It Might Be A Good Time To Talk About That 3 AM Phone Call..

Look people we have already had a president recently that not only wasn't capable of making responsible judgements at 3 AM but for cryin out loud he sat there in a stupor during the events of 9/11 then continued to read "My Pet Goat" as his first presidential reaction to planes flying into the towers. He had an obssession with attacking Iraq which skewed the intel and got us into a costly and unneccesary war.

Now we have Mittens who has an obvious obssession with winning the presidency. That in itself isn't unreasonable. But ...and a big But... he has failed in his first presidential moment in how he miss enterpreted and then miss used the information on the Lybian and Egyptian incidents in an attempt to gain some political capital.

So I ask in all seriousness.. Do we REALLY want Romney taking that 3 A M phone call that may lead some of our soldiers and possibly our country into harms way?

ROmney doesnt talk on telephones, he's got peons to do that for him.

BTW - where do you live, Huggy, that there is no risk of flood?
Look people we have already had a president recently that not only wasn't capable of making responsible judgements at 3 AM but for cryin out loud he sat there in a stupor during the events of 9/11 then continued to read "My Pet Goat" as his first presidential reaction to planes flying into the towers. He had an obssession with attacking Iraq which skewed the intel and got us into a costly and unneccesary war.

Now we have Mittens who has an obvious obssession with winning the presidency. That in itself isn't unreasonable. But ...and a big But... he has failed in his first presidential moment in how he miss enterpreted and then miss used the information on the Lybian and Egyptian incidents in an attempt to gain some political capital.

So I ask in all seriousness.. Do we REALLY want Romney taking that 3 A M phone call that may lead some of our soldiers and possibly our country into harms way?

One thing is certain, Obama is not able to handle a crisis. In the face of attack, the incompetent fool apologizes to the attackers.

This is it for Obama, and you know it.

It's very sad that Americans had to die to demonstrate what a cluster fuck this incompetent fool is.
Look people we have already had a president recently that not only wasn't capable of making responsible judgements at 3 AM but for cryin out loud he sat there in a stupor during the events of 9/11 then continued to read "My Pet Goat" as his first presidential reaction to planes flying into the towers. He had an obssession with attacking Iraq which skewed the intel and got us into a costly and unneccesary war.

Now we have Mittens who has an obvious obssession with winning the presidency. That in itself isn't unreasonable. But ...and a big But... he has failed in his first presidential moment in how he miss enterpreted and then miss used the information on the Lybian and Egyptian incidents in an attempt to gain some political capital.

So I ask in all seriousness.. Do we REALLY want Romney taking that 3 A M phone call that may lead some of our soldiers and possibly our country into harms way?

ROmney doesnt talk on telephones, he's got peons to do that for him.

BTW - where do you live, Huggy, that there is no risk of flood?

Are you deaf? :lol: The third floor of a rundown motel!
Look people we have already had a president recently that not only wasn't capable of making responsible judgements at 3 AM but for cryin out loud he sat there in a stupor during the events of 9/11 then continued to read "My Pet Goat" as his first presidential reaction to planes flying into the towers. He had an obssession with attacking Iraq which skewed the intel and got us into a costly and unneccesary war.

Now we have Mittens who has an obvious obssession with winning the presidency. That in itself isn't unreasonable. But ...and a big But... he has failed in his first presidential moment in how he miss enterpreted and then miss used the information on the Lybian and Egyptian incidents in an attempt to gain some political capital.

So I ask in all seriousness.. Do we REALLY want Romney taking that 3 A M phone call that may lead some of our soldiers and possibly our country into harms way?

One thing is certain, Obama is not able to handle a crisis. In the face of attack, the incompetent fool apologizes to the attackers.

Except that he didn't apologize to the attackers.

You know you righties would be spot on if only the facts were on your side. That's the one little detail you guys seem to always miss - reality. those people that were killed in the embassies weren't individual citizens? Go fuck can't THINK past your chin let alone decide where people's rights begin/end.

Hmmm... what do you think might have SAVED those lives? Surely if they just apologized profusely for somebody else's exercise of free speech, rolled over and showed their bellies like a dog showing submission, the Islamist thugs who murdered them wouldn't have done it, right? :rolleyes:
Guess again. What would have stopped those killings is superior force.

We're at war, knothead. Those people want to kill you... you, your family, your kids, your mom. They want you dead. They've been trying to kill you for decades, back since the Clinton administration with the original attacks on the Twin Towers and the U.S.S. Cole. They will NOT stop. Because you can't give them what they want... world domination for their foul ideology.

You fuckers need to figure out who the good guys are and who the bad guys are. And if there's any small consolation regarding those four citizens who lost their lives the other night, it's that they put a big spotlight on your inability to do so.

Perhaps if douchebags like you would grow the fuck up and realize that good guys and bad guys are a subjective idea, this shit never would have happened in the first place......and yes, I am including the douchebags that raided the're cut out of the same mold.....what in the fuck do you think their rabble rousers. are telling their people....that we hate them, they want to kill us, our families...our kids, our moms....they don't think they are the "bad guys" they think we are.

THAT'S what your pea brain doesn't's extremism that is the and white thinking...knee jerk short....YOU and people like you ate part of the fucking problem and may our Lord and Savior JESUS CHRIST have mercy on your soul.

That's what's wrong with you silly fuckers. You can't tell right from wrong.
Our values of freedom of speech and individual liberty aren't a threat to anyone. Their values of Islamofacism abrogate FREEDOM. There's nothing "subjective" about that.
romney showed his lack of understanding what is needed during a crisis....all the facts...

What fact did he get wrong?

Obama is an incompetent fool. Romney pointed out this.

You have this dream that this will hurt Romney, but the fact is that Obama is done, and you know it.

His mishandling of this will sink him. His apology to the terrorists and attacks on freedom of speech are the end of him.

Now I think Obama should do the honorable thing and resign, today; but the election is over and Obama is done. And you know it.
Look people we have already had a president recently that not only wasn't capable of making responsible judgements at 3 AM but for cryin out loud he sat there in a stupor during the events of 9/11 then continued to read "My Pet Goat" as his first presidential reaction to planes flying into the towers. He had an obssession with attacking Iraq which skewed the intel and got us into a costly and unneccesary war.

Now we have Mittens who has an obvious obssession with winning the presidency. That in itself isn't unreasonable. But ...and a big But... he has failed in his first presidential moment in how he miss enterpreted and then miss used the information on the Lybian and Egyptian incidents in an attempt to gain some political capital.

So I ask in all seriousness.. Do we REALLY want Romney taking that 3 A M phone call that may lead some of our soldiers and possibly our country into harms way?

This is a funny question to be asking right after we saw Obama's failure to secure our embassies lead the the loss of American lives. What we have learned from this is that Obama is not competent to take that call at 3 AM or 3 PM.
Look people we have already had a president recently that not only wasn't capable of making responsible judgements at 3 AM but for cryin out loud he sat there in a stupor during the events of 9/11 then continued to read "My Pet Goat" as his first presidential reaction to planes flying into the towers. He had an obssession with attacking Iraq which skewed the intel and got us into a costly and unneccesary war.

Now we have Mittens who has an obvious obssession with winning the presidency. That in itself isn't unreasonable. But ...and a big But... he has failed in his first presidential moment in how he miss enterpreted and then miss used the information on the Lybian and Egyptian incidents in an attempt to gain some political capital.

So I ask in all seriousness.. Do we REALLY want Romney taking that 3 A M phone call that may lead some of our soldiers and possibly our country into harms way?

One thing is certain, Obama is not able to handle a crisis. In the face of attack, the incompetent fool apologizes to the attackers.

Except that he didn't apologize to the attackers.

You know you righties would be spot on if only the facts were on your side. That's the one little detail you guys seem to always miss - reality.

If ya look at it from THEIR point of view they don't really lie that much. They ad up all the words and divide by the ones that make their shit lies and in reality it's only a very small few words which are the actual "lying words". So lookin at it like THAT they may APPEAR to be lying ALL of the time but by their formula maybe only 5% of the time... very respectable really :lol:
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Hmmm... what do you think might have SAVED those lives? Surely if they just apologized profusely for somebody else's exercise of free speech, rolled over and showed their bellies like a dog showing submission, the Islamist thugs who murdered them wouldn't have done it, right? :rolleyes:
Guess again. What would have stopped those killings is superior force.

We're at war, knothead. Those people want to kill you... you, your family, your kids, your mom. They want you dead. They've been trying to kill you for decades, back since the Clinton administration with the original attacks on the Twin Towers and the U.S.S. Cole. They will NOT stop. Because you can't give them what they want... world domination for their foul ideology.

You fuckers need to figure out who the good guys are and who the bad guys are. And if there's any small consolation regarding those four citizens who lost their lives the other night, it's that they put a big spotlight on your inability to do so.

Perhaps if douchebags like you would grow the fuck up and realize that good guys and bad guys are a subjective idea, this shit never would have happened in the first place......and yes, I am including the douchebags that raided the're cut out of the same mold.....what in the fuck do you think their rabble rousers. are telling their people....that we hate them, they want to kill us, our families...our kids, our moms....they don't think they are the "bad guys" they think we are.

THAT'S what your pea brain doesn't's extremism that is the and white thinking...knee jerk short....YOU and people like you ate part of the fucking problem and may our Lord and Savior JESUS CHRIST have mercy on your soul.

That's what's wrong with you silly fuckers. You can't tell right from wrong.
Our values of freedom of speech and individual liberty aren't a threat to anyone. Their values of Islamofacism abrogate FREEDOM. There's nothing "subjective" about that.

I rest my fucking case. Apparently you aren't watching the news...they can be....and in this case ARE a threat. Does that mean I want to see them abridged? Hell no.... but YOU assholes need to grow the fuck up and stop putting us in danger with your outrageous, over the top generalizations about people you don't know or care to know.
Except that he didn't apologize to the attackers.

Except, that he did.

The depth of Obama's incompetence will not be covered by the lies of the DNC press. Obama showed himself as utterly incapable of handling a crises. When the pressure was on, Obama crumbled.

This man is not a leader.

You know you righties would be spot on if only the facts were on your side. That's the one little detail you guys seem to always miss - reality.

The reality is that Obama's condemnation of "offending religion" is an apology to the Muslims and justification for the attacks.

Obama is done.
romney showed his lack of understanding what is needed during a crisis....all the facts...

What fact did he get wrong?

Obama is an incompetent fool. Romney pointed out this.

You have this dream that this will hurt Romney, but the fact is that Obama is done, and you know it.

His mishandling of this will sink him. His apology to the terrorists and attacks on freedom of speech are the end of him.

Now I think Obama should do the honorable thing and resign, today; but the election is over and Obama is done. And you know it.

Obama is an incompetent nincompoop. Romney didn't have the facts because the White House has not yet arranged for him to receive the daily security briefings. Something that is done after the nominee accepts the party's nomination.

Has anyone heard him whining about not getting them?? Romney however has a team of national foreign policy experts he's leaning on now.

"It's a long-standing practice for presidential candidates and select advisers to be provided intelligence briefings following the party's nominating convention," Shawn Turner, the spokesman for the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, told CNN in June. "During the last presidential campaign, all the candidates began receiving briefings in September following the conventions."

Romney does not get national security briefings - Political Hotsheet - CBS News
romney showed his lack of understanding what is needed during a crisis....all the facts...

What fact did he get wrong?

Obama is an incompetent fool. Romney pointed out this.

You have this dream that this will hurt Romney, but the fact is that Obama is done, and you know it.

His mishandling of this will sink him. His apology to the terrorists and attacks on freedom of speech are the end of him.

Now I think Obama should do the honorable thing and resign, today; but the election is over and Obama is done. And you know it.

Obama is an incompetent nincompoop. Romney didn't have the facts because the White House has not yet arranged for him to receive the daily security briefings. Something that is done after the nominee accepts the party's nomination.

Has anyone heard him whining about not getting them?? Romney however has a team of national foreign policy experts he's leaning on now.

"It's a long-standing practice for presidential candidates and select advisers to be provided intelligence briefings following the party's nominating convention," Shawn Turner, the spokesman for the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, told CNN in June. "During the last presidential campaign, all the candidates began receiving briefings in September following the conventions."

Romney does not get national security briefings - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

You have to be kidding. I wouldn't trust Mittens with a month old copy of the T V Guide.

I don't care what tradition is. This guy is a dangerous idiot.
the violence in the middle east is a result of the me culture......who can change that in 4 years?

if you think a new president will change the conditions in the me you are many presidents have failed at bringing peace to the me?

One of them succeeded: President Jimmy Carter!

No, he did not. Carter was the biggest failure of a potus up until obamaturd.
Perhaps if douchebags like you would grow the fuck up and realize that good guys and bad guys are a subjective idea, this shit never would have happened in the first place......and yes, I am including the douchebags that raided the're cut out of the same mold.....what in the fuck do you think their rabble rousers. are telling their people....that we hate them, they want to kill us, our families...our kids, our moms....they don't think they are the "bad guys" they think we are.

THAT'S what your pea brain doesn't's extremism that is the and white thinking...knee jerk short....YOU and people like you ate part of the fucking problem and may our Lord and Savior JESUS CHRIST have mercy on your soul.

That's what's wrong with you silly fuckers. You can't tell right from wrong.
Our values of freedom of speech and individual liberty aren't a threat to anyone. Their values of Islamofacism abrogate FREEDOM. There's nothing "subjective" about that.

I rest my fucking case. Apparently you aren't watching the news...they can be....and in this case ARE a threat. Does that mean I want to see them abridged? Hell no.... but YOU assholes need to grow the fuck up and stop putting us in danger with your outrageous, over the top generalizations about people you don't know or care to know.

Bullshit. It wasn't some goofy, amateur, YouTube movie which killed our people in Libya. It was a bunch of rabid Islamists. And whatever words were used in that movie, no matter how insulting, did not spill ANYONE's blood. People did that, and they made a CHOICE to do it.
What fact did he get wrong?

Obama is an incompetent fool. Romney pointed out this.

You have this dream that this will hurt Romney, but the fact is that Obama is done, and you know it.

His mishandling of this will sink him. His apology to the terrorists and attacks on freedom of speech are the end of him.

Now I think Obama should do the honorable thing and resign, today; but the election is over and Obama is done. And you know it.

Obama is an incompetent nincompoop. Romney didn't have the facts because the White House has not yet arranged for him to receive the daily security briefings. Something that is done after the nominee accepts the party's nomination.

Has anyone heard him whining about not getting them?? Romney however has a team of national foreign policy experts he's leaning on now.

"It's a long-standing practice for presidential candidates and select advisers to be provided intelligence briefings following the party's nominating convention," Shawn Turner, the spokesman for the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, told CNN in June. "During the last presidential campaign, all the candidates began receiving briefings in September following the conventions."

Romney does not get national security briefings - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

You have to be kidding. I wouldn't trust Mittens with a month old copy of the T V Guide.

I don't care what tradition is. This guy is a dangerous idiot.
Yet you kiss obamaturds ass when he is the biggest threat to the USA.
Obama is an incompetent nincompoop. Romney didn't have the facts because the White House has not yet arranged for him to receive the daily security briefings. Something that is done after the nominee accepts the party's nomination.

Has anyone heard him whining about not getting them?? Romney however has a team of national foreign policy experts he's leaning on now.

Romney does not get national security briefings - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

You have to be kidding. I wouldn't trust Mittens with a month old copy of the T V Guide.

I don't care what tradition is. This guy is a dangerous idiot.
Yet you kiss obamaturds ass when he is the biggest threat to the USA.

You have me missunderestimated with someotherbody. I'll leave the ass work for you neocon faggots.
You have to be kidding. I wouldn't trust Mittens with a month old copy of the T V Guide.

Yes, but you're a mindless hack. You have less than a dozen brain cells still in working order. Nothing will alter hacks like you, Rati, Truthmatters, OhhIPoopedmyself, et al.

The election hinges on the undecided. In this election, that segment was very large - and I do mean WAS, because the last few days have decided the issue for most of the middle.

Obama is done. He has proven that he can't handle a crises. His apology to the Muslims was beyond the pale, and no amount of bullshit by the party press will cover it.

I don't care what tradition is. This guy is a dangerous idiot.

Again, you're a drug addled moron, what you care about is irrelevant.

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