It Is OFFICIAL: Pelosi / 'Shutdown' Party Reject Deal - They Own The Shutdown!

The next move is a public proposal by the Democrats otherwise they are sitting on the issue.

They have made their proposal clear. Open the government and then we will talk. Americans overwhelmingly agree with that.
Some of us have seen time after time how Democrats operate.

We've seen how Trump and Republicans operate. That is why Democrats picked up 40 seats in the House.

Whoopee...a whole 40. Weren't you planning on 60?

Not really. The Republicans gerrymandered the House very well. We saw what happened in Pennsylvania when there was a fair map. The state went from a 13-5 Republican majority to a 9-9 tie and 3 more Republican seats in danger in 2020.

Not really? LOL.
President Trump proves the Democrats have no intention of compromising. Dem's own the shutdown 100%. You Dem idiots prepare to get reamed in the SOTU address.
Trump is committing political suicide and you people are cheering him on. From this moment on he is the most powerless president of our lifetimes.
After Cohen`s public testimony in front of a House panel on Feb. 7, it will be even worse for Trump. His deplorables won`t be able to do a thing to save him.
All hinges on Cohen eh ?? The liar and crook ? Best pick some better witnesses.

Why would Trump hire a liar and crook? Because Trump is a liar and crook.
Thought all lawyers were liars and crooks ?? Did Trump really have a choice ??

Hardly. There is only one reason to hire a crook and a liar so that when he does them, no one believes him. Trump is a liar and crook.
The fact is that voters oppose a wall...
YOU LIE...unless you if ore the polls, articles, and evidence to the contrary. :p

That was Trump's closing arguments in the midterms and led to a 40 seat gain for Democrats in the House and a smaller than expected gain in the Senate. YOU ARE THE LIAR WHO IGNORES COLD HARD FACTS.
Yeah, people are still scratching their heads over the election. Trump is a practical person who figured that the nation would lean towards American traditions and values in which most rememberd as in his MAGA campaign strategy that won out earlier.

The nation has changed so much overtime, that even he underestimated the power of the liberal/leftist influence that had gone unchallenged in many areas for decades upon decades now. He also underestimates their deeper state entrenched connections and donors ready to protect their interest in the change it wants above and beyond his and the base.

Maybe he has learned better about this stuff. Take nothing for granite should be the republican motto going forward.

American values are compassion. Compassion for people who are in fear for their lives. The nation has not changed. The Republican Party has changed. Ronald Reagan would never be a part of this party. It is the party of neo-nazis and white supremacists. It has been taken over by the alt-right.
Oh yeah, well who pushed the party towards this alledged radicalization ? You guessed it "the Demon-crats did". You gonna say that the crats are just these innocent bystanders ?? Of course you will. Key the violin's. :boohoo:
That is not what this fight is about. This fight is about Trump pleasing his base and telling the other 60% or so people in this country to go to hell.

60% are with you...........LOL

Most of Americans want the border secured.......have wanted it for decades..........hell even Billy Boy wanted it way back when........and each time they failed to do anything about it.........

Add E-Verify to the 1986...........and your side is done.............LOL

Voters remain solidly opposed to a wall on the Mexican border, 55 - 43 percent, and reject every argument for the Wall. The 55 - 43 percent opposition compares to 54 - 43 percent opposition in a December 18 survey, just before the partial government shutdown.

American voters are negative in every question about the wall, saying:
  • 59 - 40 percent that it is not a good use of taxpayer dollars;
  • 55 - 43 percent that the wall would not make the U.S. safer;
  • 59 - 40 percent that the wall is not necessary to protect the border;
  • 52 percent say the wall is against American values as 41 percent say the wall is consistent with American values.
QU Poll Release Detail
Fake news. If you ask them if they support a "barrier" on the border, then a majority are in favor of it. People who support the wall don't even answer such polls because they know the people conducting it are brain-dead leftwingers who hate anyone who says they support it.

People who say they are against are mostly only mildly against, as if you asked them whether they prefer chocolate or vanilla. They'll say chocolate, but they aren't going to march on Washington if you give them vanilla. On the other hand, the people who support the wall really really really support it. They will march on Washington if Piglosi doesn't give them what Trump is asking.

That is what Trump supporters said about polls showing Democrats having a big lead in the generic voting. It turns out the polls were right. There is no silent majority and you are showing yourself to be the fool.



Close enough jerk.
You idiots keep forgetting that Republicans tried to kill Obamacare even though the majority didn't want that. Obamacare is more popular than Trump.
Obama care, as usual, was all about Obama and the liberal agenda. Opposing the wall is all about the Democrats and the liberal agenda, not the American people.

People now support Obamacare and want it fixed not repealed. That is why Voters overwhelmingly trust Democrats more than they do Republicans on healthcare. The American people oppose a wall as well.
Of course Obumble care is wanted more than ever now, because you crats have broke so many over the years that the dependents are crying for any kind of relief in their dependency.
Voters disagree with Trump, DHS, Border Patrol and Obama's handpicked Border Patrol Chief snowflake.
Ummmm....Trump won the WH with the promise of a wall...
They voted him in because they agreed.

You are as believable as Pelosi and her lie about the DHS / Secret Service.... :p

No they did not. Trump was elected because he was the least worst of the two candidates. If he was voted in because of the wall, Republicans would have retained the House instead of losing it to Democrats and Republicans would have won at least 5 or more seats. They only picked up 2 in a map that heavily favored them.

What did Trump tell his supporters at every campaign rally? And what was their response?

A quarter of the voters voted for their candidate because they were voting against the other candidate. That is where Trump won. Trump tried to make immigration a major issue in the midterms and resulted in a 40 seat loss for Republicans and only a 2 seat gain in the Senate despite a very favorable map.
Trump won because Hillary is a criminal piece of shit & because Trump promised to secure the border with a wall, not run Sanctuary Cities like Hillary & the Democrats.

That is why Democrats won the House huh?
Ummmm....Trump won the WH with the promise of a wall...
They voted him in because they agreed.

You are as believable as Pelosi and her lie about the DHS / Secret Service.... :p

No they did not. Trump was elected because he was the least worst of the two candidates. If he was voted in because of the wall, Republicans would have retained the House instead of losing it to Democrats and Republicans would have won at least 5 or more seats. They only picked up 2 in a map that heavily favored them.

What did Trump tell his supporters at every campaign rally? And what was their response?

A quarter of the voters voted for their candidate because they were voting against the other candidate. That is where Trump won. Trump tried to make immigration a major issue in the midterms and resulted in a 40 seat loss for Republicans and only a 2 seat gain in the Senate despite a very favorable map.
Trump won because Hillary is a criminal piece of shit & because Trump promised to secure the border with a wall, not run Sanctuary Cities like Hillary & the Democrats.

That is why Democrats won the House huh?
Democrats won the house not because of their policies that create hords of dependency, but because they have Hollyweird and the mainstream media hammering propaganda out day and night to the high tones of ear splitting frequencies.

One day the nation will wake up or either give in. Not sure what the end result will be.
Ummmm....Trump won the WH with the promise of a wall...
They voted him in because they agreed.

You are as believable as Pelosi and her lie about the DHS / Secret Service.... :p

No they did not. Trump was elected because he was the least worst of the two candidates. If he was voted in because of the wall, Republicans would have retained the House instead of losing it to Democrats and Republicans would have won at least 5 or more seats. They only picked up 2 in a map that heavily favored them.

What did Trump tell his supporters at every campaign rally? And what was their response?

A quarter of the voters voted for their candidate because they were voting against the other candidate. That is where Trump won. Trump tried to make immigration a major issue in the midterms and resulted in a 40 seat loss for Republicans and only a 2 seat gain in the Senate despite a very favorable map.
Trump won because Hillary is a criminal piece of shit & because Trump promised to secure the border with a wall, not run Sanctuary Cities like Hillary & the Democrats.

That is why Democrats won the House huh?
Nope! House means shit it is but 1/3.
Voter/election fraud to you is people voting and having their votes counted.
Voter / election fraud is Democrats allowing illegals to vote, like they did in Broward county.

Election fraud is Hillary and the Democrats rigging primarirs, cheating in debates, violating campaign finance laws, keeping Hillary out of prison to keep her in the race, and finally giving her the nomination she could not win.

There is not 1 bit of evidence illegals voted in Broward County. You are a lying weasel.

Hillary Clinton got 54% of the votes to 42% for Sanders. How does she not get the nomination. You keep repeating that urban myth but you have not offered 1 bit of evidence. How was SC rigged so Clinton got 75% to 25% for Sanders. How was Mississippi rigged so that Clinton got 81% and Sanders got 19%. If these were Republican rules, Sanders would have been eliminated even earlier.

Trump violated campaign finance rules by paying off women to keep quiet about hush money they received.

The IG found nothing wrong with the decision that Comey made. He found no evidence of political bias.
You lie...

'Broward County'!

You LIE:

The DNC Chairwoman admitted to help in Hillary cheat in debates, to rigging primaries, to stacking the deck against stealing his nomination and GIVING it to Hillary.

The only thing they admitted was that the DNC favored Clinton just as the RNC favored Bush. The RNC drove Romney out of the race to help Jeb Bush.

Primaries cannot be rigged. The Democrats require proportional representation. so voters decide how many delegates each candidate gets. In SC, Sanders got 25% of the vote so he got 25% of the delegates. By contrast, Trump got all the delegates with only 32% of the vote.

Sanders had no chance of winning. Obama overcame the DNC's support of Clinton by winning primaries. Sanders lost primaries by comparison winning only 2 primaries. There was nothing to take.

You are a LIAR.
Pelosi passed legislation to reopen government

Trump rejected it
Legislation that gave the President nothing. Only a shit-for-brains like you believes that's a meaningful legislation. What ever happened to compromise? Isn't that what dolts like you are always bleating about?

You are the ones who have shit for brains. That was a compromise. Just because Trump wants something does not mean he automatically gets it. That is not what compromise means.

What is your idea of "compromise?"

My compromise has no money for the wall.
Thanks for proving that you don't know the meaning of "compromise."

A compromise often leaves things out. Voters do not want a compromise because they do not want a wall.
No they did not. Trump was elected because he was the least worst of the two candidates. If he was voted in because of the wall, Republicans would have retained the House instead of losing it to Democrats and Republicans would have won at least 5 or more seats. They only picked up 2 in a map that heavily favored them.

What did Trump tell his supporters at every campaign rally? And what was their response?

A quarter of the voters voted for their candidate because they were voting against the other candidate. That is where Trump won. Trump tried to make immigration a major issue in the midterms and resulted in a 40 seat loss for Republicans and only a 2 seat gain in the Senate despite a very favorable map.
Trump won because Hillary is a criminal piece of shit & because Trump promised to secure the border with a wall, not run Sanctuary Cities like Hillary & the Democrats.

That is why Democrats won the House huh?
Nope! House means shit it is but 1/3.

No, voters do not favor a wall.
My compromise is exactly what a majority of voters want..
You lie. You have proven you, like Pelosi, have no clue what Compromise means.

Hillary's own House Democrats voiced wanting DACA for the wall.

She is even holding her fellow Democrats hostage.

Sorry voters have put the blame squarely on Trump and Republicans. You can scream until the cows come home but it will not change anything.

Republicans have also spoken against a wall.
"Hurd, who narrowly won re-election in the recent midterms, also criticized Trump for using a partial government shutdown that affects the Department of Homeland Security as leverage to secure funding for a barrier on the southern border."

Texas Republican Rep. Will Hurd calls Trump border crisis a 'myth'

What Trump proposed was not DACA but a pale imitation. Democrats were right to reject it.

Trump is holding America hostage.
That is not what this fight is about. This fight is about Trump pleasing his base and telling the other 60% or so people in this country to go to hell.

60% are with you...........LOL

Most of Americans want the border secured.......have wanted it for decades..........hell even Billy Boy wanted it way back when........and each time they failed to do anything about it.........

Add E-Verify to the 1986...........and your side is done.............LOL

Voters remain solidly opposed to a wall on the Mexican border, 55 - 43 percent, and reject every argument for the Wall. The 55 - 43 percent opposition compares to 54 - 43 percent opposition in a December 18 survey, just before the partial government shutdown.

American voters are negative in every question about the wall, saying:
  • 59 - 40 percent that it is not a good use of taxpayer dollars;
  • 55 - 43 percent that the wall would not make the U.S. safer;
  • 59 - 40 percent that the wall is not necessary to protect the border;
  • 52 percent say the wall is against American values as 41 percent say the wall is consistent with American values.
QU Poll Release Detail
Fake news. If you ask them if they support a "barrier" on the border, then a majority are in favor of it. People who support the wall don't even answer such polls because they know the people conducting it are brain-dead leftwingers who hate anyone who says they support it.

People who say they are against are mostly only mildly against, as if you asked them whether they prefer chocolate or vanilla. They'll say chocolate, but they aren't going to march on Washington if you give them vanilla. On the other hand, the people who support the wall really really really support it. They will march on Washington if Piglosi doesn't give them what Trump is asking.

That is what Trump supporters said about polls showing Democrats having a big lead in the generic voting. It turns out the polls were right. There is no silent majority and you are showing yourself to be the fool.
Nevertheless, Hillary lost. So much for the polls.

The polls had Clinton winning the popular vote which she won.

The polls had Democrats winning the generic ballot by double digits which they did. Rasmussen missed by a mile as they had Democrats up by a few points.
Trump is the partisan who is holding Americans hostage so he can please his base.
Pelosi told Trump even if he gave he opened the govt, even if he gave her what she wanted, she would not negotiate / compromise.

Pelosi's own Democrats have openly met with the GOP, breaking from Pelosi...some have said they would vote for a compromise if given the chance.

Pelosi just got busted lying her ass to kill the SotU speech...then got busted / denied military airlift trying to skip out of the country during her shutdown.

'Trump is the partisan who is holding Americans hostage...'


I agree with her 100% we do not need a wall.

Several Republicans have openly said they do not need a wall.

Pelosi got busted for nothing. She is right in saying the SOTU speech should be postponed. She was going to meet the troops. That is horrible.
Going to try and brainwash the troops or feed them some more Democrat propaganda is more like it.

You are the one feeding us propaganda. Except most Americans can see through your and Trump's bullshit.
Does anyone other than your mommy buy your crap? :p

American voters support 63 - 30 percent a Democratic proposal to reopen parts of the government that do not involve border security while negotiating funding for the Wall, according to a Quinnipiac University National Poll released today. Every party, gender, education, age and racial group supports this idea except Republicans, who are opposed 52 - 39 percent.

You are the only crap that I see. No one believes you except empty headed Trump supporters.
Trump is committing political suicide and you people are cheering him on. From this moment on he is the most powerless president of our lifetimes.

How is Trump committing political suicide?
By forgetting that America consists of more than just his rabid hard-core supporters. He is the most deeply unpopular president ever and that will not get any better.

Stop lying, Americans in 30 states overwhelmingly elected Trump president and securing the board was a major campaign promise. You leftists are just butthurt over getting your ass whooped and that so many Americans disagree with you leftist retards.

Overwhelming? Trump won narrowly in Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Florida. Michigan and Pennsylvania are likely back in the Democrat column by solidly voting for Democrats in statewide offices.
Trump won....

Elections have consequences, haven't you heard? Obama said that.


Elections have consequences. Democrats won the House and suffered a smaller than expected setback in the Senate by losing only 2 seats. How many Trump supporters were saying Trump would get or get close to a filibuster proof Senate. Didn't come close.
Pelosi told Trump even if he gave he opened the govt, even if he gave her what she wanted, she would not negotiate / compromise.

Pelosi's own Democrats have openly met with the GOP, breaking from Pelosi...some have said they would vote for a compromise if given the chance.

Pelosi just got busted lying her ass to kill the SotU speech...then got busted / denied military airlift trying to skip out of the country during her shutdown.

'Trump is the partisan who is holding Americans hostage...'


I agree with her 100% we do not need a wall.

Several Republicans have openly said they do not need a wall.

Pelosi got busted for nothing. She is right in saying the SOTU speech should be postponed. She was going to meet the troops. That is horrible.
Going to try and brainwash the troops or feed them some more Democrat propaganda is more like it.

You are the one feeding us propaganda. Except most Americans can see through your and Trump's bullshit.
Does anyone other than your mommy buy your crap? :p

American voters support 63 - 30 percent a Democratic proposal to reopen parts of the government that do not involve border security while negotiating funding for the Wall, according to a Quinnipiac University National Poll released today. Every party, gender, education, age and racial group supports this idea except Republicans, who are opposed 52 - 39 percent.

You are the only crap that I see. No one believes you except empty headed Trump supporters.
If we opened the government and negotiated later for border wall we would never get the border wall which is why you want us to do it this way.
How is Trump committing political suicide?
By forgetting that America consists of more than just his rabid hard-core supporters. He is the most deeply unpopular president ever and that will not get any better.

Stop lying, Americans in 30 states overwhelmingly elected Trump president and securing the board was a major campaign promise. You leftists are just butthurt over getting your ass whooped and that so many Americans disagree with you leftist retards.

Overwhelming? Trump won narrowly in Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Florida. Michigan and Pennsylvania are likely back in the Democrat column by solidly voting for Democrats in statewide offices.
Trump won....

Elections have consequences, haven't you heard? Obama said that.


Elections have consequences. Democrats won the House and suffered a smaller than expected setback in the Senate by losing only 2 seats. How many Trump supporters were saying Trump would get or get close to a filibuster proof Senate. Didn't come close.
Wait till 2020.

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