It matters not who got our economy to this point

Sure you can. Don't be stupid.

No you can't. Liberalism is a grab bag of rationalizations for increasing the scope and power of government. Everything liberals believe in goes in direct opposition to controlling government spending.

When have conservatives ever reduced the size of government?

They believe in a different scope of government, not a smaller government

You mean "when have Republican politicians" ever reduced the size of government. In fact, Reagan's first budget in 1981 cut government spending by 5%. Conservatives vote for Republicans, but then the ones elected inevitable get captured by the system. Trying to fight government from inside the system may be a hopeless task, but that doesn't prove that it's not desirable. Only a bootlicking worshiper of the almighty state would attempt to advance that proposition.
There was a time I didn't feel that way. I voted for Reagan twice and papa Bush once (not sure I'm proud of that any longer). It wasn't until GWB that my opinion of Republicans started going downhill and the current cast - Boehner, McConnell, Cantor among others has disgusted me even more than BushCo.

But you're happy with Harry Reid, Nazi Pelosi, Bawney Fwank and Company?

You'll have to excuse me if I doubt your judgement of politicians.

Most of congress.disgusts me. I like Ron Paul, Bernie Sanders and maybe a few others who don't immediately come to mind. But it's a matter of degree. The republicans have become the extreme anti-science, anti-intellectual, religious fanatic party that wants to continue the very policies that tanked the economy under Bush except this time, put them on steroids. Combine that with the lockstep obedience of a bunch of mindless drones and you have the sorry state of what a once-great party has become.

Anyone who likes both Ron Paul and Bernie Sanders simply isn't rational. Their agendas are diametrically opposed.

Your characterization of Republicans is also total horseshit. The policy that tanked the economy was forcing banks to grant mortgages to people who couldn't pay them. That's almost entirely the work of Democrats. Furthermore, Obama is determined to continue those policies. At this very moment he is trying to strong arm banks into lowering their credit standards for approving mortgages.
The republican party has been fucked in the head since Ike

You've been fucked in the head since birth. Your complaint is that the Republican Party is no longer liberal. That's what's good about it. Socialism has never worked and it never will. The Democrat party is nothing more than the American socialist party. It's bent on destroying America. Thank god people are starting to wake up to that fact.
But you're happy with Harry Reid, Nazi Pelosi, Bawney Fwank and Company?

You'll have to excuse me if I doubt your judgement of politicians.

Most of congress.disgusts me. I like Ron Paul, Bernie Sanders and maybe a few others who don't immediately come to mind. But it's a matter of degree. The republicans have become the extreme anti-science, anti-intellectual, religious fanatic party that wants to continue the very policies that tanked the economy under Bush except this time, put them on steroids. Combine that with the lockstep obedience of a bunch of mindless drones and you have the sorry state of what a once-great party has become.

Anyone who likes both Ron Paul and Bernie Sanders simply isn't rational. Their agendas are diametrically opposed.

Your characterization of Republicans is also total horseshit. The policy that tanked the economy was forcing banks to grant mortgages to people who couldn't pay them. That's almost entirely the work of Democrats. Furthermore, Obama is determined to continue those policies. At this very moment he is trying to strong arm banks into lowering their credit standards for approving mortgages.

On agendas: how often can a politician stick to his agenda? We need people who aren't owned by special interests, who understand the meaning of compromise and cooperation and who are intelligent enough to adapt to situations as they arise.

As for republicans, they have become wholly owned subsidiaries of Koch Industries and Fox News. Nice regurgitation of Glenn Beck talking points there bripat.
The problem, America repeats its mistakes. For example, a number of preventative economic measures were made into law during FDR's terms. As time went by, however, we removed the measures slowly, seemingly convinced the removal will help the economy and bingo another recession. We will probably continue being our own worst enemy because we either forget, are too greedy, or more likely, new generations come along and a "free economy" sounds great and so American, and so we must continue to have recessions and depressions. A "free economy" means good and bad economic periods.

The economy is all about stupid bitches, who don't know what to do, with a scam-affected mess, which developed, over years of unenforcement or uneven enforcement, of any law, but also enactment of special-interest-socialist measures, like Prohibition, the Harrison Act, the Hemp Stamp Tax Act of 1938, and the establishment of the DEA and DHS, by DDDs, who wouldn't share intel, from the CIA and FBI, or enforce borders, without a lot of funding.

The drug war was initiated, to prevent brewed alcohol, during the time petroleum became established, and the pot laws were designed to prevent Henry Ford from making too much hemp-plastic and ethanol. Now that gangs are in every town, jail, and prison, and cartels rule all territory, over gang turf, changes need to happen, to the scam, which led to 25% of the world's prisoners being funded, by 5% of the population. We don't get to endure this cost-structure, forever.

We don't get to keep starting conflict, by supporting Israel and Saddam and UBL, allowing lies to escalate to war, while paying to subsidize tyrants or those affected. The distorted economy in the US no longer allows ease of manufacture, and farmlands are threatened, by aquifer depletion and global warming. Hey! Tyranny has a cost structure, unfavorable to manufacturing, or don't you guys all know how to make stuff, under budget?

If people are too stupid to understand both global warming AND how humans defoliated and emitted GHGs, to cause CO2 to reach 400 ppm and climbing, when it always tops out at 280 ppm and heads down, to force gradual cooling, people are too stupid, to understand economics and the fatal distortion our economy has undergone. Stupid is, as stupid does. Don't try to make nukes, if you pronounce it, "nukuler." Fuckups do this.

We are suffering accelerating GHG emissions, currently 10x PETM rates. We will suffer Mass Extinction Event 6, as sure as Cain pitched to 27, during 10-0 vs. Astros, the other day, and the Giants won it all, in 2010, the hottest year, on instrument record.

Beware the GAS, in your face; see rise-balls, gamer-babes. When the Giants come to town, it's BYE-BYE, BABY! Same with GHGs. The change-up follows the gas, dammit, you fuckups, who can't play football, either. Or, re-green and dig the As. After AGW, the heat and acid will follow, with anoxic events and more heat, after that!

If you are too stupid for AGW, you are too stupid, for economics. But if you can't pitch, hit, or field, at least watch trends, or even baseball, on TV. Or there's no hope, for you. Ever. Not anywhere. Distortion is how stupid people got to a sizable percentage of today's 7 billion souls. Distortion allows people who are too wussy for football to forget about baseball, and then they are too stupid to notice AGW, and NO WAY do any DDs who struck out at three of the above master economics, let alone manufacturing.

So, smarten the fuck up, and don't fuck up. That is to say, quit fucking up.

If people are too stupid to understand both global warming AND how humans defoliated and emitted GHGs, to cause CO2 to reach 400 ppm and climbing, when it always tops out at 280 ppm and heads down

In the history of the Earth, CO2 never topped 280 ppm?
Are you sure?
As for republicans, they have become wholly owned subsidiaries of Koch Industries and Fox News. Nice regurgitation of Glenn Beck talking points there bripat.

Nice regurgitation of a Daily Kooks/MediaMutters/ThinkRegress/CCCPNBC leftloon talking point, s0n. :lol::lol::lol:
As for republicans, they have become wholly owned subsidiaries of Koch Industries and Fox News. Nice regurgitation of Glenn Beck talking points there bripat.

If so that would be a good thing wouldn't it since Republicans, Fox, Koch, and Beck all subscribe to the basic principles of our Founders while liberals appear to be wholly owned subsidiaries of Karl Marx.

It figures given BO had 2 communist parents, voted to the left of Bernie sanders, and that liberals spied for Stalin.
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There's no such thing as a "reasonable tax increase" when we all pay far too much in taxes already.

We pay less in taxes than at any time in the last 50 years.

And we have a stagnant economy to show for it. Cutting taxes did not lead to jobs and prosperity. It led to increased wealth for the one percent
That not only is a load of crap, it's illogical.
Government creates nothing. It only consumes.
That stuff about "hiring more government workers stimulates the economy" is nonsense.
Government employment consumes more than the workers contribute to the economy. Here is the one glaring fact about that point. For each federal worker that becomes vested in the federal pension fund, that is one more person we that taxpayers have to compensate for 20 or 30 years TO NOT WORK!
Tell ya what....Get rid of the federal pension plan, turn it into a 401k, participate in the Social Security system and make the workers pay for their health insurance just like in the private sector and you can have more government employment. Deal?


Only that deal was made in 1984. Federal Workers have participated in Social Security and paid into a 401k plan since 1984. They have always been required to pay for their health insurance. Even before private employees were required to
No you can't. Liberalism is a grab bag of rationalizations for increasing the scope and power of government. Everything liberals believe in goes in direct opposition to controlling government spending.

When have conservatives ever reduced the size of government?

They believe in a different scope of government, not a smaller government

You mean "when have Republican politicians" ever reduced the size of government. In fact, Reagan's first budget in 1981 cut government spending by 5%. Conservatives vote for Republicans, but then the ones elected inevitable get captured by the system. Trying to fight government from inside the system may be a hopeless task, but that doesn't prove that it's not desirable. Only a bootlicking worshiper of the almighty state would attempt to advance that proposition.

Nobody increased the size of the federal government as much as Reagan did. It was a key to his economic recovery along with tripling the existing debt.

Show me which Conservative actually cut the size of government?
Surely a reasonable position would be to accept 10 dollars in spending cuts for 1 dollar in tax increases; would it not? Perhaps someone should suggest that to the Republicans. Oh wait, they've already said they wouldn't do that.

So obviously the GOP will accept no sort of compromise whatsoever.

These are the facts and they are not in dispute.

Let's do the spending cuts for 5 years, then we can discuss tax hikes.

The Republicans have already received their tax cuts for ten years and have yet to cut spending
Surely a reasonable position would be to accept 10 dollars in spending cuts for 1 dollar in tax increases; would it not? Perhaps someone should suggest that to the Republicans. Oh wait, they've already said they wouldn't do that.

So obviously the GOP will accept no sort of compromise whatsoever.

These are the facts and they are not in dispute.

Let's do the spending cuts for 5 years, then we can discuss tax hikes.

The Republicans have already received their tax cuts for ten years and have yet to cut spending

Exactly. So let's not delay the spending cuts any longer.
But you're happy with Harry Reid, Nazi Pelosi, Bawney Fwank and Company?

You'll have to excuse me if I doubt your judgement of politicians.

Most of congress.disgusts me. I like Ron Paul, Bernie Sanders and maybe a few others who don't immediately come to mind. But it's a matter of degree. The republicans have become the extreme anti-science, anti-intellectual, religious fanatic party that wants to continue the very policies that tanked the economy under Bush except this time, put them on steroids. Combine that with the lockstep obedience of a bunch of mindless drones and you have the sorry state of what a once-great party has become.

Anyone who likes both Ron Paul and Bernie Sanders simply isn't rational. Their agendas are diametrically opposed.

Your characterization of Republicans is also total horseshit. The policy that tanked the economy was forcing banks to grant mortgages to people who couldn't pay them. That's almost entirely the work of Democrats. Furthermore, Obama is determined to continue those policies. At this very moment he is trying to strong arm banks into lowering their credit standards for approving mortgages.

Really!? Cause I need a loan. Can you tell me what web site you can apply on?
Exactly. So let's not delay the spending cuts any longer.

I'm all for it along with dumping the Bush tax cuts and using the money to pay down debt.

Like I said, cut the spending for 5 years, then I'm willing to discuss tax hikes.

Like I said, we have already had the tax cuts for ten years and they did not boost the economy or add jobs

Time to terminate the tax cuts as well as reduce spending and put the money to pay down debt

Why are you such a pussy when it comes to paying off debt?
I'm all for it along with dumping the Bush tax cuts and using the money to pay down debt.

Like I said, cut the spending for 5 years, then I'm willing to discuss tax hikes.

Like I said, we have already had the tax cuts for ten years and they did not boost the economy or add jobs

Time to terminate the tax cuts as well as reduce spending and put the money to pay down debt

Why are you such a pussy when it comes to paying off debt?
Why are you such a pussy when it comes to REAL spending cuts?

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