It Is OFFICIAL: Pelosi / 'Shutdown' Party Reject Deal - They Own The Shutdown!

What is especially hilarious about Adolf Trump's retarded negotiating style is that he's trying to bargain by offering to give back things - that he previously took away.
They have made their proposal clear. Open the government and then we will talk. Americans overwhelmingly agree with that.

You’re a true idiot if you think the Dems will “talk” once the government reopens.

You are a idiot if you think Trump will be re-elected after this fiasco. Voters do not want a wall.
He will be reelected. History shows that shutdowns don't harm the reelection odds for Republicans. In fact, it enhances them. The only people are going to hold it against Trump are the government workers, and they are all Democrats anyway.

History does not show that. The Gingrich shutdown was the longest on record until the Trump shutdown came along. Clinton's numbers were sagging until the shutdown. Voters blamed Republicans for the shutdown and Clinton's approvals started rising and resulted in a easy re-election.

The Republicans gained seats in every election of Clinton's tenure.

Clinton won only because he ran against that loser Dole.

Untrue. Republicans lost Hose seats in a year when the party out of power gains seats. Gingrich was forced to resign.

Clinton won because of the shutdown.
People do not want a wall. People support DACA.
Pelosi believes in a wall - she voted for it in 2006 and 2013...

She does NOT believe in DACA - she just walked away from it.

Pelosi believes in screwing Americans to hurt Trump's 2020 re-election chances.
I agree with her 100% we do not need a wall.
Who gives a f* what you agree with? You are not Speaker...obviously Pelosi is not, based on the fact that she refuses to negotiate, refuses to compromise, and attempts to run from the House and her position as Speaker by trying to flee the country during her shutdown.

The Democrats have tried to overturn the results of the Pelosi is single-handedly trying to block what the American people voted him into office to do.
she is winning because

Pew Research Centre poll released Wednesday reported that 58 per cent of Americans oppose building a border wall; 61 per cent disapprove of the way Trump is handling the shutdown.

she plans to pass a package of House bills that would reopen shuttered government agencies and increase spending on border security - without a wall.
Tell us something we don't already know. You could have just said when intends to ignore whatever the Senate and the President want. Why should Trump sign her bill if the bill has nothing he wants?
Pelosi refuses to negotiate / compromise ... Which her own Dems recognize is how things get done...

She walked away from DACA....

She has offered no compromise...and tried to flee the country during her shutdown
In case you didnt know, Hawaii is a US state.
Trump is the one who walked out of negotiations.
The man that started this shit owns this shit. There is nothing Trump can do that will change that.
If think this nation is so shallow that it can't see the bigger picture playing out in it all, then you are one ignorant human being.
I see better than you because you somehow think the American people are immigrant hating reactionaries.
No, the people are more like Demon-crat hating reactionaries now, and all because they know that the demon-crats are using the border as a political weapon to try and destroy America as it stands or as it has stood in which worked for all American's for many years looking back. The Demon-crats are power horders who want to retain or gain power off the backs of those who will suffer greatly due their radical views on life (in this country), for which they want for themselves now.

You are a real cuckoo clock. You are the typical Trump supporter who needs to be in a straitjacket in a looney bin somewhere.
Is the truth that bad these days ? You gonna put me in chains ? I thought Joe Biden said that the republicans wanted to do that to the Demon-crats ? So it's you all that want that ? Well I'll be danged. LOL

You wouldn't know the truth if it hit you in the face. You are a religious fanatic that needs to be locked up.
What is especially hilarious about Adolf Trump's retarded negotiating style is that he's trying to bargain by offering to give back things - that he previously took away.
DACA was never truly taken away because there was never any legal DACA. Obama's DACA was a Constitutional Violation ogmfc the Separation of Powers.
If think this nation is so shallow that it can't see the bigger picture playing out in it all, then you are one ignorant human being.
I see better than you because you somehow think the American people are immigrant hating reactionaries.
No, the people are more like Demon-crat hating reactionaries now, and all because they know that the demon-crats are using the border as a political weapon to try and destroy America as it stands or as it has stood in which worked for all American's for many years looking back. The Demon-crats are power horders who want to retain or gain power off the backs of those who will suffer greatly due their radical views on life (in this country), for which they want for themselves now.

You are a real cuckoo clock. You are the typical Trump supporter who needs to be in a straitjacket in a looney bin somewhere.
Is the truth that bad these days ? You gonna put me in chains ? I thought Joe Biden said that the republicans wanted to do that to the Demon-crats ? So it's you all that want that ? Well I'll be danged. LOL

You wouldn't know the truth if it hit you in the face. You are a religious fanatic that needs to be locked up.
If all you have is opinion and insults, it must be past you bedtime.....

Of course a female police officer was shot not too long ago either. We don't mention her because she was killed by a American. We can't use her death for political purposes. Typical racism.
One issue at a time... The border issue includes illegals killing American's, so that is privy to this OP. Now if you want a separate OP talking about the attack on our law enforcement community, then go right ahead and create one.

I believe you people brought up police officers first. You are too stupid too see that. Apparently you cannot read.
The President just offered Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats DACA ... AGAIN ... and they rejected the deal.

The President has made every effort, offered them what they claim to want, but Pelosi j Iyeah st demonstrated she is he'll-bent on keeping the government shutdown until the Prresident resigns or gives in to her 'hostsge demands' of opening up the govt in return for NOTHING.


"President Donald Trump on Saturday proposed a broad immigration deal to end the government shutdown, though Democratic leaders quickly declared his overture dead on arrival."

Democrats reject Trump’s bid to negotiate on immigration for his wall


President Trump proves the Democrats have no intention of compromising. Dem's own the shutdown 100%. You Dem idiots prepare to get reamed in the SOTU address.
Trump is committing political suicide and you people are cheering him on. From this moment on he is the most powerless president of our lifetimes.
After Cohen`s public testimony in front of a House panel on Feb. 7, it will be even worse for Trump. His deplorables won`t be able to do a thing to save him.
All hinges on Cohen eh ?? The liar and crook ? Best pick some better witnesses.

Why would Trump hire a liar and crook? Because Trump is a liar and crook.
I see better than you because you somehow think the American people are immigrant hating reactionaries.
No, the people are more like Demon-crat hating reactionaries now, and all because they know that the demon-crats are using the border as a political weapon to try and destroy America as it stands or as it has stood in which worked for all American's for many years looking back. The Demon-crats are power horders who want to retain or gain power off the backs of those who will suffer greatly due their radical views on life (in this country), for which they want for themselves now.

You are a real cuckoo clock. You are the typical Trump supporter who needs to be in a straitjacket in a looney bin somewhere.
Is the truth that bad these days ? You gonna put me in chains ? I thought Joe Biden said that the republicans wanted to do that to the Demon-crats ? So it's you all that want that ? Well I'll be danged. LOL

You wouldn't know the truth if it hit you in the face. You are a religious fanatic that needs to be locked up.
If all you have is opinion and insults, it must be past you bedtime.....

It must be past your bedtime because that is all you have. A majority of Americans agree with me not you.
People do not want a wall. People support DACA.
Pelosi believes in a wall - she voted for it in 2006 and 2013...

She does NOT believe in DACA - she just walked away from it.

Pelosi believes in screwing Americans to hurt Trump's 2020 re-election chances.

She voted for a fence not a wall. Trump used to be a Democrat. So what.

She walked away from a pale imitation of DACA.

Trump believes in screwing Americans and puts his base above a majority of Americans.
The fact is that voters oppose a wall...
YOU LIE...unless you if ore the polls, articles, and evidence to the contrary. :p

That was Trump's closing arguments in the midterms and led to a 40 seat gain for Democrats in the House and a smaller than expected gain in the Senate. YOU ARE THE LIAR WHO IGNORES COLD HARD FACTS.
Yeah, people are still scratching their heads over the election. Trump is a practical person who figured that the nation would lean towards American traditions and values in which most rememberd as in his MAGA campaign strategy that won out earlier.

The nation has changed so much overtime, that even he underestimated the power of the liberal/leftist influence that had gone unchallenged in many areas for decades upon decades now. He also underestimates their deeper state entrenched connections and donors ready to protect their interest in the change it wants above and beyond his and the base.

Maybe he has learned better about this stuff. Take nothing for granite should be the republican motto going forward.

American values are compassion. Compassion for people who are in fear for their lives. The nation has not changed. The Republican Party has changed. Ronald Reagan would never be a part of this party. It is the party of neo-nazis and white supremacists. It has been taken over by the alt-right.
Another Trump moron who has no clue what he is talking about.
Another NPC troll that can't reply to the content of the post and hurls useless insults.

You can't when there are no facts presented. You are the troll that constantly lies because the facts are not on your side.
What have you offered but the same soundbites spoon fed to you by the media?
Stick the hostage nonsense where the sun don't shine.

You repeat Trump's lies over and over. You wouldn't have anything to say if Trump didn't say anything.
YOU can stick Trump's nonsense where the sun doesn't shine.
Again you have stated nothing.
I posted an actual opinion. You ranted and insulted everyone who calls you out on your vile rhetoric.
Do you spittle on the screen when you post?

You posted Trump's opinion. Trump supporters are the ones who rant with no facts to back them up. Crazy conspiracy theories is all you have.
The next move is a public proposal by the Democrats otherwise they are sitting on the issue.

They have made their proposal clear. Open the government and then we will talk. Americans overwhelmingly agree with that.
Some of us have seen time after time how Democrats operate.

We've seen how Trump and Republicans operate. That is why Democrats picked up 40 seats in the House.

Whoopee...a whole 40. Weren't you planning on 60?
I agree with her 100% we do not need a wall.
Who gives a f* what you agree with? You are not Speaker...obviously Pelosi is not, based on the fact that she refuses to negotiate, refuses to compromise, and attempts to run from the House and her position as Speaker by trying to flee the country during her shutdown.

The Democrats have tried to overturn the results of the Pelosi is single-handedly trying to block what the American people voted him into office to do.

Voters agree with Pelosi not Trump. Trump is not entitled to something just because he wants it. You should learn what a compromise is.,
The President just offered Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats DACA ... AGAIN ... and they rejected the deal.

The President has made every effort, offered them what they claim to want, but Pelosi j Iyeah st demonstrated she is he'll-bent on keeping the government shutdown until the Prresident resigns or gives in to her 'hostsge demands' of opening up the govt in return for NOTHING.


"President Donald Trump on Saturday proposed a broad immigration deal to end the government shutdown, though Democratic leaders quickly declared his overture dead on arrival."

Democrats reject Trump’s bid to negotiate on immigration for his wall


President Trump proves the Democrats have no intention of compromising. Dem's own the shutdown 100%. You Dem idiots prepare to get reamed in the SOTU address.
Trump is committing political suicide and you people are cheering him on. From this moment on he is the most powerless president of our lifetimes.
After Cohen`s public testimony in front of a House panel on Feb. 7, it will be even worse for Trump. His deplorables won`t be able to do a thing to save him.
All hinges on Cohen eh ?? The liar and crook ? Best pick some better witnesses.

Why would Trump hire a liar and crook? Because Trump is a liar and crook.
Thought all lawyers were liars and crooks ?? Did Trump really have a choice ??
You idiots keep forgetting that Republicans tried to kill Obamacare even though the majority didn't want that. Obamacare is more popular than Trump.
Obama care, as usual, was all about Obama and the liberal agenda. Opposing the wall is all about the Democrats and the liberal agenda, not the American people.

People now support Obamacare and want it fixed not repealed. That is why Voters overwhelmingly trust Democrats more than they do Republicans on healthcare. The American people oppose a wall as well.
Another NPC troll that can't reply to the content of the post and hurls useless insults.

You can't when there are no facts presented. You are the troll that constantly lies because the facts are not on your side.
What have you offered but the same soundbites spoon fed to you by the media?
Stick the hostage nonsense where the sun don't shine.

You repeat Trump's lies over and over. You wouldn't have anything to say if Trump didn't say anything.
YOU can stick Trump's nonsense where the sun doesn't shine.
Again you have stated nothing.
I posted an actual opinion. You ranted and insulted everyone who calls you out on your vile rhetoric.
Do you spittle on the screen when you post?

You posted Trump's opinion. Trump supporters are the ones who rant with no facts to back them up. Crazy conspiracy theories is all you have.
WTF are you babbling about?
What conspiracy?
The next move is a public proposal by the Democrats otherwise they are sitting on the issue.

They have made their proposal clear. Open the government and then we will talk. Americans overwhelmingly agree with that.
Some of us have seen time after time how Democrats operate.

We've seen how Trump and Republicans operate. That is why Democrats picked up 40 seats in the House.

Whoopee...a whole 40. Weren't you planning on 60?

Not really. The Republicans gerrymandered the House very well. We saw what happened in Pennsylvania when there was a fair map. The state went from a 13-5 Republican majority to a 9-9 tie and 3 more Republican seats in danger in 2020.
You idiots keep forgetting that Republicans tried to kill Obamacare even though the majority didn't want that. Obamacare is more popular than Trump.
Obama care, as usual, was all about Obama and the liberal agenda. Opposing the wall is all about the Democrats and the liberal agenda, not the American people.

People now support Obamacare and want it fixed not repealed. That is why Voters overwhelmingly trust Democrats more than they do Republicans on healthcare. The American people oppose a wall as well.

You do realize Obamacare is pretty much all there is? Of course people want that piece of crap fixed...dumbass.

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