It matters not who got our economy to this point

I have seen some ideas from both sides that might have helped. Sadly election season is not known for reason and comprimise.

Compromise has become a word the right cannot even say unless deriding someone for compromising.

The Left always holds The Right accountable on compromise yet we never see the Left show compromise.

The Stimulus was 30% tax cuts that the repubs wanted then when they got it, they voted against it. Now that you have read about the left compromising with the right I hope you wont make the same mistake in the future
Compromise has become a word the right cannot even say unless deriding someone for compromising.

The Left always holds The Right accountable on compromise yet we never see the Left show compromise.

The Stimulus was 30% tax cuts that the repubs wanted then when they got it, they voted against it. Now that you have read about the left compromising with the right I hope you wont make the same mistake in the future
What tax cuts?
Obama's job performance isn't lacking. You are misinformed. You are relying on falsehoods when you come to that conclusion.

The economy is better now than it was when he took office. He has had no cooperation from the opposition party.

If you look at the facts, you must conclude that he deserves a second term. Fortunately, America will give him the honor.

Economies like ours recover naturally due to growth. This recover has been so slow that a fucking snail could have been president and the recovery would look no different.

Growth ? We are a consumer spending driven economy and most of what we buy is not made here.
Maybe not in new goods, but there's a helluva lot of economic activity generated in technology and service spending that cannot be exported.

The days of screwing the same nut on the same bolt for thirty years, followed by the gold watch and cushy pension, are as long gone as are the days of busting your ass 16 hours a day on the farm...Time to get over it.
I think Obama is deliberately making things worse. It's like he's trying to overwhelm the system and I've heard some on the left start talking about completely tearing down our capitalist system and rebuilding it differently.

What we need is to have the government taking back control of the federal reserve. If things were as they were meant to be, perhaps we wouldn't be in this mess. Both sides are equally to blame over the years, but Obama seems hellbent on destroying the country completely. I think it's by design.

Obama's goal has always been to increase the size and scope of of the federal government and increase dependency on government.

Same as Bush did.
Patriot act ring a bell?
Spending nearly 5 trillion in borrowed money at a time when the right claimed the economy was doing great?

Actually it was 6 trillion in borrowed money during a supposed good economy, not 5 trillion
Obama's job performance isn't lacking. You are misinformed. You are relying on falsehoods when you come to that conclusion.

The economy is better now than it was when he took office. He has had no cooperation from the opposition party.

If you look at the facts, you must conclude that he deserves a second term. Fortunately, America will give him the honor.

Another Obama sycophant.
I think Obama is deliberately making things worse. It's like he's trying to overwhelm the system and I've heard some on the left start talking about completely tearing down our capitalist system and rebuilding it differently.

What we need is to have the government taking back control of the federal reserve. If things were as they were meant to be, perhaps we wouldn't be in this mess. Both sides are equally to blame over the years, but Obama seems hellbent on destroying the country completely. I think it's by design.

Obama's goal has always been to increase the size and scope of of the federal government and increase dependency on government.

Same as Bush did.
Patriot act ring a bell?
Spending nearly 5 trillion in borrowed money at a time when the right claimed the economy was doing great?


Bush was a populist. Obama is a socialist and central planner.
Big difference.
Obama's goal has always been to increase the size and scope of of the federal government and increase dependency on government.

Same as Bush did.
Patriot act ring a bell?
Spending nearly 5 trillion in borrowed money at a time when the right claimed the economy was doing great?

Actually it was 6 trillion in borrowed money during a supposed good economy, not 5 trillion
And you know this how?
Oh, when Bush was busily spending money on social programs not one of the you libs uttered a peep. You were all fat dumb and happy.
Now that your guy is in there and he's screwing the pooch, you are all miserable.
You lefties got what you wanted. A far left wing guy in the Oval Office. The fact that he's a black guy was just bonus coverage. It made you guilt ridden self hating white people feel good about yourselves.
Obama's goal has always been to increase the size and scope of of the federal government and increase dependency on government.

Same as Bush did.
Patriot act ring a bell?
Spending nearly 5 trillion in borrowed money at a time when the right claimed the economy was doing great?


Bush was a populist. Obama is a socialist and central planner.
Big difference.

the end result is what I use not the rhetoric.
Same as Bush did.
Patriot act ring a bell?
Spending nearly 5 trillion in borrowed money at a time when the right claimed the economy was doing great?

Actually it was 6 trillion in borrowed money during a supposed good economy, not 5 trillion
And you know this how?
Oh, when Bush was busily spending money on social programs not one of the you libs uttered a peep. You were all fat dumb and happy.
Now that your guy is in there and he's screwing the pooch, you are all miserable.
You lefties got what you wanted. A far left wing guy in the Oval Office. The fact that he's a black guy was just bonus coverage. It made you guilt ridden self hating white people feel good about yourselves.

Bullshit, I kept rubbing the rights noses in the fact that he was a defecit spender not a conservative and they would hear none of it.
You can't turn this around to suit your partisanship.
Let's remove the Obama and Bush face bashing and get back to economics. What economic policy should The current President, Current Congress and Prospective Presidential Candidates and Senators and Representatives bring? That is the debate.
What should they bring?
Reasonable cuts in spending. Reasonable as in having the least negative impact on most Americans.
Reasonable tax increases.
Paygo should be brought back.
Reward businesses that create jobs here and punish those who export jobs.
But this is all pipe dreams as they will stay the path we are currently on and we will go down.
What should they bring?
Reasonable cuts in spending. Reasonable as in having the least negative impact on most Americans.
Reasonable tax increases.
Paygo should be brought back.
Reward businesses that create jobs here and punish those who export jobs.
But this is all pipe dreams as they will stay the path we are currently on and we will go down.

Thanks to apathetic ( ultimately pathetic ) "independent" voices such as yours, a guy who we absolutely KNOW will do none of what you suggested has a shot at the oval office. Furthermore, there are not enough members of Congress who are desirous of the policies that you seem to promote.

President Obama is actually going down the path you have suggested. Quit your doom and gloom whining and do your part to give him the chance to continue with a filibuster proof majority.
Lots of polls and blame to go around. Enough to keep partisans on both sides pointing fingers for years.
What SHOULD matter at this point is why we are doing so poorly in our recovery. Blaming Bush is pointless to our recovery. The historians can decide who and what it will be viewed like later. In the meantime lets focus on the here and now and decide which path we need to take to expidite our recovery.

All the posts about BOOOOOOOOOSH are just pointless. For example I believe Frank, dems and many spinless pubs are to blame but starting such threads serves no purpose as its water under the bridge now and blame cant fix shit. Congress and Obama can however.

Well, it does matter if the Weird Mormon Robot wants to do the same things that got us into the mess to start with.

We got into this mess because the banks were poorly regulated. Mitt wants to loosen regulations.

We got into this mess because of Free Trade moving all the good paying jobs to Asia. Romney wants to increase free trade.

Part of the reason why this thing has dragged on so long is because so many state and local governments are letting go of firefighters, teachers, and policemen. Unemployment would be at 7% now based on private sector growth, if there hadnt been so many cuts in public sector employees.

But Mittens wants to cut firefigthers, teachers and Policemen.

We are in this mess because we are running up unsustainable debt. But Mittens wants to give out another 5 trillion in tax breaks for the rich.
OK. Bush fucked up the economy. I'll accept that.

But, after 3.5 fucking years, ANYONE who blames their lack of performance on a predecessor from 3.5 years prior is beyond incompetent.

Shitcan the man. It is beyond time. He simply can't do the job and he readily admits that almost every single fucking day.

"The problems we inherited were far worse than most inside and out of government had expected; the recession was deeper than most inside and out of government had predicted. Curing those problems has taken more time and a higher toll than any of us wanted."
The President of the United States
Lots of polls and blame to go around. Enough to keep partisans on both sides pointing fingers for years.
What SHOULD matter at this point is why we are doing so poorly in our recovery. Blaming Bush is pointless to our recovery. The historians can decide who and what it will be viewed like later. In the meantime lets focus on the here and now and decide which path we need to take to expidite our recovery.

All the posts about BOOOOOOOOOSH are just pointless. For example I believe Frank, dems and many spinless pubs are to blame but starting such threads serves no purpose as its water under the bridge now and blame cant fix shit. Congress and Obama can however.

Of course there are those who point out that if one does not know, or care, about cause and effect (AKA history) they will be bound to repeat the same mistakes.

The GOP would love that!!!!!
The Left always holds The Right accountable on compromise yet we never see the Left show compromise.

The Stimulus was 30% tax cuts that the repubs wanted then when they got it, they voted against it. Now that you have read about the left compromising with the right I hope you wont make the same mistake in the future
What tax cuts?
The tax cuts repubs asked for, Obama agreed to, then repubs voted against it and said "Obama won't compromise!"
Lots of polls and blame to go around. Enough to keep partisans on both sides pointing fingers for years.
What SHOULD matter at this point is why we are doing so poorly in our recovery. Blaming Bush is pointless to our recovery. The historians can decide who and what it will be viewed like later. In the meantime lets focus on the here and now and decide which path we need to take to expidite our recovery.

All the posts about BOOOOOOOOOSH are just pointless. For example I believe Frank, dems and many spinless pubs are to blame but starting such threads serves no purpose as its water under the bridge now and blame cant fix shit. Congress and Obama can however.

Of course there are those who point out that if one does not know, or care, about cause and effect (AKA history) they will be bound to repeat the same mistakes.

The GOP would love that!!!!!

Another idiot who can't read or understand the difference between the blame game and understanding cause and effect.
It matters not who got our economy to this point

"The curious may want to know why the Bush tax cuts are set to expire in the first place. After all, if then-President George W. Bush and Congress thought they were a good idea when they passed them in the early 2000s, why make them temporary?

The answer is that President Bush and a complicit Congress didn’t want to show the magnitude of the deficits that would result from their tax cuts."

January 13, 2008

"The recession-deniers were muzzled by a horrendous last two weeks of December, and the gloom-and-doomers are now out in force. Their key arguments:

* Plummeting housing will now drag down the rest of the economy.

*The "bad debt" problem is not just "sub-prime" folks who should never have have taken out mortgages in the first place. It includes credit card debt, "high quality" mortgages, car loans, and other leverage that have recently become a consumer way of life.

*Pressure on consumers is leading to a reduction in consumer spending (70% of economy), which, in turn, will lead to a reduction in spending by companies that sell stuff to consumers.

*The question now is not "will there be a recession?" but "how bad will it get?"

*The most optimistic forecasts in a NYT gloom-and-doom round-up are for three crappy quarters, regardless of what the Fed does. Less optimistic forecasts suggest that we are, well, screwed.

After blowing the last downturn, we've been worried this one since last summer (see below). We also suspect that, given the importance of housing to the economy and debt to consumer spending, the recession will be deeper and more prolonged than people think."

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Lots of polls and blame to go around. Enough to keep partisans on both sides pointing fingers for years.
What SHOULD matter at this point is why we are doing so poorly in our recovery. Blaming Bush is pointless to our recovery. The historians can decide who and what it will be viewed like later. In the meantime lets focus on the here and now and decide which path we need to take to expidite our recovery.

All the posts about BOOOOOOOOOSH are just pointless. For example I believe Frank, dems and many spinless pubs are to blame but starting such threads serves no purpose as its water under the bridge now and blame cant fix shit. Congress and Obama can however.

Wow, another pointless thead, this one, an effort to absolve the GOP of any responsibility for the great recession of 2008. I suppose it's better than a full rewrite of history, but not by much.

Obama was handed a mess, on this all honest people can agree. The mess continues, albeit abated, but recovery has been stiffled by the Speaker of the House and the minority leader in the senate. On this all honest people can agree.

All honest people can agree pointing fingers and placing blame cannot fix that which is broken. It can however fix the reasons for the mess and educate the voters on what went wrong, why and by whom.

But partisan hypocrites such as Grampa Murked U are not part of such a solution, the are the problem.

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