It is time to put the limited back in limited Government- And abolishing the EPA is a good place ...


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
The constitutional republic that our founders intended to create has become a monster, and it is time to tame that monster and restore the federal government to its proper size and scope.

The left loves big government, because it allows them to impose their progressive vision of how the world should work on all the rest of us. This is why so many control freaks are drawn to liberal politics like moths to a flame. Power and control are very addicting drugs, and those that crave these things on the left are never satisfied. That is one of the reasons why the federal government just keeps getting bigger and bigger and bigger. If our constitutional republic is going to survive, we have got to start putting the “limited” back in limited government.

It Is Time To Put The ‘Limited’ Back In Limited Government – And Abolishing The EPA Is A Good Place To Start

OMG imagine how insecure and scary this would be for the leftist who need the government in every aspect of their lives. Why they will suffer mental break down if you take away their huge Government.
The model for the EPA (and the Department of Education, and many others) is the FBI.

The FBI is prohibited from getting involved in law enforcement at the state and local levels, but they can provide a number of valuable support services to local authorities on an advisory, consulting, informational, and technical basis. They publish statistics on crime and victimization, they support new technologies, mainly in forensic science, they provide information on individuals who show up around the country.

Each state has an environmental protection agency of its own, and under our Constitution, the states are in charge of tending to those matters within their respective borders. The EPA can serve as a repository for information on various environmental threats, they can fund research into threat abatement and elimination, they can arbitrate interstate matters, such as acid rain and pollution of interstate waterways. But under the Tenth Amendment, their role must be secondary to that of the individual states.

Don't abolish it, reform it. Shrink it to an appropriate size. Same for Dept of Education, Small Business Administration, HHS, and on and on and on.

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