It Might Be A Good Time To Talk About That 3 AM Phone Call..

Romney's judgement seems irrational, scary and unbalanced. I sure as hell don't want him taking any 3:00 AM phone calls at the White House. Hell, I don't want him taking any 3:00 PM phone calls at the White House.

I don't mind if he takes a 3 PM call from a cab company to take him home after he gets to see the white house as part of an official W H tour. :lol:

That IS the only way he's gonna see the inside of THAT building.

You're not even cute or witty though you believe you are

Yes I am. You want me ..admit it! :lol:
I don't mind if he takes a 3 PM call from a cab company to take him home after he gets to see the white house as part of an official W H tour. :lol:

That IS the only way he's gonna see the inside of THAT building.

You're not even cute or witty though you believe you are

Yes I am. You want me ..admit it! :lol:

Hey Huggy....just in case she turns you down....there's a banner ad to win a date with Michelle Bachmann.....It would be the same damned thing. of course Michelle would probably put out....since her hubby's a failed "pray the gay away" experiment.
I will answer you in three parts.

1. Wrong doesn't mean illegal, does it? However, I do think there's a case for yelling fire in crowded movie theater.

Yelling fire in a theater is not illegal. Never has been. One can be held liable for direct damage that results.

whoever is responsible for the film is partially responsible for the attacks and the deaths.

Utter bullshit. A passive communication is never defense for criminal acts. Your claim is no different that a lunatic claiming that god told him to murder.

2. That's the way I learned it....although, it's been 30+ years since I've been in, I concede that I may be wrong. But if you don't like that example, the trail of tears will suffice.

The utter stupidity of the leftist meme is a wonder to behold.

The Germ Theory of Disease was developed in the mid-19th century, some 200 years after these devious Americans, who were around prior to the revolutionary war, engaged in this biological warfare.

Further, SmallPox is spread from person to person, dying if exposed to temperatures below 50° (F)

You see, like most demagogues, you spread bullshit with no regard, your goal is to support the seething hatred you have for America and mostly whites.

3. Fuck you, you Nazi assed bastard. I've been on record NUMEROUS fucking times talking about making people work for their benefits.


I was trying to find out what aspect of America you don't hate. I figured Welfare would be one. (Possibly the only one.)

At any rate, your stereotyping is fucking redundant. You assume that anyone with a D behind their name is on welfare.... furthermore, that's the only game you are weak individual who can only speak in right wing rhetoric and talking points. I'd be willing to bet that you've taken more welfare/unemployment the past year than I have my entire life(I've never taken ANY).

OK..... onto what I love about this country....I love that ignorant weak assed people like you can have their hand out for your welfare check and still be able to thumb your nose at the country that's feeding your stupid ass.


I work two professional jobs.

One because it pays the bills, the other because I enjoy it and want to give back.

30 years ago I did collect unemployment for a couple of weeks.
Look people we have already had a president recently that not only wasn't capable of making responsible judgements at 3 AM but for cryin out loud he sat there in a stupor during the events of 9/11 then continued to read "My Pet Goat" as his first presidential reaction to planes flying into the towers. He had an obssession with attacking Iraq which skewed the intel and got us into a costly and unneccesary war.

Now we have Mittens who has an obvious obssession with winning the presidency. That in itself isn't unreasonable. But ...and a big But... he has failed in his first presidential moment in how he miss enterpreted and then miss used the information on the Lybian and Egyptian incidents in an attempt to gain some political capital.

So I ask in all seriousness.. Do we REALLY want Romney taking that 3 A M phone call that may lead some of our soldiers and possibly our country into harms way?

What we really don’t want or need is the neo-con Bush Era retreads screwing up a crisis when Romney goes back to sleep at 3:15 AM.
You're not even cute or witty though you believe you are

Yes I am. You want me ..admit it! :lol:

Hey Huggy....just in case she turns you down....there's a banner ad to win a date with Michelle Bachmann.....It would be the same damned thing. of course Michelle would probably put out....since her hubby's a failed "pray the gay away" experiment.

I saw it...and don't think it hasn't crossed my mind! :lol:
I actually get a huge chuckle when I read a thread or a story about a member of the left expressing 'concern' over something regarding the military or foreign policy. First of all, the left has nothing but disdain and contempt for the military and America's veterans. For the left, those that have served are considered nothing short of 'stooges' for putting their lives on the line for this country. And secondly, foreign policy is always from the perspective that if someone wants to or actually does something negative to the US, naturally we deserved it. It probably is in response to something horrible that we have done and so therefore, our response should be from that perspective. The left is in a perpetual state of apology, appeasement and retreat.

Barry's entire foreign policy experience has been gained during his four years in the White House. No one was more of an amateur at it than Barry and his cronies at the time of his inauguration or now for that matter. Israel, the Czech Republic, Poland, China, the Sea of Japan, the horn of Africa, Sudan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Medvedev and the Russians, Georgia (the independent nation not the state). I could go on and on about the failures of this administration in foreign policy, but I won't. The only bright spot is Hillary. She has actually turned out to be an adequate Secretary of State and quite frankly if I was Mitt, I would definately seek out her counsel once Barry and his cronies are sent packing back to Bill Ayers and the Reverand Wright. Course, Hillary gets her marching orders from Barry and his lackies. She doesn't have much to work with.

Two weeks ago, a small story buried at the back of the days news spoke of the execution of two hostages by the pirates in Somalia. The two people they executed had been held for six months and no 'adequate' response was received regarding their ransom. The article went on to say that after several years of decline, the number of hijacks by pirates around the horn had increased. The reason? The US Navy has had to pull ships from the multi-national force patrolling here because of course, there are not enough men, money or ships to keep them there. We are below 300 ships and falling rapidly. The days of a 600 ship or even a 500 ship navy during the Reagan and Bush years is nothing but a fond memory.

Hopefully, God willing and the creeks don't rise, it will be Mitt Romney who would take that call, if there are any calls to take. And hopefully, Mitt can restore some sanity to the levels of defense spending.

Course for entertainment we can always look to Harry Reid and the Senate Democrats to surrender almost instantly at the sign of trouble...

Couple of things here, the last time our nation had more than 500 total ships in the US Navy was 1991, in 2000 the Navy's ship level was 318, and it reached a low of 278 in 2007, and is now as of 2011 at 285.

US Ship Force Levels

The current US Navy long term plan through 2042 is to have a force level of 300 ships and has set ship construction levels to that amount.

While it's true the overall DOD Budget is set for a 6% decrease for FY2013 at around 700 plus Billion Dollars that is still almost 250 Billion dollars more than we were spending on Defense in 2001. So to say that DOD cannot be reformed and to simply toss money at DOD without trying take a look at how they spend money is not very wise. Take for example the F-35 JSF, PW makes the primary engine for that fighter and for a while there even though that engine has been tested and qualified for it, and DOD was not asking for it, congress wanted to build a second engine for it made by G.E. which is unwise. I think there is room at DOD to take a look at how they spend money which will benefit the services and deliver to the warfigher the tools needed for the job and ontime. As for Gov. Romney I would have a lot more faith in his ability had I a little more detail other than just tossing money at DOD without any plan behind it.

One last thing...

The House Budget Committee, chaired by Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), has told a veterans' group it is studying a plan to save $6 billion annually in VA health care costs by cancelling enrollment of any veteran who doesn't have a service-related medical condition and is not poor.

Committee Republicans, searching for ways to curb federal deficits and rein in galloping VA costs, are targeting 1.3 million veterans who claim priority group 7 or 8 status and have access to VA care.
VA Care End Eyed for 1.3 Million Vets

In my humble opinion USAF, not all of these men who are running have the best in mind for our nation, or those who defend it and have defended it, be it Mitt Romney or President Obama, and often times what is lost in all this, are the people that actually do the heavy lifting and that is the warfighters themselves, and their families , and personally I would rather see one less F-35 and more benefit to the warfighter, or one less deployment that I would see our nation in places we don't need to defend any longer and use those resources to support the war fighter and their families rather than the contractors .

Navy, your response was incredibly lucid and I thank you for such an intelligent bit of information. However, what I am concerned about is the sequestration which is coming and which will remove close to 1 TRILLION dollars from projected defense spending over the next 10 years. Even Obama's Secretary of Defense Leon Penetta (SP?) has said it will be devastating. I've seen estimates of less that a 200 ship Navy (165 to be exact), an Army with less that 30 Battalions and an Air Force cut in half as well. Not to mention the inability to upgrade those systems which are in dire need RIGHT NOW. The Minuteman III's, the B-52 heavy bomber, the F-15 (The F-22 was supposed to replace), the F-16 (that the F-35 is supposed to replace), the A-10, the Palladin Self-Propelled gun, and the list goes on and on.

I definately agree that most of these 'politicians' do NOT have the warfighters best interest at heart. And I would certainly agree that defense appropriations is a swamp that needs to be drained AND cleaned, refer to the V-22 Osprey that was ONLY built because of the Congressmen and Senators in whose states it was built. But my belief is that the defense of this nation is one of the ONLY enumerated duties of the federal government in the Constitution of the United States. In this day and age, you don't get many second chances and we've already had one recently successful attack on this nation (refer to 9/11).

I support the viewpoint that you deal with others from a position of STRENGTH. That INCLUDES taking care of the people who are your greatest asset. We are woefully bad at it, but the worst is the Democrats. At least a prostitute will act like she is interested when she is f**king you...
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Look people we have already had a president recently that not only wasn't capable of making responsible judgements at 3 AM but for cryin out loud he sat there in a stupor during the events of 9/11 then continued to read "My Pet Goat" as his first presidential reaction to planes flying into the towers. He had an obssession with attacking Iraq which skewed the intel and got us into a costly and unneccesary war.

Now we have Mittens who has an obvious obssession with winning the presidency. That in itself isn't unreasonable. But ...and a big But... he has failed in his first presidential moment in how he miss enterpreted and then miss used the information on the Lybian and Egyptian incidents in an attempt to gain some political capital.

So I ask in all seriousness.. Do we REALLY want Romney taking that 3 A M phone call that may lead some of our soldiers and possibly our country into harms way?

So, are you and this Joe Neubarth guy who used to post here the same guy? His recent book seems to support what you have been posting.


I like the cover design. Can you see all of the demons in the flames?
Navy, your response was incredibly lucid and I thank you for such an intelligent bit of information. However, what I am concerned about is the sequestration which is coming and which will remove close to 1 TRILLION dollars from projected defense spending over the next 10 years. Even Obama's Secretary of Defense Leon Penetta (SP?) has said it will be devastating. I've seen estimates of less that a 200 ship Navy (165 to be exact), an Army with less that 30 Battalions and an Air Force cut in half as well. Not to mention the inability to upgrade those systems which are in dire need RIGHT NOW. The Minuteman III's, the B-52 heavy bomber, the F-15 (The F-22 was supposed to replace), the F-16 (that the F-35 is supposed to replace), the A-10, the Palladin Self-Propelled gun, and the list goes on and on.

I definately agree that most of these 'politicians' do NOT have the warfighters best interest at heart. And I would certainly agree that defense appropriations is a swamp that needs to be drained AND cleaned, refer to the V-22 Osprey that was ONLY built because of the Congressmen and Senators in whose states it was built. But my belief is that the defense of this nation is one of the ONLY enumerated duties of the federal government in the Constitution of the United States. In this day and age, you don't get many second chances and we've already had one recently successful attack on this nation (refer to 9/11).

I support the viewpoint that you deal with others from a position of STRENGTH. That INCLUDES taking care of the people who are your greatest asset. We are woefully bad at it, but the worst is the Democrats. At least a prostitute will act like she is interested when she is f**king you...
I understand that they are scrapping the USS Enterprise. I thought that was a nuc ship?
When Bush got his 3AM phonecall he went back to reading My Pet Goat
Look people we have already had a president recently that not only wasn't capable of making responsible judgements at 3 AM but for cryin out loud he sat there in a stupor during the events of 9/11 then continued to read "My Pet Goat" as his first presidential reaction to planes flying into the towers. He had an obssession with attacking Iraq which skewed the intel and got us into a costly and unneccesary war.

Now we have Mittens who has an obvious obssession with winning the presidency. That in itself isn't unreasonable. But ...and a big But... he has failed in his first presidential moment in how he miss enterpreted and then miss used the information on the Lybian and Egyptian incidents in an attempt to gain some political capital.

So I ask in all seriousness.. Do we REALLY want Romney taking that 3 A M phone call that may lead some of our soldiers and possibly our country into harms way?

So, are you and this Joe Neubarth guy who used to post here the same guy? His recent book seems to support what you have been posting.


I like the cover design. Can you see all of the demons in the flames?

That's me Sean Corey in my avie.

Here is a pic of Neubarth

I actually get a huge chuckle when I read a thread or a story about a member of the left expressing 'concern' over something regarding the military or foreign policy. First of all, the left has nothing but disdain and contempt for the military and America's veterans. For the left, those that have served are considered nothing short of 'stooges' for putting their lives on the line for this country. And secondly, foreign policy is always from the perspective that if someone wants to or actually does something negative to the US, naturally we deserved it. It probably is in response to something horrible that we have done and so therefore, our response should be from that perspective. The left is in a perpetual state of apology, appeasement and retreat.

Barry's entire foreign policy experience has been gained during his four years in the White House. No one was more of an amateur at it than Barry and his cronies at the time of his inauguration or now for that matter. Israel, the Czech Republic, Poland, China, the Sea of Japan, the horn of Africa, Sudan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Medvedev and the Russians, Georgia (the independent nation not the state). I could go on and on about the failures of this administration in foreign policy, but I won't. The only bright spot is Hillary. She has actually turned out to be an adequate Secretary of State and quite frankly if I was Mitt, I would definately seek out her counsel once Barry and his cronies are sent packing back to Bill Ayers and the Reverand Wright. Course, Hillary gets her marching orders from Barry and his lackies. She doesn't have much to work with.

Two weeks ago, a small story buried at the back of the days news spoke of the execution of two hostages by the pirates in Somalia. The two people they executed had been held for six months and no 'adequate' response was received regarding their ransom. The article went on to say that after several years of decline, the number of hijacks by pirates around the horn had increased. The reason? The US Navy has had to pull ships from the multi-national force patrolling here because of course, there are not enough men, money or ships to keep them there. We are below 300 ships and falling rapidly. The days of a 600 ship or even a 500 ship navy during the Reagan and Bush years is nothing but a fond memory.

Hopefully, God willing and the creeks don't rise, it will be Mitt Romney who would take that call, if there are any calls to take. And hopefully, Mitt can restore some sanity to the levels of defense spending.

Course for entertainment we can always look to Harry Reid and the Senate Democrats to surrender almost instantly at the sign of trouble...

Couple of things here, the last time our nation had more than 500 total ships in the US Navy was 1991, in 2000 the Navy's ship level was 318, and it reached a low of 278 in 2007, and is now as of 2011 at 285.

US Ship Force Levels

The current US Navy long term plan through 2042 is to have a force level of 300 ships and has set ship construction levels to that amount.

While it's true the overall DOD Budget is set for a 6% decrease for FY2013 at around 700 plus Billion Dollars that is still almost 250 Billion dollars more than we were spending on Defense in 2001. So to say that DOD cannot be reformed and to simply toss money at DOD without trying take a look at how they spend money is not very wise. Take for example the F-35 JSF, PW makes the primary engine for that fighter and for a while there even though that engine has been tested and qualified for it, and DOD was not asking for it, congress wanted to build a second engine for it made by G.E. which is unwise. I think there is room at DOD to take a look at how they spend money which will benefit the services and deliver to the warfigher the tools needed for the job and ontime. As for Gov. Romney I would have a lot more faith in his ability had I a little more detail other than just tossing money at DOD without any plan behind it.

One last thing...

The House Budget Committee, chaired by Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), has told a veterans' group it is studying a plan to save $6 billion annually in VA health care costs by cancelling enrollment of any veteran who doesn't have a service-related medical condition and is not poor.

Committee Republicans, searching for ways to curb federal deficits and rein in galloping VA costs, are targeting 1.3 million veterans who claim priority group 7 or 8 status and have access to VA care.
VA Care End Eyed for 1.3 Million Vets

In my humble opinion USAF, not all of these men who are running have the best in mind for our nation, or those who defend it and have defended it, be it Mitt Romney or President Obama, and often times what is lost in all this, are the people that actually do the heavy lifting and that is the warfighters themselves, and their families , and personally I would rather see one less F-35 and more benefit to the warfighter, or one less deployment that I would see our nation in places we don't need to defend any longer and use those resources to support the war fighter and their families rather than the contractors .

Navy, your response was incredibly lucid and I thank you for such an intelligent bit of information. However, what I am concerned about is the sequestration which is coming and which will remove close to 1 TRILLION dollars from projected defense spending over the next 10 years. Even Obama's Secretary of Defense Leon Penetta (SP?) has said it will be devastating. I've seen estimates of less that a 200 ship Navy (165 to be exact), an Army with less that 30 Battalions and an Air Force cut in half as well. Not to mention the inability to upgrade those systems which are in dire need RIGHT NOW. The Minuteman III's, the B-52 heavy bomber, the F-15 (The F-22 was supposed to replace), the F-16 (that the F-35 is supposed to replace), the A-10, the Palladin Self-Propelled gun, and the list goes on and on.

I definately agree that most of these 'politicians' do NOT have the warfighters best interest at heart. And I would certainly agree that defense appropriations is a swamp that needs to be drained AND cleaned, refer to the V-22 Osprey that was ONLY built because of the Congressmen and Senators in whose states it was built. But my belief is that the defense of this nation is one of the ONLY enumerated duties of the federal government in the Constitution of the United States. In this day and age, you don't get many second chances and we've already had one recently successful attack on this nation (refer to 9/11).

I support the viewpoint that you deal with others from a position of STRENGTH. That INCLUDES taking care of the people who are your greatest asset. We are woefully bad at it, but the worst is the Democrats. At least a prostitute will act like she is interested when she is f**king you...

USAF, the purchasing of weapons systems and funding has been a sore point with me for a long long time, and frankly one only needs to look at the F-22 to understand that. The F-22 was limted to 180 plus aircraft because of the cost and a so called cheaper aircraft the F-35 was the flavor of the day, the funny thing is, because DOD now favors purchasing by contractor fiat rather than Military need, it has found itself with a aircraft that may or may not need mission needs that is about the same costs at the F-22 and under performs it.

I agree completely when it comes to force projection and come from the day when STRENGTH was the shield that kept the peace. Over the years however the US Military has become less a national defense issue and more a jobs and money program for Military contractors and thus they tend to stretch out purchasing to the point where the USAF flys a 50 year old Tanker, a 60 year old Bomber, and 20 to 30 year old Gen 4 fighter aircraft.

I for one see this as an issue that both Democrat and Republican Administrations have been guilty of and have let happen, much to the chagrin the warfighter and the nations ability to defend itself in the long term. Funding for DOD in terms of dollars is not the issue in my humble opinion it is more so how they buy and what they buy and deliver to the warfighter and most important ONTIME and ONCOST. Here is an example, as for mer Air Force you are familier with the F-15 Eagle, which has had a stellar record , and is set to be replaced by the F-35, but did you know that Boeing Built a version of the F-15 called Silent Eagle which has super cruise and out performs the F-35 in several areas and comes in at a lower cost? and yet, was never considered by DOD nor was the F-16 Super Viper which again out performs the F-35 and yet only the Super Viper is allowed to be purchased by foreign nations?

While understand the frustration with the Defense cuts , I hesitate to blame one single party for this because at the time had any of them had any backbone, they would have done the hard work needed to fix the problem rather than play the dare game and let it lead us all to this point.
Navy, your response was incredibly lucid and I thank you for such an intelligent bit of information. However, what I am concerned about is the sequestration which is coming and which will remove close to 1 TRILLION dollars from projected defense spending over the next 10 years. Even Obama's Secretary of Defense Leon Penetta (SP?) has said it will be devastating. I've seen estimates of less that a 200 ship Navy (165 to be exact), an Army with less that 30 Battalions and an Air Force cut in half as well. Not to mention the inability to upgrade those systems which are in dire need RIGHT NOW. The Minuteman III's, the B-52 heavy bomber, the F-15 (The F-22 was supposed to replace), the F-16 (that the F-35 is supposed to replace), the A-10, the Palladin Self-Propelled gun, and the list goes on and on.

I definately agree that most of these 'politicians' do NOT have the warfighters best interest at heart. And I would certainly agree that defense appropriations is a swamp that needs to be drained AND cleaned, refer to the V-22 Osprey that was ONLY built because of the Congressmen and Senators in whose states it was built. But my belief is that the defense of this nation is one of the ONLY enumerated duties of the federal government in the Constitution of the United States. In this day and age, you don't get many second chances and we've already had one recently successful attack on this nation (refer to 9/11).

I support the viewpoint that you deal with others from a position of STRENGTH. That INCLUDES taking care of the people who are your greatest asset. We are woefully bad at it, but the worst is the Democrats. At least a prostitute will act like she is interested when she is f**king you...
I understand that they are scrapping the USS Enterprise. I thought that was a nuc ship?

San, the USS Enterprise is scheduled to be replaced by CVN-78, the USS Gerald R. Ford which is an entire new class of Aircraft Carrier.

The Gerald R. Ford-class aircraft carriers (or Ford-class) are a class of supercarrier for the United States Navy, intended to eventually replace the current Nimitz-class carriers. The new vessels will use a hull design very similar to the Nimitz carriers in appearance, but many aspects of the design will be very different, implementing new technologies developed since the initial design of the previous class (such as the Electromagnetic Aircraft Launch System), as well as other design features intended to improve efficiency and running costs, including a reduced crew requirement.[3] The first hull of the line will be named Gerald R. Ford, and will have the hull number CVN-78
Gerald R. Ford class aircraft carrier - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

On a side note, it's pretty common for nuclear warships to be decomissioned , while its not as easy to decomission one as a a non-nuclear ship, it's pretty common. As an example you can look up the USS Long Beach.
dear fucking idiot.

Robmoney doesnt even know anything about foriegn policy.

Hes unfit for president

Okay, so for comparison purposes please enlighten the class what foreign policy experience the community agitator brought to office. I seem to have forgotten.

He was a sitting U S Senator for one but the point is moot. He has been privy to and a player in foreign policy for almost four years now. His challenger Zippola.

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