It Might Be A Good Time To Talk About That 3 AM Phone Call..

Whoa, two American haters sitting on their high horses

Fuck have no clue about anything your AM radio doesn't tell you. I love this country more than you ever will. Because I am willing to stand up and say when we are wrong....and this vile, anti-muslim bullshit is wrong.

If you mean that I hate the America that killed off Native Americans till they were a shadow of themselves? That traded blankets infected with smallpox in what was the first case of biological war in this country? If you mean that I hate the America that enslaved Africans for centuries and then still made them legally "less than" for a century + after they were freed? If you mean the America that treated Italian, Irish, Chinese, Japanese and nowadays....Mexican and Arabic people living in this country like shit?

Yeah....I hate that PART of our country and it's history.

But you hate American people....anyone that doesn't think in your extremist and Supremist way. America wasn't built for that ideology. It was designed to rise above the pettiness of skin color, Nationalities, or religion.

I love America and what it stands for....just not the Crazed Nationalist vision your side has chosen to take.
This is my complaint with Obama, he seems more engaged with being re-elected than he does with running the country. We are in a crisis in the middle east and I'm sure that he is in contact with his Cabinet, however, I wonder how he cannot miss a beat with his campaigning? It seems to me he could address the nation on what is happening and what the US is going to do and who he has been in contact with.

This is a real crisis, let's see him take control and be what we elected him for. He has commented on every stupid issue, having a beer with a cop and a professor, his kid looking like Trevon and on and on.

This is a real issue, let's get some real leadership.

The world isn't perfect. Our election cycles go on indifferent of events. Are you seriously suggesting that Obama abandon his bid for re-election?

Wouldn't THAT be convenient for the republicans. :lol: Maybe you should E-mail Obama and make your suggestion known. I'm sure he would get a chuckle out of your "non partisan advice".. :lol:

This may come as a shock to you but most Americans don't share the rote echo chamber mantra that everything bad that has happened here and in the world at large is Obama's fault and responsibility to repair. What IS expected of his supporters is to crush Mittens so we don't get another religious zealot in the white house.

Yeah but having a beer with two feuding citizens or taking time out of your day to rebuke a radio host, those are the real issues. :lmao:

I also never faulted Obama with what happened in the Middle East nor did I criticize him for his not visiting NO right after the hurricane. This is an international incident and with three embassy attacks in two days, when should it become a real issue?

I know he needs to take time out of his day to address the eating habits of Americans. :lmao:

So you criticized Romney for taking action before getting all the fact and you criticized Bush not taking action before getting all the facts. Talk about carrying the liberal mantra of partisan hacks, your partisan ignorance shows real clear.

I voted for the fucking Shrub. I have every right to be dissappointed in his performance.
and the seething hatred for America finally makes its appearance....

And the seething hatred of anyone who does not believe in "might makes right" and American untouchability makes it's own appearance....fuck....makes it's appearance? It's here every damned day in this place.

"We are Americans! It does not matter what we say or will submit to our authority"

That's the Conservative's idea of Foreign Policy.


have you ever studied Muslim history even a little bit.....?

if you do you will discover that Muslims are one oppressive group.....they took over parts of Europe and most certainly their "might made right"....

talk about "submission".....Islam means submission....!

they are in the process of establishing a caliphate and then will turn to taking over Europe once again and after that......we're next....

hurt muslim ass....

took over? Turn the fucking channel
Fuck have no clue about anything your AM radio doesn't tell you. I love this country more than you ever will. Because I am willing to stand up and say when we are wrong....and this vile, anti-muslim bullshit is wrong.

So then, you will be calling for the arrest of Terry Jones on the crime of insulting Islam?

Do you think that anyone who speaks ill of Islam or Muhammad should do prison time, or would you favor execution?

If you mean that I hate the America that killed off Native Americans till they were a shadow of themselves? That traded blankets infected with smallpox in what was the first case of biological war in this country?

America did that, huh?

Lie much?

If you mean that I hate the America that enslaved Africans for centuries and then still made them legally "less than" for a century + after they were freed? If you mean the America that treated Italian, Irish, Chinese, Japanese and nowadays....Mexican and Arabic people living in this country like shit?

Yeah....I hate that PART of our country and it's history.

But you hate American people....anyone that doesn't think in your extremist and Supremist way. America wasn't built for that ideology. It was designed to rise above the pettiness of skin color, Nationalities, or religion.

I love America and what it stands for....just not the Crazed Nationalist vision your side has chosen to take.

What part of America do you not hate? Oh, Welfare is peachy with you?
I voted for the fucking Shrub.

Yeah, but you were so high at the time you didn't know what you were doing. Besides, you didn't vote for Bush, you wrote in "Wow, the fucking Juniper out front man" as your vote.

I have every right to be dissappointed in his performance.

Are you disappointed with your little tin Messiah® - nah, you think he's perfect, doncha?
The world isn't perfect. Our election cycles go on indifferent of events. Are you seriously suggesting that Obama abandon his bid for re-election?

Wouldn't THAT be convenient for the republicans. :lol: Maybe you should E-mail Obama and make your suggestion known. I'm sure he would get a chuckle out of your "non partisan advice".. :lol:

This may come as a shock to you but most Americans don't share the rote echo chamber mantra that everything bad that has happened here and in the world at large is Obama's fault and responsibility to repair. What IS expected of his supporters is to crush Mittens so we don't get another religious zealot in the white house.

Yeah but having a beer with two feuding citizens or taking time out of your day to rebuke a radio host, those are the real issues. :lmao:

I also never faulted Obama with what happened in the Middle East nor did I criticize him for his not visiting NO right after the hurricane. This is an international incident and with three embassy attacks in two days, when should it become a real issue?

I know he needs to take time out of his day to address the eating habits of Americans. :lmao:

So you criticized Romney for taking action before getting all the fact and you criticized Bush not taking action before getting all the facts. Talk about carrying the liberal mantra of partisan hacks, your partisan ignorance shows real clear.

I voted for the fucking Shrub. I have every right to be dissappointed in his performance.

:lol: can't dispute the facts so hate a guy. :lol:

So did I and I was disappointed also.
Fuck have no clue about anything your AM radio doesn't tell you. I love this country more than you ever will. Because I am willing to stand up and say when we are wrong....and this vile, anti-muslim bullshit is wrong.

So then, you will be calling for the arrest of Terry Jones on the crime of insulting Islam?

Do you think that anyone who speaks ill of Islam or Muhammad should do prison time, or would you favor execution?

If you mean that I hate the America that killed off Native Americans till they were a shadow of themselves? That traded blankets infected with smallpox in what was the first case of biological war in this country?

America did that, huh?

Lie much?

If you mean that I hate the America that enslaved Africans for centuries and then still made them legally "less than" for a century + after they were freed? If you mean the America that treated Italian, Irish, Chinese, Japanese and nowadays....Mexican and Arabic people living in this country like shit?

Yeah....I hate that PART of our country and it's history.

But you hate American people....anyone that doesn't think in your extremist and Supremist way. America wasn't built for that ideology. It was designed to rise above the pettiness of skin color, Nationalities, or religion.

I love America and what it stands for....just not the Crazed Nationalist vision your side has chosen to take.

What part of America do you not hate? Oh, Welfare is peachy with you?

I will answer you in three parts.

1. Wrong doesn't mean illegal, does it? However, I do think there's a case for yelling fire in crowded movie theater. whoever is responsible for the film is partially responsible for the attacks and the deaths.

2. That's the way I learned it....although, it's been 30+ years since I've been in, I concede that I may be wrong. But if you don't like that example, the trail of tears will suffice.

3. Fuck you, you Nazi assed bastard. I've been on record NUMEROUS fucking times talking about making people work for their benefits. At any rate, your stereotyping is fucking redundant. You assume that anyone with a D behind their name is on welfare.... furthermore, that's the only game you are weak individual who can only speak in right wing rhetoric and talking points. I'd be willing to bet that you've taken more welfare/unemployment the past year than I have my entire life(I've never taken ANY).

OK..... onto what I love about this country....I love that ignorant weak assed people like you can have their hand out for your welfare check and still be able to thumb your nose at the country that's feeding your stupid ass.
Ahhh.. the 'My Pet Goat' criticism again... yawn... like he was supposed to jump up and freak out a bunch of 6 year olds... :rolleyes:

If memory serves he sat there for another 6 minutes or so and showed amazing
leadership by not jumping up and screaming "we are under attack"!...
He did not abruptly just walk out of the classroom...which would have upset the
kids...What would have been different in the scheme of things if he just walked out of the room.

He took a few minutes to process what he was told.
For the left to have harped on that was pitiful on their part.
For them to still bring that up says more about them then it
does Bush...
Romney's judgement seems irrational, scary and unbalanced. I sure as hell don't want him taking any 3:00 AM phone calls at the White House. Hell, I don't want him taking any 3:00 PM phone calls at the White House.
Romney's judgement seems irrational, scary and unbalanced. I sure as hell don't want him taking any 3:00 AM phone calls at the White House. Hell, I don't want him taking any 3:00 PM phone calls at the White House.

then vote for your dear leader and shut up
Amazing the left is so outraged and angry about the fact that Mitt spoke about the events...
More amazing is their anger seems to be more focused on that then the fact that 4 Americans
were murdered by these peace loving Muslims.
Amazing the left is so outraged and angry about the fact that Mitt spoke about the events...
More amazing is their anger seems to be more focused on that then the fact that 4 Americans
were murdered by these peace loving Muslims.

Well said, Clunt.
Amazing the left is so outraged and angry about the fact that Mitt spoke about the events...
More amazing is their anger seems to be more focused on that then the fact that 4 Americans
were murdered by these peace loving Muslims.

those murdered mean nothing to them, people criticizing their dear leader mean everything
And the seething hatred of anyone who does not believe in "might makes right" and American untouchability makes it's own appearance....fuck....makes it's appearance? It's here every damned day in this place.

"We are Americans! It does not matter what we say or will submit to our authority"

That's the Conservative's idea of Foreign Policy.


have you ever studied Muslim history even a little bit.....?

if you do you will discover that Muslims are one oppressive group.....they took over parts of Europe and most certainly their "might made right"....

talk about "submission".....Islam means submission....!

they are in the process of establishing a caliphate and then will turn to taking over Europe once again and after that......we're next....

hurt muslim ass....

took over? Turn the fucking channel

what a retard......what part of conquer don't you understand.....?
this is just some of the history.....muslims today still hold imperial dreams....

The Ottoman Empire began its expansion into Europe by taking the European portions of the Byzantine Empire in the 14th-15th centuries up until the 1453 capture of Constantinople, establishing Islam as the state religion in the region. The Ottoman Empire continued to stretch northwards, taking Hungary in the 16th century, and reaching as far north as the Podolia in the mid-17th century (Peace of Buczacz), by which time most of the Balkans was under Ottoman control. Ottoman expansion in Europe ended with their defeat in the Great Turkish War. In the Treaty of Karlowitz (1699), the Ottoman Empire lost most of its conquests in Central Europe. The Crimean Khanate was later annexed by Russia in 1783.[5] Over the centuries, the Ottoman Empire gradually lost almost all of its European territories, until its collapse in 1922, when the former empire was transformed into the nation of Turkey.

Between 1354 (when the Ottomans crossed into Europe at Gallipolli) and 1526, the Empire had conquered the territory of present day Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, Albania, Serbia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Hungary. The Empire laid siege to Vienna in 1683. The intervention of the Polish King broke the siege, and from then afterwards the Ottomans battled the Habsburg Emperors until 1699, when the Treaty of Karlowitz forced them to surrender Hungary, Croatia, and portions of present day Slovenia and Serbia. From 1699 to 1913, wars and insurrections pushed the Ottoman Empire further back until it reached the current European border of present-day Turkey.


Muslim forays into Europe began shortly after the religion's inception, with a short lived invasion of Byzantine Sicily by a small Arab and Berber force that landed in 652. Islam gained its first foothold in continental Europe from 711 onward, with the Umayyad conquest of Hispania. The invaders named their land Al-Andalus, which expanded to include what is now Portugal and Spain except for the northern highlands of Asturias, Basque country, Navarra and few other places protected by mountain chains from southward invasions. Al-Andalus has been estimated to have had a Muslim majority by the 10th century.[7]:42 This coincided with the La Convivencia period of the Iberian Peninsula as well as the Golden age of Jewish culture in Spain. Pelayo of Asturias began the Christian counter-offensive known as the Reconquista after the Battle of Covadonga in 722. Slowly, Spanish Christian forces regained control of the peninsula. By 1236, practically all that remained of Muslim Spain was the southern province of Granada.

In the 8th century, Muslim forces pushed beyond Spain into Aquitaine, in southern France, but suffered a temporary setback when defeated by Eudes, Duke of Aquitaine, at the Battle of Toulouse (721). In 725 Muslim forces captured Autun in France. The town would be the easternmost point of expansion of Umayyad forces into Europe; just seven years later in 732, the Umayyads would be forced to begin their withdrawal to al-Andalus after facing defeat at the Battle of Tours by Frankish King Charles Martel. From 719 to 759, Septimania was one of the five administrative areas of al-Andalus. The last Muslim forces were driven from France in 759, but maintained a presence, especially in Fraxinet all the way into Switzerland until the 10th c.[8] At the same time, Muslim forces managed to capture Sicily and portions of southern Italy, and even sacked Rome in 846 and later sacked Pisa in 1004.

Islam in Europe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Romney's judgement seems irrational, scary and unbalanced. I sure as hell don't want him taking any 3:00 AM phone calls at the White House. Hell, I don't want him taking any 3:00 PM phone calls at the White House.

I don't mind if he takes a 3 PM call from a cab company to take him home after he gets to see the white house as part of an official W H tour. :lol:

That IS the only way he's gonna see the inside of THAT building.
Amazing the left is so outraged and angry about the fact that Mitt spoke about the events...
More amazing is their anger seems to be more focused on that then the fact that 4 Americans
were murdered by these peace loving Muslims.

Amazing you think we care about Mitt and we don't about the causes of this attack.
Romney's judgement seems irrational, scary and unbalanced. I sure as hell don't want him taking any 3:00 AM phone calls at the White House. Hell, I don't want him taking any 3:00 PM phone calls at the White House.

I don't mind if he takes a 3 PM call from a cab company to take him home after he gets to see the white house as part of an official W H tour. :lol:

That IS the only way he's gonna see the inside of THAT building.

You're not even cute or witty though you believe you are

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