun homicides in 2014, according to the latest FBI figures.
In Britain, they have taken guns away from law abiding people.....and now their gun crime rate has gone through the roof, and their violent crimes, like rape....are going through the roof.......

And according to anti gunners here on U.S. message...and everywhere is better that women be raped, and possibly murdered, than that they should have the option of using a concealed or open carried gun to stop that rape......

This woman is in Britain...she got off of a London Bus....and was raped....according to anti gunners, this is better than if she had a gun and used it to drive off, capture, injure or kill her attacker...right?

Since they do not believe anyone should carry a gun, this is the preferred outcome....right?

Young woman raped after getting off late-night bus


The victim, aged in her 20s, had got off the bus and was walking down an alleyway when she was attacked from behind and raped, police said.

The incident happened just after midnight as the woman made her way from Millwood Road to Brantwood Road in St Paul's Cray, Bromley.

DC James White, who leads the investigation, said: "This incident took place in a secluded area, and the attack has left the woman traumatised by her ordeal.

What is your fixation with England? They have far fewer gun related deaths than we do. They are doing something right, while we kill thousands per year.

No..they aren't doing anything right.....they are now about to experience an increase in crime the way we did in the 1960s.......their society was set back by World War 2...and now they are about to catch up...their criminals are younger now, and they are shooting each other more.....and now, their people have nothing to use to stop their criminals...that is why their country is so more violent than ours is...

Bullshit. They have a handful of gun related deaths, we have bodies stacked to the ceiling, You're wrong. are wrong.....they banned guns, they are an island and their gun crime rates are skyrocketing....they have imported violent, drug gangs......and they need guns....

Culture of violence: Gun crime goes up by 89% in a decade | Daily Mail Online

The latest Government figures show that the total number of firearm offences in England and Wales has increased from 5,209 in 1998/99 to 9,865 last year - a rise of 89 per cent.

The number of people injured or killed by guns, excluding air weapons, has increased from 864 in 1998/99 to a provisional figure of 1,760 in 2008/09, an increase of 104 per cent .


Crime rise is biggest in a decade, ONS figures show

Ministers will also be concerned that the country is becoming increasingly violent in nature, with gun crime rising 23% to 6,375 offences, largely driven by an increase in the use of handguns.


Gun crime in London increases by 42% - BBC News

Gun crime offences in London surged by 42% in the last year, according to official statistics.

Top trauma surgeon reveals shocking extent of London’s gun crime

A leading trauma surgeon has told how the number of patients treated for gunshot injuries at a major London hospital has doubled in the last five years.


He said the hospital’s major trauma centre had seen a bigger rise in gunshot injuries compared to knife wounds and that the average age of victims was getting younger.


Last year, gun crime offences in London increased for a third year running and by 42 per cent, from 1,793 offences in 2015/16 to 2,544 offences in 2016/17. Police have seized 635 guns off the streets so far this year.

Dr Griffiths, who also teaches medical students, said: “Our numbers of victims of gun injury have doubled [since 2012]. Gunshot injuries represent about 2.5 per cent of our penetrating trauma.


Dr Griffiths said the average age of gun crime victims needing treatment at the hospital had decreased from 25 to the mid to late teens since 2012.

He added that medics at the Barts Health hospital’s major trauma centre in Whitechapel had seen a bigger rise in patients with gun injuries rather than knife wounds and that most were caused by pistols or shotguns.

Met Police commander Jim Stokley, who was also invited to speak at the meeting, said that handguns and shotguns were the weapons of choice and that 46 per cent of London’s gun crime discharges were gang-related.

He said: “We believe that a lot of it is associated with the drugs trade, and by that I mean people dealing drugs at street level and disagreements between different gangs.”
50 or 60 gun related deaths per year compared to our 8,124. Are you nuts?

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