It must bother republicans just a tad Trump is relying on voter donations for his legal fund

Wasn’t he some almighty billionaire? Surely he can come back from this. Why give him the handout he doesn’t need?

Of course, what I find the most odd is how this whole thing even improves his poll numbers. Even if you genuinely believe he is innocent and the whole thing is a witch hunt, why would this somehow make him a better candidate and policy maker? It truly is bizarre to say the least.

I couldn't care less as it's not my money. Even if I had donated to him I wouldn't care if he used it to hire a hit man for leftist tards much less his defense from leftist tards.

Simple enough?
The reason the Left keeps winning is because Trumptards don't hold their leaders accountable.
So Democrats hold their leaders accountable? You mean Joe Biden?

Wasn’t he some almighty billionaire? Surely he can come back from this. Why give him the handout he doesn’t need?

Of course, what I find the most odd is how this whole thing even improves his poll numbers. Even if you genuinely believe he is innocent and the whole thing is a witch hunt, why would this somehow make him a better candidate and policy maker? It truly is bizarre to say the least.

Just because it pisses off morons like you. However, the reason you assholes are persecuting him is why we like him: You know he is going to drain the swamp when he gets elected. That means a lot of deepstate sycophants are going to lose their jobs.
All Trump had to do was turn over the documents he was hiding, and the Florida indictment would never have happened.

Trump decided he was above the law and chose to fuck around. He found out he isn't.

Even if that were true, how would it show that Dims have ethics or principles?

Furthermore, it's not true. Biden was looking for a reason to indict Trump. He found one.
I mean you can pretend the evidence doesn’t exist if you’d like but there is obviously a reason these indictments are going to trial lol. Trump ignored a subpoena to return those documents for example. That is a fact whether you like it or not. Facts don’t care about your cult worship feelings. Facts are why he is a sub human piece of garbage :dunno:

The reason was the prosecutor was in DC and Fulton county and Trump is a Republican. That's all that's required.

Don't bother claiming they were justified. Americans all know they weren't.

You and Biden are he subhuman garbage. Trump didn't arrest anyone because they are his political opponents.
Stop posting and donate more. Be a fucking patriot and keep donating. Donate until it hurts then dig really deep and donate even more!!!!!
I donate as much as I can to our beloved former Pres.Trump.
Like sometimes denying myself luxuries like steak for dinner and instead eating lunch meat. Or buying the cheapest brand of toilet paper. So i could send more money to Trump.
That he has personally sacrificed soo much for our country and its citizens.
Makes me feel obligated to sacrifice for such a great man. .. :thup:
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Just because it pisses off morons like you. However, the reason you assholes are persecuting him is why we like him: You know he is going to drain the swamp when he gets elected. That means a lot of deepstate sycophants are going to lose their jobs.
Lol this just astounds me. I really can’t wrap my mind around it. Drain the swamp? You mean what he promised to do when he was elected? What the hell was he waiting for? Republicans had full control his first two years. Why didn’t he do it then? Do you even have an answer?!
Wasn’t he some almighty billionaire? Surely he can come back from this. Why give him the handout he doesn’t need?

Of course, what I find the most odd is how this whole thing even improves his poll numbers. Even if you genuinely believe he is innocent and the whole thing is a witch hunt, why would this somehow make him a better candidate and policy maker? It truly is bizarre to say the least.

It only bothers me in that he has to spend anything to defend himself from all the bullshit charges from the weaponized Biden DOJ.

Other than that, I don't care how he spends his donations.
I donate as much as I can to our beloved former Pres.Trump.
Like sometimes denying myself luxuries like steak for dinner and instead eating lunch meat. Or buying the cheapest brand of toilet paper. So i could send more money to Trump.
That he has personally sacrificed soo much for our country and its citizens.
Makes me feel obligated to sacrifice for such a great man. .. :thup:
What an awesome funny post. Tears are rolling from your sense of humor.
Doesn't bother me one bit because I don't stick my nose into other people's business like control freak Nazi Dems do.
Lol this is so stupid. You’re just trying to deflect from the point. You know this whole thing is stupid and you can’t defend it.
Lol this just astounds me. I really can’t wrap my mind around it. Drain the swamp? You mean what he promised to do when he was elected? What the hell was he waiting for? Republicans had full control his first two years. Why didn’t he do it then? Do you even have an answer?!
For one thing, there was the Mueller investigation. Then here were two impeachments. The purpose of those events we precisely to prevent Trump from draining the swamp.

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