It looks like we are in the Last Days.

Seven billion?

That's just about all of us.

Oh well, we had a good run but too bad the human experiment failed.

And it's all because of religion.

yep. imagine how peaceful the world would be if not for religion. I really wish jesus, allah, and whoever the jews are waiting on would just come down and take all their followers. the world would become a 99% peaceful place overnight.

Religion might cause wars and destruction, but imagine how many people it keeps from losing their minds and killing just for the hell of it.

It keeps a shit load of people on this earth grounded. I'd venture a guess that twice as many people throughout history would have been killed by now if not for religion.

Anyway though, I digress.

Neubarth cracks me up. He says the world has 7 years left before destruction, but spends most of his time trying to push his economic views.

Why does the economy matter when we're all about to be wiped out?
Turkey will detach from Israel because Israel's arrogantly aggressive attack on a Turkish vessel in international waters provoked it. Israel's response to Turkey's detachment will be quiet good behavior while they manipulate the U.S. into diplomatically acting on their behalf.

Turkey is not going to take any militarily aggressive action against Israel as long as the United States continues to serve as Israel's protector. The Palestinians will benefit from this situation because Israel will be doing its best to avoid any negative publicity while it waits for the U.S. to repair the diplomatic damage it has done.

We have an Israeli government, split-up into 3 different coalition-parties. One of them is 1930 European style fascist (Lieberman). It is no stable country and exporting instability to the surrounding regions. See Lebanon 2006, Gaza 2008 and doing fix+fake in Washington+media outlets regarding Iran.

In mid-term, relationship between USA and Turkey will be reduced to commercial level.
Too much negative sounds coming out of Washington since 2003, that want to define who we are, with whom we have to engage with, whom we have to invade as US sub-contractor, who our friends are.
Besides F-35, USA has nothing to offer Turkey. Whereas Turks look 360 degree around and see: Options, options, options.
It has become clear, that Turkey has given priority to Sunnite surroundings and Russia. You go where benefits are most for the invested efforts.
Turkish efforts in direction to Washington are honoured with US congress declaring Turks to be genociders and 9 Turkish citizen-sailors in East-Mediteranean to be brandmarked Terrorists.
Efforts in direction to Brussels also open no doors.

Iran is already the bad guy in Washington.
The more Turkey moves to implement her own designs for the region, the more she will be brandmarked in the same Axis, why this is so I will explain next:
Egypt, Saudi-Arabia and the likes are no nation-states with historical legitimacy and an independent political system, that has evolutioned from within the dynamics of its own population.
I don't know if you had any contacts with Iranians, but most of them regard themselves as major contributors to world civilization and regard themselves as a kind of China-thing: "Center of the world". It almost drifts into cultural chauvinism, but it is in fact not, as Iranian culture is indeed great. Ayatollah phase is just a small portion of that history.
Under various eras of Turkish climax throughout history, Turks always outsourced "contribution to cultural devolpment of society" to Iranians. They wrote our poems and in some phases our language was a mixture of primarily Persian and Arabic. There was never a disruption of this tradition, even not in times of Turkish-Iranian wars. Disruption came with nationalism of Ataturk. With Ataturk period Turks transformed into isolationist, self-centered society suspicious of outside world. Maxim was to stabilize, consolidate and grow healthy with the rest-garbage of Ottoman citizens that were diverse in origin ranging from Balkan to Caucasus stock of people. Ataturk formed them as Turks, hence Ataturk = "Father of Turks".

Alliance with USA was interest based against Soviets, not because Americans liked Turks or vice-verca. Soviets ain't no more, and Ataturk tradition of 1st quarter of 1900's does not fit anymore into the self-perceptions of Turkey today.
Today, Turkey must not form a nation out of rest-garbage of Ottomans, it has stabilized.
Combined with economic well-being we look again to the outside world.
The developments within USA since 2001/02 increasingly result in this outside view to be seperated from empty phrases like US-Turkish alliance, an alliance where Turkish intersts are not honoured and Turks perceived as "Say Yes"-contractors.

The only countries in this region, that pose a threat to the kind of system with which Middle-East region was goverened from outside throughout 20th century are Iran and Turkey.
Around 2007 I thought, that USA and Turkey will cooperate in the redeployment phase of USA out of the region, and that most interests of USA will be preserved by the vacuum-filler that will be Turkey. But recent developments point to the direction, that most of Turkish outreach will be against US interests, as Turkish interests in Middle-East are based on 3 components:
- economic integration that benefits Turkish economy
- no wars that are a barrier to economic interests
- solving the dis-balance of Sunnites having no say in their own core region

All 3 components lead inevitably to collision course with Israel as Israel destabilizes especially the business interests of Turkey and the flow of goods into territories that Israel destabilizes in 2 year rythm. Washington and its Lobby-mechanism where Israel-Lobbies are major component in forming US Middle-East policy result in US+Turkish interests further drift apart.

Turkey has decided for growth. Growth is in Asia with Turkey being itself a growth-engine. Like they say on stock-exchange: "The Trend is your friend".
We are no bridge, no sub-contractors. We are the center of our own region.
US+Turkish interests will be increasingly drifting apart with the Palestine issue being the source of friction. Times of generals and Sultan alike politicians is over. Both are accountable to Turkish public.
With 9 Turkish civilians being murdered by Israel, the first incident of Turkish civilians being murdered by a foreign nation since establishment of Turkish Republic, the Turkish Psyche will not forget and - if I count as an indicator for society - I am already in revenge mode, with the difference that we wont kill people but contain Israel and wipe-off the chances for it of any power-projection beyond its borders.
It will be the permanent outsider in this region in economical, diplomatical terms.
Brandmarked as the war criminal, forcing emerging powers throughout the world to either go the way of having relations with Israel or with an integrated Sunnite block of countries led by Turkey. Both at same time wont be an option, unfortunately for US interests, the US has decided already where it stands in this choice.
It can't be the beginning of the end because I haven't heard the marching music yet...
For a third of a century now, I have been telling people that the President of Turkey will be the AntiChrist.

So that means that you have been crazy since 1977?

That was a full NINE years prior to the infamous shirtless pic of '86.

Not Crazy. I know my history and I know the Bible. You, being genetically defective and stupider than shit do not.

All of the so called major eschatologists and authors who have covered the prophecies of the Bible have concluded that the AntiChrist will come from Rome or the western world. As an historian who knows the Bible, I believe he comes from the Islamic world.

All of the so called major escatologists and authors who have covered the prophecies of the Bible have concluded that the tribe up in the Ukraine/Crimean area that is mentioned as attacking Israel in the last days are the modern Russian people of today. As an historian, I know that they are the Turkic people, and the AntiChrist will almost certainly be the recognized leader of the Turkic people. The most obvious candidate would be the president of Turkey.

All I try to do is get people to think. I am used to getting banned on boards where stupid people abound. They are too stupid to understand the topics so they attack the messenger.

Hell, I was banned on four different boards for posting that Radical Islamics should be killed. The moderators on those boards did not even know what Radical Islam was. I was banned on five different flu boards for telling people (five years ago) that the next flu pandemic would be a mild one. Guess what, it was and it happened last year. The question that begs to be asked is, "Why am I always right?"
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