It is important thet we learn about groups of people not like us in the world

It is important thet we learn about groups of people not like us.
I feel more studies and teachings need to be done about members of the MAGA movement. What is their past. What has made them the way they are. Before we criticize them so heavily we should try to understand them.
Besides studies on why they are the way they are we should include the information in school studies.
Understanding where the MAGA people came from and why they are the way they are may dissipate the hate towards them.

Some of us have been studying people for decades, and know people like you need to be deported.
No you're not.

That's your paranoia...I suggest you seek professional help for that....Seriously.

Again, you're asking these "real questions" in order to buttress your confirmation biases (as noted by another poster), and rationalize your smug sense of superiority over the Trumpsters.

As noted above, you would be well advised to seek some professional help.
Your answers are buttressing my preconceptions. I am trying to understand and yoou reaffirm my impressions.
Claimed Augy Doggie with not a shred of supporting evidence.
SUpporting evidence:

No you don't....If you did, you wouldn't have made that cheap excuse for calling them cultists.

You're only fooling yourself with this feigned "curiosity".
I truly feel Trump MAGA is cult like. If you don't thinkso, don't worry about what I think.
If a member of my family was in a group with the characteristics of a Trump led MAGA. I would tell them the same thing. No one should let one individual define their world as much as Trump, appears, to define MAGA members world. I hear no negative things said about Trump by MAGA followers.
BULLSHIT. I know all about socialists, globalists, deviants, freaks, weirdos, leaches and commies. Why don't you ask them why they don't like normal, hardworking, white, conservative, patriotic, wholesome, god-fearing people first, then get back to me on who has a problem.

America was FOUNDED to get away from all of that sick crap.
I do not understand the amount of anger towards the USA. Our country is never perfect. With 3330 million people, no one will be satisfied all the time. Our election has always been the prime way to make changes. All information confirms the 2020 election was as good as any past elections. MAGA throwing out the backbone of our system.
The Judicial system has been the most consistent part of our system to keep us on track with the Constitution. Here again, MAGA says our judicial system is no longer fair.
MAGA has pissed on two key components of our country that was set up by our founding fathers. Plus the power they want to give Trump over rides the seperation of powers. That is saying we want to remake the country like we define, not how defined by the founding fathers.
You do realize everything you just posted we got from the left after the 2016 election. Courts do you remember how the left acted after the Roe V Wade was overturned I do you had protest outside the justices homes which was an attempt to intimidate them and was also illegal yet nothing was done about it you had one person travel there with the intention to assassinate one of the conservative justices. Everything you say MAGA wants to do the left also wants to do it seems like it's not the actions you have an issue with just who is doing it.
Just because every media source you choose to peruse has been blasting that at you every day for decades does not make it true, snowflake
Your utterly disgusting uninformed denials doesn’t make the facts disappear. :itsok:
SUpporting evidence:

Rush has been dead for a while already.

Try harder, Crepe.
It is important thet we learn about groups of people not like us.
I feel more studies and teachings need to be done about members of the MAGA movement. What is their past. What has made them the way they are. Before we criticize them so heavily we should try to understand them.
Besides studies on why they are the way they are we should include the information in school studies.
Understanding where the MAGA people came from and why they are the way they are may dissipate the hate towards them.
I realize you're not serious about learning about MAGA. But if you we're I'd suggest a simple 2 part plan towards greater understanding.

1. Shut off the part of your brain that accuses people of bigotry, stupidity, and ignorance just because they disagree with you.
2. Listen to what they say.
You are saying MAGA is made up of "normal types".
Why do the "normal types" hate our country, as it is, and people who are not like them.

I do not look at that typesof person as a "normal type".
Normal people don’t hate our country.

See how easy that was Mr. Projection. (If that’s your pronoun)

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