It is time to use blockchain technology for 2024 and beyond.

Given the incompetence, fraud potential and just plain archaic stupid paper ballots it's time to employ blockchain technology to finally and truly SECURE our national elections. I'm not advocating for local elections but every 2 years we keep reliving this election circus and there is no reason for it. CryptoCurrency is a trillion dollar industry and uses blockchain technology for security. Let's use it for elections as described in this article.

Many people in our country do not trust our election system.
Reason: Technology and mail-in voting.
Solution: Go back a few decades and hand count all ballots, and mail-in only for people that under any circumstance can't vote in person.
Problem: Many people in our country do not trust our election system.
Reason: Technology and mail-in voting.
Solution: Go back a few decades and hand count all ballots, and mail-in only for people that under any circumstance can't vote in person.
Sorry, but you conspiracy theorist crybabies aren’t going to get your way.

You guys are just going to whine baseless claims of fraud every time you lose. That’s your problem. Nobody is interested in your stupid solution.
Sorry, but you conspiracy theorist crybabies aren’t going to get your way.

You guys are just going to whine baseless claims of fraud every time you lose. That’s your problem. Nobody is interested in your stupid solution.

That' why we will continue to have problems and quickly losing faith in our election system. Communists are not pragmatic.
Pathetic. The problem for republicans is not the voting system, it's republicans themselves.

No, its the voting system. Even Jimmy Carter says as much and advised us to abandon it 17 years ago to prevent what just happened in 2020.
That' why we will continue to have problems and quickly losing faith in our election system. Communists are not pragmatic.
You can go ahead and lose faith in our election system all you like. You have that right. Just don't come crying to us when people question your loyalty to our democracy. You guys always throw a conspiracy theorist hissy fit when your side doesn't win.

You don't get to decide the rules. You don't get to decide how votes are counted. That's not how democracy works.
Sorry, but you conspiracy theorist crybabies aren’t going to get your way.

See? ^^^

This is the best they've got.

It's ALL they've got.

These fucking shit for brains leftards are trying to paint a NATIONAL SECURITY ISSUE like a conspiracy theory

These dumbass fucking leftards are DANGEROUS, they need to be slapped down at every opportunity.

You guys are just going to whine baseless claims of fraud every time you lose. That’s your problem. Nobody is interested in your stupid solution.

"You guys"?

FUCK YOU, you brainless fucking moron.

There is no "you guys". There's only people who care, and people who don't.

YOU, obviously don't
See? ^^^

This is the best they've got.

It's ALL they've got.

These fucking shit for brains leftards are trying to paint a NATIONAL SECURITY ISSUE like a conspiracy theory

These dumbass fucking leftards are DANGEROUS, they need to be slapped down at every opportunity.

"You guys"?

FUCK YOU, you brainless fucking moron.

There is no "you guys". There's only people who care, and people who don't.

YOU, obviously don't
The crybabies are upset.

You can go ahead and lose faith in our election system all you like. You have that right. Just don't come crying to us when people question your loyalty to our democracy. You guys always throw a conspiracy theorist hissy fit when your side doesn't win.

You don't get to decide the rules. You don't get to decide how votes are counted. That's not how democracy works.

As a citizen I have an opinion and say-so like any other American. I know you hate freedom of speech because it's out of a document you hate, but it's still the law of the land.
I know you hate freedom of speech …
Dumbass, where did I say that I hate freedom of speech? Quote it. (This is the part where you fail to support your claim and I expose you as a liar, just watch.)

You have the right to say what you want and you have the right to believe stupid things that are complete lies.
Ever notice how, no matter the method suggested that could make our elections more secure, voter ID, secure crypto technology, the dems always seem to be against it?
Ever notice how, no matter the method suggested that could make our elections more secure, voter ID, secure crypto technology, the dems always seem to be against it?

Of course they're against it. Democrats stand no chance in a fair normal election. They are gaining ground with mail-in because mail-in draws more stupid and politically ignorant to vote. Without the lazy welfare types who don't know the first thing about politics, they lose every election outside of nearly sold blue areas.

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