It Leads Straight to the wh

I don't think the Tea Party does either, but they don't care. They seem to be filling in the partisan blanks quite nicely for you, but not me. That requires some evidence.

The primary thing that the video proves, is what we have all known for some time----Maxine Waters is a raving idiot.

How exactly does the video do that?

Is that a serious question? Have you heard this woman speak? She is a moron. She has the brains of a stone. And before you say it, she would be a moron if she was as white as Debbie Wasserman Schultz---another moron.
MORE total Pubcrappe from the PPM. BTW, that's all you chumps get. You make Maxine look like Einstein...The Tea Party News is totally FOS. Shocking. ZZZZZZZZZZ

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