It must bother republicans just a tad Trump is relying on voter donations for his legal fund

Sorry bout that,

1. And we will take care of his legal bills, its the very least we could do, he's being attacked because of us, he could stop and then where would we be?
2. The libtards keep filing indictments we will keep writing checks.


It must bother republicans just a tad Trump is relying on voter donations for his legal fund​

WTF…are you kidding…I’ve increased my donations like everybody else I know…We’ll happily fund a leftist ass-kicking.
Woohoooo……CULT 45 for life baby!!!

BTW…what’s worse, Republicans funding Trump or Democrats forcing their treasured blacks to fund wetbacks?
Pathetic, nut-hugging loser.
When have you ever criticized Biden?
I have and I’ll do it now to make you look stupid:

He’s failed to do enough about climate change.

His student loan reform didnt work.

His mental acuity is a little questionable. Hes may be too old for a second term.

He is doing a poor job of getting his message out there for his 2024 campaign.

The classified documents found at his office was not forgivable.

Now YOU do the same for Trump. Go ahead. I’ll wait.
Wasn’t he some almighty billionaire? Surely he can come back from this. Why give him the handout he doesn’t need?

Of course, what I find the most odd is how this whole thing even improves his poll numbers. Even if you genuinely believe he is innocent and the whole thing is a witch hunt, why would this somehow make him a better candidate and policy maker? It truly is bizarre to say the least.

What about the Trump loyalists? They can't afford a half million each in legal fees.
Wasn’t he some almighty billionaire? Surely he can come back from this. Why give him the handout he doesn’t need?

Of course, what I find the most odd is how this whole thing even improves his poll numbers. Even if you genuinely believe he is innocent and the whole thing is a witch hunt, why would this somehow make him a better candidate and policy maker? It truly is bizarre to say the least.

There are not enough coffee mugs on the entire planet to pay for Trump's legal bills.

He's going to have to hold a bake sale and a car wash.
Why should he pay anything, turd? You believe Trump should spend his entire net worth fighting bogus indictments?

Go fuck yourself.
You just talked about him becoming impoverished over it which is ridiculous. Are you basically saying Trump is NOT a billionaire? My god lol

Why should he pay for it? It doesn’t matter if he’s innocent or guilty, a real man has to handle his affairs himself. Why rely on handouts? This is made all the more ridiculous since he can supposedly easily afford this.
You just talked about him becoming impoverished over it which is ridiculous. Are you basically saying Trump is NOT a billionaire? My god lol
You're admitting that using lawfare to put Trump into the poor house is the intent of these lawsuits. It has nothing to do with justice.

Like all progs, you're a scumbag.
Why should he pay for it? It doesn’t matter if he’s innocent or guilty, a real man has to handle his affairs himself. Why rely on handouts? This is made all the more ridiculous since he can supposedly easily afford this.
What a load. When progs start blathering about what a "real man" does, you know they are spewing pure horseshit. The ridiculous part is the bogus lawsuits. Only a real scumbag would endorse this use of government,

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