It is October, 1917, in America, and here's what we should now expect

Street Juice

Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2018
In October, 1917, Christian Russia fell under the control of Judeo-Bolshevism and, as always occurs whenever Jews gain absolute power over Christians, dysgenic mass murder and massive dispossession ensued. What are some of the similarities between Russia in 1917 and the US in 2020?

In 1917, Russia was in a weakened state brought about by foolish government policies such as pointless wars with Japan in 1905 and Germany in 1914. In 2020, the US is in a weakened state brought about by foolish government policies such as diversity over quality, mass immigration, and pointless wars for Israel.

In 1917, western diplomats described the political atmosphere in Russia and the Russians as everywhere confused by deliberate disinformation campaigns. In 2020, we have vote fraud, corona hoax, the George Floyd hoax, mostly peaceful looters...

In 1917, the Bolsheviks, Marxist revolutionaries who openly embraced violence, received massive funding from Jacob Schiff, a Jewish financier based in NYC. In 2020, Antifa, Marxist revolutionaries who openly embrace violence, receive massive funding from George Soros, a Jewish financier based in NYC.

One of the first laws the Bolsheviks passed was to make anti-Semitism a capital offense. It was also a capital crime to publish anything not approved by the Bolsheviks and the penalty for getting caught putting up a political flyer on a lamp post was immediate execution on the spot.

Within a year of taking power, the Bolsheviks established a Jewish-run political police, the dreaded CheKa, a murderous organization which eventually gained absolute power over life and death of average Russians and complete immunity. Eventually, every town in Russia of any size had a CheKa, almost always with a Jewish commissar and primarily Jewish inspectors. Non-Russians, in particular, Latvian and Chinese mercenaries, provided personal security for the Jews, carried out the mass executions, and conducted the routine tortures. Russians staffed building maintenance, corpse disposal, and similar functions and conducted the individual executions. Some CheKas developed specialty tortures, for which they became famous, and a kind of competition arose between various CheKas over the most gruesome methods of killing.

By the time Hitler came to power in nearby Germany, the CheKa had already murdered tens of millions of Russian Christians. The Junkers, Russian aristocrats with German ancestry, were liquidated--routinely tortured to death. Anyone who had anything worth stealing was declared an enemy of the people, executed, and their property seized for reparations to the proletariat--the descendants of Russian slaves. But the proles never saw any of that property. They themselves endured wave after wave of executions and tortures and intentionally induced famines. However, during the 1920s, on the Lower East Side of New York City, Jewish peddlers hawking the wedding rings of Russian housewives were a common sight.
In October, 1917, Christian Russia fell under the control of Judeo-Bolshevism and, as always occurs whenever Jews gain absolute power over Christians, dysgenic mass murder and massive dispossession ensued. What are some of the similarities between Russia in 1917 and the US in 2020?

In 1917, Russia was in a weakened state brought about by foolish government policies such as pointless wars with Japan in 1905 and Germany in 1914. In 2020, the US is in a weakened state brought about by foolish government policies such as diversity over quality, mass immigration, and pointless wars for Israel.

In 1917, western diplomats described the political atmosphere in Russia and the Russians as everywhere confused by deliberate disinformation campaigns. In 2020, we have vote fraud, corona hoax, the George Floyd hoax, mostly peaceful looters...

In 1917, the Bolsheviks, Marxist revolutionaries who openly embraced violence, received massive funding from Jacob Schiff, a Jewish financier based in NYC. In 2020, Antifa, Marxist revolutionaries who openly embrace violence, receive massive funding from George Soros, a Jewish financier based in NYC.

One of the first laws the Bolsheviks passed was to make anti-Semitism a capital offense. It was also a capital crime to publish anything not approved by the Bolsheviks and the penalty for getting caught putting up a political flyer on a lamp post was immediate execution on the spot.

Within a year of taking power, the Bolsheviks established a Jewish-run political police, the dreaded CheKa, a murderous organization which eventually gained absolute power over life and death of average Russians and complete immunity. Eventually, every town in Russia of any size had a CheKa, almost always with a Jewish commissar and primarily Jewish inspectors. Non-Russians, in particular, Latvian and Chinese mercenaries, provided personal security for the Jews, carried out the mass executions, and conducted the routine tortures. Russians staffed building maintenance, corpse disposal, and similar functions and conducted the individual executions. Some CheKas developed specialty tortures, for which they became famous, and a kind of competition arose between various CheKas over the most gruesome methods of killing.

By the time Hitler came to power in nearby Germany, the CheKa had already murdered tens of millions of Russian Christians. The Junkers, Russian aristocrats with German ancestry, were liquidated--routinely tortured to death. Anyone who had anything worth stealing was declared an enemy of the people, executed, and their property seized for reparations to the proletariat--the descendants of Russian slaves. But the proles never saw any of that property. They themselves endured wave after wave of executions and tortures and intentionally induced famines. However, during the 1920s, on the Lower East Side of New York City, Jewish peddlers hawking the wedding rings of Russian housewives were a common sight.

Excellent post. Your writing talent is wasted here. That being said I do not agree. Neither the democrats nor the republicans—nor any American political group for that matter—are equivalent to the Bolsheviks; none come close. Further, while the Jews often revel in their capacity for social domination they are not the monster in the room you want to fixate on. What unrest has recently happened and what horrors will happen in short order here in America and elsewhere represent a concerted effort by men of many ideological strains come together for the purpose of inflicting perhaps the most suffering on mankind since mankind came to be. It's not the Jews come to flog the human race into submission in 2020/21. It is pure human evil, an amalgamation of many smaller razor sharp moving parts all whirring in symphonic harmony in anticipation of biting deep into all our flesh.

All the American good guys have been bought off, imprisoned or killed. Only the bad guys remain now and we are all in their sights no matter our ethnicity, faith or political beliefs. Soon now it seems like our American herd will be thinned and all imaginable hammers will slam down. For those in the know the time to get out passed by months back. For the rest of us? It's gonna be a hot time in the old US of A on many a night in the coming year.
Thank you for those comments.

I do not believe the evil you mention is seated in a political party. To paraphrase our new vice president's patron and former sugar daddy, Willie Brown: race trumps everything. The "amalgamation of many smaller razor sharp moving parts all whirring in symphonic harmony in anticipation of biting deep into all our flesh" is real (and memorably described) but it can't be something conjured out of an abstraction like "evil". There is a purpose and a coherent force behind it.

From a Darwinian point of view, racial genocide makes sense.

And from a cultural point of view, racial genocide makes sense depending on the culture:

And thou shalt consume all the people which the Lord thy God shall deliver thee; thine eye shall have no pity upon them: Deut 7:16
It is October, 1917, in America

Here's a present for you ...

In October, 1917, Christian Russia fell under the control of Judeo-Bolshevism and, as always occurs whenever Jews gain absolute power over Christians, dysgenic mass murder and massive dispossession ensued. What are some of the similarities between Russia in 1917 and the US in 2020?

In 1917, Russia was in a weakened state brought about by foolish government policies such as pointless wars with Japan in 1905 and Germany in 1914. In 2020, the US is in a weakened state brought about by foolish government policies such as diversity over quality, mass immigration, and pointless wars for Israel.

In 1917, western diplomats described the political atmosphere in Russia and the Russians as everywhere confused by deliberate disinformation campaigns. In 2020, we have vote fraud, corona hoax, the George Floyd hoax, mostly peaceful looters...

In 1917, the Bolsheviks, Marxist revolutionaries who openly embraced violence, received massive funding from Jacob Schiff, a Jewish financier based in NYC. In 2020, Antifa, Marxist revolutionaries who openly embrace violence, receive massive funding from George Soros, a Jewish financier based in NYC.

One of the first laws the Bolsheviks passed was to make anti-Semitism a capital offense. It was also a capital crime to publish anything not approved by the Bolsheviks and the penalty for getting caught putting up a political flyer on a lamp post was immediate execution on the spot.

Within a year of taking power, the Bolsheviks established a Jewish-run political police, the dreaded CheKa, a murderous organization which eventually gained absolute power over life and death of average Russians and complete immunity. Eventually, every town in Russia of any size had a CheKa, almost always with a Jewish commissar and primarily Jewish inspectors. Non-Russians, in particular, Latvian and Chinese mercenaries, provided personal security for the Jews, carried out the mass executions, and conducted the routine tortures. Russians staffed building maintenance, corpse disposal, and similar functions and conducted the individual executions. Some CheKas developed specialty tortures, for which they became famous, and a kind of competition arose between various CheKas over the most gruesome methods of killing.

By the time Hitler came to power in nearby Germany, the CheKa had already murdered tens of millions of Russian Christians. The Junkers, Russian aristocrats with German ancestry, were liquidated--routinely tortured to death. Anyone who had anything worth stealing was declared an enemy of the people, executed, and their property seized for reparations to the proletariat--the descendants of Russian slaves. But the proles never saw any of that property. They themselves endured wave after wave of executions and tortures and intentionally induced famines. However, during the 1920s, on the Lower East Side of New York City, Jewish peddlers hawking the wedding rings of Russian housewives were a common sight.
Even Wikipedia cannot hide the obvious:
Jewish Bolshevismis is an anti-communist and antisemitic canard, which alleges that the Jews were the originators of the Russian Revolution in 1917, and that they held primary power among the Bolsheviks who led the revolution. Similarly, the conspiracy theory of Jewish Communism alleges that Jews have dominated the Communist movements in the world, and is related to the Zionist Occupation Government conspiracy theory (ZOG), which alleges that Jews control world politics.[1]

To sum: You do not have a leg to stand on. Do not waste your life being fooled by dark spirits, we all will be judged.
In October, 1917, Christian Russia fell under the control of Judeo-Bolshevism and, as always occurs whenever Jews gain absolute power over Christians, dysgenic mass murder and massive dispossession ensued. What are some of the similarities between Russia in 1917 and the US in 2020?

In 1917, Russia was in a weakened state brought about by foolish government policies such as pointless wars with Japan in 1905 and Germany in 1914. In 2020, the US is in a weakened state brought about by foolish government policies such as diversity over quality, mass immigration, and pointless wars for Israel.

In 1917, western diplomats described the political atmosphere in Russia and the Russians as everywhere confused by deliberate disinformation campaigns. In 2020, we have vote fraud, corona hoax, the George Floyd hoax, mostly peaceful looters...

In 1917, the Bolsheviks, Marxist revolutionaries who openly embraced violence, received massive funding from Jacob Schiff, a Jewish financier based in NYC. In 2020, Antifa, Marxist revolutionaries who openly embrace violence, receive massive funding from George Soros, a Jewish financier based in NYC.

One of the first laws the Bolsheviks passed was to make anti-Semitism a capital offense. It was also a capital crime to publish anything not approved by the Bolsheviks and the penalty for getting caught putting up a political flyer on a lamp post was immediate execution on the spot.

Within a year of taking power, the Bolsheviks established a Jewish-run political police, the dreaded CheKa, a murderous organization which eventually gained absolute power over life and death of average Russians and complete immunity. Eventually, every town in Russia of any size had a CheKa, almost always with a Jewish commissar and primarily Jewish inspectors. Non-Russians, in particular, Latvian and Chinese mercenaries, provided personal security for the Jews, carried out the mass executions, and conducted the routine tortures. Russians staffed building maintenance, corpse disposal, and similar functions and conducted the individual executions. Some CheKas developed specialty tortures, for which they became famous, and a kind of competition arose between various CheKas over the most gruesome methods of killing.

By the time Hitler came to power in nearby Germany, the CheKa had already murdered tens of millions of Russian Christians. The Junkers, Russian aristocrats with German ancestry, were liquidated--routinely tortured to death. Anyone who had anything worth stealing was declared an enemy of the people, executed, and their property seized for reparations to the proletariat--the descendants of Russian slaves. But the proles never saw any of that property. They themselves endured wave after wave of executions and tortures and intentionally induced famines. However, during the 1920s, on the Lower East Side of New York City, Jewish peddlers hawking the wedding rings of Russian housewives were a common sight.
Even Wikipedia cannot hide the obvious:
Jewish Bolshevismis is an anti-communist and antisemitic canard, which alleges that the Jews were the originators of the Russian Revolution in 1917, and that they held primary power among the Bolsheviks who led the revolution. Similarly, the conspiracy theory of Jewish Communism alleges that Jews have dominated the Communist movements in the world, and is related to the Zionist Occupation Government conspiracy theory (ZOG), which alleges that Jews control world politics.[1]

To sum: You do not have a leg to stand on. Do not waste your life being fooled by dark spirits, we all will be judged.
Wikipedia? Wikipedia lost its credibility long ago and only the uneducated cite it as an authority on controversial topics. I am currently embroiled in a lawsuit in which the very paragraph you cite has become part of the record. I know where the paragraph came from, and I've read the internal debate in Wikipedia over its inclusion. Let me assure you, it is a lie.

On September 16, 1918, the British ambassador to Norway, Sir Mansfeldt Findlay, who oversaw the shipment of arms and supplies from the Allies to Russia during the First World War, sent a message by telegraph to British Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour in London containing the report of the Dutch ambassador to Russia on the conditions inside Russia under the Bolsheviks. Sir Findlay ends the message with:
I consider that the immediate suppression of Bolshevism is the greatest issue now before the world, not even excluding the war which is still raging, and unless, as above stated, Bolshevism is nipped in the bud immediately, it is bound to spread in one form or another over Europe and the whole world, as it is organised and worked by Jews who have no nationality, and whose one object is to destroy for their own ends the existing order of things. 1
The February 8, 1920, edition of the Illustrated Sunday Herald (London) carried an article by Winston Churchill in which the future prime minister wrote:
There is no need to exaggerate the part played in the creation of Bolshevism and in the actual bringing about of the Russian Revolution by these international and for the most part atheistical Jews. It is certainly a very great one; it probably outweighs all others... In the Soviet institutions the predominance of Jews is even more astonishing. And the prominent, if not indeed the principal, part in the system of terrorism applied by the Extraordinary Commissions for Combating Counter-Revolution has been taken by Jews, and in some notable cases by Jewesses...
The Russian common man, too, saw Bolshevism as Jewish. On March 13, 1919, as the Red Terror was just reaching cruising altitude, Lenin went personally to address striking workers at a factory in St Petersburg. He was confronted by a hostile crowd shouting, "Down with the Jews, down with the Commissars!"2 (Later, two hundred strikers were shot.)

In the Russian civil war, the military and political leaders on all sides saw Bolshevism as a Jewish enterprise. The Whites, who fought the Reds, systematically and routinely conflated Jew and Bolshevik, subjecting tens of thousands of Russian Jews to mass executions on those grounds. In an anti-Bolshevik backlash, independent Ukrainian militia units also brutally slaughtered Jewish civilians, as did the Greens—local militias comprised of farmers and peasants.

The city of Minsk had the largest population of Jews in the Soviet Union. Bolshevism had never really taken hold there because leftist Jewish political energy had long been absorbed by the Jewish Workers Bund. Once in power, the Bolsheviks outlawed all other parties, so the Jewish Workers Bund became the Minsk Bolshevik party”3 The Bund had held some of its meetings in synagogues before the revolution. After assuming the mantle of the Bolsheviks, they simply made the arrangement permanent and ruled the city from synagogues renamed workers' cultural centers, leaving the rest of the synagogues to continue operating as usual. Of the 657 synagogues in Minsk in 1917, 547 were still functioning in 1930”, even receiving state funding to run Yiddish language schools.4

By contrast, here is a report from a British subject who left Petrograd in November, 1918:
The foreign press has, as I understand, published some details about the September massacres in Petrograd, when more than one thousand men were shot in Kronstadt and at the Peter-Paul Fortress indiscriminately, without any trial, not even the pretence of a court-martial; shot, or drowned, as was the case with Father Ornatsky, the well-known priest of the Kazan Cathedral in Petrograd, who was drowned with his two young sons, who were officers, along with many others. Whereas the shooting in big towns has during the last months decreased owing to Lenin's personal dislike of Red terrorism, it is continuing in the provinces, where priests, landowners, physicians, rich merchants, lawyers, are indiscriminately shot in cold blood, without any trial and without any reason besides a general pretext of being counter-revolutionists. Arrests and domestic searches are going on as before. There are some thousands of men and women starving in the prisons of Petrograd — professors of universities, eminent lawyers, priests, generals, officers, ladies of society, bankers, &c. There are towns and districts where all the priests who have to wear their hair long in accordance with religious custom now have been forced to have it cut short, in other towns churches have been desecrated and bishops arrested or shot.5
So, is Judeo-Bolshevism just a canard? On the one hand we have the foreign diplomats who dealt with them, the political and military entities who battled them, the common people who lived under them, and the damning evidence of their own actions all affirming Bolshevism was Jewish. On the other hand we have the ADL, a century after the fact, denying it.

But, one hundred years ago, Jews themselves said the truth was the opposite from what the ADL claims, as, for example, this, among many other examples, from The American Hebrew, September, 10, 1920.
That achievement [the Bolshevik takeover], destined to figure in history as the overshadowing result of the World War, was largely the outcome of Jewish thinking, of Jewish discontent, of Jewish effort to reconstruct...What Jewish idealism and Jewish discontent have so powerfully contributed to accomplish in Russia, the same historic qualities of the Jewish mind and heart are tending to promote in other countries.

1 A collection of reports on Bolshevism in Russia", British Foreign Office, London, April 1919
2 Vladimir Brovkin, Behind the Front Lines of the Civil War: Political parties and Social movements in Russia: 1918 – 1922; 1994: 69-72
3 Peter Drucker, reviewing Becoming Soviet Jews: The Bolshevik Experiment in Minsk by Elissa Bemporad
4 Ibid.

5 A collection of reports on Bolshevism in Russia : Great Britain. Foreign Office., April 1919

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