It matters not who got our economy to this point

Like I said, cut the spending for 5 years, then I'm willing to discuss tax hikes.

Like I said, we have already had the tax cuts for ten years and they did not boost the economy or add jobs

Time to terminate the tax cuts as well as reduce spending and put the money to pay down debt

Why are you such a pussy when it comes to paying off debt?
Why are you such a pussy when it comes to REAL spending cuts?

I'm all for it with nothing off the table

Social Spending, Military Spending, return to 2000 tax rates, eliminate capital gains exemptions, tax loopholes, veterans benefits, social security, Medicare

All are on the table

Are you in or are you a pussy?
The economy is all about stupid bitches, who don't know what to do, with a scam-affected mess, which developed, over years of unenforcement or uneven enforcement, of any law, but also enactment of special-interest-socialist measures, like Prohibition, the Harrison Act, the Hemp Stamp Tax Act of 1938, and the establishment of the DEA and DHS, by DDDs, who wouldn't share intel, from the CIA and FBI, or enforce borders, without a lot of funding.

The drug war was initiated, to prevent brewed alcohol, during the time petroleum became established, and the pot laws were designed to prevent Henry Ford from making too much hemp-plastic and ethanol. Now that gangs are in every town, jail, and prison, and cartels rule all territory, over gang turf, changes need to happen, to the scam, which led to 25% of the world's prisoners being funded, by 5% of the population. We don't get to endure this cost-structure, forever.

We don't get to keep starting conflict, by supporting Israel and Saddam and UBL, allowing lies to escalate to war, while paying to subsidize tyrants or those affected. The distorted economy in the US no longer allows ease of manufacture, and farmlands are threatened, by aquifer depletion and global warming. Hey! Tyranny has a cost structure, unfavorable to manufacturing, or don't you guys all know how to make stuff, under budget?

If people are too stupid to understand both global warming AND how humans defoliated and emitted GHGs, to cause CO2 to reach 400 ppm and climbing, when it always tops out at 280 ppm and heads down, to force gradual cooling, people are too stupid, to understand economics and the fatal distortion our economy has undergone. Stupid is, as stupid does. Don't try to make nukes, if you pronounce it, "nukuler." Fuckups do this.

We are suffering accelerating GHG emissions, currently 10x PETM rates. We will suffer Mass Extinction Event 6, as sure as Cain pitched to 27, during 10-0 vs. Astros, the other day, and the Giants won it all, in 2010, the hottest year, on instrument record.

Beware the GAS, in your face; see rise-balls, gamer-babes. When the Giants come to town, it's BYE-BYE, BABY! Same with GHGs. The change-up follows the gas, dammit, you fuckups, who can't play football, either. Or, re-green and dig the As. After AGW, the heat and acid will follow, with anoxic events and more heat, after that!

If you are too stupid for AGW, you are too stupid, for economics. But if you can't pitch, hit, or field, at least watch trends, or even baseball, on TV. Or there's no hope, for you. Ever. Not anywhere. Distortion is how stupid people got to a sizable percentage of today's 7 billion souls. Distortion allows people who are too wussy for football to forget about baseball, and then they are too stupid to notice AGW, and NO WAY do any DDs who struck out at three of the above master economics, let alone manufacturing.

So, smarten the fuck up, and don't fuck up. That is to say, quit fucking up.

If people are too stupid to understand both global warming AND how humans defoliated and emitted GHGs, to cause CO2 to reach 400 ppm and climbing, when it always tops out at 280 ppm and heads down

In the history of the Earth, CO2 never topped 280 ppm?
Are you sure?


Kindly note the trends, of the last half-million years, with the planet stabilized, to max out temperatures, forced by a top equilibrium of CO2 of 280 ppm, whereupon CO2 usually heads down, gradually, and temperatures zig and zag, all the way down, to some similar global minimum, whereupon CO2 turns around, and it shoots up, to 280 ppm, again.

Only at the FAR RIGHT of this graph, from skeptic site, notice how the RED LINE representing CO2 concentrations jumps way UP, concurrent with the geologic blip, when humans defoliated and emitted lots of GHGs. I know it's tough to read, but it does have a RED LINE on it, so just think of it making some kind of red statement, on the right, and read the fucker.

Of course, CO2 levels have been higher than 280 ppm, even as high as 1000 ppm, but not without a lot of other forcing factors, at play. Humans are the guys, who have been BOTH cutting trees and clearing bushes, while burning fossil fuels and wood. Humans are the guys, who are pushing cumulative GHG levels up, 10x faster, than during the PETM extinction. So cumulative human impact made that red line go up, toward 400 ppm, where it will continue to rise, and temperature will start chasing it, which is happening, now.

THEN the seas acidify, they get hot and anoxic, food chains and human habitats fuck all up, and people die, if we keep the STUPID economy, wherein CRIME PAYS. If we get a smart economy, we can minimize loss of habitat and human life. But that depends on whether smart humans issue. If not, CO2 will rocket up to 1000 ppm and higher, faster than during the PETM extinction, so we are sure to either re-green, or suffer Mass Extinction Event 6.

Are you thinking of making some kind of jump, from tard, to smart, suddenly? Don't fuck up at understanding either global warming or AGW, screw up at predicting the consequences, and then bullshit your way into thinking you are somehow bright enough, to understand economics, with your head up your own butt and wiggling.

If you can't understand AGW or baseball, look, dude! Don't bullshit people, about economics.
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I'm all for it along with dumping the Bush tax cuts and using the money to pay down debt.

Like I said, cut the spending for 5 years, then I'm willing to discuss tax hikes.

Like I said, we have already had the tax cuts for ten years and they did not boost the economy or add jobs

Time to terminate the tax cuts as well as reduce spending and put the money to pay down debt

Why are you such a pussy when it comes to paying off debt?

Like I said, we have already had the tax cuts for ten years and they did not boost the economy or add jobs

Sure they did.

Time to terminate the tax cuts as well as reduce spending

No. Cut spending first, sharply, for at least 5 years, then I'd be willing to discuss tax increases.

Why are you such a pussy when it comes to paying off debt?

I don't trust Congress to use increased tax revenues to do that, that's why we must cut the spending first.
Like I said, cut the spending for 5 years, then I'm willing to discuss tax hikes.

Like I said, we have already had the tax cuts for ten years and they did not boost the economy or add jobs

Time to terminate the tax cuts as well as reduce spending and put the money to pay down debt

Why are you such a pussy when it comes to paying off debt?

Like I said, we have already had the tax cuts for ten years and they did not boost the economy or add jobs

Sure they did.

Time to terminate the tax cuts as well as reduce spending

No. Cut spending first, sharply, for at least 5 years, then I'd be willing to discuss tax increases.

Why are you such a pussy when it comes to paying off debt?

I don't trust Congress to use increased tax revenues to do that, that's why we must cut the spending first.

We have already played the Republican game of cut taxes first and we will get around to cutting spending later

Time to play all cards and put everything on the increases, cut social spending, military, social security, Medicare, veterans benefits.....eliminate capital gains exemptions and loopholes

Why are you such a pussy about cutting debt? Are you in?
The economy is all about stupid bitches, who don't know what to do, with a scam-affected mess, which developed, over years of unenforcement or uneven enforcement, of any law, but also enactment of special-interest-socialist measures, like Prohibition, the Harrison Act, the Hemp Stamp Tax Act of 1938, and the establishment of the DEA and DHS, by DDDs, who wouldn't share intel, from the CIA and FBI, or enforce borders, without a lot of funding.

The drug war was initiated, to prevent brewed alcohol, during the time petroleum became established, and the pot laws were designed to prevent Henry Ford from making too much hemp-plastic and ethanol. Now that gangs are in every town, jail, and prison, and cartels rule all territory, over gang turf, changes need to happen, to the scam, which led to 25% of the world's prisoners being funded, by 5% of the population. We don't get to endure this cost-structure, forever.

We don't get to keep starting conflict, by supporting Israel and Saddam and UBL, allowing lies to escalate to war, while paying to subsidize tyrants or those affected. The distorted economy in the US no longer allows ease of manufacture, and farmlands are threatened, by aquifer depletion and global warming. Hey! Tyranny has a cost structure, unfavorable to manufacturing, or don't you guys all know how to make stuff, under budget?

If people are too stupid to understand both global warming AND how humans defoliated and emitted GHGs, to cause CO2 to reach 400 ppm and climbing, when it always tops out at 280 ppm and heads down, to force gradual cooling, people are too stupid, to understand economics and the fatal distortion our economy has undergone. Stupid is, as stupid does. Don't try to make nukes, if you pronounce it, "nukuler." Fuckups do this.

We are suffering accelerating GHG emissions, currently 10x PETM rates. We will suffer Mass Extinction Event 6, as sure as Cain pitched to 27, during 10-0 vs. Astros, the other day, and the Giants won it all, in 2010, the hottest year, on instrument record.

Beware the GAS, in your face; see rise-balls, gamer-babes. When the Giants come to town, it's BYE-BYE, BABY! Same with GHGs. The change-up follows the gas, dammit, you fuckups, who can't play football, either. Or, re-green and dig the As. After AGW, the heat and acid will follow, with anoxic events and more heat, after that!

If you are too stupid for AGW, you are too stupid, for economics. But if you can't pitch, hit, or field, at least watch trends, or even baseball, on TV. Or there's no hope, for you. Ever. Not anywhere. Distortion is how stupid people got to a sizable percentage of today's 7 billion souls. Distortion allows people who are too wussy for football to forget about baseball, and then they are too stupid to notice AGW, and NO WAY do any DDs who struck out at three of the above master economics, let alone manufacturing.

So, smarten the fuck up, and don't fuck up. That is to say, quit fucking up.

If people are too stupid to understand both global warming AND how humans defoliated and emitted GHGs, to cause CO2 to reach 400 ppm and climbing, when it always tops out at 280 ppm and heads down

In the history of the Earth, CO2 never topped 280 ppm?
Are you sure?


Kindly note the trends, of the last half-million years, with the planet stabilized, to max out temperatures, forced by a top equilibrium of CO2 of 280 ppm, whereupon CO2 usually heads down, gradually, and temperatures zig and zag, all the way down, to some similar global minimum, whereupon CO2 turns around, and it shoots up, to 280 ppm, again.

Only at the FAR RIGHT of this graph, from skeptic site, notice how the RED LINE representing CO2 concentrations jumps way UP, concurrent with the geologic blip, when humans defoliated and emitted lots of GHGs. I know it's tough to read, but it does have a RED LINE on it, so just think of it making some kind of red statement, on the right, and read the fucker.

Of course, CO2 levels have been higher than 280 ppm, even as high as 1000 ppm, but not without a lot of other forcing factors, at play. Humans are the guys, who have been BOTH cutting trees and clearing bushes, while burning fossil fuels and wood. Humans are the guys, who are pushing cumulative GHG levels up, 10x faster, than during the PETM extinction. So cumulative human impact made that red line go up, toward 400 ppm, where it will continue to rise, and temperature will start chasing it, which is happening, now.

THEN the seas acidify, they get hot and anoxic, food chains and human habitats fuck all up, and people die, if we keep the STUPID economy, wherein CRIME PAYS. If we get a smart economy, we can minimize loss of habitat and human life. But that depends on whether smart humans issue. If not, CO2 will rocket up to 1000 ppm and higher, faster than during the PETM extinction, so we are sure to either re-green, or suffer Mass Extinction Event 6.

Are you thinking of making some kind of jump, from tard, to smart, suddenly? Don't fuck up at understanding either global warming or AGW, screw up at predicting the consequences, and then bullshit your way into thinking you are somehow bright enough, to understand economics, with your head up your own butt and wiggling.

If you can't understand AGW or baseball, look, dude! Don't bullshit people, about economics.

Give me a T! Give me an A! Give me an R! Give me a D! Wazzat spell?

Your first name!

Of course, CO2 levels have been higher than 280 ppm, even as high as 1000 ppm

Excellent! So your original claim was wrong, the opposite of right!

Humans are the guys, who have been BOTH cutting trees and clearing bushes,

And look at all the extra trees in the eastern United States in the last 100 years.
Like I said, we have already had the tax cuts for ten years and they did not boost the economy or add jobs

Time to terminate the tax cuts as well as reduce spending and put the money to pay down debt

Why are you such a pussy when it comes to paying off debt?

Like I said, we have already had the tax cuts for ten years and they did not boost the economy or add jobs

Sure they did.

Time to terminate the tax cuts as well as reduce spending

No. Cut spending first, sharply, for at least 5 years, then I'd be willing to discuss tax increases.

Why are you such a pussy when it comes to paying off debt?

I don't trust Congress to use increased tax revenues to do that, that's why we must cut the spending first.

We have already played the Republican game of cut taxes first and we will get around to cutting spending later

Time to play all cards and put everything on the increases, cut social spending, military, social security, Medicare, veterans benefits.....eliminate capital gains exemptions and loopholes

Why are you such a pussy about cutting debt? Are you in?

We have already played the Republican game of cut taxes first and we will get around to cutting spending later

And we've already played the Dem game of raise taxes, promise to cut spending and raise spending instead.

So I'll go with cut spending first, sharply, for at least 5 years. Then discuss, maybe, raising taxes later.
You assholes don't consider cuts "real" unless poor people feel them.

Austerity in a recession is fucking stupid.

If we ever cut spending when times are good, instead of spending ever more, on stupid shit, we'd have more room to spend during a recession.

Lone is stuck on stupid. He/she will never get it.
As for republicans, they have become wholly owned subsidiaries of Koch Industries and Fox News. Nice regurgitation of Glenn Beck talking points there bripat.

If so that would be a good thing wouldn't it since Republicans, Fox, Koch, and Beck all subscribe to the basic principles of our Founders while liberals appear to be wholly owned subsidiaries of Karl Marx.

It figures given BO had 2 communist parents, voted to the left of Bernie sanders, and that liberals spied for Stalin.

Um, guy, the founders were not demigods.

They were a bunch of rich slaveowners who didn't want to pay their taxes to the Crown.

And they designed a form of government that didn't really trust the people.

So spare me the Founders Fetish. You wouldn't want to live in their world any more than I would.
You assholes don't consider cuts "real" unless poor people feel them.

Austerity in a recession is fucking stupid.

If we ever cut spending when times are good, instead of spending ever more, on stupid shit, we'd have more room to spend during a recession.

Well, that's a good point.

I think it depends on what you consider "stupid shit", then.

I think spending 35 billion on the F-22 Raptor program to be pretty stupid, given our enemies are countries that are largely incapable of building anything that advanced.

The real problem is, we don't tax the wealthy at a sensible rate, and we've never gotten out of a recession without a spurt in spending.

You seem to want some attention. Why else would you come on here and say that someone who is so obviously smarter than you is.........stupid?

I may oblige.

And, it takes a special kind of dummy to STILL not know that I am a man after conversing with me for several months here. Idiot.

Like I said, we have already had the tax cuts for ten years and they did not boost the economy or add jobs

Sure they did.

Time to terminate the tax cuts as well as reduce spending

No. Cut spending first, sharply, for at least 5 years, then I'd be willing to discuss tax increases.

Why are you such a pussy when it comes to paying off debt?

I don't trust Congress to use increased tax revenues to do that, that's why we must cut the spending first.

We have already played the Republican game of cut taxes first and we will get around to cutting spending later

Time to play all cards and put everything on the increases, cut social spending, military, social security, Medicare, veterans benefits.....eliminate capital gains exemptions and loopholes

Why are you such a pussy about cutting debt? Are you in?

We have already played the Republican game of cut taxes first and we will get around to cutting spending later

And we've already played the Dem game of raise taxes, promise to cut spending and raise spending instead.

So I'll go with cut spending first, sharply, for at least 5 years. Then discuss, maybe, raising taxes later.

and the democrat game resulted in prosperty while the gop one was depression
I think Obama is deliberately making things worse. It's like he's trying to overwhelm the system and I've heard some on the left start talking about completely tearing down our capitalist system and rebuilding it differently.

What we need is to have the government taking back control of the federal reserve. If things were as they were meant to be, perhaps we wouldn't be in this mess. Both sides are equally to blame over the years, but Obama seems hellbent on destroying the country completely. I think it's by design.

What we need is to have the government taking back control of the federal reserve.

The Fed is part of the government already.
If you meant that Congress needs to control monetary policy, I'll have to laugh at you.
Amazing. The federal reserve operates independently...In theory.
Actually the federal reserve as a policy agency needs to be abolished.
The federal reserve has been manipulating the money supply and pumping money into the financial markets to prop up value.
This has caused the US Dollar to fall to 30 year lows vs major currencies. This is one of the reasons why gasoline shot up to $4 per gallon.
Prices have fallen on bad economic conditions which have squashed demand.
Oh..But wait....The fed at the request of the White House is going to enact QE 3.....Yep, the fed will pour more money into the markets. Money that must be printed. This increase in the supply of money will again lower the value of the US Dollar. This could result in rising prices again. Great.
I agree that it doesn't really matter who caused the mess at this point.

However, I would like to point out the 'mess' was created by republican officials and they are the ones who continue to impede our legislative processes and cause harm to our country simply for the sake of their party's ideals.
I think Obama is deliberately making things worse. It's like he's trying to overwhelm the system and I've heard some on the left start talking about completely tearing down our capitalist system and rebuilding it differently.

What we need is to have the government taking back control of the federal reserve. If things were as they were meant to be, perhaps we wouldn't be in this mess. Both sides are equally to blame over the years, but Obama seems hellbent on destroying the country completely. I think it's by design.

What we need is to have the government taking back control of the federal reserve.

The Fed is part of the government already.
If you meant that Congress needs to control monetary policy, I'll have to laugh at you.
Amazing. The federal reserve operates independently...In theory.
Actually the federal reserve as a policy agency needs to be abolished.
The federal reserve has been manipulating the money supply and pumping money into the financial markets to prop up value.
This has caused the US Dollar to fall to 30 year lows vs major currencies. This is one of the reasons why gasoline shot up to $4 per gallon.
Prices have fallen on bad economic conditions which have squashed demand.
Oh..But wait....The fed at the request of the White House is going to enact QE 3.....Yep, the fed will pour more money into the markets. Money that must be printed. This increase in the supply of money will again lower the value of the US Dollar. This could result in rising prices again. Great.

so according to u the fedcis bad be ause it does things u think are good. god ur a retard
Exactly. So let's not delay the spending cuts any longer.

I'm all for it along with dumping the Bush tax cuts and using the money to pay down debt.

Oh?..Hey dummy...That is OUR money. Not the government's...Let the federal government get it's fiscal house in order FIRST.

Yes it is OUR money and OUR debt

Only way to pay down $15 trillion in debt is for everyone to make sacrifices. That means more taxes and less benefits
ANYONE who STILL blames their predecessor of 3.5 years earlier for their lack of performance is incompetent.

He is also weak of character because he cannot accept any responsibility for anything.

It's cringeworthy.

Well you are wrong, because the problem that Obama inherited should take more then 3 years to fix. I hope you realize that magnitude of both domestic, financial, Military, and near depression we were in.

Do you think Mccain and Palin would have done better, or quicker?

Well you are wrong, because the problem that Obama inherited should take more then 3 years to fix.

Obama himself said if he didn't fix it in 3 years, he didn't desreve a second term.
Was he wrong?

He was wrong and he was right.
He could not fix it in 3 years and he does not deserve another term.
But then neither does his opponent deserve his first term.

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