It Is OFFICIAL: Pelosi / 'Shutdown' Party Reject Deal - They Own The Shutdown!

Voter/election fraud to you is people voting and having their votes counted.
Voter / election fraud is Democrats allowing illegals to vote, like they did in Broward county.

Election fraud is Hillary and the Democrats rigging primarirs, cheating in debates, violating campaign finance laws, keeping Hillary out of prison to keep her in the race, and finally giving her the nomination she could not win.

There is not 1 bit of evidence illegals voted in Broward County. You are a lying weasel.

Hillary Clinton got 54% of the votes to 42% for Sanders. How does she not get the nomination. You keep repeating that urban myth but you have not offered 1 bit of evidence. How was SC rigged so Clinton got 75% to 25% for Sanders. How was Mississippi rigged so that Clinton got 81% and Sanders got 19%. If these were Republican rules, Sanders would have been eliminated even earlier.

Trump violated campaign finance rules by paying off women to keep quiet about hush money they received.

The IG found nothing wrong with the decision that Comey made. He found no evidence of political bias.
You lie...

'Broward County'!

You LIE:

The DNC Chairwoman admitted to help in Hillary cheat in debates, to rigging primaries, to stacking the deck against stealing his nomination and GIVING it to Hillary.
My compromise has no money for the wall.
'Your' compromise? Bwuhahahaha...

After trying to flee the country during her shutdown, Pelosi walked away from another offer from Trump - DACA.

Pelosi is holding the country hostage...

My compromise is exactly what a majority of voters want.

Pelosi went to visit the troops. Trump's juvenile act shows how incapable he is of being President. A 2 year old child shows more maturity than Trump.
by the way, the president presented a plan for the senate to vote on. Now we will see who votes for Americans or illegals
Additionally, the failure to accept the plan also shows DACA really isn’t a leftist position

No it shows that Trump's DACA plan was nothing. He gives Democrats 30% of what they want but takes 100% of what he wants. Democrats were right to reject this. Even Jared Kushner admits this does not settle DACA. We will see who votes for the American people or racists.
Yeah it does! Give him the 27 billion then. 5.7 isn’t 100%jack off

Jacking off is all you can do. He could have had that a year ago.
My compromise is exactly what a majority of voters want..
You lie. You have proven you, like Pelosi, have no clue what Compromise means.

Hillary's own House Democrats voiced wanting DACA for the wall.

She is even holding her fellow Democrats hostage.
I agree with her 100% we do not need a wall.
Who gives a f* what you agree with? You are not Speaker...obviously Pelosi is not, based on the fact that she refuses to negotiate, refuses to compromise, and attempts to run from the House and her position as Speaker by trying to flee the country during her shutdown.

The Democrats have tried to overturn the results of the Pelosi is single-handedly trying to block what the American people voted him into office to do.
she is winning because

Pew Research Centre poll released Wednesday reported that 58 per cent of Americans oppose building a border wall; 61 per cent disapprove of the way Trump is handling the shutdown.

she plans to pass a package of House bills that would reopen shuttered government agencies and increase spending on border security - without a wall.
Tell us something we don't already know. You could have just said when intends to ignore whatever the Senate and the President want. Why should Trump sign her bill if the bill has nothing he wants?
Demanding Compromise on gov't issues is part of the Constitution.........The Power of the Purse is part of that system..........Refusing to compromise is the problem. Call it what you like..........but we've already spent and lost more money than requested which is stupidity in motion. Fund better security.......better yet go find the appropriated funds from 2006 that were squandered.............They only spent 2.3 billion on the wall for 10 years........Broken promises..........all for political gain.

improving and adding border walls for CBP that makes their job easier makes sense..............unless you don't want or border secure.....which is exactly what this fight is about.

That is not what this fight is about. This fight is about Trump pleasing his base and telling the other 60% or so people in this country to go to hell.

60% are with you...........LOL

Most of Americans want the border secured.......have wanted it for decades..........hell even Billy Boy wanted it way back when........and each time they failed to do anything about it.........

Add E-Verify to the 1986...........and your side is done.............LOL

Voters remain solidly opposed to a wall on the Mexican border, 55 - 43 percent, and reject every argument for the Wall. The 55 - 43 percent opposition compares to 54 - 43 percent opposition in a December 18 survey, just before the partial government shutdown.

American voters are negative in every question about the wall, saying:
  • 59 - 40 percent that it is not a good use of taxpayer dollars;
  • 55 - 43 percent that the wall would not make the U.S. safer;
  • 59 - 40 percent that the wall is not necessary to protect the border;
  • 52 percent say the wall is against American values as 41 percent say the wall is consistent with American values.
QU Poll Release Detail
Fake news. If you ask them if they support a "barrier" on the border, then a majority are in favor of it. People who support the wall don't even answer such polls because they know the people conducting it are brain-dead leftwingers who hate anyone who says they support it.

People who say they are against are mostly only mildly against, as if you asked them whether they prefer chocolate or vanilla. They'll say chocolate, but they aren't going to march on Washington if you give them vanilla. On the other hand, the people who support the wall really really really support it. They will march on Washington if Piglosi doesn't give them what Trump is asking.

That is what Trump supporters said about polls showing Democrats having a big lead in the generic voting. It turns out the polls were right. There is no silent majority and you are showing yourself to be the fool.
Nevertheless, Hillary lost. So much for the polls.
The next move is a public proposal by the Democrats otherwise they are sitting on the issue.

They have made their proposal clear. Open the government and then we will talk. Americans overwhelmingly agree with that.

You’re a true idiot if you think the Dems will “talk” once the government reopens.

You are a idiot if you think Trump will be re-elected after this fiasco. Voters do not want a wall.
The voters that voted for Trump wants the damn wall!!!!!!!

A majority of a minority want a wall. A majority of a minority do not get what they want.
My compromise is exactly what a majority of voters want..
You lie. You have proven you, like Pelosi, have no clue what Compromise means.

Hillary's own House Democrats voiced wanting DACA for the wall.

She is even holding her fellow Democrats hostage.
Dont your remember?
Trump is the partisan who is holding Americans hostage so he can please his base.
Pelosi told Trump even if he gave he opened the govt, even if he gave her what she wanted, she would not negotiate / compromise.

Pelosi's own Democrats have openly met with the GOP, breaking from Pelosi...some have said they would vote for a compromise if given the chance.

Pelosi just got busted lying her ass to kill the SotU speech...then got busted / denied military airlift trying to skip out of the country during her shutdown.

'Trump is the partisan who is holding Americans hostage...'


I agree with her 100% we do not need a wall.

Several Republicans have openly said they do not need a wall.

Pelosi got busted for nothing. She is right in saying the SOTU speech should be postponed. She was going to meet the troops. That is horrible.
Going to try and brainwash the troops or feed them some more Democrat propaganda is more like it.

You are the one feeding us propaganda. Except most Americans can see through your and Trump's bullshit.
I agree with her 100% we do not need a wall.
Who gives a f* what you agree with? You are not Speaker...obviously Pelosi is not, based on the fact that she refuses to negotiate, refuses to compromise, and attempts to run from the House and her position as Speaker by trying to flee the country during her shutdown.

The Democrats have tried to overturn the results of the Pelosi is single-handedly trying to block what the American people voted him into office to do.
she is winning because

Pew Research Centre poll released Wednesday reported that 58 per cent of Americans oppose building a border wall; 61 per cent disapprove of the way Trump is handling the shutdown.

she plans to pass a package of House bills that would reopen shuttered government agencies and increase spending on border security - without a wall.
Tell us something we don't already know. You could have just said when intends to ignore whatever the Senate and the President want. Why should Trump sign her bill if the bill has nothing he wants?
Pelosi refuses to negotiate / compromise ... Which her own Dems recognize is how things get done...

She walked away from DACA....

She has offered no compromise...and tried to flee the country during her shutdown
The President just offered Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats DACA ... AGAIN ... and they rejected the deal.

The President has made every effort, offered them what they claim to want, but Pelosi j Iyeah st demonstrated she is he'll-bent on keeping the government shutdown until the Prresident resigns or gives in to her 'hostsge demands' of opening up the govt in return for NOTHING.


"President Donald Trump on Saturday proposed a broad immigration deal to end the government shutdown, though Democratic leaders quickly declared his overture dead on arrival."

Democrats reject Trump’s bid to negotiate on immigration for his wall


President Trump proves the Democrats have no intention of compromising. Dem's own the shutdown 100%. You Dem idiots prepare to get reamed in the SOTU address.
Trump is committing political suicide and you people are cheering him on. From this moment on he is the most powerless president of our lifetimes.

How is Trump committing political suicide?
By forgetting that America consists of more than just his rabid hard-core supporters. He is the most deeply unpopular president ever and that will not get any better.

Stop lying, Americans in 30 states overwhelmingly elected Trump president and securing the board was a major campaign promise. You leftists are just butthurt over getting your ass whooped and that so many Americans disagree with you leftist retards.

Overwhelming? Trump won narrowly in Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Florida. Michigan and Pennsylvania are likely back in the Democrat column by solidly voting for Democrats in statewide offices.
Trump is the partisan who is holding Americans hostage so he can please his base.
Pelosi told Trump even if he gave he opened the govt, even if he gave her what she wanted, she would not negotiate / compromise.

Pelosi's own Democrats have openly met with the GOP, breaking from Pelosi...some have said they would vote for a compromise if given the chance.

Pelosi just got busted lying her ass to kill the SotU speech...then got busted / denied military airlift trying to skip out of the country during her shutdown.

'Trump is the partisan who is holding Americans hostage...'


I agree with her 100% we do not need a wall.

Several Republicans have openly said they do not need a wall.

Pelosi got busted for nothing. She is right in saying the SOTU speech should be postponed. She was going to meet the troops. That is horrible.
Going to try and brainwash the troops or feed them some more Democrat propaganda is more like it.

You are the one feeding us propaganda. Except most Americans can see through your and Trump's bullshit.
Does anyone other than your mommy buy your crap? :p
President Trump proves the Democrats have no intention of compromising. Dem's own the shutdown 100%. You Dem idiots prepare to get reamed in the SOTU address.
Trump is committing political suicide and you people are cheering him on. From this moment on he is the most powerless president of our lifetimes.

How is Trump committing political suicide?
By forgetting that America consists of more than just his rabid hard-core supporters. He is the most deeply unpopular president ever and that will not get any better.

Stop lying, Americans in 30 states overwhelmingly elected Trump president and securing the board was a major campaign promise. You leftists are just butthurt over getting your ass whooped and that so many Americans disagree with you leftist retards.

Overwhelming? Trump won narrowly in Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Florida. Michigan and Pennsylvania are likely back in the Democrat column by solidly voting for Democrats in statewide offices.
Trump won....

Elections have consequences, haven't you heard? Obama said that.

The next move is a public proposal by the Democrats otherwise they are sitting on the issue.

They have made their proposal clear. Open the government and then we will talk. Americans overwhelmingly agree with that.

You’re a true idiot if you think the Dems will “talk” once the government reopens.

You are a idiot if you think Trump will be re-elected after this fiasco. Voters do not want a wall.
He will be reelected. History shows that shutdowns don't harm the reelection odds for Republicans. In fact, it enhances them. The only people are going to hold it against Trump are the government workers, and they are all Democrats anyway.

History does not show that. The Gingrich shutdown was the longest on record until the Trump shutdown came along. Clinton's numbers were sagging until the shutdown. Voters blamed Republicans for the shutdown and Clinton's approvals started rising and resulted in a easy re-election.

The Republicans gained seats in every election of Clinton's tenure.

Clinton won only because he ran against that loser Dole.
Liar in Chief Trump is the only person who can sign papers and order the end of the shutdown. He is the only one with authority to end it. Congress does not have authority to end it.

What a total crock, Camp! You know as well as I do that Pelosi could end this shutdown immediately. She gets DACA and the US gets a secure border. What's the issue?
The President just offered Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats DACA ... AGAIN ... and they rejected the deal.

The President has made every effort, offered them what they claim to want, but Pelosi j Iyeah st demonstrated she is he'll-bent on keeping the government shutdown until the Prresident resigns or gives in to her 'hostsge demands' of opening up the govt in return for NOTHING.


"President Donald Trump on Saturday proposed a broad immigration deal to end the government shutdown, though Democratic leaders quickly declared his overture dead on arrival."

Democrats reject Trump’s bid to negotiate on immigration for his wall

Trump shut the government down. The democrats don’t own the shutdown because they won’t accept the hostage takers demands.
Trump shut it down because he wasn't going to give into the ridiculous demands of the crats whom (because of their attempt to set him up), were wanting a shut down, and Trump gave them exactly what they wanted.

Americans don't agree with Trump. They do not see a wall as a part of border security.
Saying that will not make it true.....the people want a wall...the people want a stop to illegal immigration....

The trouble is that it is true. You are the one who is in denial.
The President just offered Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats DACA ... AGAIN ... and they rejected the deal.

The President has made every effort, offered them what they claim to want, but Pelosi j Iyeah st demonstrated she is he'll-bent on keeping the government shutdown until the Prresident resigns or gives in to her 'hostsge demands' of opening up the govt in return for NOTHING.


"President Donald Trump on Saturday proposed a broad immigration deal to end the government shutdown, though Democratic leaders quickly declared his overture dead on arrival."

Democrats reject Trump’s bid to negotiate on immigration for his wall

Trump shut the government down. The democrats don’t own the shutdown because they won’t accept the hostage takers demands.
Trump shut it down because he wasn't going to give into the ridiculous demands of the crats whom (because of their attempt to set him up), were wanting a shut down, and Trump gave them exactly what they wanted.

Americans don't agree with Trump. They do not see a wall as a part of border security.
Saying that will not make it true.....the people want a wall...the people want a stop to illegal immigration....

People do not want a wall. People support DACA.

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