It is important thet we learn about groups of people not like us in the world

It is important thet we learn about groups of people not like us.
I feel more studies and teachings need to be done about members of the MAGA movement. What is their past. What has made them the way they are. Before we criticize them so heavily we should try to understand them.
Besides studies on why they are the way they are we should include the information in school studies.
Understanding where the MAGA people came from and why they are the way they are may dissipate the hate towards them.
No, no, there's no need to do that. In the first place, apparently they don't care if anyone likes them or not. In the second place, why stop spewing irrational hate? It just makes their point for them.
You type that while holding a deep hatred for 50+% of Americans.
I harbor no hatred at all.

It’s hard for you and your mindless guesswork to be more wrong. 👍
MAGA believe liberals are baby murdering pedophiles,

Wrong. You shouldn’t try to speak for others. You’re not even good at speaking for yourself.
and they believe anti-Trump republicans are liberals.

Not true. But even if it were, that has nothing to do with “hatred,” you asshole.
Nobody hates Americans more than MAGA.
MAGA doesn’t hate America at all.

You do.
More condescending smarmy shit from the TDS in chief pillow biter.
Just trying to discover what makes MAGA tick. It baffles me. People filled with hate for our country, as it is, and people not like them led by an immoral, unethical, narcacisstic, meglamaniac.
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Claimed Augy Doggie with not a shred of supporting evidence.

What bullshit. ^ Massive intentionally dishonest claims from a lefturd. It is well established that it is the left that hates America.
The words of an angry, hateful person.
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Just trying to discover what makes MAGA tick. It baffles me. People filled with hate for our country, as it is, and people not like them led by an immoral, unethical, narcacisstic, meglamaniac.
In other words, you’re not trying to “understand” anything.

As always, you’re just here to fling your poo.
No. Reality makes it plainly evident.

Was it a conservative or a far left wing libturd asshole who proclaimed that he sought to “fundamentally change” America?
MAGA creates their own reality.
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All I know is "our enemies" abroad never called me half what leftist dems have.
Our enemies abroad are as negative towards our country as the MAGA movement.
That is why our enemies love the MAGA movement. They call the USA bad, just like the enemies do.
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You cum guzzlers are the ones who hate America.

Your sleazy former President, Obumbler, is the asshole who said it. Nobody who even likes America would think it’s a good idea to seek to fundamentally change it.

We, not you shitbags, are the ones who love the American republic and its people.
It is hard to find someone as full of anger and hate as this guy.
In other words, you’re not trying to “understand” anything.

As always, you’re just here to fling your poo.
I would really like to know what makes you people the way you are. I don't think it is our cpountry or people different than you. There is something else that has made you hate our country and people not like you.
No, you aren't. Just trying to score cheap points with your fellow SJW nitwits.

More TDS on your part.
I would really like to know what makes you people the way you are. I don't think it is our cpountry or people different than you. There is something else that has made you hate our country and people not like you.
It is hard to find someone as full of anger and hate as this guy.
Except of course, i’m not.

You are. But that’s been clear since like forever.

My question for you is why? Why do you insist on being a liar and so hateful and such a troll?

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Except of course, i’m not.

You are. But that’s been clear since like forever.

My question for you is why? Why don’t insist on being a liar and so hateful and such a troll?

I am trying to understand you, not hate you.
I do hate what you are doing to our country.
I would really like to know what makes you people the way you are. I don't think it is our cpountry or people different than you. There is something else that has made you hate our country and people not like you.

it's assholes like you trying to silence anyone that doesn't think like you.

I despise actions, not what people are.
I am trying to understand you, not hate you.
I do hate what you are doing to our country.
You aren’t trying to understand anything.

You premised your bullshit OP on deliberate fictions.

Just admit that you’re trolling some more.

It’s really all you do. And, ironically, you’re far too plodding and stupid to do it well.

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