It is time for someone who appeals to the Bernie crowd to run as an independent

Get away from the restraints of a biased DNC and you'll do better. There's demand for a real progressive candidate. You can get that through an independent candidate. That candidate will fair better against Trump than Hillary

It doesn't need to be Bernie who does this. It could be someone younger who just picks up the torch of Bernie's movement and keeps it going

You think the revolution conducted by the Founding Fathers and their followers was easy?
Any "independent" or third party socialist/liberal candidate will just ensure a Trump win.

More likely ensures a Democrat win, since the spit is in the RP.

Like it did in 1912. Wilson was left with under 42% of the pop vote, yet won the EC in a landslide. Third party TR came in 2nd.
Yes I think this system rewards unity and punishes division. If the left can unite and mobilize, forgiving Clinton more than ppl can forgive Trump, where the right divides refuses to compromisr and stays home, we'll see the impact on the elections again.

Forgiveness is more powerful than nitpicking over the faults ppl have. Those are going to happen and exist regardless which person or party you choose. The difference is how much we are willing to forgive and unite.

It's ironic that the Christians are supposed to teach forgiveness while the secular liberals are supposed to teach inclusion. Where both left and right FAIL at these principles, it depends which ppl can forgive and unite anyway.

Maybe the issue is the number of people who fear or can't forgive Hillary, can they unite around Trump? If the same things that make them reject Hillary divide them over Trump then this doesn't help.

As for the people who can't stand Trump, are they more likely to unite around Hillary? I'd say yes, they are less divided and the ones who do go to bat for Sanders or against Hillary aren't as numerous as the masses against Trump who are rallying ppl to get the vote out.

The rallying against Hillary appears more divided over Trump and may not be able to get past their issues. The left is used to selling out to get the D candidate in, but the EXTREME left and right who refuse to compromise won't go there. With the left it isn't a big enough divide to split the vote; with the right, this split may be big enough where ppl refuse to vote for Trump and either vote Clinton or stay home. The larger numbers of left voters are more likely to forgive/compromise and vote Democrat. They are just more conditioned to depend on party for representation.

All Clinton has to do is try to sound Presidential and confident as a leader, let Trump continue to look and sound inciteful in the media, put the blame on him and the media can push and win this war by painting it in that light. Play the hate card.
Get away from the restraints of a biased DNC and you'll do better. There's demand for a real progressive candidate. You can get that through an independent candidate. That candidate will fair better against Trump than Hillary

It doesn't need to be Bernie who does this. It could be someone younger who just picks up the torch of Bernie's movement and keeps it going

You think the revolution conducted by the Founding Fathers and their followers was easy?
Any "independent" or third party socialist/liberal candidate will just ensure a Trump win.

More likely ensures a Democrat win, since the spit is in the RP.

Like it did in 1912. Wilson was left with under 42% of the pop vote, yet won the EC in a landslide. Third party TR came in 2nd.
Yes I think this system rewards unity and punishes division. If the left can unite and mobilize, forgiving Clinton more than ppl can forgive Trump, where the right divides refuses to compromisr and stays home, we'll see the impact on the elections again.

Forgiveness is more powerful than nitpicking over the faults ppl have. Those are going to happen and exist regardless which person or party you choose. The difference is how much we are willing to forgive and unite.

It's ironic that the Christians are supposed to teach forgiveness while the secular liberals are supposed to teach inclusion. Where both left and right FAIL at these principles, it depends which ppl can forgive and unite anyway.

Maybe the issue is the number of people who fear or can't forgive Hillary, can they unite around Trump? If the same things that make them reject Hillary divide them over Trump then this doesn't help.

As for the people who can't stand Trump, are they more likely to unite around Hillary? I'd say yes, they are less divided and the ones who do go to bat for Sanders or against Hillary aren't as numerous as the masses against Trump who are rallying ppl to get the vote out.

The rallying against Hillary appears more divided over Trump and may not be able to get past their issues. The left is used to selling out to get the D candidate in, but the EXTREME left and right who refuse to compromise won't go there. With the left it isn't a big enough divide to split the vote; with the right, this split may be big enough where ppl refuse to vote for Trump and either vote Clinton or stay home. The larger numbers of left voters are more likely to forgive/compromise and vote Democrat. They are just more conditioned to depend on party for representation.

All Clinton has to do is try to sound Presidential and confident as a leader, let Trump continue to look and sound inciteful in the media, put the blame on him and the media can push and win this war by painting it in that light. Play the hate card.

I dunno --- I think Hillary has a political agenda, Bernie has a political agenda, Cruz, Paul, Rubio, Bush, they all have a political agenda of one stripe or another. Rump has no political agenda at all -- that's clear from the incessant self-contradictions. His only agenda, as I've noted from the beginning of all this, is insatiable narcissism. He doesn't care what he has to do or say, so long as it feeds the ego. It's just a matter of people waking up to the obvious.

As I put it before, Rump is sui generis. He's not in it for the same reason everybody else is. He's just in it for Numero Uno. And yes, that is absolutely a "wild card" so I think we've come to a meeting of the minds here. :beer:
It is too late for a 3rd party. The only possible outcome of a "successful" 3rd party run is throwing the election to the House of Representatives. And even that is a stretch.

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