It matters not who got our economy to this point

What we need is to have the government taking back control of the federal reserve.

The Fed is part of the government already.
If you meant that Congress needs to control monetary policy, I'll have to laugh at you.
Amazing. The federal reserve operates independently...In theory.
Actually the federal reserve as a policy agency needs to be abolished.
The federal reserve has been manipulating the money supply and pumping money into the financial markets to prop up value.
This has caused the US Dollar to fall to 30 year lows vs major currencies. This is one of the reasons why gasoline shot up to $4 per gallon.
Prices have fallen on bad economic conditions which have squashed demand.
Oh..But wait....The fed at the request of the White House is going to enact QE 3.....Yep, the fed will pour more money into the markets. Money that must be printed. This increase in the supply of money will again lower the value of the US Dollar. This could result in rising prices again. Great.

so according to u the fedcis bad be ause it does things u think are good. god ur a retard
Get the dog shit off your keyboard.
Amazing. The federal reserve operates independently...In theory.
Actually the federal reserve as a policy agency needs to be abolished.
The federal reserve has been manipulating the money supply and pumping money into the financial markets to prop up value.
This has caused the US Dollar to fall to 30 year lows vs major currencies. This is one of the reasons why gasoline shot up to $4 per gallon.
Prices have fallen on bad economic conditions which have squashed demand.
Oh..But wait....The fed at the request of the White House is going to enact QE 3.....Yep, the fed will pour more money into the markets. Money that must be printed. This increase in the supply of money will again lower the value of the US Dollar. This could result in rising prices again. Great.

so according to u the fedcis bad be ause it does things u think are good. god ur a retard
Get the dog shit off your keyboard.

u are the retard that thinks the fed improving the e conomy is bad. so tell me how do i get u off my keyboard
I'm all for it along with dumping the Bush tax cuts and using the money to pay down debt.

Oh?..Hey dummy...That is OUR money. Not the government's...Let the federal government get it's fiscal house in order FIRST.

Yes it is OUR money and OUR debt

Only way to pay down $15 trillion in debt is for everyone to make sacrifices. That means more taxes and less benefits

It's not OUR debt. That would be the case if I wanted some kind of social benefit( makes up the majority of federal expenditures)....I do not.....
No one out here that produces wants a thing to do with government except for essential functions. Other than that, the federal government spends FAR TOO MUCH. There is so much fraud, red tape and waste it is incredible.
For example.....AFDC..Welfare whatever.. For every dollar spent on that or those programs, nearly 45% is spent administering the program(s).....Lots of unneeded employees.
The people on Capitol Hill could cut lots of stuff. They just don't have the balls.
so according to u the fedcis bad be ause it does things u think are good. god ur a retard
Get the dog shit off your keyboard.

u are the retard that thinks the fed improving the e conomy is bad. so tell me how do i get u off my keyboard

The federal government.......Should stay out of the way of the private sector economy so the economy can recover.
Clinton was advised by some very intelligent people who told that President to stay out of the way. Clinton headed that advise and we had several prosperous years.
But you're happy with Harry Reid, Nazi Pelosi, Bawney Fwank and Company?

You'll have to excuse me if I doubt your judgement of politicians.

Most of congress.disgusts me. I like Ron Paul, Bernie Sanders and maybe a few others who don't immediately come to mind. But it's a matter of degree. The republicans have become the extreme anti-science, anti-intellectual, religious fanatic party that wants to continue the very policies that tanked the economy under Bush except this time, put them on steroids. Combine that with the lockstep obedience of a bunch of mindless drones and you have the sorry state of what a once-great party has become.

Anyone who likes both Ron Paul and Bernie Sanders simply isn't rational. Their agendas are diametrically opposed.

Your characterization of Republicans is also total horseshit. The policy that tanked the economy was forcing banks to grant mortgages to people who couldn't pay them. That's almost entirely the work of Democrats. Furthermore, Obama is determined to continue those policies. At this very moment he is trying to strong arm banks into lowering their credit standards for approving mortgages.

Nice regurgitation of a Daily Kooks/MediaMutters/ThinkRegress/CCCPNBC leftloon talking point, s0n. :lol::lol::lol:

If you guys really want to know what went wrong, invest an hour of your time and listen to this.
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You seem to want some attention. Why else would you come on here and say that someone who is so obviously smarter than you is.........stupid?

I may oblige.

And, it takes a special kind of dummy to STILL not know that I am a man after conversing with me for several months here. Idiot.

You think your posts emit pheromones? All I know about you is you have a daughter you're proud of. Don't flatter yourself.
L I believe Frank, dems and many spinless pubs...

crazy as a loon, you are.

and it matters because a GOP move is on to take us back in time, putting us right back where it all started.

nice attempt trying to use propaganda blaming Barney Frank :laugh2:

In 2005, while the Democrats were still in the minority, Frank contributed to a bipartisan effort to put his objectives -- tighter regulation of Fannie and Freddie and new funds for rental housing -- into law. At the time, Fannie and Freddie were regulated by a small agency within the Department of Housing and Urban Development; the bill proposed to create an independent agency to monitor their operations. Frank and Michael Oxley, who was then chairman of the Financial Services Committee, achieved broad bipartisan support for the bill in the committee, and it passed the House. But the Senate never voted on the measure, in part because President Bush was likely to veto it. "If it had passed, that would have been one of the ways we could have reined in the bowling ball going downhill called housing," Oxley told me. "Barney, to some extent, is misunderstood -- with this image of him as a fierce partisan. He is an institutionalist. He believes in the House and in the process. He eschews the grandstanding style that so many members use and prefers to work behind the scenes and get something done." Limbaugh falsely asserted "Banking Queen" Barney Frank "created" subprime mortgage crisis | Media Matters for America

Mike Oxley - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Michael Garver "Mike" Oxley (born February 11, 1944) is an American politician of the Republican party who served as a U.S. representative from the 4th congressional district of Ohio.
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You seem to want some attention. Why else would you come on here and say that someone who is so obviously smarter than you is.........stupid?

I may oblige.

And, it takes a special kind of dummy to STILL not know that I am a man after conversing with me for several months here. Idiot.

You think your posts emit pheromones? All I know about you is you have a daughter you're proud of. Don't flatter yourself.

That is all you know because you don't pay attention. You are too interested in what you have to say.........regardless of how boring it is.......and not of a mind to receive information. A true sign of a dummy.
Get the dog shit off your keyboard.

u are the retard that thinks the fed improving the e conomy is bad. so tell me how do i get u off my keyboard

The federal government.......Should stay out of the way of the private sector economy so the economy can recover.
Clinton was advised by some very intelligent people who told that President to stay out of the way. Clinton headed that advise and we had several prosperous years.

Clinton prospered because Al Gore invented the Internet

You seem to want some attention. Why else would you come on here and say that someone who is so obviously smarter than you is.........stupid?

I may oblige.

And, it takes a special kind of dummy to STILL not know that I am a man after conversing with me for several months here. Idiot.

You think your posts emit pheromones? All I know about you is you have a daughter you're proud of. Don't flatter yourself.

That is all you know because you don't pay attention. You are too interested in what you have to say.........regardless of how boring it is.......and not of a mind to receive information. A true sign of a dummy.

You really seem to think you're special.

Good to know
L I believe Frank, dems and many spinless pubs...

crazy as a loon, you are.

and it matters because a GOP move is on to take us back in time, putting us right back where it all started.

nice attempt trying to use propaganda blaming Barney Frank :laugh2:

In 2005, while the Democrats were still in the minority, Frank contributed to a bipartisan effort to put his objectives -- tighter regulation of Fannie and Freddie and new funds for rental housing -- into law. At the time, Fannie and Freddie were regulated by a small agency within the Department of Housing and Urban Development; the bill proposed to create an independent agency to monitor their operations. Frank and Michael Oxley, who was then chairman of the Financial Services Committee, achieved broad bipartisan support for the bill in the committee, and it passed the House. But the Senate never voted on the measure, in part because President Bush was likely to veto it. "If it had passed, that would have been one of the ways we could have reined in the bowling ball going downhill called housing," Oxley told me. "Barney, to some extent, is misunderstood -- with this image of him as a fierce partisan. He is an institutionalist. He believes in the House and in the process. He eschews the grandstanding style that so many members use and prefers to work behind the scenes and get something done." Limbaugh falsely asserted "Banking Queen" Barney Frank "created" subprime mortgage crisis | Media Matters for America

Mike Oxley - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Michael Garver "Mike" Oxley (born February 11, 1944) is an American politician of the Republican party who served as a U.S. representative from the 4th congressional district of Ohio.

yep, facts win :cool:
You think your posts emit pheromones? All I know about you is you have a daughter you're proud of. Don't flatter yourself.

That is all you know because you don't pay attention. You are too interested in what you have to say.........regardless of how boring it is.......and not of a mind to receive information. A true sign of a dummy.

You really seem to think you're special.

Good to know

Only in relation to some people. You being one of them.

Just let me know when you need someone to reinforce that for you.
That is all you know because you don't pay attention. You are too interested in what you have to say.........regardless of how boring it is.......and not of a mind to receive information. A true sign of a dummy.

You really seem to think you're special.

Good to know

Only in relation to some people. You being one of them.

Just let me know when you need someone to reinforce that for you.

Please do, share with us all how special you are.
You really seem to think you're special.

Good to know

Only in relation to some people. You being one of them.

Just let me know when you need someone to reinforce that for you.

Please do, share with us all how special you are.

Please understand. I have stated that I am not special........unless I am being compared to complete idiots like you.

I admit my faults without hesitation. For example:

I am certainly guilty of being overtly proud of my three children. To the point of exhaustion. My first son, born on my birthday, is about to become a police officer ( don't did your time, convict). He will be there to make our community safer.....even if dicks like you dob't want to pay him well My second son, the kindest and most laid-back kid IN THE WORLD......and my daughter. The finest human being ever to be born.

Your turn. Wanna tell us how dumb you ate?
Only in relation to some people. You being one of them.

Just let me know when you need someone to reinforce that for you.

Please do, share with us all how special you are.

Please understand. I have stated that I am not special........unless I am being compared to complete idiots like you.

I admit my faults without hesitation. For example:

I am certainly guilty of being overtly proud of my three children. To the point of exhaustion. My first son, born on my birthday, is about to become a police officer ( don't did your time, convict). He will be there to make our community safer.....even if dicks like you dob't want to pay him well My second son, the kindest and most laid-back kid IN THE WORLD......and my daughter. The finest human being ever to be born.

Your turn. Wanna tell us how dumb you

How dumb I ate? LOL

Might want to fine tune your insult skills.
L I believe Frank, dems and many spinless pubs...

crazy as a loon, you are.

and it matters because a GOP move is on to take us back in time, putting us right back where it all started.

nice attempt trying to use propaganda blaming Barney Frank :laugh2:

In 2005, while the Democrats were still in the minority, Frank contributed to a bipartisan effort to put his objectives -- tighter regulation of Fannie and Freddie and new funds for rental housing -- into law. At the time, Fannie and Freddie were regulated by a small agency within the Department of Housing and Urban Development; the bill proposed to create an independent agency to monitor their operations. Frank and Michael Oxley, who was then chairman of the Financial Services Committee, achieved broad bipartisan support for the bill in the committee, and it passed the House. But the Senate never voted on the measure, in part because President Bush was likely to veto it. "If it had passed, that would have been one of the ways we could have reined in the bowling ball going downhill called housing," Oxley told me. "Barney, to some extent, is misunderstood -- with this image of him as a fierce partisan. He is an institutionalist. He believes in the House and in the process. He eschews the grandstanding style that so many members use and prefers to work behind the scenes and get something done." Limbaugh falsely asserted "Banking Queen" Barney Frank "created" subprime mortgage crisis | Media Matters for America

Mike Oxley - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Michael Garver "Mike" Oxley (born February 11, 1944) is an American politician of the Republican party who served as a U.S. representative from the 4th congressional district of Ohio.

Barney Frank bi partisan? Who the fuck are you kidding.
The only "bi" in the life of Barney Frank.....well no need to go further with that.
Only in relation to some people. You being one of them.

Just let me know when you need someone to reinforce that for you.

Please do, share with us all how special you are.

Please understand. I have stated that I am not special........unless I am being compared to complete idiots like you.

I admit my faults without hesitation. For example:

I am certainly guilty of being overtly proud of my three children. To the point of exhaustion. My first son, born on my birthday, is about to become a police officer ( don't did your time, convict). He will be there to make our community safer.....even if dicks like you dob't want to pay him well My second son, the kindest and most laid-back kid IN THE WORLD......and my daughter. The finest human being ever to be born.

Your turn. Wanna tell us how dumb you ate?
Ya know, there is one type of parent that leaves most people's eyes glazing over after about 45 seconds. is that parent who brags about their kids accomplishments. As though their kids are something special. Look here. Even if your kid is "one in a million" there are 7,000 people on the planet JUST LIKE HIM OR HER.
If you are proud of your children keep it to less than 30 seconds. After that I'm copping some Z's...
Please do, share with us all how special you are.

Please understand. I have stated that I am not special........unless I am being compared to complete idiots like you.

I admit my faults without hesitation. For example:

I am certainly guilty of being overtly proud of my three children. To the point of exhaustion. My first son, born on my birthday, is about to become a police officer ( don't did your time, convict). He will be there to make our community safer.....even if dicks like you dob't want to pay him well My second son, the kindest and most laid-back kid IN THE WORLD......and my daughter. The finest human being ever to be

Your turn. Wanna tell us how dumb you ate?
Ya know, there is one type of parent that leaves most people's eyes glazing over after about 45 seconds. is that parent who brags about their kids accomplishments. As though their kids are something special. Look here. Even if your kid is "one in a million" there are 7,000 people on the planet JUST LIKE HIM OR HER.
If you are proud of your children keep it to less than 30 seconds. After that I'm copping some Z's...

Like I said, one of my many faults. And.....if you can't read that in less than 30 seconds, you might have other things to worry about.

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