It Is Not Over

  • Why was analysis of Ballot Images & CVR not performed as first step in the Maricopa Audit? Millions of tax payer dollars and time could have been saved, and such effort could have been directed to real issues e.g. chain of custody, signature verification to advance election systems integrity.
  • EchoMail  A.I. Ballot Image analysis identified 15,546 and 16,437 ballots that did not concur with Dominion A.I.’s preadjudicated tabulation and post-adjudicated tabulation, respectively. The Audit should have focused on these paper ballots versus reviewing all 2,089,563 ballots.
  • Why are 6,835 Modified Cards missing. Per policy, for every Early Voting Ballot (EVB) where an Original Card in the Presidential Race was flagged for adjudication, there should be a Modified Card.
  • When is a vote a vote given the inconsistent use of ‘IsVote’ flag by the Dominion A.I. system? Even experienced election officials cannot explain the inconsistencies?
  • Why are any ballots – even one – being adjudicated for the Presidential Race when the Original Card was never flagged for adjudication?
  • The legislature, not a private corporation, must define the actual parameters that the A.I. should adhere to in determining a vote, write-in, undervote, overvote, or ambiguous.

Dr. Shiva provided a broadcast discussing the results of his work in Arizona’s Maricopa County of the 2020 Election.

Would anyone like to answer these questions? How can anyone think the election had any integrity? The article links to Shiv's report. Let's see someone debunk his findings, and why aren't the authorities investing this crap?
Send the My Pillow Guy $$$$$ and he will stop it for you

What do you have to lose?
Thanks for the reminder. You're the best, rightwinger! I have house guests coming and the guest bedroom and bathroom could use some new towels and sheets. My family coming to visit will appreciate the feeling of home -- they are also MyPillow fans!
Thanks for the reminder. You're the best, rightwinger! I have house guests coming and the guest bedroom and bathroom could use some new towels and sheets. My family coming to visit will appreciate the feeling of home -- they are also MyPillow fans!
Buy them some

They deserve it!

No wonder you crybabies keep getting sent to the conspiracy theory forum.
Shiva did a report. That is a fact. What he found proves the election had 0 integrity and they are still withholding evidence. It is not a conspiracy just like they spying on Trump was not a conspiracy but a reality.

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