It is important thet we learn about groups of people not like us in the world

There's no such word as "satement", dumbass.
You got me again. I am brilliant but I cannot spell.
So you failed at my simple 2 part plan.
I used your plan and came up with my negative feelings about MAGA.
I think there is something behindsuch MAGA hateful, angry mindset. Maybe they were bullied, maybe a person of anothe race beat the crap out of them, maybe a woman beat the crap out of a MAGA male, maybe their parents were racists, maybe they were taught it is better to blame others for your failings rather than work on them yourself.

There is something there I do not get.
If this was 50 years ago, the only job you could have had was a projectionist
If that was the only job I could get, I would take it. I would not blame racism against whites, illegal immigrants, nonChristians, the government, the people whose political beliefs were different from mine.
You got me again. I am brilliant but I cannot spell.

I used your plan and came up with my negative feelings about MAGA.
I think there is something behindsuch MAGA hateful, angry mindset. Maybe they were bullied, maybe a person of anothe race beat the crap out of them, maybe a woman beat the crap out of a MAGA male, maybe their parents were racists, maybe they were taught it is better to blame others for your failings rather than work on them yourself.

There is something there I do not get.
Far more likely is that you're projecting your neuroses and paranoia onto them.
A white person, who has no marketable skills and cannot get a job, cannot blame it on racism against whites.
I am white. I know I have had advantages my whole life because I am white. Being white, by its self will not get you anywhere. But if you have the skills, the motivation, the ambition you will have advantage being white.

Life is not fair for anyone, no matter what their race. Deal with life and quit blaming others for your failings. Get off your ass and take advantage of the many opportunities in our country and quit whining like a baby.
Huh? THAT is your defense to the would-be governor‘s suggestion to have a separate and higher pay scale for black teachers - so they get paid more than whites simply because their skin is darker?

How is that whining, or blaming others for my “failings”? I was very successful because I worked hard and was talented in my field.

You are supporting racism.
If that was the only job I could get, I would take it. I would not blame racism against whites, illegal immigrants, nonChristians, the government, the people whose political beliefs were different from mine.

Funny, it’s kinda what you do all the time.

Must be sad to be you.
I used your plan and came up with my negative feelings about MAGA.
I think there is something behindsuch MAGA hateful, angry mindset. Maybe they were bullied, maybe a person of anothe race beat the crap out of them, maybe a woman beat the crap out of a MAGA male, maybe their parents were racists, maybe they were taught it is better to blame others for your failings rather than work on them yourself.

There is something there I do not get.
More likely you got beat up as a kid a lot. Liberals project all the time.
Huh? THAT is your defense to the would-be governor‘s suggestion to have a separate and higher pay scale for black teachers - so they get paid more than whites simply because their skin is darker?

How is that whining, or blaming others for my “failings”? I was very successful because I worked hard and was talented in my field.

You are supporting racism.
What a spoiled primadonna. You were successful but that was not good enough for you.
What a spoiled primadonna. You were successful but that was not good enough for you.
So because I was successful, I should support a racist policy that has a higher pay scale for people with dark skin? Blacks have every opportunity of being successful the same way I was - through motivation, discipline, hard work, and ability (or some innate talent).
Simple. MAGA people are just ordinary Americans sick and tired of seeing their once great country ruined by rampant socialism, debt, crime, illegal invasion, perversion, immoral relativism, and globalist, big government policies.
The continued grievance politics promoted by magaturds is going exactly as scheduled.
It is important thet we learn about groups of people not like us.
I feel more studies and teachings need to be done about members of the MAGA movement. What is their past. What has made them the way they are. Before we criticize them so heavily we should try to understand them.
Besides studies on why they are the way they are we should include the information in school studies.
Understanding where the MAGA people came from and why they are the way they are may dissipate the hate towards them.
We need to research what made people woke.
The continued grievance politics promoted by magaturds is going exactly as scheduled.

Really? Good! Meanwhile, all you do 24/7 is grieve about Trump, MAGA, J6, and all the bogus cases you've thrown up as a smokescreen against Biden's failings, and America is noticing that not only are you the cause of all this and everything else ailing the country, but you don't care and ain't doing a damn thing about any of it.

Don't worry, Trump's regaining of power as a result is going exactly as scheduled.

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