It is important thet we learn about groups of people not like us in the world

You want a study to understand why Americans are patriotic and want the best for the country?

Instead, I’d propose a study to understand why leftists are the way they are. Why do they want to import as many low-skilled, poorly educated foreigners as possible? Why do they have such disdain for the white working class - the very backbone of our nation? Why are they so opposed to racism but tolerant - even advancing - of antisemitism? Why do they want to focus on how awful whites are? Why do they consider skin color more important than qualifications? And why do they hate people who disagree with them, and even refuse to allow them to speak?
Your statement says a lot of what I expect MAGA thinking to be. Closer to white nationalism than a country of the people, by the people, for the people. All people not just MAGA supporters.
Because the first hungry person who comes along is going to steal your food.

No one steals food out of my childrens' mouths. They can die trying if they wish.

I work for MY child, not yours.
What about the children whose parents have abandoned them.
Selfish, self absorbed people like you are the problem. Not a good citizen, not a good neighbor. You are all about you, screw everybody and everything else.
In fact, extensive research has been done concerning reactionary rightwing fascism.

Like other reactionary fascist movements, ‘MAGA’ is motivated by an unwarranted fear of positive, beneficial change – primarily a fear of diversity, inclusion, and expressions of individual liberty.

Longing to return America to an idealized past that never actually existed, the authoritarian right will seek to compel conformity and silence dissent using the power of the state.

‘MAGA’ promotes anti-immigrant nativism, as expressed by white grievance politics and racist replacement theory.

Illiberal and anti-democratic, ‘MAGA’ pursues an agenda intended to disenfranchise minority voters, hobble the political process, and undermine our democratic institutions; indeed, ‘MAGA’ is a fundamental threat to democracy, like other reactionary fascist movements.
You should help develop the curriculum for understanding MAGA.
Your statement says a lot of what I expect MAGA thinking to be. Closer to white nationalism than a country of the people, by the people, for the people. All people not just MAGA supporters.
What was white nationalism about what I said? All I did was point out how the Dems are looking down upon the white working class and advancing racism against whites.

And hint: you don’t work on “understanding MAGAs” by accusing them of your preconceived and false notions.
What was white nationalism about what I said? All I did was point out how the Dems are looking down upon the white working class and advancing racism against whites.

And hint: you don’t work on “understanding MAGAs” by accusing them of your preconceived and false notions.
Your statement of "advancing racism against whites" is the backbone of all white supremacist groups.
Your statement of "advancing racism against whites" is the backbone of all white supremacist groups.
No it isn’t. It’s what’s happening. And your accusing people of racism who object to it is that same old leftist tactic.

It’s like when the Dem running for governor of Virginia proposed a higher pay scale for blacks and a lower one for whites - and said that anyone who objects to paying blacks more than whites, for the same job, is a racist.

Your screaming racist has been overdone for years now. It doesn’t work anymore.
MAGA does not want to understand or learn about people not like them. It is threatening and too much work.
It is easier for them to just hate them.

We need to find out why MAGA people are like that. It is a very dangerous mindset.
Every group that came here in history adjusted to the unique American way of life. We had prejudices for sure with all groups. The point is they blended into more of a homogenous culture for such an experiment. People roughly living like each other all over. Of course, there may be ethnic and cultural ways also. From the 1960's on we pushed diversity instead of unity. The schools changed. And what is dangerous is that the curriculums changed, and the students now may hate some of the groups involved in the schools changing. When Obama was President and in different areas people were acting up from different nations, they were flaunting the flags of the nations they came from while destroying the American flag. That tells you all.
Normal American do not degrade our elections, our judicial system and seperation of powers.
MAGA actions yell they do not like US system.
If this was 50 years ago, the only job you could have had was a projectionist
I accuse people of bigotry, stupidity and ignorance who are bigots, stupid and ignorant.
I have listened to what MAGA member say. What I have heard, I found disturbing. I am trying to understand why MAGA think the way they do.
So you failed at my simple 2 part plan.
No it isn’t. It’s what’s happening. And your accusing people of racism who object to it is that same old leftist tactic.

It’s like when the Dem running for governor of Virginia proposed a higher pay scale for blacks and a lower one for whites - and said that anyone who objects to paying blacks more than whites, for the same job, is a racist.

Your screaming racist has been overdone for years now. It doesn’t work anymore.
A white person, who has no marketable skills and cannot get a job, cannot blame it on racism against whites.
I am white. I know I have had advantages my whole life because I am white. Being white, by its self will not get you anywhere. But if you have the skills, the motivation, the ambition you will have advantage being white.

Life is not fair for anyone, no matter what their race. Deal with life and quit blaming others for your failings. Get off your ass and take advantage of the many opportunities in our country and quit whining like a baby.

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