It is important thet we learn about groups of people not like us in the world

It is important thet we learn about groups of people not like us.
I feel more studies and teachings need to be done about members of the MAGA movement. What is their past. What has made them the way they are. Before we criticize them so heavily we should try to understand them.
Besides studies on why they are the way they are we should include the information in school studies.
Understanding where the MAGA people came from and why they are the way they are may dissipate the hate towards them.

Your problem is we understand your TDS
It is important thet we learn about groups of people not like us.
I feel more studies and teachings need to be done about members of the MAGA movement. What is their past. What has made them the way they are. Before we criticize them so heavily we should try to understand them.
Besides studies on why they are the way they are we should include the information in school studies.
Understanding where the MAGA people came from and why they are the way they are may dissipate the hate towards them.
You want a study to understand why Americans are patriotic and want the best for the country?

Instead, I’d propose a study to understand why leftists are the way they are. Why do they want to import as many low-skilled, poorly educated foreigners as possible? Why do they have such disdain for the white working class - the very backbone of our nation? Why are they so opposed to racism but tolerant - even advancing - of antisemitism? Why do they want to focus on how awful whites are? Why do they consider skin color more important than qualifications? And why do they hate people who disagree with them, and even refuse to allow them to speak?
I do not hate them. I hate what they are doing to our country. I hate how they treat people not like them, minorities, foreigners, immigrants, non-Christians etc.
Why are people like that?
Because the first hungry person who comes along is going to steal your food.

No one steals food out of my childrens' mouths. They can die trying if they wish.

I work for MY child, not yours.
Calling MAGA deplorables does not help. But I feel you need to call a spade a spade. MAGA has all of the qualities of a cult.
10 Signs You're In A Cult

  • The leader is the ultimate authority. ...
  • The group suppresses skepticism. ...
  • The group delegitimizes former members. ...
  • The group is paranoid about the outside world. ...
  • The group relies on shame cycles. ...
  • The leader is above the law. ...
  • The group uses “thought reform” methods. ...
  • The group is elitist.
Has anyone else noticed how the libshits have suddenly become quiet?

It's great, ain't it? Lot less noise on this board. We can finally have some decent dialogue without these idiots trying to make everything about Trump.
So we can observe how wonderful we have made our Nation . You don’t “learn” when “learning” downward
It is important thet we learn about groups of people not like us.
I feel more studies and teachings need to be done about members of the MAGA movement. What is their past. What has made them the way they are. Before we criticize them so heavily we should try to understand them.
Besides studies on why they are the way they are we should include the information in school studies.
Understanding where the MAGA people came from and why they are the way they are may dissipate the hate towards them.
In fact, extensive research has been done concerning reactionary rightwing fascism.

Like other reactionary fascist movements, ‘MAGA’ is motivated by an unwarranted fear of positive, beneficial change – primarily a fear of diversity, inclusion, and expressions of individual liberty.

Longing to return America to an idealized past that never actually existed, the authoritarian right will seek to compel conformity and silence dissent using the power of the state.

‘MAGA’ promotes anti-immigrant nativism, as expressed by white grievance politics and racist replacement theory.

Illiberal and anti-democratic, ‘MAGA’ pursues an agenda intended to disenfranchise minority voters, hobble the political process, and undermine our democratic institutions; indeed, ‘MAGA’ is a fundamental threat to democracy, like other reactionary fascist movements.
You do realize everything you just posted we got from the left after the 2016 election. Courts do you remember how the left acted after the Roe V Wade was overturned I do you had protest outside the justices homes which was an attempt to intimidate them and was also illegal yet nothing was done about it you had one person travel there with the intention to assassinate one of the conservative justices. Everything you say MAGA wants to do the left also wants to do it seems like it's not the actions you have an issue with just who is doing
I remember 2016. There were some who pushed the Russian influence claim. There may have been a legal challenge or 2. They were lost . Hillary Clinton conceded. She attended Trump's inaugaration. That showed support of the US system.
Many were upset on the overturning Roe vs Wade. People have not gone outside the system to make changes. There have been many state initiatives that support abortion rights. There has been support for pro abortion candidates. There have been legal challenges. The pro abortion are working within the system. there has been criticism of the make up of the SCOTUS. But no actions taken. No degrading of the US judicial system.

I see very little comparison to what Trump is doing in degrading our elections and the judicial system.
I realize you're not serious about learning about MAGA. But if you we're I'd suggest a simple 2 part plan towards greater understanding.

1. Shut off the part of your brain that accuses people of bigotry, stupidity, and ignorance just because they disagree with you.
2. Listen to what they say.
I accuse people of bigotry, stupidity and ignorance who are bigots, stupid and ignorant.
I have listened to what MAGA member say. What I have heard, I found disturbing. I am trying to understand why MAGA think the way they do.
Normal people don’t hate our country.

See how easy that was Mr. Projection. (If that’s your pronoun)
Normal American do not degrade our elections, our judicial system and seperation of powers.
MAGA actions yell they do not like US system.

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