It is important thet we learn about groups of people not like us in the world

I agree. I am talking to MAGA. I want to hear more about why they feel the way they do.
I am not telling them why they are the way they are. I want them to tell me.
I have my suspicions on why they are the way they are but I may be wrong.
What is it specifically you want to know? Just asking why are they the way the way they are is very general in nature. I suspect what you are looking for is confirmation bias responses from the anti Trump/MAGA posters here.
I am serious.

One point is how wrong it is to take black history out of the school curriculum.
The more we understand a people's history the more we can undertand them.
I don't think MAGA wants to understand any group but themselves. They say screw everybody else, it is all about us.
In most any political movement there are going to be some just out for themselves no matter what, MAGA included. You speak of history, okay 50 plus years ago while I was in school we studied black history, how slavery got started in the late 1600's up to the Civil War and civil rights movements afterwards up to when I was in school in the early 70's. I also learned that we had not 1 but 3 attempts of states leaving the union. The Civil war being the most known, but also the South Carolina Nullification crisis in 1832 which Andrew Jackson stopped in its tracks and during the War of 1812, parts of New England opposed the war with Britian and elements of Massachusetts and Conn. tried to ban together to leave the union but could not garner enough support to push it thru. Just giving you some my own personal experiences in that regard.
MAGA does not want to understand or learn about people not like them. It is threatening and too much work.
It is easier for them to just hate them.

We need to find out why MAGA people are like that. It is a very dangerous mindset.
How about studying the effect on, and subsequent reactions of, people whom you broad brush (i.e. stereotype) and call them things like "deplorables" and "cultists"?

But that would require self-awareness and introspection....Two character traits that are entirely absent in the makeup of the common shitlib in general, and condescending pricks like you in particular.
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What is it specifically you want to know? Just asking why are they the way the way they are is very general in nature. I suspect what you are looking for is confirmation bias responses from the anti Trump/MAGA posters here.
I do not understand the amount of anger towards the USA. Our country is never perfect. With 3330 million people, no one will be satisfied all the time. Our election has always been the prime way to make changes. All information confirms the 2020 election was as good as any past elections. MAGA throwing out the backbone of our system.
The Judicial system has been the most consistent part of our system to keep us on track with the Constitution. Here again, MAGA says our judicial system is no longer fair.
MAGA has pissed on two key components of our country that was set up by our founding fathers. Plus the power they want to give Trump over rides the seperation of powers. That is saying we want to remake the country like we define, not how defined by the founding fathers.
In most any political movement there are going to be some just out for themselves no matter what, MAGA included. You speak of history, okay 50 plus years ago while I was in school we studied black history, how slavery got started in the late 1600's up to the Civil War and civil rights movements afterwards up to when I was in school in the early 70's. I also learned that we had not 1 but 3 attempts of states leaving the union. The Civil war being the most known, but also the South Carolina Nullification crisis in 1832 which Andrew Jackson stopped in its tracks and during the War of 1812, parts of New England opposed the war with Britian and elements of Massachusetts and Conn. tried to ban together to leave the union but could not garner enough support to push it thru. Just giving you some my own personal experiences in that regard.
Our country has survived, including the 3 incidents you mentioned, because of the structure built by our founding father. Elections, the judicial system and seperation of powers being very important. Those same institutions are making corrections in the MAGA movement. But MAGA is trying to over ride our election sytem, the judicial branch and seperation of powers. Those are gone our country is gone
How about studying the effect on, and subsequent reactions of, people whom you broad brush (i.e. stereotype) and call them things like "deplorables" and "cultists"

But that would require self-awareness and introspection....Two character traits that are entirely absent in the makeup of the common shitlib in general, and condescending pricks like you in particular.
Calling MAGA deplorables does not help. But I feel you need to call a spade a spade. MAGA has all of the qualities of a cult.
10 Signs You're In A Cult

  • The leader is the ultimate authority. ...
  • The group suppresses skepticism. ...
  • The group delegitimizes former members. ...
  • The group is paranoid about the outside world. ...
  • The group relies on shame cycles. ...
  • The leader is above the law. ...
  • The group uses “thought reform” methods. ...
  • The group is elitist.
No you're not....You want an avenue that gives you a rationale to carry on an air of smug superiority, while trying (and failing) to project a cynical facade of Scoratic curiosity.

This disingenuous approach isn't anything new.
I am curious. I feel strongly, that MAGA is wrong. I feel they are a danger to our country.
But I am aking real questions.
Answering with libitards and every foul mouth adjetive possible is all I get. It does not answer questions.
Maybe you should be looking into the way that you and your ilk treat them.
I do. And I am looking, also, at what I think of and treat MAGA followers. That is why I am asking questions. I admit, that I have a very negative view of all who support MAGA.
Our country has survived, including the 3 incidents you mentioned, because of the structure built by our founding father. Elections, the judicial system and seperation of powers being very important. Those same institutions are making corrections in the MAGA movement. But MAGA is trying to over ride our election sytem, the judicial branch and seperation of powers. Those are gone our country is gone
There were and are serious questions about election night 2020 in GA, PA, AZ, WI and possibility Mich and Nev (those 2 states less so) federal law enforcement targeting Biden critics and courts refusing or ignoring supporting evidence.
I am curious.
No you're not.
I feel strongly, that MAGA is wrong. I feel they are a danger to our country.
That's your paranoia...I suggest you seek professional help for that....Seriously.
But I am aking real questions.
Answering with libitards and every foul mouth adjetive possible is all I get. It does not answer questions.
Again, you're asking these "real questions" in order to buttress your confirmation biases (as noted by another poster), and rationalize your smug sense of superiority over the Trumpsters.

As noted above, you would be well advised to seek some professional help.
Calling MAGA deplorables does not help. But I feel you need to call a spade a spade. MAGA has all of the qualities of a cult.
10 Signs You're In A Cult

  • The leader is the ultimate authority. ...
  • The group suppresses skepticism. ...
  • The group delegitimizes former members. ...
  • The group is paranoid about the outside world. ...
  • The group relies on shame cycles. ...
  • The leader is above the law. ...
  • The group uses “thought reform” methods. ...
  • The group is elitist.
Well, there you have it.....You're not genuinely curious....You're just here demonstrating your paranoia, and looking for rationale to affirm you delusional confirmation biases.
There were and are serious questions about election night 2020 in GA, PA, AZ, WI and possibility Mich and Nev (those 2 states less so) federal law enforcement targeting Biden critics and courts refusing or ignoring supporting evidence.
Many elections have had questions. The biggest being Bush-Gore that went to the Supreme Court. Gore could have continued the fight and chose to ignore the court system, but for the country he conceded.
Trump has used every tool in the US system to challenge the election. Forty plus law suits etc. He has lost them all, just like Gore.

There seems to be a questioning of every US institution when it goes against Trump.

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