It Is Not Over

What’s a fact is that you and others on the right are enemies of democracy and our democratic institutions.

Among the weapons you use in your war on democracy is the lie that the 2020 election was ‘stolen’ and the lie that Trump lost the consequence of ‘fraud.’
Democracy would involve supporting the people that are using their democratic and Constitutional rights to challenge an election. You have no interest in democracy.
Do you people know what a fact is? Please give me your definition.
You don't.
You claim that every statement you make is fact, but NOT TRUE.
You throw out CT and speculation.
Those ^^^^^^ aren't worth shit.

Trump Lost. Face it.
Fact not conspiracy. What do you think will be done about it?
Is yesterday current enough? This is a fact not a conspiracy. A very large number of affidavits claiming fraud happened are being delivered to the proper authorities in GA. Remember these are taken under penalty of perjury. People do not do that if they are lying.

Why is a video of election affidavits being delivered in Georgia a "conspiracy Theory?" Do we need to open the boxes on camera to show they weren't empty?

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