It matters not who got our economy to this point

Lots of polls and blame to go around. Enough to keep partisans on both sides pointing fingers for years.
What SHOULD matter at this point is why we are doing so poorly in our recovery. Blaming Bush is pointless to our recovery. The historians can decide who and what it will be viewed like later. In the meantime lets focus on the here and now and decide which path we need to take to expidite our recovery.

All the posts about BOOOOOOOOOSH are just pointless. For example I believe Frank, dems and many spinless pubs are to blame but starting such threads serves no purpose as its water under the bridge now and blame cant fix shit. Congress and Obama can however.

Wow, another pointless thead, this one, an effort to absolve the GOP of any responsibility for the great recession of 2008. I suppose it's better than a full rewrite of history, but not by much.

Obama was handed a mess, on this all honest people can agree.

[ame=]Obama Dismantles Republican Caucus Part 1 of 7 - YouTube[/ame]​
Lots of polls and blame to go around. Enough to keep partisans on both sides pointing fingers for years.
What SHOULD matter at this point is why we are doing so poorly in our recovery. Blaming Bush is pointless to our recovery. The historians can decide who and what it will be viewed like later. In the meantime lets focus on the here and now and decide which path we need to take to expidite our recovery.

All the posts about BOOOOOOOOOSH are just pointless. For example I believe Frank, dems and many spinless pubs are to blame but starting such threads serves no purpose as its water under the bridge now and blame cant fix shit. Congress and Obama can however.

Wow, another pointless thead, this one, an effort to absolve the GOP of any responsibility for the great recession of 2008. I suppose it's better than a full rewrite of history, but not by much.

Obama was handed a mess, on this all honest people can agree. The mess continues, albeit abated, but recovery has been stiffled by the Speaker of the House and the minority leader in the senate. On this all honest people can agree.

All honest people can agree pointing fingers and placing blame cannot fix that which is broken. It can however fix the reasons for the mess and educate the voters on what went wrong, why and by whom.

But partisan hypocrites such as Grampa Murked U are not part of such a solution, the are the problem.

I'm not trying to absolve anyone of anything and your interpretation of who is blocking growth in our economy is just that, YOUR INTERPRETATION.
Trying to suppress the opinion of another is the work of a partisan not said opinion.
Lots of polls and blame to go around. Enough to keep partisans on both sides pointing fingers for years.
What SHOULD matter at this point is why we are doing so poorly in our recovery. Blaming Bush is pointless to our recovery. The historians can decide who and what it will be viewed like later. In the meantime lets focus on the here and now and decide which path we need to take to expidite our recovery.

All the posts about BOOOOOOOOOSH are just pointless. For example I believe Frank, dems and many spinless pubs are to blame but starting such threads serves no purpose as its water under the bridge now and blame cant fix shit. Congress and Obama can however.

Wow, another pointless thead, this one, an effort to absolve the GOP of any responsibility for the great recession of 2008. I suppose it's better than a full rewrite of history, but not by much.

Obama was handed a mess, on this all honest people can agree. The mess continues, albeit abated, but recovery has been stiffled by the Speaker of the House and the minority leader in the senate. On this all honest people can agree.

All honest people can agree pointing fingers and placing blame cannot fix that which is broken. It can however fix the reasons for the mess and educate the voters on what went wrong, why and by whom.

But partisan hypocrites such as Grampa Murked U are not part of such a solution, the are the problem.

I'm not trying to absolve anyone of anything and your interpretation of who is blocking growth in our economy is just that, YOUR INTERPRETATION.

[ame=]Mitch McConnell: Top Priority, Make Obama a One Term President - YouTube[/ame]

obama intends to make it even worse, no matter how we got here.


Lots of polls and blame to go around. Enough to keep partisans on both sides pointing fingers for years.
What SHOULD matter at this point is why we are doing so poorly in our recovery. Blaming Bush is pointless to our recovery. The historians can decide who and what it will be viewed like later. In the meantime lets focus on the here and now and decide which path we need to take to expidite our recovery.

All the posts about BOOOOOOOOOSH are just pointless. For example I believe Frank, dems and many spinless pubs are to blame but starting such threads serves no purpose as its water under the bridge now and blame cant fix shit. Congress and Obama can however.

Wow, another pointless thead, this one, an effort to absolve the GOP of any responsibility for the great recession of 2008. I suppose it's better than a full rewrite of history, but not by much.

Obama was handed a mess, on this all honest people can agree. The mess continues, albeit abated, but recovery has been stiffled by the Speaker of the House and the minority leader in the senate. On this all honest people can agree.

All honest people can agree pointing fingers and placing blame cannot fix that which is broken. It can however fix the reasons for the mess and educate the voters on what went wrong, why and by whom.

But partisan hypocrites such as Grampa Murked U are not part of such a solution, the are the problem.

I'm not trying to absolve anyone of anything and your interpretation of who is blocking growth in our economy is just that, YOUR INTERPRETATION.
Trying to suppress the opinion of another is the work of a partisan not said opinion.

I have no interest in suppressing your opinion, partisan hacks and idiots on the right do more good for those they oppose than anything I can post.
Wow, another pointless thead, this one, an effort to absolve the GOP of any responsibility for the great recession of 2008. I suppose it's better than a full rewrite of history, but not by much.

Obama was handed a mess, on this all honest people can agree. The mess continues, albeit abated, but recovery has been stiffled by the Speaker of the House and the minority leader in the senate. On this all honest people can agree.

All honest people can agree pointing fingers and placing blame cannot fix that which is broken. It can however fix the reasons for the mess and educate the voters on what went wrong, why and by whom.

But partisan hypocrites such as Grampa Murked U are not part of such a solution, the are the problem.

I'm not trying to absolve anyone of anything and your interpretation of who is blocking growth in our economy is just that, YOUR INTERPRETATION.
Trying to suppress the opinion of another is the work of a partisan not said opinion.

I have no interest in suppressing your opinion, partisan hacks and idiots on the right do more good for those they oppose than anything I can post.

How's the weather in that bubble?
This seems so non-sequitur that I hardly know how to respond.

It sounds like you can't even see the possibility that you might need assistance at some point.

Whether I may need assistance at some point isn't the issue. If I do, I don't necessarily have to get it from government. Before welfare existed, we had private charity in this country. Welfare is theft.

BTW, I doubt you understand the meaning of the term "non sequitur."

I think I do but why don't you enlighten me?

I ask this of many people on this site and rarely get a response: What's your situation?

I think most conservatives see themselves as these independent, self sufficient entities that will somehow overcome whatever adversity comes their way. In my hometown, there are entire communities that were once filled with these types on conservatives that are now half foreclosed.

Our own Tea Party senator (Mike Lee) shorted his bank out of $400,000 because his paltry congressional salary of $174k (which he asked for) was supposedly insufficient to cover the mortgage. Is that the kind of fiscal conservative you'd prefer?

My situation is irrelevant. However, I make a very good living. I have no complaints.

The fact that some Republican couldn't pay his mortgage is irrelevant to the issue of what liberals mean when they call themselves "fiscal conservatives." Paying your bills doesn't make you a "fiscal conservative." It just makes you responsible. As I pointed out before, when liberals use the term "fiscal conservative" all they mean is that they are eager to raise your taxes to pay for their social spending boondoggles. That makes every liberal in Congress a "fiscal conservative." In other words, the term is propaganda. It's like calling welfare an "investment." Liberals like to take commonly understood words and apply them to situations that are the exact opposite of what the term means.

It's nothing more than lying.
Stimulus, healthcare bill, DADT, Bush tax cuts

ROFL! In other words, nothing. Democrats voted against the Bush tax cuts almost to a man. The other bills were supported only by Democrats.

The left demands we move 90% of the way to complete socialism, and when the Republican party agrees to move only 80% of the way, the left calls that a "compromise." When does the left ever agree to move away from socialism? It doesn't. Once government programs are created, the are considered immutable by the left.

The Bush tax cuts were extended weren't they?

ROFL! Obama extended the tax cuts only because he didn't want the economy to swirl down the toilet bowl. It had nothing to do with "compromising" with Republicans.

I didn't see universal healthcare or a Government option in the Healthcare Plan

That's only because he couldn't get the votes in his own party to approve of that. Republicans weren't even asked their opinion.

The 2009 stimulus included 45% set aside for tax cuts

Elsewhere you claimed the so-called "tax cuts" amounted to 30% of the stimulus. Regardless, they weren't tax cuts since even people who paid no taxes received them. They were welfare.

What have Republicans compromised on?

t t

Consider Clintoon's budget, for example. That included a huge tax increase and hundreds of billions in new social spending.
Fiscal conservative means having enough revenue to cover your expenses. Enough money in to cover money out

Borrowing money to pay for tax cuts to the wealthy is not fiscal conservatism

In other words, a so-called "fiscal conservative" wants to raise my taxes. No liberal who claimed to be a "fiscal conservative" ever talks about cutting government spending. So a liberal "fiscal conservative" is just another tax and spend liberal. How does that differ from any other kind of liberal?

A true fiscal conservative understands that a balanced budget involves both revenue and expendetures.

ROFL! In other words, a "true fiscal conservative" is a tax-and-spend liberal.

When has any liberal even considered cutting any of their treasured social programs?
I think I do but why don't you enlighten me?

I ask this of many people on this site and rarely get a response: What's your situation?

I think most conservatives see themselves as these independent, self sufficient entities that will somehow overcome whatever adversity comes their way. In my hometown, there are entire communities that were once filled with these types on conservatives that are now half foreclosed.

Our own Tea Party senator (Mike Lee) shorted his bank out of $400,000 because his paltry congressional salary of $174k (which he asked for) was supposedly insufficient to cover the mortgage. Is that the kind of fiscal conservative you'd prefer?

If true I would be voting him out not labeling an entire group because of HIS actions.

I can only hope but he has 4 more years in office and even then, heaven forbit Utahans should vote for anyone but the fucking republican.

I wouldn't vote for a Democrat unless someone held a gun to my head, and they may come to pass if Obama gets another 4 years in office. The man is an aspiring dictator who wipes his ass on the Constitution every day.
I can only hope but he has 4 more years in office and even then, heaven forbit Utahans should vote for anyone but the fucking republican.


There was a time I didn't feel that way. I voted for Reagan twice and papa Bush once (not sure I'm proud of that any longer). It wasn't until GWB that my opinion of Republicans started going downhill and the current cast - Boehner, McConnell, Cantor among others has disgusted me even more than BushCo.

But you're happy with Harry Reid, Nazi Pelosi, Bawney Fwank and Company?

You'll have to excuse me if I doubt your judgement of politicians.
Lots of polls and blame to go around. Enough to keep partisans on both sides pointing fingers for years.
What SHOULD matter at this point is why we are doing so poorly in our recovery. Blaming Bush is pointless to our recovery. The historians can decide who and what it will be viewed like later. In the meantime lets focus on the here and now and decide which path we need to take to expidite our recovery.

All the posts about BOOOOOOOOOSH are just pointless. For example I believe Frank, dems and many spinless pubs are to blame but starting such threads serves no purpose as its water under the bridge now and blame cant fix shit. Congress and Obama can however.

Of course there are those who point out that if one does not know, or care, about cause and effect (AKA history) they will be bound to repeat the same mistakes.

The GOP would love that!!!!!

Another idiot who can't read or understand the difference between the blame game and understanding cause and effect.

I understand the blame game and am all for it. Bush and the republicans merit the primary blame for our present situation.

I will do all I can to see that the y get it.
When you understand how it happened and one party wants to repeat the mistakes that got us where we are today......that is your WHO

You don't know how it happened, dipshit. Everything you think you know is pure propaganda.
Oh, when Bush was busily spending money on social programs not one of the you libs uttered a peep. You were all fat dumb and happy.

Actually they whined incessantly that he wasn't spending enough. However, they also complained about his deficit spending.

That is so beautifully liberal!
Bullshit, I kept rubbing the rights noses in the fact that he was a defecit spender not a conservative and they would hear none of it.
You can't turn this around to suit your partisanship.

I doubt you'll find anyone on the right who claims Bush as a conservative. He's a RINO like his dad. I didn't like either one of them. I'm leery of voting for Romney for the same reason.
What should they bring?
Reasonable cuts in spending. Reasonable as in having the least negative impact on most Americans.
Reasonable tax increases.
Paygo should be brought back.
Reward businesses that create jobs here and punish those who export jobs.
But this is all pipe dreams as they will stay the path we are currently on and we will go down.

There's no such thing as a "reasonable tax increase" when we all pay far too much in taxes already.
Lots of polls and blame to go around. Enough to keep partisans on both sides pointing fingers for years.
What SHOULD matter at this point is why we are doing so poorly in our recovery. Blaming Bush is pointless to our recovery. The historians can decide who and what it will be viewed like later. In the meantime lets focus on the here and now and decide which path we need to take to expidite our recovery.

All the posts about BOOOOOOOOOSH are just pointless. For example I believe Frank, dems and many spinless pubs are to blame but starting such threads serves no purpose as its water under the bridge now and blame cant fix shit. Congress and Obama can however.

If a rightwinger fucks up, then you never want to look back and play the blame game. If a liberal fucks up, then it must be examined in minute detail and blame assigned.

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