It Is OFFICIAL: Pelosi / 'Shutdown' Party Reject Deal - They Own The Shutdown!

I agree with her 100% we do not need a wall.
Who gives a f* what you agree with? You are not Speaker...obviously Pelosi is not, based on the fact that she refuses to negotiate, refuses to compromise, and attempts to run from the House and her position as Speaker by trying to flee the country during her shutdown.

The Democrats have tried to overturn the results of the Pelosi is single-handedly trying to block what the American people voted him into office to do.

Voters agree with Pelosi not Trump. Trump is not entitled to something just because he wants it. You should learn what a compromise is.,
Neither is Piglosi entitled to something just because she wants it, you dumb fuck.
The fact is that voters oppose a wall...
YOU LIE...unless you if ore the polls, articles, and evidence to the contrary. :p

That was Trump's closing arguments in the midterms and led to a 40 seat gain for Democrats in the House and a smaller than expected gain in the Senate. YOU ARE THE LIAR WHO IGNORES COLD HARD FACTS.
Yeah, people are still scratching their heads over the election. Trump is a practical person who figured that the nation would lean towards American traditions and values in which most rememberd as in his MAGA campaign strategy that won out earlier.

The nation has changed so much overtime, that even he underestimated the power of the liberal/leftist influence that had gone unchallenged in many areas for decades upon decades now. He also underestimates their deeper state entrenched connections and donors ready to protect their interest in the change it wants above and beyond his and the base.

Maybe he has learned better about this stuff. Take nothing for granite should be the republican motto going forward.

American values are compassion. Compassion for people who are in fear for their lives. The nation has not changed. The Republican Party has changed. Ronald Reagan would never be a part of this party. It is the party of neo-nazis and white supremacists. It has been taken over by the alt-right.

They don't fear for their lives. They just want a place at the American gravy train. Americans don't believe in catering to deadbeats and freeloaders.

Ronald Reagan agreed to amnesty only because the Dims lied. They said they would enforce the border after the amnesty. They lied. of course. That's a Democrat value: dishonesty.
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Trump is committing political suicide and you people are cheering him on. From this moment on he is the most powerless president of our lifetimes.
After Cohen`s public testimony in front of a House panel on Feb. 7, it will be even worse for Trump. His deplorables won`t be able to do a thing to save him.
All hinges on Cohen eh ?? The liar and crook ? Best pick some better witnesses.

Why would Trump hire a liar and crook? Because Trump is a liar and crook.
Thought all lawyers were liars and crooks ?? Did Trump really have a choice ??

Hardly. There is only one reason to hire a crook and a liar so that when he does them, no one believes him. Trump is a liar and crook.
He's neither, you lying douchebag.
All most every one agrees we need to work on immigration, working on a solution is the right way. end the freeze give both sides 30 days to find a solution.
Nope no wall, no open

No open. No White House. No Senate majority.

We'll see about that.

We already saw what happened in the midterms. Trump was a major factor in the House losses.
Yeah, we saw Republicans win wherever Trump went, and we saw Dim voter/election fraud.
Trump should turn the furloughs into permanent layoffs so the government employees could draw unemployment.

1. He gets to say they will get a “check.”
2. The check won’t cost as much to the taxpayer.
3. Those jobs can be phased out.
4. The unemployment is generally for 12 months, the longer the DemonRATS SAY FUCK THE SECURITY OF OUR CITIZENS, THE BETTER the chances are for 2020 elections.
5. It lights a fire under the Rats because the last thing they want is to reduce the number of union workers paying dues to Rat re-election campaigns.

Don’t forget that those 800,000 federal employees are considered non-essential.

That means that the food we eat is not being inspected, the courts will shut down to name a couple of essential functions.
It's not well inspected when the government is open. You haven't read much about all the contaminated food scandals, have you?
You idiots keep forgetting that Republicans tried to kill Obamacare even though the majority didn't want that. Obamacare is more popular than Trump.
Obama care, as usual, was all about Obama and the liberal agenda. Opposing the wall is all about the Democrats and the liberal agenda, not the American people.

People now support Obamacare and want it fixed not repealed. That is why Voters overwhelmingly trust Democrats more than they do Republicans on healthcare. The American people oppose a wall as well.
Of course Obumble care is wanted more than ever now, because you crats have broke so many over the years that the dependents are crying for any kind of relief in their dependency.

A majority of Americans are Democrats? Then Trump is really in trouble.
This is what your claim was remember ?

Now if the majority of Americans are Democrats, then you could be right that Trump is definitely in trouble.

Why is this one might wonder ??

Could it be that Democrats voters are highly dependent sheep, whom chant together, worship in poverty together, love freebies together, and take their marching orders from the ones controlling that $10.00 in cash they are allowed to keep in their pocket's, their living quarters lived in, their debt, their healthcare, their voices, and ultimately their vote ?

Trump trying to change all that by offering them more freedom by way of jobs etc, has the establishment crats shaking in their old wool coats.
All most every one agrees we need to work on immigration, working on a solution is the right way. end the freeze give both sides 30 days to find a solution.
Nope no wall, no open

No open. No White House. No Senate majority.

We'll see about that.

We already saw what happened in the midterms. Trump was a major factor in the House losses.
Yeah, we saw Republicans win wherever Trump went, and we saw Dim voter/election fraud.
The voter fraud was in North Carolina and it was the other party dipshit.
North Carolina elections official resigns amid voter fraud controversy: 'Things have gotten way out of hand'
Nope no wall, no open

No open. No White House. No Senate majority.

We'll see about that.

We already saw what happened in the midterms. Trump was a major factor in the House losses.
Yeah, we saw Republicans win wherever Trump went, and we saw Dim voter/election fraud.
The voter fraud was in North Carolina and it was the other party dipshit.
North Carolina elections official resigns amid voter fraud controversy: 'Things have gotten way out of hand'
And in the meantime Chicago has had 54 shootings already this year. Whose fault is that ? Ok back on topic.

Balls in Trmp's court today......~S~
The shutdown today: Trump lashes out after Dems reject offer

The 'hostage crisis' is all on Pelosi After she walked away from DACA...again...
No. Again, Trump said he was responsible on 12/11/18

It's going to come to a point where that won't matter. He's made at least three proposals in good faith to the Democrats, and they rejected all of them. Including this one. Trump is making all the offers here. Democrats are sitting there throwing a tantrum because the government isn't open for them to take advantage of.

It's like this: Do you want DACA or not? Or is your so called compassion for those illegals just a front in your resistance to Trump? He's offered amnesty, deportation protections, extensions...for MILLIONS of people in the country illegally. Basically things you leftists get off on. When they become aware of those proposals, and the Democrats' obstinance, who do you think will own the shutdown then?

It won't be Trump. You can't act in good faith if you are always saying no. In fact, he had Democrats saying no before he even gave the address yesterday.
Trump walked out of the last face to face meeting. It’s on him x 2
Because Nancy gave him a flat no on money for the wall.

why bother listening to their demands?

So using that logic, if Nancy and Chuck don’t get everything they want, they should leave too?
The President just offered Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats DACA ... AGAIN ... and they rejected the deal.

The President has made every effort, offered them what they claim to want, but Pelosi j Iyeah st demonstrated she is he'll-bent on keeping the government shutdown until the Prresident resigns or gives in to her 'hostsge demands' of opening up the govt in return for NOTHING.


"President Donald Trump on Saturday proposed a broad immigration deal to end the government shutdown, though Democratic leaders quickly declared his overture dead on arrival."

Democrats reject Trump’s bid to negotiate on immigration for his wall

Your whore said that Mexico would pay for his wall. There is no need for ""negotiations" between political parties.There is no need to involve the Democratic Party or any one in it. Why is your whore not opening up the government when he already has funding for his pipe dream?
They are already paying. It’s why he’s asking now fool!. Money is received by the treasury, now it must be handed for what it was for! Need congress to release the funding. Fool
Nope no wall, no open

No open. No White House. No Senate majority.

We'll see about that.

We already saw what happened in the midterms. Trump was a major factor in the House losses.
Yeah, we saw Republicans win wherever Trump went, and we saw Dim voter/election fraud.
The voter fraud was in North Carolina and it was the other party dipshit.
North Carolina elections official resigns amid voter fraud controversy: 'Things have gotten way out of hand'
California and Arizona
The shutdown today: Trump lashes out after Dems reject offer

The 'hostage crisis' is all on Pelosi After she walked away from DACA...again...
No. Again, Trump said he was responsible on 12/11/18

It's going to come to a point where that won't matter. He's made at least three proposals in good faith to the Democrats, and they rejected all of them. Including this one. Trump is making all the offers here. Democrats are sitting there throwing a tantrum because the government isn't open for them to take advantage of.

It's like this: Do you want DACA or not? Or is your so called compassion for those illegals just a front in your resistance to Trump? He's offered amnesty, deportation protections, extensions...for MILLIONS of people in the country illegally. Basically things you leftists get off on. When they become aware of those proposals, and the Democrats' obstinance, who do you think will own the shutdown then?

It won't be Trump. You can't act in good faith if you are always saying no. In fact, he had Democrats saying no before he even gave the address yesterday.
Trump walked out of the last face to face meeting. It’s on him x 2
Because Nancy gave him a flat no on money for the wall.

why bother listening to their demands?

So using that logic, if Nancy and Chuck don’t get everything they want, they should leave too?
Trump wants $25 billion for the wall. He was offering to take only $5 billion. He wasn't insisting on everything he wants.
No. Again, Trump said he was responsible on 12/11/18

It's going to come to a point where that won't matter. He's made at least three proposals in good faith to the Democrats, and they rejected all of them. Including this one. Trump is making all the offers here. Democrats are sitting there throwing a tantrum because the government isn't open for them to take advantage of.

It's like this: Do you want DACA or not? Or is your so called compassion for those illegals just a front in your resistance to Trump? He's offered amnesty, deportation protections, extensions...for MILLIONS of people in the country illegally. Basically things you leftists get off on. When they become aware of those proposals, and the Democrats' obstinance, who do you think will own the shutdown then?

It won't be Trump. You can't act in good faith if you are always saying no. In fact, he had Democrats saying no before he even gave the address yesterday.
Trump walked out of the last face to face meeting. It’s on him x 2
Because Nancy gave him a flat no on money for the wall.

why bother listening to their demands?

So using that logic, if Nancy and Chuck don’t get everything they want, they should leave too?
Trump wants $25 billion for the wall. He was offering to take only $5 billion. He wasn't insisting on everything he wants.

That was the request in this round of negotiations. Originally it was $5B. Now it’s $5.7 for some DACA relief; which he will immediately abandon once Fox and Friends shakes their head slightly. You can’t trust the blob.
No. Again, Trump said he was responsible on 12/11/18

It's going to come to a point where that won't matter. He's made at least three proposals in good faith to the Democrats, and they rejected all of them. Including this one. Trump is making all the offers here. Democrats are sitting there throwing a tantrum because the government isn't open for them to take advantage of.

It's like this: Do you want DACA or not? Or is your so called compassion for those illegals just a front in your resistance to Trump? He's offered amnesty, deportation protections, extensions...for MILLIONS of people in the country illegally. Basically things you leftists get off on. When they become aware of those proposals, and the Democrats' obstinance, who do you think will own the shutdown then?

It won't be Trump. You can't act in good faith if you are always saying no. In fact, he had Democrats saying no before he even gave the address yesterday.
Trump walked out of the last face to face meeting. It’s on him x 2
Because Nancy gave him a flat no on money for the wall.

why bother listening to their demands?

So using that logic, if Nancy and Chuck don’t get everything they want, they should leave too?
Trump wants $25 billion for the wall. He was offering to take only $5 billion. He wasn't insisting on everything he wants.

Hey idiot, did not get the memo, Mexico is paying for it...

As soon as the check clears building will start right away...
It's going to come to a point where that won't matter. He's made at least three proposals in good faith to the Democrats, and they rejected all of them. Including this one. Trump is making all the offers here. Democrats are sitting there throwing a tantrum because the government isn't open for them to take advantage of.

It's like this: Do you want DACA or not? Or is your so called compassion for those illegals just a front in your resistance to Trump? He's offered amnesty, deportation protections, extensions...for MILLIONS of people in the country illegally. Basically things you leftists get off on. When they become aware of those proposals, and the Democrats' obstinance, who do you think will own the shutdown then?

It won't be Trump. You can't act in good faith if you are always saying no. In fact, he had Democrats saying no before he even gave the address yesterday.
Trump walked out of the last face to face meeting. It’s on him x 2
Because Nancy gave him a flat no on money for the wall.

why bother listening to their demands?

So using that logic, if Nancy and Chuck don’t get everything they want, they should leave too?
Trump wants $25 billion for the wall. He was offering to take only $5 billion. He wasn't insisting on everything he wants.

That was the request in this round of negotiations. Originally it was $5B. Now it’s $5.7 for some DACA relief; which he will immediately abandon once Fox and Friends shakes their head slightly. You can’t trust the blob.
He can't abandon it if the House doesn't go along with him, dumbass. If Trump didn't need to obey laws, he could just appropriate the money with an EO.

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